
It’s because he’s about as sophisticated as linoleum from the 70s. Look, it’s fine to have less personality than drywall, but that doesn’t mean you should take away everyone else’s paint.


I can’t tell if you’re REALLY into remodeling or REALLY bored by it 🤔


It's because "art is woke" and "for the gays" or something like that, I'm sure.


My seashell picture frame business is doomed.


Amazing that they will do this and then turn around and complain about the destruction of western culture.

underisk, avatar

That’s not what they mean when they say “western culture”


That term can mean a lot of things, but fascists definitely care about aesthetics. They frequently complain about how art has been neglected and the world has embraced functionalism and minimalism to a fault.

While this isn’t a terrible argument in a vacuum, most of these people have a very close minded idea as to what kinds of American art has value, but cutting arts funding this severely is just an invitation for more functionalism and minimalism.

skulblaka, avatar

Ol’ Ronnie is about to find out that you can’t really stop artists from making art, but you can encourage them to make art elsewhere where it’s profitable, and you can also significantly increase the likelihood that said art depicts him getting swirlied in a porta-potty.


For fucks sake ron


Miami is still under water right now, correct?


Parts are still flooded.


desantis hates miami btw


Economic studies have shown that every $1 spent on arts and culture programs generates about $9 more in related spending.

Leave it to Republicans to cut off their nose to spite their face.


In order to pocket it. He signed a budget deal that his wife got the lion’s share to the tune of over a hundred million. He’s for sure an anti woke christofascist that wants to harm a large number of people, but he’s also greedy as all hell. Anything he can defund by screaming “woke!” at it is more funds he can redirect to his cronies and his pockets. He’s playing his voters for fools and the rest of us are forced to deal as best we can.

I also doubt very seriously that this state will have a trustworthy election. He’s installed hick ass yes men all through our state government. I’m willing to bet Florida comes up deep red, but it won’t be accurate. This state is corrupt as fuck. It deserves the coming storms.


Source about the money?

Gloomy, avatar

Second this, one can’t just say something like this and not give a source.



This is what I’m talking about. I don’t believe for a second that even a quarter of that money goes towards anyone but them. Looking at his insane cuts this year, it becomes even more clear. Brazen greed.

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