@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar



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@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

This fixation on China and how every single policy has be put into the context of how it will effect them is bizarre and unproductive. The leaders and media in this country seem so desperate to start up another Cold War.

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

When has pointing out republican hypocrisy accomplished anything? They wallow in it, it’s like pointing out to the pig that it’s covered in shit.

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

All you’re getting from this is the satisfaction of insulting their intelligence at the cost of them dismissing everything you say and sparking a pseudo debate where you have to defend against a litany of half remembered talking points that they’ll never accept are wrong even when you offer proof.

Better to just skip all the trouble and jump straight to calling them morons; you don’t need a database of articles for that.

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

If all your sponsors and business partners immediately flee you at mach speed over what you sent to that kid, it was certainly well past “inappropriate”

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

Biden needed some quick good PR so he has his team search out an easy win he could get without actually changing anything about the underlying problem. Pretty representative of his entire presidency.

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

Maybe one of the member nations could do something to create that safety instead of throwing up their hands as Gaza starves. Or even just acknowledge that this is exactly what Israel wanted to achieve by killing aid workers.

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

Remember when one of the idiots who participated in his defense came out and said that he fucked up a full ride scholarship to go be a right wing talking head for Turning Point, and called him an antagonistic arrogant dumbass who couldn’t score high enough on his ASVAB to live out his dream of murdering minorities legally overseas?

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

Maybe it wasn’t a scholarship I don’t remember all the details, just that he had the opportunity to go to college all expenses paid through some means… It was my assumption that the “scholarship” was just some right wing organization issuing him something to make him seem like less of a vicious moron with no future prospects for the trial.

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

That’s not what they mean when they say “western culture”

US slaps sanctions on Tsav 9, Israeli group targeting humanitarian aid to Gaza (forward.com)

For months, Tsav 9 activists have organized to block convoys, harass aid workers and damage aid trucks as well as goods meant to alleviate pervasive hunger and suffering in Gaza. The group’s name means Order 9 in Hebrew, a reference to the military’s order calling up reservists....

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

The last time they sanctioned Israelis it was like 4 individuals and they walked it back almost immediately. This shit only exists for the headline and will disappear until some reply guy throws it in a giant list of Biden’s “accomplishments” that they will post whenever someone suggests Biden isn’t doing shit to help Gaza.

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

My step mother is dying and the day she was diagnosed with a seizure causing condition they informed her they would call the DMV to let them know she shouldn’t be driving. I don’t know if they revoked it but they certainly implied that something was done that would cause her trouble if she got caught driving. Maybe they lied about it though, to scare her off driving, idk.

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

The game is like 90% content that I enjoy with a small annoyance I can skirt around by reading a few wiki pages. I come to these games for satisfying combat, not obtuse quest lines you can miss without precognition.

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

Trump is going to COOK your BABY and EAT them!!! Biden will merely roast the child but not consume it. LESSER EVIL!!!

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

There are tons of machine learning algorithm libraries easily usable by any relatively amateur programmer. Aside from that all they would need is access to a sufficient quantity of geographically tagged photographs to train one with. You could probably scrape a decent corpus from google street view.

The obtainability of any given AI application is directly proportional to the availability of data sets that model the problem. The algorithms are all packed up into user friendly programs and apis that are mostly freely available.

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

I’m of the opinion that not every company needs to expand indefinitely. Most things should probably just stay at a sustainable level.

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

Three missiles. Staggered so that survivors of each one could collect in remaining vehicles from the convoy. They had pre approval from the IDF and had provided their itinerary. Deliberate, calculated, and fucking criminal.

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

How many Israeli civilians are starving or dead? How is Hamas’ blockade of Israel going? How much US aid has Hamas stopped from entering Israel?

Don’t “both sides” a genocide you fucking clown.

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

The morality of one side of the other is entirely fucking irrelevant. One side is doing a genocide. Period. They should stop. Immediately. Nothing, absolutely nothing in the entire fucking world justifies starving an entire population, relentlessly bombing civilians, turning hospitals into rubble, killing aid workers, killing journalists, and leveling houses, cities, and infrastructure.

Go to hell you fucking idiot.

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

If you agree, then you don’t need to do this ridiculous moral equivocation bullshit. Worry about the morality of whoever remains when the people murdering civilians en masse have stopped. Going out of your way to point out how the unquestionable victims are “no angels” is what isn’t helping.

I’ll leave out the insult to your intelligence this time, since I guess I’m testing the mods patience.

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

And that is gonna be an obstacle along any path you might take to make this stop.

No it isn’t and I wish you would stop insisting that it is or would be. Neither the people of Gaza nor their leaders have the ability to stop this shit; what they feel about Israelis matters not at all. The motherfuckers standing by, watching, supporting this shit are the one’s whose morality you should be calling into question. They are the obstacles standing in the way of justice and peace, ignoring their moral obligation to stop a fucking genocide.

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

My problem with you is this shit right here:

Are you saying every person on the side being eradicated is a saint? Are you saying all “both sides” statements are inaccurate simply because one side has shown itself to be by far more monstrous?

This is the moral equivocation that is pissing me off. Shut the fuck up about it! It doesn’t matter!

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

Whatever comes after this is one of two scenarios: the destruction of Gaza, or the dissolution of Israel. There is no outcome where things go back to how they were before Oct 7. That door is closed and the status quo of those times was no less unjust the the current situation. These two states cannot coexist, worrying about how Israel and Gaza will get along when the bombs stop dropping is pointless because things have escalated to the point where one or both cannot and will not survive this. Hemming and hawing about how much Gaza will hate Israel is pointless navel gazing.

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

Buddy you said it in so many words in the first comment of this chain:

Both sides of this conflict have some of the worst of humanity in positions where they get to decide over such things.

They could be the most wretched beings on the face of this fucking earth and I would still support them against Israel. I don’t care how they feel or what they did. If you’re mad about the moral degeneracy of the leadership in Gaza then you have Israel to thank for that. They propped up Hamas deliberately over the more secular, sympathetic resistance groups in the strip specifically so people could make this disgusting argument. You are helping them, playing right into their fucking hands.

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

You don’t understand. There will be no government left. Either the international community steps in because it finally realizes its moral obligation to stop a genocide, in which case Israel’s government is gone; either tried in the Hague or dead, and the whole region is collapsed into newly-formed single state staffed by UN stooges. Or things continue as they are and we watch a million people get starve under the boot of fascist colonial expansionism, their leadership having fled or been killed. Then we get to watch it all over again when Israel decides it wants the West Bank, too.

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

If you lament this fact then stop bringing up how deplorable they are! They didn’t pick them because they’re actually morally abhorrent monsters, they picked them because they were counting on westerners racism towards islamic resistance groups. I guess they picked a winner!

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

You’ve spent this entire discussion lamenting about how depraved the leadership of these groups are, how they’re the ones driving the conflict. Now you’re going to swap to saying that it’s cultural? Make up your mind.

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

Great. I’m glad you’re comfortable with doing the job of the people you claim to despise. This is why I insulted you. Repeatedly. Thanks for confirming it was justified.

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar


underisk, (edited )
@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

as long as you’re up to date on everything here: boehs.org/…/everything-i-know-about-the-xz-backdo…

the only additional thing i’ve seen noted is a possibilty that they were using Arch based on investigation of the tarball that they provided to distro maintainers

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

I think ideas about prevention should be more concerned with the social engineering aspect of this attack. The code itself is certainly cleverly hidden, but any bad actor who gains the kind of access as Jia did could likely pull off something similar without duplicating their specific method or technique.

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

I imagine if this attacker wasn’t in a rush to get the backdoor into the upcoming Debian and Fedora stable releases he would have been able to notice and correct the increased CPU usage tell and remain undetected.

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

people do pay for discord though. that was the entire justification for Nitro and Server Boosts. they made $440 million in revenue in 2022. they aren’t publicly traded so there’s no way to compare that with expenses, but i’d be pretty surprised if they weren’t turning a significant profit.

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

If they believed in collective action they wouldn’t be working for the US government.

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

Should probably add that Israel propped up Hamas specifically because they made for a more unsympathetic enemy than the more moderate groups in the region.

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

You’re saying we can’t go back in time like this is ancient history. The prime minister of Israel was born one year removed from its founding. There are people who live in Gaza right now who had family and friends who were massacred by the colonists who are presently squatting on their land.

Would you be willing to make peace with people who forced you from your home, killed your family, and herded you into the largest open air concentration camp in the world? Do you think those people would be content to live in peace with you, when they continue, to this day, to forcibly evict your people from their homes to move in settlers? It is not the Palestinians responsibility to reconcile this, and Israel has no intention of coexisting.

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

What exactly do you want me to say? I cannot lay out a plan for peace in the Middle East for you; it is literally a euphemism for an unsolvable problem.

From the river to the sea is the only way this resolves in a way that ends the conflict permanently, and if you care at all about justice then Palestine must be what remains.

underisk, (edited )
@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

Yeah and apartheid South Africa had nukes. If you’re going to just pretend that Israel is a permanent fixture that cannot be undone then there is no solution. From the river to the sea is commonly used to imply the removal of Israel, but it’s been used by zionists as well to mean the opposite. The only way this conflict ends is with a single state because Israel will never be satisfied with two.

underisk, (edited )
@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

Don’t worry about the downvotes, I don’t.

I’m not just feeding you slogans I’m telling you that there is no scenario where Israel continues to exist and we get peace. Any deal you come to will just get ignored. They’ve historically ignored ceasefires, ICJ rulings, UN Security Council resolutions, treaties, mandates, international law, and advice and requests from their allies. They have no interest in peace. What they want is the destruction of Gaza, the death or displacement of its inhabitants, and the land it sits on. Even if they succeed in that goal they won’t stop there, they will move on to the West Bank, then Lebanon, then who knows.

If they can’t even use those stockpiled weapons to eliminate a smaller force with inferior arms in a tiny strip of land right next door then why should I have any concern about them using those weapons to “wipe out the Middle East” in some kind of spiteful fit? Do you think they’d have any more success with Hezbollah than they’ve had with Hamas?

No state is permanent, nothing is. Saying that it’s not going anywhere doesn’t make it true. There are historical examples of genocidal and apartheid regimes ending without the surrounding area being rendered into ash; pretending that it’s impossible is absurd.

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

Fuck off Zionist I have nothing to say to you.

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

if you feel comfortable mucking about in your BIOS, disabling TPM will pretty much guarantee they don’t spring 11 on you. they are really dead set on that requirement for some reason.

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

he was using a singapore VPN and had access to multiple sockpuppets. we know literally nothing else about them and anything you’ve heard to the contrary is baseless rumor.

leading theory is that it was a state-sponsored actor, but frankly even that much is speculation and which state is still way up in the air.

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

we know about the singapore VPN because they connected to IRC on libera chat with it. the only reason I can think people would believe they’re from hong kong is because of the pseudonym they used, but it’s not like that proves anything.

see link posted in another user’s reply: boehs.org/…/everything-i-know-about-the-xz-backdo…

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

I don’t foresee anyone with the kind of data needed to do more investigation releasing it to the public, so I doubt we’re going to be getting any satisfying answers to this. Microsoft may have an internal team combing through github logs, but if they find anything they’re unlikely to be sharing it with anyone but law enforcement agencies.

underisk, (edited )
@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

If you have the power to unilaterally hinder a genocide and instead you use that power to enable it, you are culpable.

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

Sure, just the one with the most ability to act on his own. His culpability is proportional to that. He’s used that ability previously to aid Israel, he could use that same power to hinder them, but chooses not to.

Trump Might Be Too Broke for a $175 Million Bond, Too (newrepublic.com)

A New York appeals court on Monday reduced the $454 million that former President Donald Trump was required to put up while he appeals his civil fraud case. Now Trump must put up, by April 4, a mere $175 million. The trouble is, he may not get a bond for that amount, either. Should that happen, this act of judicial mercy will...

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

One day I hope to be as broke as Donald Trump; where nearly 200 million dollars “might” be unobtainable.

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

i also remember having the cube around the same time in OSX somehow but I forget the method

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