Is Michell Obama the champion who can take down Trump?…/michelle-obama-is-only-democrat-bea…

Michelle Obama says she doesn’t want the job and never wanted the job but she notes that she’s worried about Trump and doesn’t actually say that she’d refuse the nomination.

She has plenty of name recognition while being untainted by controversy.

Yes. She’s a black woman and that will turn off some (many) people. I’d posit that those people are all going to vote for Trump anyway.

She also has an impressive resume that shows high levels of competence. She’s young and fit (she can definitely do more pushups than Trump).

She does all that while raising two kids who are both successful while still maintaining a loving and healthy parent-child relationship.

The more I think about it, the more I hope someone can talk her into it.

Let’s go, MO!

jordanlund, avatar

Removed, text posts not allowed, articles only.


I just think it’d be a hilarious way to piss off Conservatives as another way to get an Obama back in the White House. And we’d have Barack there again too as First Gentleman.


She has 0 experience winning elections. She has 0 experience passing progressive policy. She has 0 experience debating and communicating progressive ideals. She has 0 experience in politics in general. And she has 0 interest in being a politician.

This is just like people wanting Oprah to run. She’s a popular black woman so obviously she should run? That’s stupid reasoning. Being a mom doesn’t give you any experience for running a fucking country. Same shit as thinking we should run the country like we run our households.

Michelle will never run and she shouldn’t because she’s just a partner of past politician.


ITT: people who are livid at the very idea that the party might be willing to do better than Biden.


What is

Anyway, when Biden agreed to these debates I knew it was gonna suck, but here we are in day 6 of BullshitCentral. Goddamn.

Hey! DNC shitheads! No. “Debating”. Trump. EVAR! Got it? Of course not. That would suggest you’ve ever learned a damned thing from the absurdly obvious. This is one of the worse ways it could have gone wrong but it was going to go wrong.


It’s a news aggregator that links with multiple independent assessors to automatically assign bias, accuracy and ownership metadata to articles. They then sort them by topic so you can easily see multiple views on the same issue together with some quick metrics on how trustworthy those views are.


Stop it, it isn’t helpful.

She has a law degree, but is otherwise unqualified. The only national political experience she has is as First Lady, which is an unelected position. She was involved in city government in Chicago briefly in the 90s, then worked for the University of Chicago as an associate dean. So while she has some experience running organizations, she has never run her own campaign, and has nowhere near the qualifications to be President.

Hillary Clinton’s resume of her own accomplishments (aside from being Bill Clinton’s husband) was deeper when she ran for US Senate in 2000, and was a Senator and Secretary of State before mounting her own campaign for President.

And Michelle Obama knows it. All she has is a recognizable name. She wants no part of it, and all you are doing is giving low-information voters an excuse to tune out of the election when they realize this fan-fic can’t happen.


She’s more qualified than Trump, and more likely to beat him, but nominating her would send the message that party leadership is willing to listen to party membership and admit when they’re wrong.

dhork, (edited )

It would also send the message to our allies that the USA no longer takes elections seriously, and it’s all just a popularity contest. TayTay/Beyoncé 2028!

(Edited because Rhianna was born in Barbados, so is ineligible.)


It would also send the message to our allies that the USA no longer takes elections seriously

gestures at Trump and Biden



Biden being replaced is a possibility. Michelle Obama being that replacement is unlikely and, compared to the prospect of having actual current politicians replace a political candidate, undesirable.

mozz, avatar

Oh so they have dropped Cornel West and now this is the new thing for unrealistic alternatives to Biden

Dude, fuckin Jon Stewart

If you’re gonna float some weird outsider person as the alternative to Biden, float the guy who would clean up the fuckin election left handed and might well not do too bad a job running the country afterward, either


According to the articles, this choice is based on polling by Reuters/Ipsos that shows that she has the best chance of beating Trump.

mozz, avatar

Sure, keep pretending this is a purely objective and data driven choice you reached purely for reasons of trying to help the Democrats. You can point to whatever polls you want to to help in that endeavor. I will not stop you.


I’m tired of political dynasties, yo

So fucking tired


I agree. It should be limited to one marquee public office per surname, please.


Heck, it partially feels like Biden was put up as an option because he can lay claim to some of the Obama legacy and the DNC is trying to chase the '08 popularity of Obama.

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