
We really must find a way to purge our collective selves of the scourge of religion.


I wish it was never invented in the first place. I would much rather have a world where we argue over which scientific theory, or whatever, is right—rather than the one we have now, where a majority argue about whose ‘flying spaghetti monster,’ unseen for centuries (if ever), is better and why it trumps even the most solidly proven scientific facts.

watson387, avatar

Religion is a mental disorder.


Absolutely correct.


Scientific theory doesn’t tell you to love your neighbor nor does it give you strength. Religion is important no matter the specific beliefs.

You don’t need to be Muslim or Jewish yourself but you could at least try to be respectful. We don’t need any more hate in the world.


Scientific theory doesn’t tell you to love your neighbor

It doesn’t and religion shouldn’t need to, in fact if the only thing making you a general good person is a religion, then you’re not a good person. Morals and personal strength can and should be derived from other sources.

We don’t need any more hate in the world.

Religion is directly responsible for the bulk of the hate, in case you haven’t looked at the world around you. How many wars were started in the name of a religion? Whole groups of people are being discriminated against because of religion right now. There’s a war right now because of religion. X religion people hate Y religion people just because they believe in a slightly different flying spaghetti monster. Countless lives throughout history have been lost in the name of x or y religion.

A world without religion would still have hate, crime and greed because humans are humans, but it would be so much better than currently.


As it turns out, the vast majority or “religion” is completely harmless and is kept personal. The problem is the 1% who are constantly the target of bad PR (for good reason)

What are you saying? Are you advocating mass arrests? Good luck finding every Jewish, Christian, Muslim, and all other beliefs. Your statement seems overly broad.

eran_morad, (edited )

Ah, yes. No religious wars and discrimination, no raped children, no mutilated babies, no subjugation. Religion is all fucking sunshine and chipmunks.

FirstCircle, avatar

No maximally-cruel executions for free-thinking (allegedly having or expression thoughts, or doing deeds, contrary to those mandated by some religion). Burning at the stake, totally fake, yeah.


I might need to get a door decoration that tells them to leave me alone. Then I won’t feel bad about telling them to leave. I gave them a chance.

FirstCircle, avatar

I’d like to put something up that will outrage and provoke them. The CoS has a few items that might do the trick:


I have a backlogged project sketched to use computer vision AI and a doorbell cam to recognize (Most of the time, they wear identifiable name tags, but I know it won’t be a perfect system) when religious door knockers are at my door.

Then proceed into a rant about how organized religions are a cult and that if they want my help to leave the cult I’d be happy too, but if not they are officially being charged a “personal land space” rental fee of $25/Minute lol


Lol. That’s awesome. I can literally picture their faces when this happens to them 🤣🤣

Riccosuave, avatar

I dare one of them to show up to my front door. They are going to be in for a fucked up conversation that will make then second guess their life choices.


I did that and converted a Jehovah’s Witness to Linuxism.


Which distro?

blackluster117, avatar

TempleOS :p

mozz, avatar

That's a deep cut...

blackluster117, avatar

Praise be to Holy C.


Umm, that’s not Linux…

FirstCircle, avatar

The fundies are always carrying on about daemons, I hope you set the JWs up with all the “best” ones, and more.


I actually had them install Ubuntu Christian Edition and showed them the bible apps where they could even use their own interpretation of the bible.

I don’t like to waste my time just to fuck with people, I usually try to fuck with people in a way which benefits society as a whole.


That’s a win from every possible perspective.


Are the JW’s using this? Two stopped by my door a few weeks ago to convert me or us (my wife is Catholic, I’m atheist). I noticed that they drove separately, and I wondered why they hated the environment so much (we live off the beaten path). And I’m pretty sure they ONLY stopped at our house, one parked in our driveway and the other along the road in front of the house. It definitely didn’t seem like a general canvass.


How does that relate to Linux usage?


One stopped by my house last week. I told them this is an atheist household and the bible is a fictional story book, no offense. I quite enjoyed the face they made.

TheLowestStone, avatar

In my younger days told a Jehova’s Witness that Jesus was my favorite fictional character because he had the coolest superpowers. They went from overjoyed that I was engaging with them to Charlie Brown sad walking away in the space of a sentence.

These days I’d probably be more rude but less offensive.


My favorite interaction was on a college campus. They had set up a table and were telling every passerby “Jesus loves you!” So I cheerfully returned “and Allah loves you!”

I will forever cherish the physical recoil and look of revulsion that crossed their faces. I’m an atheist, for context


Funny stuff religions are. The Allah of the Muslims and the Yaweh of Israel is the same God. The split comes from the segregation of the people back then. Which just confirms my point. None of them investigate, and just follow whatever their “leaders” say without ever thinking to question anything.“Go house by house and say THIS. Do not deviate from the script.” They’re like cattle, seriously.

someguy3, (edited )
mozz, (edited ) avatar

There was a Masto post recently where someone's conservative mother told her that she knows being gay is a choice, because she feel attraction to girls, but she chooses not to act on it, and that's the responsible Christian thing to do or w/e.

It legit made me all of a sudden realize why there's so much overlap between "we have to punish the gays and make it illegal" and "I secretly go to male prostitutes all the time" in Republican circles. It just all of a sudden harmonized and clicked into place and made perfect sense.


Many that think being gay is a choice, are in fact bisexual themselves. So for them it’s a choice on whether or not to act on it. And they project that everyone else is the same.


And even then it’s not really a choice, since you can’t really choose to stop having feelings. I guess that for bi people it’s easier to pretend, but where there’s love, there’s love.

It’s like, being a hetero dude and vlbeing forced to go with a girl when there’s another one you love. It’s hard in any case.


People tend to project themselves on other people. We all do it, and it can be shocking to find how different people actually are from each other. I’ve heard all my life from certain Christians that people who are atheist have no moral compass and there’s nothing stopping them from killing and raping people. Which I find revealing, because they are saying their beliefs are the only thing stopping them from doing those things. I have never once wanted to rape or kill anyone, maybe that’s why it’s easy for me to not believe in god.


That about the moral compass, and telling you that you cannot be happy without Jesus in your life are crocks of manure I know plenty of non-christians that live extremely happy and are much Kore decent than most of the Christians I know, including myself. In the same subject, I know plenty of Christians whose demeanor wouldbhave satanists praying for them since they could be worse people. And religions? Biggest issue in the world, bar none. Having faith is one thing, I have faith. I do NOT follow religion. Religions are full of dogmasbthat you are supposed to follow without question. Religion is what has Gaza busted the way it is.

squid_slime, avatar

Top tear post.


Made me cry too


It’s projection every time with conservatives. They hate you because they think you’re as shitty as they are.

queermunist, avatar

Also doubles as a kill list for when they decide it’s time.


I’m pretty sure they just decided.

sugarfree, avatar

Utterly absurd levels of paranoia on display in this comment.

mozz, avatar

Welcome back! I'm sure you have a lot to catch up on after being in a coma or whatever. Number 1, an angry mob tried to kill the vice president and 12 million people think they were right to do it and it's a shame they didn't succeed.

Vendetta9076, avatar

To be fair, if you killed all your politicians maybe America would be a better place.


To be fair, if you killed all your politicians billionaires maybe America would be a better place.


queermunist, avatar

¿Por qué no los dos?

Vendetta9076, avatar

Billionaires can only become billionaires by forced monopolies and lobbying. Remove the politicians who are being bribed and replace them with normal people. No more billionaires.


Why not both?

mozz, avatar

Are you aware what usually happens in countries where they start killing politicians? Like historically in actuality, not just the "how it plays out in the original plan" way?

queermunist, avatar



You clearly don’t know the Christian Nationalists I know. Let me ask you something, only for true believers. If you really truly believed in your heart that God was calling you to kill in his name, would you do it?

sugarfree, avatar

I don’t believe in God.


Then do you have some context to understand what I’m asking? Because I know my share of Christians that either get uncomfortably quiet with that question or very confidently answer yes.


It’s mind boggling that there are people who think God couldn’t come up with a better solution than murder. I mean a micrometeorite could take anyone of us out at any point. Or he could wait for us to yawn and have a murder hornet fly into your mouth. Or y’know, being God and all and capable of doing anything, he could just have his giant disembodied hand come out of the wall, grab us and pull us to the other side, a la Legend of Zelda and that’s just if he insists on making it a spectacule and not just snap* aneurysm.


Boy, I wish. Speaking as someone who knows these people, no. This is exactly what they want to do.


You’re one of the lucky 10000 today. Read up on Jewish registrations in the Netherlands.



Welcome to the primary purpose


This is exactly what the nazis did when they invaded multiple countries. Found the registries of Jews and you know the rest.


pelespirit, avatar

This is a yikes, they’re doing the Westboro Church tactics without wanting the money, just to harass.

The Mapping Center for Evangelism and Church Growth’s founder and president Chris Cooper suggests using the app to conduct neighborly activities such as putting on a barbecue for potential converts, but scattered throughout the app’s training and promotional videos are suggestions to undertake the controversial practice of “prayerwalking.” An idea becoming increasingly popular among Christian supremacist groups, prayerwalking involves believers flooding so-called “un-Christian” territories in order to combat “demonic strongholds.” In practice, it varies from blessing new neighbors to gathering groups to pray in front of everything from mosques to drag bars in service of “spiritual warfare.”


And how long until this app gets tied to a mass shooting and a spate of burning crosses?


I’ll give it about a week.

themadcodger, avatar

"It was a deeply disturbed lone wolf. It's unfortunate, but there's nothing we can do. Thoughts and prayers."

mozz, avatar

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