Family photo sharing?

My son was just born, and while a few photos will go on the likes of Facebook and Instagram, overall my partner and I are wanting to keep our shared photos private from the EULA abuses that we all know and hate.

Does anyone here have any good suggestions? I would create my own front end, but I can’t swing hosting or a static IP to do it from my local box. Are there any companies out there who aren’t total shit bags who claim immediate irrevocable license to all of my photos to do with whatever the fuck they please?


Look into Pixelfed.


If you want to keep the metadata on the photos, well GG since it and the color profiles will all be stripped


Synology + Docker + Pixelfed is doable


I think this is very close to what you are looking for. Recently they have open sourced all their server side code also. Means currently they are completely open source.


Seems too expensive. Most people that owned a phone with a camera for the last few years would easily be in the $200/yr plan. I know I am.

That’s the cost of Amazon and Walmart subscriptions combined just to get one benefit of Amazon subscription.

I realize people here tend to shit on Amazon, but they never leaked anyone’s photos so unless you share them yourself, they are perfectly safe in AWS cloud with unlimited storage.


I mean, you can just use some simple hard drives if you just want something that works. You can get a terabyte for like 40 bucks nowadays.


So every time you have a couple new pics that you would upload to an online, album and share with your family/friends, you instead put them on a bunch of hard drives that cost 40 bucks each and post one to every contact?


While self hosted will obviously be better, you have to balance that with simplicity for non tech users.

We use the paid app tinybeans. Doing it now, I’d consider hosting a stability photos folder.


Proton offers a cloud photo storage similar to Googles but its all E2EE. A bit clunky compared to google but much more privacy friendly.


it’s small though.


Mega is e2ee and much cheaper

DreadPotato, avatar

Mega doesn’t come with VPN, encrypted email and PW manager with integrated simplemail that ties in to your proton mail.

Different levels of service of course costs different amounts. If you don’t want or need any of the other things, then yeah Mega could be the best option for you.


Does come with vpn though

Pw manager bitwarden works great.

Proton mail is great but doesn’t really come with much usable cloud storage

DreadPotato, avatar

Ah fair enough, didn’t know they also had a VPN service.

Does bitwarden integrate with something like simplemail to create unique addresses on the fly for accounts you create? That’s the feature I like the most about protons PW manager. I can easily just create a new mail address for an account somewhere that automatically forwards to my proton mail, but I can also answer with that unique mail from my proton mail.

I don’t use my mail for storage, and santiize content often, so I only need a few mb.

The 500gb on the drive is more than enough for my photo backup. There’s almost 10 years worth of photos on mine and I still have plenty space left.


Does bitwarden integrate with something like simplemail to create unique addresses on the fly for accounts you create?

I have bitwarden self-hosted, so I have no idea if they offer that with their cloud service (maybe look into the paid option, I think it’s just around 10 dollars a year), but the self-hosted does not have that option.


Bitwarden has email alias integration on free accounts

Wonder if it’s worth upgrading a proton mail subscription for cloud storage or having a separate mega is better, I already get 50gb on free tier



What is this photo storage thing? All I can find is proton drive.


Its part of proton drive. Drive has a section for photos.


Google Photos works well except it is exactly what you don’t want.


Maybe don’t share online?

We have a printing center in my area that prints high quality full color photos for 75 cents a page.


Photo development booths, printing centres and later phone repair shops (before phones regularly got encrypted) used to be the number one avenue for getting photos leaked.


As true as that is, we’re talking about photos of a newborn infant. Like for real, who would intentionally leak photos of a newborn?

Oh yeah, that’s right, artificial intelligence!

Don’t feed the online machine, take the photos into a print shop via USB flash drive, and I’m pretty sure anyone with a soul will have respect for family privacy.

Not so with online cloud services though ☹️


Best guess would be a privacy focused chat app like Signal or Matrix.

Otherwise you may want to look at crypto bases file storage ala Filecoin or potentially even Pixelfed


To send them directly to someone perhaps but it looks like OP wants to store them


I know you said you can’t do your local box, but there’s no necessity for a static IP to do that. Dynamic DNS is relatively easy to set up, I suppose provided you have a domain name you own (which you can find for very reasonable prices).


Or setup Tailscale and enable the Funnel feature for whatever service you want to expose.

This way it’s a bit more secure, since the exposed endpoint is hosted by Tailscale and routed to your device via your Tailscale (encrypted) network.

Using Funnel, no one needs to have the Tailscale client.


Dynamic DNS only works if your IP is publicly routable. My ISP (not sure about OP) puts us behind NAT, so the only way to expose services on my network is through a tunnel, like a VPN.

But many ISPs do provide a routable IP. My last ISP did, so it’s not uncommon.

And you don’t necessarily need to own an IP, services like FreeDNS let you use a subdomain from someone else, but a domain can be as little as $1/year (for TLDs like .site and .store), so it’s probably better to just get one. I have like 10 domains, and they only cost $10/year each or so. But if you just want to try out hosting something, using someone else’s isn’t a bad way to go.


Haven’t tried it myself but seems to be pretty decent


Been a customer for half a year here now and it is such a good service! Easily worth the cost. Highly recommend checking out there website to go through their feature set, their level of transparency is beyond good 🙌



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  • deegeese,

    Any way to get a gallery browse and light box viewer?




    This could be a good option. I will have to look into it. I know some of our family is not the most savvy (lucky to be able to use FB) so I may have to look into building a front end on top of it for them, but this is a solid start.


    Good luck mate…

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