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Israelis stage largest anti-government protest since the war in Gaza began (

Tens of thousands of Israelis gathered outside the parliament building in Jerusalem on Sunday in the largest anti-government demonstration since the country went to war in October. They urged the government to reach a cease-fire deal to free dozens of hostages held by the Hamas militant group in Gaza and to hold early elections....


No they are just psychopaths.


Pretty high, until someone from IDF finds them and shoots them

SkippingRelax, (edited )

It’s more sustainable to eat the animals you make clothes from.


And we are back at the maybe if you just did this one thing you’d agree with my weird ideas that I think everyone should embrace.

If not visiting a slaughterhouse, it is about watching cowspiracy or some weird youtube videos. Come on


In fairness the suggested premise of you wearing human skin, not an animal skin, was funny but pretty stupid to start with. And not what they had suggested has been done for the while history of humanity.


And that’s why it has had no use throughout human history whatsoever. /s

Do you also have an opinion on timber smelling bad and be completely useless with no upsides?


Let me guess […] I suppose […] if not you must be

Do you really think that is how logic is supposed to work?


Hi again :)

No bad takes here, I already mentioned before that I have three beautiful chickens that are well loved, fed and protected and give me eggs on a daily basis. We work pretty well together


Fuck me we did those conversions in primary school in Italy in the eighties. Can’t remember what year exactly but we were prolly 7yo?



And the other one is spelled wrong too I believe, though that one doesn’t really matter.


Actually you were, and everyone replied accordingly.

You seem confused


Except that you are the one with biases here, you are the one who replied to someone who was clearly talking/asking about grammar rules and you did it with a weird twist around (your?) belief structures .

It’s an interesting take but one that maybe you need to explain and not give for granted that everyone knows what is going on in your head. Also you just did then same yourself with non human animals, same as illegal aliens mate.


So every time you have a couple new pics that you would upload to an online, album and share with your family/friends, you instead put them on a bunch of hard drives that cost 40 bucks each and post one to every contact?


Do you have the recipe for that canned tomato soup that you made?

Are there any CPUs that work well with Linux that aren't made by Intel or another company on the BDS list/that supports Israel?

I have a Ryzen 3 1300X at the moment and it’s always had this soft lock freezing bug on Linux. I used to dual-boot Windows on this machine and Windows never had the same problem, so I think it is an issue with the Linux kernel (I’ve also replaced nearly every bit of hardware that I originally built the PC with, except for...


Omg such a waste of time that could have been spent scrolling through memes instead of trying to do the right thing.


It is a stupid point, and hardly art, but even you should be able to understand it by now if you read the other comments come on


You could say the same for Nazi cartoons then.

Art, uh?


Or you know, calling out sexism and racism for what they are. You are welcome to consume the “art” of these groups if you think so, apparently being outraged by it is a good indicator that the “artist” did a good job

Brazil military leaders told police Bolsonaro plotted to remain in power despite election defeat (

SAO PAULO (AP) — Two top Brazilian military leaders declared to police that former President Jair Bolsonaro presented them a plan for him to remain in power after the 2022 election he lost, but both refused and warned him they would arrest him if he tried it, according to judicial documents released Friday....


I was under the impression that Bolsorano had more support from the armed forces.

And so was he


I actually like to push it to just as a bit less cooked than I would be comfortable with a more traditional cooking way.

Haven’t done it in a while but from memory 66C/150F for just over an hour was the way I loved it (thighs).

But yeah raw chicken yuck


I think you can relax more with beef. The important thing is mincing the meat fresh, too early and you have square kilometres exposed to bacteria but no you don’t need it freshly butchered.

Also the problem with chicken is that raw it’s fucking disgusting. Be it the smell, the texture or the flavour (I have eaten undercooked chicken by mistake, it’s vile).

Raw beef? Divine if you can get over the prejudices that some cultures have


Mate, a populist fascist is a populist fascist in sud America, Greenland or in the US. You don’t need to live in the country to see how trump, bolsonaro, duterte or milei are just shit human beings that prey on poor and ignorant people. That’s what populists do, we have seen it a million times in the past and since you mention education, that’s the only hope that people learn critical skills and stop voting for these assholes ( or better even, they hang them upside down)


The last twentyONE years is what brought us to TODAY.

– 1934. A disgruntled German referring to Hitler’s ascent to power

Again, you are the one who mentioned education. That’s the only thing we can use to prevent making the same mistake over and over.

Had someone handled Hitler and miles (Bolsonaro, Berlusconi… the list is long and incredibly reperitive) the way they need to be treated we wouldn’t repeat the same pricey mistake over and over. And south America should have learnt a thing or two about fascist dictators by now.


Check the tax office’s website of the country you live in, you might be up for an unpleasant surprise. Pretty normal to have to file a tax report if you are a grown up. There are exceptions in a few countries if all your income is from salaried work and you don’t have any deductions to claim but not the norm


Sure they have all your info. I’m not familiar with Canada but in other countries where this happens happens, the site tells you that you need to check that everything is correct, and that YOU are responsible for the information submitted. When you confirm you have effectively submitted your tax return, albeit with the help of a number of automations.

I’m in Australia now, and that how it works here too. Yes it’s just a couple of clicks for most people, but you are indeed doing your tax return.

I haven’t don’t it in Europe in a while, but that was the case when I was there (albeit less automated) and I’m pretty sure that’s the case in most countries


Not familiar with belgium but in Australia they don’t. It’s linked to your payroll so they know if you paid more or less that it was due, plus they have linked your bank accounts so they know if you had any interest to pay taxes on. Something similar for investments accounts too.

If you want to claim any deductions (ie. You work from home and have home office expenses) you punch them in yourself


We all agree this is not good ethically, but you are confused on how the economics work. Foreign money flowing in, and at a higher salary than local average? That’s money that gets taxed by the Filipino government, that buys groceries at the corner shop, pays for a local nanny and overall improves the local economy.

Also what are you on about with the reduction of labour force in third world countries? They have unemployment up the roof and no employers by definition, it’s a third world country the one thing there’s no shortage of is people looking for work


The company is still using a person’s material situation to pay them less. More purchasing power in their subjective economy is part of their material situation. They are still receiving monetarily less as is their country.

Less than what? Your personal belief that they should be paid a us salary because you say so? And if so, should that be a new York city salary, a Louisiana salary, or?

I directly covered your second point, while they do spend the money they earn from their American job within their economy they are not being paid the exact value of their labor because profit is being extracted so the amount of money they stimulate their economy with is not as valuable as their labor would be. I don’t want to explain the entire labor theory of value here because it would take up too much time and space but you can look into it if you’d like. Put simply, the profit that company makes is extracted from that employees labor meaning that some of their labor is being used not to benefit their country or people but another’s. Outsourcing is an extraction of mans most valuable resource from the less fortunate to the more

Again you have this imaginary number in your mind that you feel everyone should be paid regardless of circumstances. I keep thinking this is not ethical, but from an economic standpoint the Filipino employee is better off than working for less money for a local employer or not working at all because of unemployment. And so are his family and their government.

Stop comparing with the American salary, it doesn’t make any sense. If the American company was paying an American salary, they would hire someone in the states.


You know you could just learn to drink like grown ups so you don’t need to carry around special implements? My babies could pretty much drink straight from a cup or a glass before they had turned two, you can do it too


All the other pre-teens out there are protesting that we only have one planet and all you have to complain about is that you have to carry disposable straws for your milkshake or your very cold slushie, or you won’t be able to enjoy them? Those are going to hurt your teeth and your tum-tum anyway, you should probably stop


It seems to be, on the planet I live on. It’s literally trying to explain things with magic and imaginary creatures.


Yes and no. It’s a vicious circle, why would an employer, the owner, start paying a proper salary if they dont have to, no one else does, and they would probably go out of business by doing so?

At some point the player needs to put the foot down and start making demands. Few rights were handed out for free throughout history, usually someone need to wake up and start fighting for them.

The US has some catch up to do, its not only waiters. White-collar folks could do better too… I’ve (Europe/Australia) heard from too many American colleagues and managers that they wished they also had paid sick leave, parental leave, so much PTO, and long service leave (look it up, an Australian thing, a few extra weeks off after a few years of service, hoe many depends on the state you live in).


Non American so bear with me.why the % would go up? Prives have gone up considerably, 10% now should be like or better than 10% then or am I missing something? Is there a point in the future where someone says 113% was okay in the 2040s but not now?


Still doesn’t make any sense. We all know how the tipping system works, it’s fucked but that’s not the point here.

A fixed % of a restaurant bill in the 70s, 80s or 90s should give hospo workers the same amount of money adjusted to inflation so if 10% was good enough money then, it should be now too.

Hell, I could argue that prices have gone up at inflation rates (that’s pretty much the definition ofvinflation) while salaries have remained stagnant, so a fixed % of an inflated restaurant bill makes hospo workers the only ones that actually have their income adjusted to inflation. Everyone else (salaried) gets a well below merit increase year on year. And that’s even before you take the socially accepted tip from 10% to 25 or 30%


Honest question, are servers paid a fixed amount of the cost of a meal by their employer, or you are just implying that their fixed amount went down adjusted to inflation like it happened to all other industries?


Hopefully your employer will introduce a new salary framework where you get paid what customers think you should be paid for your engineering services, or not. you seem to have good people skills so that shouldn’t be an issue.


Seems to me like this is happening in all 50 something states though, not just the ones with special laws, we sure that’s the problem?


So what do you call it if it’s neither occasional nor extraordinary as it seems to be the case here?


So where your saying, in your previous comment that the hour pay hasn’t gone up at all, or it has gone up bit not at the same rate as inflation? That sucks (but then again all workers seem to be impacted by that problem lately, agree that servers might be more impacted due to low wages)


How would people remember what or whether to tip in each state?

Maybe not in each state but maybe in the one they reside, where it’s most likely they’ll go out eating? I’m not familiar with at will employment in the us but you seem to imply it’s inly in some states. What about the others.

And in the end, doesnt really matter how difficult it is for service workers to fight for those rights, no one else is going to do it for them which was my original point. What i do know is that the US has a history of people standing up and fighting for rights, it being difficult hasnt stopped others before.


Pints of Guinness? /s

Edit one of those three might not be that far away


Well it seems like everyone else in the US calls it 15%, if not 25 or 30% now acfording to this thread, so yeah ill stand by charity


Is it fair for the servers not to be paid by their employers?

I’m at a loss mate. I’m having these conversations here on lemmy about us-unique problems that have pretty straightforward solutions (and note that I am not saying easy, but pretty obvious how there is one way to fix them, and pretty much one way only). All I hear back is weird stuff, of course it’s not fair to be paid different by locals than non locals but how did we even get down this rabbit hole? Everyone here seems to agree that tipping is stupid, that servers should unionise or at least ask for better treatment. Wtf, did Rosa Parker spend time arguing about how black people in some state had it worse than other states?

The same seems to happen when discussing about gun control. Not easy, what worked in other countries like Australia wouldn’t work here. But we need guns to defend ourselves from gun nuts. What about trans women that need to defend themselves (a real convo I had with someone, probably still in my comments history).

You know what? In other countries waiters are paid minimum wages, we barely suffer from tips issues, have universal healthcare, guns are pretty hard to obtain, mass shooting are a once in a century issue, our kids don’t do drills at school or have to go through metal detectors, white collar jobs have paid sick leave on top of 20-35 holidays days a year and if you need to fight nazis you can hit them with a reo bar. I’m not bragging, it’s sad to see how bad the US has it and even when discussing with people that agree in general with you (you seem to be in favour of unions etc) there’s always an obstacle or something that “non Americans don’t understand”, as i said in other comments you can wait for politicians or your employer to give you more rights or money but that rarely (never?) works.


Got it, it sucks. Really 35 million people need to fight to abolish tips, and get this mess fixed including having minimum wage indexed to inflation or at least reviewed periodically and adjusted. We all love to bash the capitalist here and blame the employer, but really tha change needs to be demanded by the people affected, the workers, or it will never happen.

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