
“Well, give your ID card to the border guard…”


Haha nice!


This is super dope!


Then suddenly, the house across the street starts flying this:

Flag of the Klingon Empire waving on a flag pole on a partly-cloudy day.


I have stumbled here with no context, but I know these are the nazis bad guys


Holy shit. Could you imagine that actually happening? If I put up a federation flag and my neighbor put up a Klingon in response, I think I just found my new best friend


I’ve been out of the Star Trek loop for so long, but I thought the Federation is currently at peace with the Klingon? I think they’re still at war with the Romulan, isn’t it?


The Federation was always at war with the Romulans.

ricdeh, avatar

I don’t think that that would be a good idea, most people would assume them to be a nazi lol


Yes, this happened in Bochum (Germany) a few years ago when a man notified the police because he thought that someone displays a Nazi flag

FlyingSquid, avatar

As long as it’s not a Cardassian flag.

Bloody Cardis.


They put a sign in the yard that says “Vote YES on prop C”

(A statue of Gul Dukat in front of a federal building.)

FlyingSquid, avatar

Shouldn’t the sign say, “you will vote YES on prop C” if it’s a Cardassian sign?



May I ask if you retired the old flag properly?

FlyingSquid, avatar

If you mean according to flag code, no. But there was like half a flag there. It think the wind retired it a long time ago. It was a rag.


True, understood.

As far as I’m aware, the proper way is to burn the old flag. It should never touch the ground though.

I’m not an expert nor a nitpicker on this matter though, but congrats on the new flag!


It is just a piece of cloth, who cares/how does it matter?


Exactly. It doesn’t.

Just figured I’d ask regardless, as I was criticized for putting my late father’s flag on the ground, even though it was still sealed in the plastic.



I wouldn’t be concerned about criticism from petty nationalists. It’s entirely pointless and unhealthy for your attention span.

wjrii, (edited )

Exactly. The flag code in particular is a piece of weird fetishistic civic religion, and the principles supposedly underlying it are more honored in the breach than the observance. Maybe if you’re actively employed by the US Government you should follow it, but otherwise it’s just a boogeyman bit of thoughtless orthopraxy.


Tradition, and a harmless one at that.

Dad was a Torpedo Man, 3rd Class, in the Pacific. He taught me that. Why should I not pass that down to my kids?

And besides, knowing the Flag Code allows you to bag on all the assholes breaking it.

ricdeh, avatar

Not really a harmless one, it is a typical outgrowth of the American hypernationalism and an utterly jingoist tradition in the sense that it glorifies the military that really doesn’t deserve any glorification anymore.


It’s a worthless piece of cloth. It doesn’t matter.

-signed: veteran.

Stamets, avatar

I have the same flag on my wall. Be warned though you’re probably gonna have to replace it in a year or two, especially if you’ve got high winds. It’s not reinforced for outdoor use so it will probably get thready.

That being said it looks great and I wanna put mine out in front of my house too now dammit


Hmm. It doesn’t do good in atmospheric wind. But would it theoretically be fine attached to a space ship traveling at warp speed?

FlyingSquid, avatar

Eh, it cost like $10. Replacing it just means another round of ironing. We’re good with that.

notsure, avatar

To boldly urbanize, where others have urbanized before /s
Sweet flag!


I don’t want to sound racist but… I don’t see neither of you flying or being a squid 🤔

Nice idea though!


Can’t believe you blurred out that glorious beard.

ininewcrow, avatar

Here’s hoping next door join in with the flag of the Klingon Empire

ummthatguy, avatar

And another neighbor with a mysteriously empty flag holding bracket.




Ha! That’s awesome

Blackout, avatar

We already know what you look like man. Like an albino Klingon.

ummthatguy, avatar
ummthatguy, avatar
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