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Fool. I have no cares for self-esteem and love telling stories about that awkward time when…


You shall make no idols to yourselves; and you shall not set up for yourselves graven images, or a memorial pillar. And you shall not set up any image of stone in your land in order to bow down to it. For I am Jehovah your God.

He went pretty ape shit about the golden cow—as believable any part of that story goes. Catholics seem to be all about idoloc knick-knacks and getting all stabby and controlling over them… Like, the opposite of what a Christian is meant to do.


Ah, we were taught to avoid the NIV as it was like the Merrium-Webster of translation; a bit more adapted for the modern Pentecost, so obviously it would be lenient compared to traditional translations.

‘They miscalculated’: Gaza’s floating aid pier failing to deliver in rough seas (

The pier has been usable for just 12 days since it began operations on 17 May. On most of those days the assistance arriving by sea has had to be left on the beach as there have been no trucks to distribute it to warehouses in Gaza, because of lack of security....


It’s hard to tell if it was/is logistically effective vs. everyone shitting in it because that’s trendy rn.

With knowing absolutely nothing, I can only assume it’s an excellent concept that will (unfortunately) help a lot in a broad range of situations.

At the moment, plenty of creases to iron out, but it’s not a failure and humanitarian aid can definitely bolster with it.

Your favorite video game doesn't need a remake | Digital Trends (

Curious about y’alls opinions on this. I like the idea of getting new people to experience an older game by aligning it to modern graphics and accessibility standards. But capitalizing on nostalgia with quick updates to that make it look modern rather than making new games seems like just more of studios trying to squeeze...


Unfortunately it depends on who’s doing it. Who’s creatively in charge and what freedom they get.

At the moment, it’s reliably bad. Even when the vision is good, it’s dominated by invested poo poo.


Gee. Would hate to be the crew meant to be returning on that thing. Was a bit of a shitshow getting up there.


I think it’s worse here.


“The grass is blue.”

“No, the grass is green. Here is a source.”



“The grass is blue.”

“No, the grass is green. Here is a source.”

“Bro, your own source says it’s the chemicals in grass that make it green LOL.”

“That’s correct.”

“So you think just because it appears green from the chemicals, it’s green?”

“Yes. It’s certainly not blue.”

“Actually without the chemicals it would be translucent which would be reflective of the sky, making it blue like how the ocean does.”

“Sure. Except there’s chemicals that make it green instead.”

“I don’t see how you’re not understanding how stupid that is. It’s not the grass that’s green.”

“And in your analogy it’s not the grass that’s blue.”

“You clearly don’t understand science and I pity you. I won’t waste any more of my time. Good day, sir.”



It sounds like you just did, but you’re playing it off.


Do it. The attractiveness of EU cars in China has a lot to do with expression of wealth, status, and exclusivity. It’s free marketing.

Make a cheaper model aimed at the market to offset the tarrif and the logo on front will sell itself.


I’ve cleaned my shoes ≠ His shoes are clean now.

The only thing linking the two statements are lines drawn from the shows, not language.

But with arms that short and legs so long, I get his expression of great accomplishment.


No, datum is the noise after launching Netflix.




You gotta remember World Wars take a bit to warm up first. Skirmish here, escalation there, lots of sitting on thumbs for a while, and then everyone piles in after the rate of occupation starts to get out of hand and the aggressors show deft multi-tasking skills.

US lawmakers meet with Dalai Lama in India's Dharamshala, sparking anger from China (

A bipartisan United States congressional delegation met with the Dalai Lama Wednesday at his residence in India’s Dharamshala, sparking anger from China which views the exiled spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism as a dangerous separatist....


The dilution of “anger from China”.

It’s as long a running joke as's_final_warning

Seriously, they could be genuine some day. Like warn the world against some major catastrophe, but we’ll assume that if China’s upset, it’s nothing to worry about or may even be something we want to happen.


I’m good with warning labels, so long as I can take most of them off. You know the ones, they make you yearn for the backstory, but also make you depressed every time you see it. Like this one. Many people would know things surrounding fire are hot. Plenty would’ve unintentionally touched it, “Fuck! Ow. Duh.” and hope no one saw. But someone had a Skinner moment, “No! It’s the manufacturer that’s wrong. Where’s a lawyer?!”


Yeah, I don’t think they realise Steam is itself a product to pay for. Sure, someone could come up with a free game manager, but that’s only a part of Steam’s services. There’s all the licencing, marketing, communities, features, connecting to other platforms, a console mode, remote play, ongoing security, support for external titles, the workshop, great refund policies, all this stuff and Valve doesn’t ask for a sub, pays all the staff involved, and stays on top of it all with premium quality.

No shit they take some off the top. How else could the Steam we love and know exist if they didn’t?

The irony of this lawsuit trying to ruin things gamers cherish.


Hexen to CS 1.6. We must be very similar in age. That’s basically my teens.

Red Alert was my favourite. Dial-up multiplayer with my school friend. Rarely finished a game because someone’s house got a phone call or someone picked up the phone. We both got in trouble when the first phone bills came in. Would spend about $2.50 in local calls each time tuntil the computers linked up. A $60 phone bill was savage back then for families living in government housing and struggling to pay off a base model computer.


Feels ritualistic at this point.

Bethesda does the thing; gamers and modders do the thing. Bethesda says, “Whoops!” We all laugh.

Only difference this time is it feels like 76 has been out longer than when they usually try this.


They could.

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So, never heard of those. But DDG tells me Tylenol is just a brand—talk about an effective monopoly.


Percentages require statistical.empathy. if you find 1.5% small, scale it down to a situation you can relate to. Like when this post hits just 75 upvotes, one of those people are displaced.


Easy Mode. Try having a dog lead around your wrist while opening a biodegradable poo bag that got wet in drizzle…

Israel Has Carried Out 464 Attacks on Gaza’s Health Care System Since October 7 (

More than eight months into Israel’s devastating assault on Gaza, the territory’s healthcare system is barely functioning, with the World Health Organization reporting this week that there have been 464 Israeli attacks on Gaza’s healthcare system since October 7, affecting 101 health facilities....


All accidental, I’m sure. They just need to rein it in a little. /s

saltesc, (edited )

I wouldn’t be so sure. Government bailouts tend to happen because they’re almost forces to. Where the economy can suffer greater loss without the bailout. Generally, in a scenario where a company or corporation has nestled itself into something the economy is dependent on. Of course what happens after that bailout is the bad part where it often seems nothing is done to alleviate the economy’s dependency, nor is the actions of the body receiving the bailout regulated, monitored, or needing to pay it back.

I don’t know how much dire a state the US economy would be in with Boeing missing or significantly damaged, but can’t imagine it’s perceived to be as bad as the crooked banks.

Edit: Oh, wait. The military is dependent on them. Yeah, there’d be a bailout lol


Anything for Liberty is meant to be supporting of everyone being able to have their own views and access to different ideas, discussion, and experiences.

Ooooh, they’re just using “liberty” as a mask for trying to make free people lose their rights and start doing what the Moms want them too. Yes, very liberal /s.


That’s what all the baddie countries do.

Next it’ll be Team America putting Hans Blix in a shark tank.


Ah. Was wondering how a CFO could pull that off without a single whistleblower. Makes sense now.


Considering the offers to skilled workers currently, honestly not surprised it’s being abused. There’s quite a few places having their property bought up at the insane offers to skilled immigrants, to never actually have any of the skilled work come, making life even harder for the towns.

I know this because my asshole uncle is one of them and has a “Get in before they realise” mentality along with all the others. There’s YouTubers doing “dream house in Portugal” restos because they’ve come in as “skilled workers” ffs.

Always progress, but with a balance that can’t be exploited. In this case, the rich have once again ruined what was supposed to help communities.


So you’re passively looking for work every day, right? You’re not gonna keep doing an additional 10hr shift a week unpaid, right?

Iran's allies in Iraq are firing at Israel. Could that trigger a wider war? (

Iran-backed Shi’ite armed groups in Iraq have ramped up rocket and missile attacks on Israel in recent weeks, raising concerns in Washington and among some Iranian allies of potential Israeli retaliation and regional escalation should they draw blood....


Libertarianism is Saudi Arabia, Brunei, and Utah.


Let’s say, however unlikely, Russia actually gets control of Ukraine. The second phase of repairing and sustaining Ukraine, whilst also constantly dealing with heavy resistance for a generation at least, it is surely not economically viable for Russia and they will continue to struggle keeping up with the world for even longer.

Seriously, what’s the game plan here? It seems like cutting losses now is the only viable option and its quickly disappearing or arguably too late.


It’s a device that measures things in thousands. A kilometer would say a kilometre is 1000 metres. I’ve bulk ordered 1000 meters if you’d like one.

saltesc, (edited )

Not anymore. The majority of what people drive are Japanese and Korean. However Ford along with VW and some other big EU manufacturers are also very popular. Other American manufacturers are trying hard to break in, but not doing well since American cars offer little, are overpriced, and generally suck compared to all the options from Asia next door. Ford does well because they make cars specifically for countries like us and the rest of APAC.

Without research, I would tie most of this statistic to low-budget commercial fleets and a small few people new to the country from China. I have never seen a non-Chinese person in a Chinese car unless it’s some bash around work ute or truck for a penny pinching business, of which there are more and more. They are very unpopular to individuals. Even if $10K is the budget, everyone would look at the second-hand market instead.


Yeah, I don’t think it’ll be long until they get up to a standard that starts battling their reputation. Happened with Hyundai and Kia over 7-8 years. Asian market is suuuuper competitive though, and APAC nations are spoiled for choice. But if another nation’s got the money to back it, it’s China and more competition is good.


The US government just started Chapter 2: What to do on Day 3 of a conflict.

When this eventually dies out, I bet they try take credit.


The more extreme you are, the more you damage your cause. Huge win for the right. Well done, idiot /s. Enjoy prison.


It’s true. If they’re so easily manipulated, they’ll follow suit with the masses if enough of the other side are there and loud enough.

Though, I also blame that tactic for how divided the US seems to be in general.

saltesc, (edited )

The first sentences be true, then it drives off a whacky tangent, or what science calls “a cliff”.

Never take away a person’s beliefs about life. Whether you think they’re true or not has nothing to do with it. They’re their’s, they mean a lot, and that’s how they endure life. To take them away is to be no better than a missionary or JW dooknocker or Ackchyually Guy. If we all respected that rule from all sides, we’d have a lot less unnecessary hatred and death. The theistic, non theistic, and atheistic schools of thought all respect the values of not bringing harm to yourself and then secondly to not bring harm to others. We all share this before barreling down contradicting “ammendments” that no longer reflect the shared principles of humanity.

Edit: Fuck… I’m ranting. I stop now.


They will die sad, regretful, and unfulfilled, having believed that lie. This should haunt them now, but instead it’s short-term “what if” scenarios looping in the mind that convinces them that their life’s “too complicated right now”. Your remark there is a classic example of what I was just saying, and you genuinely believe it to be so as well. My guess is you’re in a comfortable rut right now, have thought about leaving it, but when you do you convince yourself that it’s too risky and therefore not an option. Your fear has morphed into.anxiety. Remove from life the things that make you anxious, your house, your job, your partner, whatever, and you will be free and happy again.


You kinda just described the majority of remote work jobs, which there are heaps. I don’t know about 401Ks. I’ve never opted to live somewhere where I’m not legally taken care.of. Like now in Australia, all that’s automatic by law. My employer pays an additional 17% of my salary into a retirement investment fund.

Friend just got bacl.from three.months in Japan. Wanted to see if he could do his job overseas without anyone realising and pulled it off with most people. Another’s off to go surf in Portugal for a while and working out of a van. Another’s just sold their house and touring Australia until they find a spot they like and move there. They’re a marketing lead for some big company, no degree. I myself just finished an 18 month stint in a totally different city and just flew back every 4–6 weeks to say hi and see the gang. Oh and there’s the one that plays golf every afternoon by himself because he logs on at 5am and gets work out of the way and free up his day. His work isn’t even based in Australia. I know more, but they’re just your.normal WFH jobs, one guy’s seen his office once to pick up a laptop on day one two years ago lol.

So, yeah, there’s a lot. I think that’s the preferred market.

If it’s not like this where you are, just leave for a place that’s better living.


I’ve just shared with you people’s experiences proving a common society… If you’re not prepared to hear such things or you find people’s experiences personally offensive, don’t ask such things and certainly don’t attack me for it. This is your problem, not mine or anyone else’s. Feel free to continue addressing or ignoring it alone.

saltesc, (edited )

Heh. My life has been anything but socially privileged and, yeah, I see that as a privilege. When you have nothing to lose, there’s no fear holding you back, and you reap the rewards. This is why my friends are where they are and will drop everything they have, where others can’t imagine it. Most people won’t ever get to that level of what they have been taught is “success”. But in truth, there’s nothing more satisfying than closing a chapter, resetting to zero, and doing it all again somewhere new, something new, new experiences.

What you know as “privilege” and those you have been taught to be in it, all of it is a big disadvantage in life. The fuel of social and status anxiety fears, holding people back from living.

Point is, just start doing stuff. There’s nothing to lose. It’s all pointless. Take care of yourself and of others. Start by getting yourself out of such situations where a 401K is more valuable day by day than living. There are many places in the world where that’s not a concern. You don’t lose your skills, your knowledge, your experience, it only gets stronger. Realise that and things come so much easier and by your terms. It blow my mind that people will live in fear and distain of their job, not understanding that every day of those years they can be looking for new jobs and situations with the luxury of deciding to stay where they are or choosing to jump on something. Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of days pass, but they never do even a basic free step because anxiety and fear wins.


As one of those people, yeah lol. Except I was born into it, so that’s my privilege.

Everything you need is already there in you, not from somewhere else. Always has been, always will be. Don’t let fear or the ideas of others hold you back. Jump on a motorcycle some time, way less scary.

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