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Nuts that anyone would need a source for “people with different incomes consume different media”.

If you’re too dumb to understand that, you’re too dumb to read an academic study.


nobody and no organization are perfect but I feel like most people can find something to agree on here

Basement dwelling Lemmy edgelord teenagers: “hold my Mountain Dew”

cracks knuckles

starts typing


I didn’t really follow the campaign, but you’d think “my opponent wants to talk about Israel and Palestine, but I want to talk about you, our community and its needs” would be an easy way to get out of that.


How do you say, “your mother was a filthy whore and gave you syphilis” in Mandarin?




Not everyone can afford that.


By my calculations, my car will have paid for itself in savings from not buying gas alone, after about 10 years, and I’ve had it for 6. And it’s a PHEV with a range of only 40 miles on battery. I might have already broke even on a Leaf.

That’s comparing to a gas car with 35mpg efficiency. My old car that I drove into the ground got about 17mpg so by that metric it’s already paid for itself.

And I’m not taking about the difference in price between a PHEV and a pure gasoline car, I’m taking about the total price of the car. I will have saved that much money by using electric instead of gas.

If you drive a lot, especially if you drive for work, electric is a no brainer. Assuming you have somewhere to charge it.


Sounds great, right? But all he did was set a goal. Are we making progress to that goal? 🤷‍♂️ Is that goal even achievable? 🤷‍♂️ 2030 is only 6 years away, how are we doing right now? 🤷‍♂️

These are all questions that have quantifiable answers yet you chose not to find those answers. Perfectly encapsulating the point of OP.


It’s crazy how you start recognizing usernames. Every time I see some anti Biden baseless bullshit, it’s one of a handful of idiots vomiting it out.

US Trade Bank Defies Biden to Expand Oil Drilling in Bahrain

You think Biden personally financed this fucking deal? He’s not a king. He doesn’t like it. He’s opposing it. So are Democrats. But he’s not a goddamn king, and you know that, and more importantly you know that poorly informed voters don’t know that, so you talk your bullshit to try to sway them.

This is the answer to the article’s question. Why don’t people know about Biden’s wins? Because people like you are intentionally misleading them.


Don’t look up.


They’re centrist. They’re only right wing compared to you, for whom 99% of the world is “right wing”.


refuses to elaborate


You don’t even necessarily need a level 2 charger. I rent and I charge overnight from a regular old 120v outlet (level one charging).


“a plague on both your houses” rofl



Liberal in the US means progressive. It’s a term referring to social issues, not economic ones.


Ozma got banned from politicalmemes recently and it’s 1000% better for it


Yeah, there’s a lot of power posters here. PugJesus is an example from the opposite camp, calling out the anti-Democrat propaganda from the two OP mentioned.


Thank Christ. Lemmy has been too prudish for too long.


Liberal in the USA means Liberal economically

No, it absolutely does not. You are lying.


Hey that was me back when I had a kbin account. I’m the account in the screenshot.

That was a direct response to someone asking if I would have sex with a trans man. I got accused of being a chaser for saying “sure, I guess, pre-transition” (the first part) and being a transphobe for saying “but I’m not sexually attracted to dicks” (the second part). Note those two accusations are more or less mutually exclusive, but it doesn’t matter because they’re both deeply, incredibly stupid accusations. The mods and admins of blahaj pointed out how incredibly stupid the accusations were, and some people didn’t like being called stupid, so they went back to hexbear. And continued to be stupid.


You are a liar and you keep spreading this bullshit. Both sides in the US support economic liberalism. The US exclusively uses the term “liberal” to refer to social issues.

You can argue about whether that’s a good definition or not, but you CANNOT argue about whether that’s actually how it’s used in the US, both in everyday usage and political journalism.

You are spreading this shit because you like to intentionally blur the difference between Democrats and Republicans.


Sure, depending on how you define chaser, but it’s not applicable here.


Then why are you trying to push this idea that “liberal” = “fiscally liberal”? Not only is it not true, it’s not even useful, as we have words like “capitalist” to describe the similar economic thinking between Democrats and Republicans (and I’m using similar very loosely here, it’s only similar when compared to something like socialism).


Answer the question. Why?


Why do you care if the US uses the term “liberal” differently?


Okay, so you’re saying that liberal politicians use the term differently, but they’re wrong, because “the US” doesn’t use the term differently? You’re claiming that everyday Americans say “liberal” and are referring to the economic sense of the word?


You could even say it is a sign of a “chubby chaser”. Likewise for transness.

Yeah, if you’re deeply stupid. Or, as you suggested, so traumatized by life that you have no understanding of normal human interrepationships. Just because you are open to the idea of having sex with a fat person, that does not make you a chubby chaser. That’s not at all what that means.

In your analogy, the proper response for the fat person would be “that makes me feel bad” and NOT “you are a bad person”. Take some ownership for your feelings. People are allowed to have sexual preferences. That is 100% normal. If it’s triggering for you, then it’s on you to manage your response, not lash out.

Also, people are overly sensitive

Understatement of the year. I think we need to acknowledge that some trans communities can get extremely toxic. Woe unto you if you get caught in their crosshairs for whatever reason. Sure, this may stem from trauma or transphobia/discrimination, but we shouldn’t pretend it’s not a thing.

My pet theory is that trans people are excluded from so many groups that groups of trans people by necessity get very insular. And insular groups tend towards shittiness, almost universally.


It’s not just being attracted, it’s being attracted conditional on the person having x characteristic


So literally every single heterosexual or homosexual person is a “chaser”??




Except they never display the real alternatives when they DO exist! Often I’ll be driving in an area I know well, and there will be a crash or roadwork or something and Google will say “welp, better just add 30 minutes to your 30 minute commute” and I’m like “nah fam there’s a whole other road”

I dunno how they can consistently fuck up that bad.


Weird flex but ok


California is ridiculous. I’m from San Francisco, was visiting LA and someone asked me where I lived. I pointed to 101 and said, turn left on that road and keep going for 8 hours.

Edit: sorry, “the 101”. When in Rome, etc


Jesus fuck you people claim it’s rigged no matter who wins

If the moderate wins you claim the DNC tipped the scales

If the progressive wins you claim corpos tipped the scales

Maybe just shut the fuck up?


Will you people shut up about the DNC/Israel/“Them” rigging everything now?


That has nothing to do with how long election season is.

Are you even American?


A lot of money has been pouring into propagandizing liberals in big progressive cities about crime specifically. Trying to promote a crime hysteria. And then part 2 of that plan is to recall the progressive politicians and elect in Republicans who will claim to fix everything.

It’s had only modest success in actually electing Republicans so far but I get the sense it’s a long game. People have absolutely bought into the “crime is at an all time high” lies.


Yeah, that’s how elections work. If it were in good faith, it’d be a valid complaint. But it’s not. It’s just another thing they pulled from a hat labeled “how can we make Democrats look bad here?”


Because a constitutional convention is so wildly unlikely it’s just distracting from any actually helpful suggestions.


I don’t expect you to actually stop, I just expect to expose you as disingenuous partisans.


If you know it’s not helpful why are you wasting time on it?


Oh shit we got a new troll in da house


Cricket cricket


You anti gun people are using the same argument as religious people talking about sex ed. “Should we teach kids how to be safe around guns? No! Just make sure they never ever encounter one!”


not take them away, mind you, just actually regulate and enforce said regulations

Regulations which will do what? Prevent people from getting guns.


And teaching kids about guns will not solve the serious gun problems in America.

Ok but it’s still a pretty obviously good idea. Will definitely save lives. Children’s lives.


If you want to teach em to stay away from guns, that they’re deadly, they shouldn’t touch it and should tell an adult right away go ahead.

That IS gun safety education.

Also the first rule of gun safety: a gun is ALWAYS LOADED


Yeah I know 3 different plus sized gamers who are happily married

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