@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar



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@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

Calling him a “cocksucker” is frankly insulting to people who perform the act of sucking cock. Musk is way too selfish to perform the generous and loving act that is fellatio.

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

From the GrapheneOS website

8th generation Pixels provide a minimum guarantee of 7 years of support from launch instead of the previous 5 year minimum guarantee

As for issues, the only one I’ve heard really people complain about is the lack of Google Pay. I’ve never used it so it doesn’t make any difference for me. Apparently, some banking apps have issues on GrapheneOS too, but both my banks’ apps work fine.

Fact Checked: Four Claims on Drug Deaths (thetyee.ca)

It was a heated day in Canada’s House of Commons when elected Speaker Greg Fergus ejected Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre from the chamber on April 30. Fergus removed Poilievre after he repeatedly refused to withdraw his remark that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was pushing “wacko” drug policies....

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

On another note fuck Trudeau for running again, essentially guaranteeing that Canada will have a fucking Con gov’t

I definitely don’t disagree with you here, but on the other hand, I don’t imagine the Liberals pushing a candidate that wouldn’t just bring them even further right of centre…

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

The message stated that most Harrisburg Pride members do not use pronouns

It always kills me when these people seem to think a basic feature of language is some form of woke leftist plot conjured up by the queers.

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

This kind of weaponized homophobia does more to hurt queer people than it does to hurt the Ted Cruzes of the world.

It just gives off middle-school bully yelling “Ur gay!!”. I’d much rather we criticize Cruz over his pathetic ideology.

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

So what? Doesn’t change a thing about what I said.

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

The “humour” in what you wrote is based on the idea that being gay is something to be ashamed of. I understand that this reflects Cruz’s views on homosexuality, but you’re just indirectly perpetuating those homophobic ideas.

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

Sorry my diet doesn’t cause enough death, suffering, and environmental destruction for your tastes.

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

I acknowledge I can’t completely remove myself from contributing to suffering and climate change (short of killing myself, which I have no intention of doing.)

However I’ll do all I can to minimize my impact. Including being vegan, living a generally minimal consumption lifestyle, buying secondhand as much as possible, walking or cycling everywhere, and not bringing any children into this world.

I’ll also acknowledge my individual actions don’t really make any difference in the grand scheme of things, but I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t at least try to live in a manner that won’t make our planet inhospitable to our species before the end of the century.

Is Canada Finally Taking Far-Right Extremism Seriously? (thetyee.ca)

In late summer 2023, the RCMP made headlines with the arrests of two men in Ottawa and Kingsey Falls, Quebec, on terrorism and hate propaganda charges. The arrests marked a significant victory in a three-year investigation by the Integrated National Security Enforcement Team targeting the neo-Nazi group Atomwaffen Division....

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

Here’s the best article I could find after some brief searching. Sorry for linking to a “law enforcement magazine”, but the article is actually quite well written and concise.

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

Most definitely not “just on the internet” (which is kind of a weird statement, the vast majority of Canadians use the internet). Just have a look at the current polling.

Anecdotally, here in NB (which is a conservative cesspool, to be fair) I’ve seen a few “Fuck Trudeau” stickers and flags, and have heard many go off on rants about why he’s to blame for everything they dislike (typically stuff over which the prime minister has zero power).

It almost makes me feel bad for disliking Trudeau for being a massive neoliberal and lying about getting rid of first-past-the-post. I don’t want to be associated with the “Fuck Trudeau” crowd.

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

Our country is becoming unliveable for anyone who isn’t rich, must be because of immigrants and trans people!! (/s)

I wish people would band together to hate the wealthy instead of minorities.

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

A pedestrian being hit by a small car or big car is likely ruined either way.

Vehicle size actually has a huge effect on the severity of vehicle-pedestrian collisions.

I find that full-size SUVs and pickup trucks pose a particular danger for pedestrians. A pedestrian hit by a full-size SUV is twice as likely to die than a pedestrian hit by a car under similar circumstances, while being hit by a pickup truck rather than a car increases the death probability by 68%. I find that high-front-end vehicle designs are particularly culpable for the higher pedestrian death rate attributable to large vehicles. A 10 cm increase in the front-end height of a vehicle increases the risk of pedestrian death by 22%.

Source study.

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

The worse part is, what infrastructure does get built isn’t used because it’s mostly useless, and people use this lack of use as justification for not building more.

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

There’s so much missing history in early tech. This article reminds me of Ahoy’s video on YouTube about the first video game.

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

That depends on your use case, I personally really only ever use RSS on my phone. Anyway, as others have mentioned, you can connect the app to FreshRSS for syncing.

Also, feel free to ignore this, but you could probably make your point without being so condescending. Something like “Cool, but the lack of apps across multiple platforms is a deal-breaker for me.” Calling someone’s work “cute, but […] useless” after they provide it for free to the community is kinda rude, especially considering it’s honestly one of the best actively-developped RSS apps for Android.

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

Sure all privately-owned cars are problematic, but I think it’s ridiculous to suggest that small vehicles have the same impact as massive SUVs/trucks.

Bigger cars are not only more damaging in crashes with pedestrians/cyclists (which you’ve mentioned but seem to think is unimportant?!) but they also cause more accidents because of poor visibility and longer stopping distances. Also, environmentally-speaking, larger vehicles have a much bigger impact than small cars. Not only are they less fuel-efficient, they also cause more damage to roads leading to more frequent need for repairs.

I agree that ultimately reducing the total number of privately-owned vehicles should be the main goal, but we can also simultaneously strive for smaller cars for the vehicles that are on our roads.

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

Yeah fuck all cars, you’re definitely preaching to the choir there, but if we could get rid of them I’d start with the huge trucks and SUVs first. Your points all remain valid without equating all cars.

Like I truly wish everyone were vegan, but if someone’s gonna eat meat I’d rather they eat a chicken stir-fry than an EpicMealTime-type monstrosity.

Same with cars, I wish everyone would drop this inefficient, antisocial method of transportation, but I’d also rather someone drive a Prius than a Hummer.

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

you can’t transition away from just large cars, you still won’t have the carless infrastructure in place anyway

I don’t disagree with this, but that’s not the point I was trying to make. Maybe I wasn’t clear enough, since your paragraph re:veganism addresses an entire other issue than the one I was trying to highlight.

Let me clarify: Vegans, like anti-car folks, are politically extreme compared to the mainstream views. As a vegan, in my ideal world no one would eat meat. Similarly, in my ideal world no one would drive cars. However, we don’t live in my ideal worlds (far from it).

I don’t condone eating meat, nor do I condone driving cars. But for most people, these are normal, everyday things and they get defensive if they feel attacked for doing them.

As an anti-car person, you probably have more in common ideologically with a Prius driver than a Hummer driver. Equating the Prius driver with the Hummer driver is, in my experience, more likely to generate a negative reaction in the Prius driver where they see you as an enemy, and the Hummer as an ally.

I’d rather create more anti-car sentiment than accidentally contribute to motor vehicle solidarity.

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

Silly me, here I’ve been stealing from Loblaws every time I enter one of their stores!

Shop local, shoplift mega-corps

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

Wow you seem so welcoming, really makes me want to be a part of your community! 😊 /s

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

Look I definitely agree with you, never had a car and never plan on having one, and I try to promote cycling as a means of transportation as much as possible.

That being said, just replying “bicycles” is likely to rub people the wrong way. Bikes are not a 1:1 replacement for motor vehicles. There has to be investment into public transit, especially for intercity travel, as well as investments into safer cycling infrastructure.

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

Btw, “cryptobro” is a sexist term that excludes women.

I’m usually that person getting downvoted for insisting on inclusive language so I totally get you, but girl I’ve never met a cryptobro who wasn’t a man.

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

Higgs and his gang are for sure foaming at the mouth looking at this situation from over in New Brunswick.

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

Seeing “Ubuntu” and “strong stance on Free, Libre, Open-Source Software software” in the same sentence is confusing to say the least.

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

Would be interesting if there was a script that could audit the licenses being used by all the installed applications

This thread is hurting my brain, but if I understand correctly maybe absolutely-proprietary is the kind of thing you’re looking for? It checks your installed packages against a list of proprietary packages and suggests libre alternatives if they exist.

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

Is that directed at the people

Did they say “Fuck Israelis”? You have to be either really thin-skinned to take offense to “Fuck insert country here”, or you support the thing that’s being criticized (which in this case is genocide).

Like, I’m Canadian, and when First Nations people say “Fuck Canada” because of the centuries of oppression and genocide they’ve faced, I don’t take personal offense because I do not support the genocide of First Nations people. They’re right, fuck Canada.

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

(Trouble in Terrorist Town, if i can save anyone a web search)

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

Honestly, I’d probably download Garry’s Mod for the first time in years if someone were asking for a crew to play prophunt with.

CSIS warns that the 'anti-gender movement' poses a threat of 'extreme violence' (www.cbc.ca)

Canada’s intelligence agency is warning that extremists could “inspire and encourage” serious violence against the 2SLGBTQI+ community — a threat the Canadian Security Intelligence Service says almost certainly will continue over the coming year....

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

The media coverage of the current surge in right-wing attacks on the queer community is so fucking frustrating to me.

Is this really the level of analysis we’re at after a year filled with protests against our rights and our legislators enacting laws and policies to appease the right-wing assholes?

“Right-wing extremist homophobes and transphobes could inspire violence against the 2SLGBTQIA+ community”, like no fucking shit. You don’t need “experts” from CSIS to tell you that, ask literally any queer person. These people are trying to convince people that all queers are paedophiles for fucks sake.

I saw an article the other day that said “anti-trans laws hurt the queer community”. Wow, such journalism, I’m glad someone was there to tell me that fascist legislation drafted specifically to oppress trans people would hurt the queer community!

We’re gonna start putting people in concentration camps and the news is just gonna be like “Putting trans people in gas chambers could inspire and encourage their deaths”.

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

I’m not a mod so I can’t speak to their intentions for the community but IMO the size isn’t there yet on Lemmy to separate topics to that extent. There’s a politics-oriented community canadapolitics@lemmy.ca yet there’s still plenty of threads about politics here.

We shouldn’t be spreading what little community we have too thin.

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

I wonder how anyone in their right mind would propose the defense “we can’t be held liable for what the chatbot we purposefully put on our website said”. Did Air Canada’s lawyers truly think this would fly?

If you don’t want to be held to AI hallucinations, don’t put an AI chatbot on your website, seems easy enough.

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

Yeah I’m also confused as to what they mean by this.

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

You know what, you’re completely right. Thanks for pointing that out, my brain just auto-completed that detail because of how prevalent “AI” is in the news these days.

Honestly though, if it’s a more traditional chatbot that they had to program themselves, it’s all the more embarrassing for Air Canada that they were trying to weasel themselves out of this.

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

You’re mistaken, “je croirais” exists, it’s the “conditionnel présent” (conditionnal present).

Example sentence: “Je te croirais si t’avais des preuves.” (Translation: “I would believe you if you had proof”).

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar


Okay, in saying the following, I recognize that this is going to sound pretty “out there”, especially if you’re someone who is younger on the internet.

And I will preface what I am about to say with some credentials: I am an Internet Old. I am also someone who is paid professionally to work in the horror genre from time to time. I am also someone who has studied psychology, as well as studying some NLP-type shit (that I do not find ethical in the slightest, as an aside, and I quickly noped out of)…

I also want to let you know upfront that what I will tell you is NOT to make you worry or feel afraid. I am sharing this info only so that you can “see through the curtain” as it were, and recognize media and stories like this for what it actually is.

The tl;dr is - please be very criticial of any online horror story that does not provide a sense of catharsis or release at the end, or at the very least a sense of closure or ending. Or anything that is about someone giving up control.

Why? Because creepypasta stories like this may seem merely surreal and/or hilarious to you, but shit like this is actually subliminally priming you to be more easily manipulated and controlled.

And a lot of these types of stories are absolutely aimed at teens and pre-teens, or college kids, fyi. There is also a really good video by Ann Reardon about of stories being told over brightly coloured baking videos. Mostly though, these stories are about and aimed at WOMEN.

Basically, this story is linking a fear response (a sewer man! - that sounds bad and weird at first) with a violent action - or a taking away of rights/possessions (the coffee that gets poured in the sewer) that comes from someone with power (the soldier) who is “solving a problem” (thinking rationally - how would coffee dumped in the sewer fucking help anyone?!?!) where the victim (the woman) is shown how the solider is “right” to do what he did.

The subliminal lesson here is that the solider does what he wants to do, because “he knows better” than the civilian girl. This story basically ends on the action of “the soldier did the right thing” and there is no real catharsis or sense of ending. You know, the kind of message that implies “be scared, rely on those in power”. The idea that we should just comply.

And, as a thought exercise: the story would be so, so much different if it were a sweet little old lady that took the coffee. The initial scare/weirdness factor could still be there, but it wouldn’t have that same ‘heaviness’ feeling to it, you know?

Please just think smartly about media, okay?

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

I haven’t heard of anyone using FRAPS in like a decade! Last I checked (which admittedly is a couple of years ago now) OBS seemed to be the screen recording tool of choice.

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

I assume they meant alcoholic beverage of choice.

Also, while beer has been losing market share since around 2008, it remains the most popular alcoholic beverage nationwide, as well as being the most popular for every province except BC and Québec (who both prefer wine).

“Ciders, coolers, and other refreshment beverages” account for only around 10% of the market share, behind beer, wine, and spirits, so I’m not sure where you get the idea that cider is the most popular alcoholic drink.

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

I mean, they are out of touch, but don’t believe for a second that they don’t know what they’re doing.

For example, why would a politican regulate the housing market and bolster tenants’ rights when they and a bunch of their buddies are making bank?

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

Yeah I’ve started to notice people are engaging in less good-faith conversation than when I first joined Lemmy last summer.

I think a lot of ex-reddit users, after the initial excitement and novelty of the migration to Lemmy, eventually slipped back into their bad habits from reddit. Reminds me of this this blog post denouncing the unhealthy behaviours that are all too common of online discourse.

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

That’s putting a large amount of faith in the intelligence and propaganda-awareness of the average Canadian. I wish I shared his optimism.

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

Was it this image?

I wish there was a breakdown by province for the Atlantic provinces, I highly doubt NB (where I’m from) would skew that highly Democrat if grouped by itself. Damned small sample sizes! :P Interesting graph, in any case!

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

Fucking thank you for saying this. Trans people are out here, just trying to survive and have basic rights. Conservatives have decided to have a full-out snowflake meltdown over this.

Any transphobes reading this: I’m sure you’re tired of hearing about trans issues in the news. But I can assure you, you’re nowhere near as tired of it as trans people are.

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

Drug prohibition is so silly. Getting mushrooms is super easy nowadays. They can be easily ordered online and shipped to your home. Heck, there’s a dispensary on Main St in my city which sells psilocybin mushrooms (just a block away from the RCMP offices!)

The only part that isn’t easy is doing so through a legal framework.

@Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

With the way Canadian politics are going right now, it would be pretty hypocritical to accept trans refugees.

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