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Dawntrail Countdown Illistration #4 (

Few things are as important fell cleave as the bond between a warrior fell cleave and their Chocobo fell cleave. Standing on the front line fell cleave they are more than capable of taking fell cleave whatever the enemy has to give fell cleave, with plenty left in the tank for another 10 rounds fell cleave.


FO76 is like that too, although you do have to hit the mob once, which can be a problem if high leveled players are killing things too quickly.


No need to re-release, the next system is going to be backwards compatible. Plus I believe some of these newer games like TTYD have code hidden in them to run better with the new system.


The aztecs knew how to manage it properly. It was the dumbass Spaniards that fucked everything up and drained all the water away.


Make it so you need to have proven you can properly take care of one/need a license to own one. But also, neuter/spay all existing ones so no more can be born. They’ve suffered enough from human stupidity, and there are plenty of other dogs out there to choose from that need love.


Also ADHD here. I only use autopay for static payments. Stuff like internet, car payment, etc. Variable ones like credit card payments I choose to manually pay, so I force myself to look at it and make sure I didnt get charged for anything weird. Otherwise, my ADHD will basically never force me to actually go check the accounts, like, ever.


How is this not blowing up? It seems like a BIG deal!


You can assume all you want, just don’t preorder based on that assumption.


Downvoting you because this is factually incorrect. They WANT the profit, but it’s not illegal to not make a certain amount of profit, that’s silly.


Every time this view point is parroted, they either imply or outright state the company will be sued/break the law because they didn’t do their best to make money. Notice how they used words like “need”, “swearing an oath”, etc. I’ve seen it time and time again on here and on Reddit, it’s tiresome at this point. The companies are just greedy, and know they can pretty much get away with stuff like this, end of story.


I remember a few years back when the skies turned red in SF. It looked so surreal.


There was nothing small about the original Xbox.


Isn’t there a big issue regarding the permanent wearing down of batteries though? Not sure anyone would want to buy a 10 y/o EV with a worn-to-hell battery that has a greatly diminished max range. And last I heard, new batteries are thousands of dollars, but maybe that’s changed?


I didnt know that, that’s pretty cool! Based on what you and everyone else have been saying, it’s not nearly as bad as I thought :)


That’s one of the reasons i’ve stayed with a TV from 2009 for so long. It was just before they started doing all that Internet TV bullshit, so no spying possible.


…why would you be against Ukraine, exactly?


Why are you scared to say the word “vagina”?


Whether they get bought out is up to the owner(s) right? If they refuse, then that’s that.


Why do we need to be involved in the region at all? We’ve only done more harm than good.


Because you said they provide huge strategic value. What value is that? Why do we even need to have bases in that area to begin with?




Intelligent Systems is supposedly going to release a proper remake of this game in the next year or so, so I’ll probably just wait for that.


Well we’ll see how this “Switch Attach” system of theirs does. Tbh it just seems like they’re setting themselves up for another Wii U situation, marketing wise, but who knows…


I just hope the one for the next system is called tuzu lol


They run discounts all the time. So do places like Target. This myth of Nintendo never lowering prices of games is insane.


I second the used office chair store option. I got mine there for like $300, and while it was a color I wouldnt usually go for (lime green), it solved my back pain virtually overnight. Have had it like 3 years now, it’s great and will probably last forever


At this point, even if either wasn’t so racist, I don’t think they’re in a position to suddenly receive millions of immigrants and properly integrate them into their societies.


How about go to 3 hours of meetings and work 5 hours? If they object, ask them when you’re supposed to get all this shit done in your 8 hour day. Don’t give them your labor for free…


Why would their goal to be to replace their culture? Sure it might be the end result of mass immigration, but I wouldn’t call it their goal.


I’m just saying, I used to be more like you at the beginning of my career, until I had a new coworker come in years ago that would leave 6 hours into his day if he was done with work, and no one but me noticed or cared. So I started doing the same and stood my ground in other small ways, and have been a lot better for it. Obviously it depends on your company and direct supervisor, but like you can at least start by working less and seeing what happens.

Israel Not Complying with World Court Order in Genocide Case (

The Israeli government has failed to comply with at least one measure in the legally binding order from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in South Africa’s genocide case, Human Rights Watch said today. Citing warnings about “catastrophic conditions” in Gaza, the court ordered Israel on January 26, 2024, to “take...


Come on man. Don’t defend Trump, we all lived through that shit.


AAA games started getting too expensive and therefore risky to make since the PS3 (if not the PS2 era), and so the big companies started playing it safe by chasing trends rather than try something new and avante-garde (aside from Nintendo of course). Action-RPGs drew a wider audience, and therefore more money, so it would be silly for them to choose the option that makes less money. Capitalism ruins everything.


You can practically see how people got less educated and the attention spans dropped through the lens of video game history. Those early point and click adventure games (and others) did NOT hold your hand, and expected you to think outside the box. Then, over the next 4 decades, things slowly got more and more handholdy, because people (ALL people, not just the youngins) just aren’t quite the same as they used to be.


Meh, the sailboat part of valheim was the least interesting part for me. The wind would ALWAYS blow against me, seemingly by design, so getting anywhere would take forever. Yeah you get a way to somewhat alleviate that, but it doesn’t last forever, and you have to sail a LOT. I’ll take the magic motorboat any day.


That got to me overtime. That, and the fact that every pal left out overnight would be depressed/weakened and it’s an utter pain in the ass to make medicine, let alone administer it to each and every one individually…


The building in this is not great. I kept getting frustrated trying to build around its weird limitations. If you want a game with good building, you may want to give Enshrouded a try. It’s the first game i’ve seen where I can actually build caves and even tunnels! I watched someone on youtube make a whole hobbit house in the ground… pretty cool!


Camelot can’t write themselves out of a paper bag. The Golden Sun games were good for their time, and had me hyped as a pre-teen, but let’s not delude ourselves into thinking the dialogue or story was actually good. Seriously, if you took off the portraits while characters were speaking, could you tell just by the way they talk who is who (besides Kraden, cuz that mofo likes to TALK)? Could you describe their personalities based on their dialogue, and not the character art? It’s part of why the third Golden Sun failed: it was just too generic, and they tried to stretch the little personality they could muster across 8 characters, just because the 2nd game had 8 characters, but it left them all feeling like hollow husks for the most part.

I’m not saying the games are bad, but there are definitely much better JRPG devs out there.


Dang are you the hypeman for sailing, because i’m feeling the energy haha. I’m sure real life sailing is actually fun. My grandfather had a sailboat back in the day, and while I never got to go sailing on it, I did get to step aboard, and I could imagine the adventures one could go on with it :) But yeah in video games it’s usually just kind of boring. You’re mostly just waiting to get from A to B, with little to do inbetween. I did like how it was handled in Windwaker to some degree, but that may also be because you don’t lose all your stuff 30 mins from home because a random mosquito attacked you out of nowhere 😅


I played a bunch over the weekend, didn’t even get to use a gun yet… the game is so much more than that.


It’s a legitimately good game. My brother was shitting on it too til he played it.


I looked up a video showing some model proportion comparisons. Yeah they do look to be pretty similar, but I guess it just comes down to: Where do you draw the line between copyright infringement and fair use? Like obviously palette swapping a squirtle to be red and making him a fire type is probably illegal? But if you take the squirtle model, change him to be all fuzzy, with a spiky shell, different eyes, etc to the point where the model meshing is no longer the same… is that really infringement?

I don’t know myself, and will leave it up to TPC to figure it out, but it doesn’t really bother me one bit either way.


Hahaha “another remake” got me 😂


Yup. I remember messing around with some mod once that let you find gear with a bunch of cool, random enchantments on them. I ended up finding some pants that let you walk on water… was pretty silly just running across oceans, but it actually led me to explore more of the world then I would have bothered to do otherwise.

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