

Bane of avocado toast enjoyers.

It’s not a competition, all operating systems suck.

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Been playing TS4 again, lightly modded to facilitate poly relationships. I’m not a fan of the shit storm of DLC that’s basically the staple of the game’s monetization at this point, but that’s nothing that can’t be solved on the high seas. Otherwise, I still enjoy the series a lot. (Also, shout-out to the various weird spinoffs like Castaways.)


I’m curious whether the increasingly invasive telemetry of modern Windows will have legal implications surrounding patient privacy here in the US. I work IT in the healthcare field, and one of our key missions is HIPAA compliance. What, then, will be the impact if Microsoft starts storing more and more in-depth data offsite? Will keyboard entries into our EHR be tracked and stored in Microsoft’s servers? Will we subsequently be held liable if a breach at Microsoft causes this information to leak, or if Microsoft just straight-up starts selling it to advertisers? Windows is our one-and-only option for endpoint devices, so it’s not like we can just switch.

I genuinely don’t have the answers to these questions right now, but it may start to become a serious conversation for our department in the future if things continue at the trajectory they’re going at. Or, maybe I’m just old and paranoid and everything will be okie dokie.


Sadly a lot of the privacy switches are exclusive to enterprise and education users, but our endpoints are running Pro (we have our previous supervisor to thank for that). I guess I’ll hope this is one of the ones we can just toggle off without any fuss.


As someone who does not do any sort of professional photo editing, I find GIMP and Photoshop to be equally confusing as hell. The only photo editor I’ve used with any degree of success is paint dot net, which obviously doesn’t have the same firepower as the bigger options.


Thanks for reminding me that Pinta exists. :D I remember not enjoying it as much as paint dot net, but I’m a dirty Linux user so if I ever need to do some photo work I might give it a shot instead of fumbling around on GIMP forever.


I work IT at a hospital here in the US. The key issue is compatibility. Most of our vendor software flat-out does not support Linux at all, either on the client or server side. Shit, half of it barely even works on modern versions of Windows.


Shoot, that’s hardly an exaggeration - I was only recently able to deprecate the last of our Server 2003 instances, which was running a program originally designed for 2000 Server!


Playing on my Oldschool Runescape ironman. I’m currently grinding out cooking so I can cook my own sharks. Other than that it’s a bunch of stupid farm runs. >:(

Is there anything unsavory about ProtonMail?

For some reason I have it in the back of my mind that they were at one point accused of being a honeypot for US intelligence because of their association with MIT. Probably complete BS, but maybe not. Are they as open source as they claim to be? Looks like they’re on github. F-Droid seems to think they have some Google...


My experience has been fine. If you go into Proton Mail with the understanding that you’re doing it to stop Google from data mining your email, and not for the sake of truly private/anonymous email, you’ll have a good time. The aliasing feature is super nice as well.


Based on the reading I’ve done, it doesn’t really seem like one exists - it’s just not what email was designed to do. I’m not an infosec professional, but that’s the impression I’ve been given by others in the field.


I’m mostly just protecting the mountain of old stuff in my archives that I’m too much of a digital hoarder to delete. ;D

a lack of sender authentication is another one

This one is a nightmare. We spend bucketloads on DMARC shit in our department, only to still have loads of issues with email spoofing.


Funnily enough, I don’t know that I’ve ever even paid attention to contact photos (not that 99% of the people I email have would have them anyways.)


Been on it for about a year now, both with my desktop’s A770 and my laptop’s AMD iGPU. Experience has been pretty much flawless.


A bit of an anticlimactic ending, but it’s still nice to see Team 0% achieve their goal.

Android users who have a keen eye for design and detail, how is the whole stutter/lag situation? Esp. after a few years of use?

I haven’t used an Android device since my last one, the Galaxy S8. Beautiful hardware, beautiful design, but it was plagued with animation stutters and dropped frames. I switched to an iPhone and an iPad around 6 years ago. And the animations were buttersmooth. It was almost unthinkable to achieve such a fluid interface on any...


I’ve had a pretty smooth experience with both the Pixel 6 and the Pixel 7 Pro.

Doxxing and callouts on Beehaw politics

Hey folks. I just want to check in with the community about a post that was recently removed. My intention is absolutely not to create drama or stir anything up, but I’d like to make sure you all understand my reasoning for removing the post. Also, I’m aware that I’m not as good at articulating these kinds of things as...


I usually stay away from the political content for the reason you mentioned, but I figured I’d chime in and say I think this was a good decision. Stonetoss is a piece of shit, but there are plenty of other places on the internet for posts like that to happen.


Maybe not your speed genre-wise, but Final Fantasy Tactics has a version for the PSP. Goated game.


Are you doing personal file storage, or is this for backups from a server? If it’s the latter case, and if your use case would benefit from deduplication, you could just stay on Backblaze and use something like Duplicacy (available as a free CLI app or paid web UI) to deduplicate and encrypt your files. This is the approach that I use for my homelab. The only issue you run into is that, in the case of Duplicacy, you have to use the CLI or web UI to restore your files (and god help you if you lose your keys).


idk what it says about me but I’d probably destroy that dish


If I ever see, ‘prices are higher at the moment due to increased demand’ on my Wendy’s app, I’ll be walking my happy ass to McDonald’s.


I stg I will whip out the baconator spreadsheet


I still use Clonezilla to back up devices before performing reinstalls/major updates (when Timeshift isn’t practical). No issues so far backing up and restoring both Windows and Linux partitions/drives.


Given we’re not counting the Steam Deck or virtual console titles, I’d probably go with the DS. I’m too big of a dirty Pokemon fan (among the million other great IPs on the older Nintendo handhelds), and the DS is particularly nice because it has backwards compatibility with the Gameboy Advance.

MangoKangaroo, (edited )

Beta 1.8 and its consequences was a disaster for my childhood nostalgia.


They fixed the distance bugs :(


What do you mean? Taylor Swift made Minecraft.


The consequences of straying too far from spawn got less interesting.


Fedora. I love Debian as well, but both of my computers needed more recent libraries, and now I’m curious to see how far I can take these installs.


Curious question: what does the business internet plan get you over the home plan? I’m on Comcast Business right now, but I’m always looking for better options (plus we’re looking at getting a 5G failover at work).


I use Debian as a default and Fedora when I need a newer kernel/newer libraries. You aren’t weird at all. Or, at least we’re weird together. :)


How’s your fortress coming along? I’m super excited for the return of Adventure Mode. :)


YouTube kept recommending Fallout: New Vegas videos, so I’ve been doing a mostly bee-nice NCR run. Did main quest up to the dam, currently working my way through Honest Hearts (did Old World Blues super early for the implants).


I had a more detailed response to this written down last night, but the servers went down when I tried to send it so I cba.

This is super freakin’ cool. Nevermind -Well-Crafted-, I’ll call this one ☼Masterful☼. What was your inspiration for the original project?


There’s something magical about the idea of suspending a king in a room above a volcano. Y’know, just in case the peasants get mad. ;)

Best of luck! I’m sure it will be !!fun!! either way.


Welcome to the party! Never let anyone get you down for using a “beginner” distro; it’s perfectly valid to want a system that just works. :)


Shoot, I’d probably be one of them if not for my need to have Wayland and slightly newer libraries for my A770.


Well, “just works” in the Todd Howard interpretation. ;)


I’m watching Cinnamon’s Wayland rollout with great interest. No Pipewire sharing yet (among other things), but I’m excited for the future.


What entree do people pair these with? Or do you just, like, eat them with rice or something?


Ooh, I like the idea of using them for a taco (or burrito). I usually use black beans, but that sounds like it could be a fun change of pace.


I don’t eat a ton of salads, but I think this could be a good excuse to make one. Thanks. :)


This sounds neat, and I do love me some onions. I’ll add it to the list.


This was me playing Ocarina of Time.


I never played Majora’s Mask. Having seen speedruns of it, I’m pretty sure it would have fried my brain as a kid.


The first bit is basically me whenever I do a challenge run in a Pokemon game.

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