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Manjaro damaging it’s image wouldn’t be a new thing.

Could you elaborate? :)


Thank you very much for your throughout and explanatory response !!! <3 I also read all the comments and I know what I will be doing !

While I did like the well build defaults, I didn’t liked how they added their logo on boot up, even if it has nothing to do with logoFAIL exploit, It felt wrong (or does every distro does that?). Also the fact they added their own bookmarks in my freshly installed Firefox left me a bit skeptical… :/

There’s probably nothing to be alarmed off but That doesn’t feel right… If they do that, what else could they add hidden in the distro normal people can’t see ?

If I may ask, do you have any good distro you would recommend? Something as bare bone as possible, as good as debian but a bit more up to date. I do not fear some tinkering with a new distro but Arch is a bit to much of a hassle right now… That’s why I chose Manjaro.

My second pick was EndeavourOS as daily drive, but the community is small compared to manjaro and it’s relatively new in the game. Any thoughts?

Thank you !!


Thank you :) EndeavourOS was my second pick !

I picked manjaro because their user base is bigger and Manjaro is older. I will probably switch to EndeavourOS for all the reasons mentionted here and there in the comments. There seems to be a common strange atmosphere arround manjaro.

Also, because that logo thing on boot made me this post, this means I already felt something is odd with Manjaro. Always follow your guts !

Ps: Didn’t though it’s that much of a heated subject. It’s a bit sad, I really liked manjaro’s default and looks amazing.


No-Script and they redirect you to their no-script search results. Pretty neat !

But searxNG is my go to at the moment !


Ipfs into I2P would probably be ideal !


Interesting ! Didn’t knew you could add sysctl commands as Postup/Postdown. !!

Thank you :) !!

N0x0n, (edited )

At first I was happy that sony finally ported games to PC, but I never though they would force PSN to the PC gaming community…

I would have paid for every game they would have ported, to encourage crossplatform release.

With PSN in mind, I will probably just pirate their game and call it a day. 🖕


Same here 👋 still i’m a bit sad I had to move on from VLC… It was always one of the first software I would install on my setup… But that was mostly on windows.

On linux/macos, MVP seems to work way better. I’m very thankfull for all these years of service, but everything has an end and like ICQ ended recently, VLC will probably die off in a few years…

Except if they make a come back? Who knows !

Do you have a more complicated shell history scheme than the distro default?

I’ve used distrobox more and more and am at the point where I need to start saving and integrating history differently. Or like, when I’m installing and building something complicated, I need to start saving that specific session’s history. I am curious what others might be doing and looking for simple advice and ideas.

N0x0n, (edited )

Genuine question, I see alot of people concerned by losing their shell history, any specific reason why?

I mean I keep mine to default and auto-delete every shell history after logout :/ And I never seemed bothered, I never go up more than 10 lines anyway… Whats the point/use case of keeping a whole shell history over time?


Thanks for your insight ! Even though I didn’t really get everything, but It seems there is a specific use case !

Maybe overtime with more experience I will get there and have a better understanding of what you meant with contextual history.

I deleted my Google account…

… And damm it feels good! Before starting this step, I had to migrate to a better browser that respects privacy (Brave, because🖕Firefox, I mean Mozilla at this point doesn’t even want you to be safe on the web anymore!) And a better “Google-style” ecosystem (Proton is the best they have an email service, a calendar, a...


More importantly though, Mozilla has a female chairwoman. A lot of tech savvy people would rather stick with Brave, whose CEO they can relate to.

Woaw… If that’s a thing, I really feel sorry for them :/


It happens… most of the time when you get to emotionally invovled and your personal opinion diverge from ones vision.

Either disable the up/down vote system or don’t give on your personal feelings. The “fuck off firefox” was to much of a personal opinion without any disputable arguments.


Is this because I am using a free tier VPN? so it’s not functioning properly etc…

Nope ! I use the free tier on all my devices and nothing is leaked based on all tests I did.

If you are on linux you need to check your /etc/resolv.conf and see if your home’s router/ISP DNS is in there.

Check also if networkManager hasn’t your ISP’s dns configured.

There are other locations where your home router’s DNS could be hidden on linux after a DHCP configuration.

If it’s on windows :/ sorry can’t help there.


That’s right !!! That was just a starting point for OP if he was on Linux and lacking that info I gave him just some pointer where to look at.

Anyway, most of the time it gets overwritten from other configuration files, nothing harmful. He could even have resolvconf installed on his system, who knows.


Long time I haven’t booted into windows, so can’t help there.

But rest assured that the free tier hides your real IP the same way as the paied tier.


Heyy thank you very much for sharing your thoughts and knowledge with us !!!

Very interesting and the write up is easy to follow up ! That’s the kind of cool blogpost we will be missing when the internet will be dead brained and flooded with AI shit…

Will you integrate an RSS feed to your blogposts? So I could get your feeds directly into my RSS feeder? 😁


Hummm, does TTIP and CETA rings a bell? If not, let’s just say that during the covid pendamic the EU parliments signed CETA behind ours backs allowing transporting good between canada and EU. Sure TTIP itself was not signed (yeahhhi thats a win… Or not?)

But that doesn’t matter because the only thing they wanted was a trade deal with the American continent It’s TTIP with extra steps…

So right now we will propably have meat and vegetables full of GMO’s, pesticides, and meat fully loaded with antibiotics, vaccines…

So If I where you I wouldn’t count to much on

“They look like they want change, and they then blame too many votes on “not themselves” that it didn’t pass.”

They wan’t changes when it benefits them and their agenda ^^.


That’s not the point, eat what ever you think is good for you. We are not going into arguments that’s out of context. That was just an example out of my memory on how they pass things without our consent or when they see any benefit for their own agenda not for the common good. (Still personal opinion, think whatever you want)

But whatever… I’m just a random on the net 🤷

N0x0n, (edited )



I shoud have left that part out:

So right now we will propably have meat and vegetables full of GMO’s, pesticides, and meat fully loaded with antibiotics, vaccines…

That’s was maybe a too personal opinion were the conversation can easily get heated quickly (where ever your stand is on that subject) and is out of the scope of the actual post !

So sorry about that :/.


Hey :) may I suggest rethinkDNS to have a more granular control over your installed application? Also it’s possible to block everything except the apps you trust while still being able to use your own DNS/wireguard VPN/proxy…

Also If you want a more in depth overview of every connection your phone attempts to make, give Pcapdroid a try !

N0x0n, (edited )

Hey :)

Wait, I thought the “downside” of this app was that it used your VPN connection.


It does, but if you have a VPN that let’s you send your traffic through wireguard (like protonVPN, don’t know about others :/) it will send all your traffic through that tunnel.


Also, there was a recent update which uses your wireguard’s DNS instead of rethink’s hardcoded internal DNS. That was the awaited updated I needed to fully switch to rethinkDNS.

There are still some quirks in the interface and a few strange behavior with wireguard when waking the phone up, but nothing that causes leaks in my experience, because if my wireguard tunnel isn’t working rethink isn’t able to make any requests !

Hope it helps :).


Imagine talking about opsec and iCloud in the same sentence 🫣🤭


Just use rethink dns with a wireguard tunnel and block every app except those you trust and need !

why cant we connect 2 computers using USB

So i tried to connect steamdeck to pc using usb and i read its immpossible because steamdeck is a computer and some explanation on quora about strong master slave relationship. But then why is it possible for android phones to connect to pc whilist also having the ability to use USB and other usb c accesories. Also why cant it...

N0x0n, (edited )

Also goes in reverse. Here are probably a lot of good IT specialist who wouldn’t pass any comptia test. Not because they are bad IT guys or don’t have the necessary skill/knowledge…

No… Just because CompTIA tests are worded in such a way that you actually doubt that every answer could actually be right and fit the question…

They are playing on words and even if you’re the best IT guy in the world but lack the reading skills and English collocation of a perfect native Shakespeare writer, you’re going to fail ^^.

But that’s on purpose 🤑🤑🤑.

Newpipe is getting updates on fdroid again and seem like will be getting updates for the foreseeable future as the issue stopping it is solved. (f-droid.org)

Also on an unrelated note anyway to remove live from your subscribed channels update field ? Some channels are filling it with live so i have to really scroll down to see my video feeds and can’t find a setting to switch it off. Newpipe didn’t used to add live in your what’s new feed of subscribed channels, related pic .

N0x0n, (edited )

Have yout tried with “Use HLS”? It’s a known issue and will be fixed ASAP


That’s your prefered way of doing things, I dunno why someone would downvote :/ except for the lulz…

As long as it works for you, it’s only a win situation !!


I self host vikunja ! It works on every device that has an internet connection.

On mobile you can even sync your todos with Davx5 and jtxboard !

Although the Davx5 integration is a bit borked right now, because the new editor update has no markdown rewrite ! But it’s in the backlogs and the project is very alive and he is very active on the forum if you need help !


You should have a talk with your boss about NIST keypair :x

N0x0n, (edited )

Both are too similar and both suck :/

I mean, I do not want a copie of a closed sourced GUI where everything is behind some obscure hidden configuration… I often had that strange feeling of “why can’t I do that?” For simple basic things.

GNOME and MacOS both give me the same feeling of closed DE where you’re not in control over basic functionalities :/.

I have a Mac and GNOME on my debian desktop, I hate both, but luckily I can change my DE on linux so I would say MacOS sucks way more ^^.

Just my 50cent.


Just a simple example, on vanilla gnome you can not set nightlights to “always”, how stupid is that? Yeah there are some tweaks made by people you can download from the official gnome website… But than you have to trust their plugin/scripts…

I really don’t like that kind of modification :/

Yeah MacOS is probably the worst OS/GUI that ever existed, and that’s why following a similar path sounds just a bad idea…

Repairing bad sectors in an external drive

So I have this external 2.5" drive salvaged from an old laptop of mine. I was trying to use it to backup/store data but the transfer to the drive fails repeatedly at the ~290GB mark leading me to believe that maybe there is a bad sector on the drive. I tried to inspect the drive using smartmontools and smartctl but since it is...

N0x0n, (edited )

Also interested ! But I read through my long search that bad sectors on a drive… Is a sign that your drive is failing and that there is nothing you can do about it.

Your drive will probably accumulate more and more bad sectors until it becomes unusable (there is some threshold).

There is however a way to “mark” them but thats just a temporary solution. I wouldn’t put important/critical data on it (pictures, backups, OS…)

N0x0n, (edited )

Hey did you find a solution? I maybe found something that could interest you !

Complementing @thebrain anwser, I totally wiped and fixed bad sectors on a old SSD drive I fought was borked because of alot of unallocated pending sectors. (In/out errors)

Keep in mind this is advanced stuff and could not work in your case and EVEN brick your hard drive. You will lost all your data and everything will be rewriten.

Manually rewrite sectors


Full wipe with “–security-erase-enhanced”


This can take some time (3hours in my case) and it looks like your terminal is stuck, don’t worry just wait until it finishes !

Again this can be DANGEROUS ! Only attempt such mesure if you don’t care to lose your hard drive.


Not what you’re looking for… I just hope when They will add ads, people will switch to revolt

But People don’t care, so they don’t give a fuck…


Isn’t samba a fork and open source package from Windows’s samba/cif ? I think I read something like that on the web, but not sure about that information. So it hasn’t anything to do with windows. I may be wrong on that tough !


Then I learnt it’s no longer maintained so switched to NFS.

Ohhh wasn’t aware of that information ! Thank you.


Thank you for the hint ! Yeah it’s in a multiOS environement.


Yeah, multi-OS environemment… Thanks for your comment :)


Thanks !! Yeah I think I don’t need enterprise grade security :) Not right now I suppose… Do you know what Kerberos actually solves in an Enterprise environnement?


Thanks for the link :) I have already setup a samba share (actually I have setup all 3 on my server xD). But Didn’t knew they have a whole tutorial on it :) Thanks for the resource, I think I will stay with samba :) Looks the most versatil and has also “easier” security function setup. I mean I don’t think I need Kerberos in my homelab setup and SSHFS… Yeah people tend to argue it’s a pain in the ass with Windows !


Good to know samba works well with truenas. Seeing all the comments, the tendency seems to go in samba’s direction !


Thank you for your friendly and detailed response !!!

Look at the Arch wiki article for Kerberos, I think that’s what I used mostly. Feel free to ask if you need help setting it up.

It’s always Arch wiki :D. Thank you, but I will probably stay with samba at the moment which will probably fullfil my current needs and seems more complex than I thought ! Also, it’s in a multi-OS environnement (Windows, MacOS, Linux) and NFS seems to not work very well with Windows :/ If I could I would switch my whole family to Linux, but old habits die hard…

Anyway, will keep Kerberos under my radar ! I really want to learn more about it seems very interesting, especially the cybersecurity aspect !

If you don’t mind… Can you tell very briefly what kerberos actually solves in a coporate environnement ? Please, give me a sneek peak of the subject that awaits me :) !!


I read/heard that alot of NAS server users tend to use NFS shares :/ Don’t actually know why, but that’s what I found out while reading server/NAS configurations on the web.

Maybe because NFS’s speed compared to samba and SSHFS?


Just because of the loading bar? You’re easy to please 😁.


Was just kidding 😁 Keep that feeling, it’s a great one ! I love to see other people enjoying such simple but powerful brain flooding dopamine ! That awwwwww moment is really enjoayble, for others and yourself !

Hope you will have fun with openSUSE ! I’m also thinking to switch from Debian to OpenSUSE for my daily drive. Debian as server is fantastic, but got some quirks running it with backports and testing.

Maybe a skill issue? Probably, but trying something different will give me the necessary boost to find out 😄


The Debian wiki is awsome. But it’s less noob friendly than Arch wiki.

The web UI looks like an old forum from 2000. Don’t get me wrong, a well written manpage style webpage is way better than an eye candy bloated scripted webpage (IMO) and I really like how detailed the Debian wiki is. But in today’s “mental standards”, the Debian wiki is not attractive enough for most new comer.

Also, It seems the Debian wiki is not as indexed as Arch wiki on the web.

Finally… I can’t access their wiki with my VPN ! :/.

But I do agree, The Debian wiki is a gold mine !!!

How do we know if there aren't a bunch of more undetected backdoors?

I have been thinking about self-hosting my personal photos on my linux server. After the recent backdoor was detected I’m more hesitant to do so especially because i’m no security expert and don’t have the time and knowledge to audit my server. All I’ve done so far is disabling password logins and changing the ssh port....

N0x0n, (edited )

Call me names… But sometimes the story has far more branched backstories than they actually shed into light.

Trust nobody, not even yourself.

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