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And this is why my math teachers never gave multiple choice tests


World War is not the solution you think it is


Any response other than “I already have” or “I donate resources” paints you as an armchair hypocrite who doesn’t have the credentials to understand, let alone have an opinion about this conflict.

You my friend, are the one who is adorable.


I like the idea of an infinitely exponentially growing base of users seeking help from some poor call center


Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions


It’s projection. Republicans control youth through their own cult of religion. They cut education so young people have a hard time realizing they’re being controlled.

They expect democrats are doing the same through pride and gay culture, that because those demographics tend to vote blue, it must be a political play to brainwash young people into voting blue.

It’s projection.


Because prisons are for poor people. If it happens, he’ll end up in a “prison resort” that has all the amenities he wants on the technicality that he can’t leave.


Those people are devoted to the letter R. Trump is living proof that you can actively try to be the most vile person alive and still get republican support.


Problem is that requires good faith from both sides. If only one side adheres to that then the other side uses it as ammunition and inputs their politically appointed judges anyway.

Case in point, Senator Mitch McConnell crying out in 2015 about Obama wanting to appoint someone at the end of his term, saying that he would be robbing the next president of that legacy and it would be a political appointment. And then Mitch McConnell said nothing as they appointed and Trump approved three blatantly political nominees.

Both sides have to agree that those positions be apolitical or one side just ends up getting screwed. And of course we are not going to see that because Republicans don’t have a shred of decency left and the whole party.


There is at least an entire sub dedicated to hating on pit bulls. I think multiple subs. During its time a few years ago, one specific sub could make it to the top of r/all with 10,000+ upvotes.

Reddit really doesn’t like pit bulls.


Dude, thanks for posting this.


Biden and Trump couldn’t collude on a place to order takeout


No you misunderstand. These laws are for poor people. The lawmakers will have their daughters flown up north to a state where they can still get one


It’s the only card he’s still holding that means anything to the western nations he’s in a proxy war with.

Nobody wants a nuclear war, which is why he’s betting on western nations erring on the side of caution when he does shit like this.


I mean, he did one better. He defined genocide in describing the explicit war crimes of Israel. I think it’s a little unreasonable to be angry that he didn’t use the term when he outright stated that Israel killed and injured 100,000, 70% of which are women and children, rendered a million people homeless and created famine conditions.

I’d be more upset if he just said “genocide” and didn’t clarify the rest like he did.

Seasoned_Greetings, (edited )

I’m from Louisiana. This person is referring to the abysmal voter turnout. They said 20% of the population, not 20% of the voters.

Given that only about 36% of the eligible voting population even turned out to vote, this is accurate.

With that turnout it literally only takes 20% of the population to enable shit like this.


On a party line vote, this is a done deal. You haven’t been paying attention to Louisiana politics, I take it? They’re in a phase right now of revenge passing whatever right wing bills they can because, for the first time in 8 years, we have a republican governor who won’t stop them.


That might help here, except that Republicans actively label attempts to raise the voter turnout as a Democrat power grab, and Republicans are the only ones with any power. It’ll never happen

Seasoned_Greetings, (edited )

There is a struggle among people who say that to understand, the majority voting Biden aren’t voting his policies. They’re voting against full blown fascism.

It’s completely absurd to me that people can look at the choice between a president who is disappointing but ultimately status quo and fucking “I just want to be a dictator on day one” Hitler-lite and just shrug like one isn’t going to be the end of this nation as we know it and an active danger for several demographics.

Like we get it. You don’t like genocide Joe. Do you think throwing your vote away by not voting or voting your favorite green candidate is going to stop anyone who votes red from foaming at the mouth over the chance at eliminating any possibility of progress here?


Problem is, we have to unite behind somebody, because everyone who votes red isn’t going to vote anyone but Trump.

If we don’t decide to unite behind one person, we lose to an actual fascist.


It’s funny how when the threat of fascism looms, you don’t tend to have a full array of different choices laid out in a neat menu of candidates to thwart it.

It’s almost as if the conditions that create fascism necessarily require and go on to arrange a lukewarm, unpopular candidate as the only other option so rubes can justify not voting when the actual fascist needs them to abstain.

I’m so tired of the people who think they’re better than the system and don’t fully grasp that we’re fighting just to keep some modicum of a democracy.


Oh, good thing you shot down my point by asserting that fascism is inevitable. That makes the fact that you’re enabling it totally fine.


Refusing to act because you are idle daydreaming about a perfect solution is the dumbest way of enabling fascism. So thanks for that.

You are fulfilling your own prophecy of making fascism inevitable. And you don’t sound as intelligent to the people who understand what’s on the line as you do to yourself.

Thanks again for stating outright that you’re cool with fascism as long as a true left wing candidate doesn’t exist.


Yes, explicitly. Trump is campaigning on taking political revenge on the party that “stole” his presidency. Republicans are passing bills criminalizing the bare existence of demographics like trans people.

Dude, I was reading just yesterday that Missouri passed a law making it illegal to view lgbtq content without first identifying yourself.

I live in an area in the south where people talk every day about how democrats are going to hang once Trump takes office because they believe all our problems were caused by Biden. It wasn’t like this in 2020.

You think you’re setting me up for some kind of gotcha, but you’re not paying attention.

Keep day dreaming. It’s obvious you don’t see the writing on the wall. I’m done playing this game where people like you assert that voting Biden is somehow worse than the power grab republicans are practically advertising at this point.

This conversation is over. Thanks again for wasting your vote.


what happened on 1/6/21?

Not what t-dump wanted to happen. If that loser-in-chief couldn’t pull off 1,000 guys storming capital hill, what makes you think that he could pull off selling states with a combined population of about 44 million to our sworn enemy?

Even his best “allies” and his own vp left him out to dry after 1/6.


I really think it deserves its own genre. Games like Cobalt Core, Balatro, Tower Tactics Liberation, Alina of the Arena and Loop Hero are all unique in their own right and differ greatly in gameplay from Slay the Spire and each other but still hold to the deck building rogue-like core.

Slay the spire is the granddaddy of the genre, but isn’t the single defining example by far.


I think the “rogue” in rogue-like refers to the fact that you start over if you die. Not the similarity to the actual game. Am I misunderstanding you?

I think I get what you’re saying, that rogue-like was named after the game and therefore this genre should be named after slay the spire. But I think Rogue named the genre because there wasn’t anything else like it. Slay the Spire is still at the end of the day a mashup of two existing genres.


Are there any other genres named after games? I’d say rogue is the exception.


I do see your point, but in this specific situation the genre already has an accepted name


The genre can be called “rogue like deck builder” all you want, we all know what it really is: “Spirelike”

Well, you did. And you also directly acknowledged that the genre already has a name in the same sentence.

It seems to be your opinion that it needs another one, even though the name it has is already so well established that it has its own steam tag.

I mean, you’re entitled to have that opinion, and I also understand the logic behind it. But this conversation wasn’t started with “us” saying it needs another name.


I meant that to say, it’s a genre that deserves to be distinguished from just one of the many games that define it.

As a rephrase of that comment, defining the 5 games I listed after one game that basically just came before them would be dishonest because of how different those games all are from Slay the Spire and each other. That’s why the genre is named after what they all have in common, which is a mashup of two existing genres.

What you’re proposing would be like renaming the first person shooter genre to “halo-like” or “call of duty-like” just because those games predate a lot of others and people like them. It’s unnecessary and loses the descriptive quality of the name it has.


Well yeah. The republicans who do the admirable stuff get ostracized by their colleagues and their base. Look at McCain (what they did to his legacy) or his daughter. Look at Mitt Romney. Old guard actual republicans with a shred of integrity are bullied for not chasing the outrage of the week.

Hell, even house speaker Mike Johnson, by all accounts a deep red Bible thumping Maga republican asshole, is facing resignation calls for just compromising on a bill that might avert a government shutdown. Literally doing his job.

It’s not confirmation bias. Republican congressman don’t have the room to understand what they’re voting on.


What does this comment even mean? Yeah, everyone who isn’t a Texas hick would love to see Rafael Cruz pack it up and head back to cancun. He’s an awful senator, let alone a terrible person.

If it was up to them, we’d be a ONE party system!

Are you criticizing the fact that a seat is going to flip? Because that’s what happens in a democracy. It goes both ways and reflects the will of the people.

Or are you criticizing the fact that the dems are raising a huge amount of money? You mean like how the republicans instituted citizens united to do exactly that for their own team? Are you salty because a republican is losing at their own game?

Something tells me it’s neither of those things and you’re just mindlessly repeating some drivel you saw about how democrats are evil.


You should be this man’s campaign manager, because that might actually work on Texans


Are you new here? More people hate on dems for being awful than anywhere I’ve ever seen.

And besides that, republicans are objectively bad. A lot of them are actually evil. The one they’re trying to put in the white house literally said he wants to be a dictator.

It doesn’t get much more cut and dry than that.

Trump and GOP use a fake panic about a "trans" Easter to justify their Christian nationalism (

It’s easy to roll one’s eyes as the self-serving dramatics of MAGA voters using false claims of victimhood as cover for their ugly views. But, as the threatening language in Greene’s tweet shows, this “woe is us” act is deeply dangerous. The hyperbolic conspiracy theories and dehumanizing language serve to convince...


My man. Get evidence of this kind of abuse if you can. Texts, videos, recordings of your kids. Statements from your family if they ever witnessed. She might be able to take your belongings, depending on where you live, but an abundance of evidence about her abuse could go a long way in insuring that she doesn’t take your kids.

Talk to a lawyer ASAP if you think that’s on the cards.

And lastly… I was the oldest kid in your situation some 20 years ago. My dad got custody of us but my mother took everything else. We lived in his truck for a short time.

I can tell you. It’s gonna hurt if it gets ugly. But it does get better. We were all better off without my mother.

I’m rooting for you, my guy. Know who your friends are and don’t be afraid to ask for help.


As an American:

I do try to avoid spaces with an over abundance of other Americans. Largely because I get way more than my share of American news pushed at me on all fronts every day and those people just tend to echo what CNN/Fox has to say about something over and over.

But to other nationalities, any space with a US presence is regarded as “CIA controlled propaganda and those Americans are all slaves of their rich overlords and their capitalism is the singular reason the world is shit”

Believe it or not, American media exists on a spectrum too, just like anywhere. Ironically, the people who spout this uninformed nonsense remind me of the lowest-common-denominator types of Americans who are afraid of Chinese immigrants and healthcare because “communism”.


and we don’t need games anyway as they’re unproductive

So you come to a games community to shit on games and brag about how your shitty OS doesn’t play them?

Make it make sense


Unpopular opinion incoming:

I don’t think we should ignore AI diagnosis just because they are wrong sometimes. The whole point of AI diagnosis is to catch things physicians don’t. No AI diagnosis comes without a physician double checking anyway.

For that reason, I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing that an AI got it wrong. Suspicion was still there and physicians double checked. To me, that means this tool is working as intended.

If the patient was insistent enough that something was wrong, they would have had them double check or would have gotten a second opinion anyway.

Flaming the AI for not being correct is missing the point of using it in the first place.


Fair enough

Trump Might Be Too Broke for a $175 Million Bond, Too (

A New York appeals court on Monday reduced the $454 million that former President Donald Trump was required to put up while he appeals his civil fraud case. Now Trump must put up, by April 4, a mere $175 million. The trouble is, he may not get a bond for that amount, either. Should that happen, this act of judicial mercy will...


I think once they’ve done it the first time this outcome is pretty much inevitable. The sad thing is that they only have to do it once before it becomes expected of them by Trump’s party. To them it’s vindication that the system is just out to get them when they say, “We could have charged you what you actually owe but we can also lower it for no reason instead of throwing you in jail”


I remember seeing those nuts on Facebook and Twitter. But I’ll concede that they’re primarily from 4chan


Look, I’m not going to sit here and debate the ethics of a precautionary behavior with you because you, like many other men, misinterpret the behavior itself as a slight against men as a whole.

There’s no way I can do that without venturing into the realm of defending that kind of prejudice, which you’ll inevitably take as an invitation to just say is wrong on principle.

I’d probably say they are prejudiced but that might be out of fear rather than malice and rather focus on what to do about that.

Here’s the thing. The kind of person you’ll be responding to will cover their ears and say prejudice of any kind is wrong. You won’t convince anyone that way.

I literally had someone tell me the last time I had this discussion that the act of determining to do something based on the gender of someone is the very same as determining to do something based on their race. So it’s also racism.

There is no winning that. Once someone is bent on being against prejudice on any order, they will make false equivalencies to bludgeon their point.

that might be out of fear rather than malice and rather focus on what to do about that.

Let me ask you something: For a solution short of reeducating the world’s men, how come the onus is on women to be forced to take a chance with someone who they don’t know how they’re going to react?

Why are we looking at a situation where a woman might say “I shouldn’t walk alone from the gym to my car because there was this one guy staring at me and I saw him go out just before me” and saying “That woman is obviously a bigot, what can we do to correct that behavior?”

I honestly don’t think there’s anything to do about this. There’s no way to make women be less prejudiced against men in these situations that doesn’t also inherently raise their risk of being assaulted.

The only thing left is a man who will insist that a woman take the chance of raising her risk so that his feelings don’t get hurt. But here’s the thing. The worst that can happen to that man is his feelings get hurt because a stranger doesn’t trust him. The risk to a woman is an actual, physical thing.

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