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If you have to say it often, it might indicate you have trouble formulating your initial advice in a way that is acceptable to people.

Nobody likes to be told they’re wrong, so it helps to be empathetic about it. Packing your advice or instructions into a tactful and diplomatic approach doesn’t cost you much, but makes it much more likely for your advice to be accepted and implemented. And the recipient will usually end up being grateful for having avoided a mistake. They might even start to look for your and ask advice in the future. And if you keep doing that, he might even consider you a nice person or even a friend.

An arrogant and condescending approach will only do harm, even if you are factually right.


Everyone wants cheap cars, but that’s not what this is about. This is about fair and competitive markets and products.

China heavily subsidizes their car industry. Actually everyone had been doing that, but currently China is doing it more.

Subsidies become a problem when they don’t serve to make necessities affordable in-country, but are used to boost sales in foreign countries, while hurting their local industry.

Now you might conclude that “why don’t we just subsidize or own manufacturers more as well so cars get as cheap as China’s?”

Well, where do you think the money for subsidies comes from? Taxes. So in the end, it’s just another scheme to make the general public pay for things that only part of the population needs, and it reduces pressure on manufacturers to innovate, leading to stale products. Which is a big reason why Western car companies are not competitive: the West has done exactly what China is doing now. We have subsidized the car industry massively in order to push or products into the global market. Those subsidies were considered worth it, because it created a trade surplus, effectively meaning wealth is transferred from the global market to mostly the car industry leaders, and a bit of it trickling down to workers as well.

After a while, the subsidies lead to corruption, inefficiency and lack of innovation, and the bubble bursts. That’s how you get histories like Detroit. Equivalents exist in almost any Western country.

A means to protect against subsidized products ruining the local markets is to impose tarrifs. The US has many of those, not only against China, but also against EU companies, especially in the car market. See chicken tax. American car manufacturers were so far behind after decades of heavy subsidies they couldn’t even compete with European cars ( and apparently still can’t, given that the chicken tax and similar tariffs still exist). In the end, tariffs run the same risk as subsidies: over time, a protected market means the industry can get lazy and keep selling the same, because competition is forced out of the market. Tariffs and subsidies are never a viable long term solution. Both can only serve strategic purposes: either providing actual essentials to ones population or nurture change ( eg subsidized regenerative energy build up) that only exist for a limited time. Tarrifs can be used to protect strategically important industry: e.g. military or technological cutting edge tech where you don’t mind paying extra for the privilege of maintaining in-country know how and manufacturing abilities.


You’re correct. I got caught up in explaining the overall concept. 😅

My personal interpretation is that the Chinese companies are now feeling the competitive pressure after their golden years and are scrambling to get their products on larger markets, while said market ( better affordable EV) still promises some margins.


Don’t forget Yemen. I know, it’s a measly 350 000 dead so far, which apparently rate much less than Israel-Palestine conflict losses.


Currently, just barely under half of Germany’s population is overweight.

That’s only ten percent less than the USA, which sits at 57%.

And yes, it causes massive health problems, staining the healthcare system.


Maybe we should turn this idea around? I know tons of healthy rich old people that have nothing better to do than bicker and complain, how about we force them to do a free full year of community service? Why is their time and energy considered more valuable than the youths’?

And maybe it would humble those wealthy nepo pieces of shit, and likely resolve the social issues that people complain about.


People should just stop trying to interfere with people’s private life in general. Get pregnant or don’t, how is that a concern to me?

As long as it’s two consenting adults, which should be obvious, but sadly apparently isn’t.


You are swapping correlation and causation to some degree. A country does not become industrialized by people starting to have kids at a later age. Rather, people start getting kids when their circumstances allow it: in industrialized countries, you rely less on children to provide for you when old, as there hopefully are social systems in place or you can save up on your own. Downside is, without social systems you also have to provide for yourself at old age, meaning people need to build up more savings before they feel ready for the financial burden a child is for around 20 years.

In developing countries, children often get little support above bare necessities and start contributing to the household income at a much earlier age, even before hitting their teens.


I’m curious, why are you “happy it’s been done”?

I live in a country where we don’t perform this procedure out of tradition/religion, or at least not in the majority. I’m only aware of it being done for specific medical pathologies such as phimosis.

Because I kind of agree with the sentiment that performing unwarranted surgeries on someone that is unable to voice his (non-)consent is an ethical problem. Even more so with excisions, which always are drastically and usually irrevocably diminishing the body.


I’ll still use the opportunity to voice my opinion clearly on this: Yes, forced circumcision on infants is only a very small step above the also still common practice of female genetic mutilations at birth/infancy. It does not matter what reasons you claim, only medical necessity should matter. Society should protect its infants from any religion or tradition demanding body modifications of infants.

Leave people’s bodies alone until they can decide on their own what to do when there is zero proven medical benefit to doing it before without their informed consent.

The common “improved hygiene” argument is nonsensical. You know what improves hygiene? Washing, and teaching kids how to wash themselves.

Otherwise you could cut off ears using the same logic. No ears, no need to wash behind the ears.


The reason politicians should have good salaries is that it should dissuade them from being attracted by bribes or other kinds of corruption. Of course, some peoples’ greed knows no bounds.

And frankly, I’d much rather see public servants rake in big money than the 0.1% “businessmen”.


You can disable camera shaking and some post process features such as motion blur, then it’s no different from any other shooter game in terms of motion patterns.


Speaking of trains: if you happen to drive on a road that parallels a train track, and you see train lights: switch of your brights.

There’s a train driver in that train, and he has to watch his track just as you have to watch the road. And no, they don’t have magical eyes that don’t get blinded by those bright lights.


Depends what you expect. On a pro tournament level, nobody will use a vertical mouse. Usually they are a little bit heavier than regular mouses, plus they have a slightly higher center of gravity. This makes them a little bit more “wobbly” during ultra fast movements.

However, for regular playing, they work just fine. I don’t play on pro level, but okay competitive shooters almost daily, and I haven’t noticed any real disadvantage. And it helped my wrists enormously, because I’m a full time office worker as well. I decided a couple years ago that the small theoretical disadvantage is not worth the risk of RSI and have been using the cheap CSL/Anker/whatever vertical mouses since. Only very recently I boughta second, regular mouse with more thumb buttons, useful for some sim games I play. I now tend to switch fairly randomly between the two, which probably is even better for hand and wrist.

Additional info: getting used to a vertical mouse takes much less time than most people expect. Yes, it’s weird at first, but start working or gaming and you’ll stop noticing the different posture very quickly.


Don’t forget legit slavery. You literally can catch humans as if they were pals. And then force them to work or fight for you. Or even butcher them…


There are many special versions of torrent tools that allow disabling uploading. If course you still have to upload your requests “please give me block 1234 of file XYZ”, which some tools include in the transfer rate shown and others show separate as overhead or meta transfer rates. However, no actual file contents will be uploaded. This is important for some jurisdictions/nations. While both downloading and uploading content is illegal, uploading causes more “damage” ( it’s legally easy to claim proliferation of the uploaded content, multiplying the financial damage). Also, in some countries, it’s either but legal to track user downloads at all or not in a manner that would provide court-proof evidence. Proving illegal uploads is very easy: the legal company will simply use the p2p network itself, but record which blocks were received from what IP address at what time. This list in many countries is sufficient to get a court to order the ISPs to share info on who owned that IP address at that time, opening you up to a lawsuit.

Thus example is how it works in Germany and must other EU countries. The exact approach obviously differs, because everyone has variations of privacy laws. E.g. not every country makes isps store IP assignment history for longer than necessary for billing purposes ( usually a month), whereas in other countries isps hand out that info even without court orders…

Educate yourself and act smart. There is no magic protection when doing p2p piracy. Luckily, most companies do not care to pursue pirates. Others ( like kalypso media) are infamous for having partnered with legal companies whose sole purpose is to generate income by chasing pirates with intimidating and expensive “pay 800€ now or we sue you in court for millions” letters.

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