@Sludgehammer@lemmy.world avatar



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@Sludgehammer@lemmy.world avatar

That… could work?

I mean, it’d be a real challenge. But some sort of savory cheesecake, with a savory crust, topped with cheese steak fillings and I could see it being… okay-ish. I don’t think it would gain mainstream appeal, but I could see it being some sort of local delicacy that all the locals say is delicious but also a acquired taste.

@Sludgehammer@lemmy.world avatar

My thought is some sort of rosemary heavy crust with whole wheat bread crumbs instead of graham crackers, a garlic and onion flavored (and sugar free) cheese cake and then standard Philly cheese steak filling for the topping. Add in a dollop of cheese wiz on the top and some sort of balsamic/worcestershire reduction drizzled onto the top.

@Sludgehammer@lemmy.world avatar

IIRC it’s because they classified the bong water as the controlled substance. As such it’s treated as if she were smuggling a half pound or so of meth rather then bong water that tested positive for methamphetamine.

@Sludgehammer@lemmy.world avatar

Death to non-compostable produce stickers.

God I hate those. They constantly end up in the compost despite my best efforts. God only knows how many of them are part of the soil in my garden now.

@Sludgehammer@lemmy.world avatar

Eh… I dunno. You’d be comparing the power consumption of the laser etching machine to the energy cost of shipping oil to make the plastic to make the label, shipping the raw plastic to a facility to actually print the labels, making the adhesive, then (probably) shipping the labels and adhesive to the packing plant and then adding in the power of the machinery to that actually sticks the label on.

I have no real numbers here but I could see zapping a avocado with a laser being the more energy efficient one.

@Sludgehammer@lemmy.world avatar

If you liked the SNES Megaman X games you’ll like 20XX.

@Sludgehammer@lemmy.world avatar

In 2010, shortly before the case was set to go to trial, the South Dakota legislature passed a law that prohibits victims of alleged sexual abuse who are 40 or older from suing institutions.

Why am I not surprised?

@Sludgehammer@lemmy.world avatar

Honestly his music wasn’t even all that great IMO. It was just kinda there, like the musical equivalent of wallpaper.

@Sludgehammer@lemmy.world avatar

I bet most of the people who booed Trump will vote for him anyway.

@Sludgehammer@lemmy.world avatar

IMO improving video game technology is a case of diminishing returns. Sure you can always make a better looking game by throwing more processing power at it, but that has (at best) a minor effect on things like gameplay and story. Like seriously, if Squenix had decided to make FF7: Rebirth in the PS3 era, other then some uglier graphics how much would the game have have been different?

And (to actually tie this in to the thread) that’s the reason PS5 sales have been so sluggish. What do you really need those PS5 graphics for? I mean my PC is still running hardware from 5-10 years ago, because there isn’t anything I really need to upgrade for. Most of what I’ve been playing is indy titles and for the few graphic intensive games I want to play they’ll usually run if I lower some graphics settings.

@Sludgehammer@lemmy.world avatar

Nah, Lincoln was thinner and less… bulbous. This guy looks more like Roger from American Dad roleplaying a used car salesman.

@Sludgehammer@lemmy.world avatar

“Country threatens to kill civilians unless terrorists do as they say” Yeah, I’d say that’s not gonna work, but the whole point of this ultimatum is to justify the slaughter of Palestinians.

In the long run it’ll probably work out for Hamas too. Watching friends and family get murdered will probably radicalize a lot of folks and drive up recruitment.

@Sludgehammer@lemmy.world avatar

Tesla should seek to oust Elon from the company.

They can’t. The only thing propping up the ludicrous stock price is the myth of “Elon Musk, Super genius” and the legions of Musk fanboys. If they kick Musk out they lose both and the stock will tank. So they’ve got to keep him in place, even as he runs the company into the ground.

@Sludgehammer@lemmy.world avatar

Link works for me maybe they fixed it?

If you want to search for it yourself it’s “Live-attenuated virus vaccine defective in RNAi suppression induces rapid protection in neonatal and adult mice lacking mature B and T cells” by Gang Chen, Qingxia Han, Wan-Xiang Li, and Shou-Wei Ding

@Sludgehammer@lemmy.world avatar

It’s a shame to see a criminal picking on midgets.

@Sludgehammer@lemmy.world avatar

I still like Skyrim, it’s a great “Run around, steal stuff and stab people” simulator. But the Bethesda Fallouts have never really clicked with me. Three was okay-ish, NV was in the “good-ish once you get used to the jank” range and 4 felt like a grab bag of half finished ideas. Since 76 seems to to be mainly drawing from the FO4 well, I never bothered playing it.

@Sludgehammer@lemmy.world avatar

Nah, they’re hoping to kick off the rapture. Both so they can both mock all the unbelievers as they ascend into heaven as well as assuaging their deep seated anxiety about the hollowness of their faith.

@Sludgehammer@lemmy.world avatar

And once again God fucks everyone over because he can’t stand not being the most special boy ever.

France votes to ban ‘forever chemicals,’ exempting frying pans (www.politico.eu)

The French National Assembly on Thursday unanimously adopted a bill aimed at restricting the manufacture and sale of products containing per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances — also known as PFAS or “forever chemicals.” The MPs, backed by the government, voted to exclude kitchen utensils from the scope of the text....

@Sludgehammer@lemmy.world avatar

Eh, at least this will reduce the amounts of PFAS being produced. I mean, teflon pans at least actually have a useful purpose, rather than things like PFAS coated burger wrappers.

@Sludgehammer@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, I’ve never liked teflon either. The coating always seems to get scratched up no matter how careful you are with it (and some of those flakes end up in your food). But some people swear by it, so I could see them getting angry about a ban.

@Sludgehammer@lemmy.world avatar

I kept Spotpass off on my 3DS for most of it’s life, so I’m fairly sure I don’t have anything useful. But submitted my data anyway just in case.

@Sludgehammer@lemmy.world avatar


That’s only supposed to happen to the plebs, not an elite like him!

@Sludgehammer@lemmy.world avatar

To be as generous as possible maybe they’re going for a The Sims 4 approach; the base game is free, expansions cost money. I suspect though they’re going to go for a pay-to-play style game, there’ll be a ultra bare-bones base game and all meaningful content will be locked behind macro-transactions.


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    @Sludgehammer@lemmy.world avatar

    Eh, I’m gonna disagree. There were plenty of YA novels at about that time that were popular enough to get movies, were liked by girls and were written by women. The Hunger games, Divergent, heck even Harry Potter caught hardly any flak (well with the exception being when J.K. Rowling decided to take a hard right down Terf street).

    IMO the reason why Twilight and Stephenie get so much hate is A) Stephenie isn’t a very good writer, and B) the central theme of the books is how important it is to have a boyfriend/be horny for a guy who wants to kill and eat you. This the bedrock of the Twilight hate, it’s a bland book with a bland plot which was only successful because tapped into a vein of teenage horny. Like… imagine if the central theme of Harry Potter was how attractive Harry found Voldemort and how much he wanted to bang him and teenagers were going wild for how romantic and inspiring their relationship was. I have a feeling this alternate version of Harry Potter would catch a lot more hate too.

    @Sludgehammer@lemmy.world avatar

    Those brickets are wood (and hopefully just wood?)

    A lot of briquettes have coal in them, as well as occasionally stuff like sodium nitrate or wax for faster burning.

    @Sludgehammer@lemmy.world avatar

    It’s like watching a child who stubbornly refuses to learn that touching a glowing stove coil is bad.

    @Sludgehammer@lemmy.world avatar

    Kinda hard to categorize. I mean, child me would have lost their mind over most modern games, but back when I was a kid in the late 80’s having a game who’s gameplay was more complex than “shoot till you die” was revolutionary. As such I’m gonna rank my three picks taking into account to the era they released.

    Adventure. Adventure was a goal oriented… well, adventure game. That doesn’t sound like much now but at the time it was amazing. You had to move multiple items one at a time while dodging dragons (or killing them if you had the right item) to complete the game. Add in a item stealing bat and a item randomizer mode and for the time it was a truly amazing game for the time.

    Chrono Trigger. Chrono Trigger joins time traveling with the standard “saving the world” storyline, but somehow it’s more than the sum of it’s parts. IMO Chrono Trigger is the pinnacle of the SNES JRPG with the perfect mix of taking itself seriously and just being a fun RPG.

    Binding of Issac. One of the early “Roguelike unlock-a-thon” games BoI has just the right mix of “I want to unlock a new item” and “How broken will this run get?” that keeps me coming back. Granted, I’m combining the original Binding of Issac with Rebirth through Afterbirth here, but there’s enough continuity for me to group them all together.

    @Sludgehammer@lemmy.world avatar

    I mean, to be fair both consoles are over a decade old. Still not happy about it.

    @Sludgehammer@lemmy.world avatar

    However, without an alternative to get a lot of these games, it feels very shitty.

    Well… while there’s no legal way to get many of the 3DS games, there are still plenty of alternatives available.

    @Sludgehammer@lemmy.world avatar

    I don’t think it’s even about that, they’re angry because the want to be angry. The why doesn’t matter, if the current right wing outrage du-jour had been… I dunno, left handed people rather than trans people, you’d see all the same people working themselves into a screaming tantrum if a game or movie had a left handed person in it.

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