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Would she? I’m not that informed on her politics but I think Bernie supported her, and Bernie is definitely a progressive even by rest-of-the-world standards.


Is there even a fund for Lemmy and Mastodon in general? I thought people donated to the single instances.


Nice! Hope this time the message reaches more people, last year I saw a lot of commenters that would’ve participated but didn’t know about it.


This is why Steam reviews should be taken much more seriously. This was impossible to avoid due to the enormous amount of bad press and devs themselves jumping on the hate train, but I’m betting that a lot of review bombing attempts have been quietly offset by the company just paying people for fake reviews. It’s especially obvious when the game has relatively low reviews for months and months, then suddenly bad stuff happens and along with the justified dump of negative reviews, positive ones also skyrocket (99% of which composed of “good game”, random memes or ascii art).


These reviews will have a lasting effect on the game even though the drama bubble has now popped.

Steam has a specific thing that appears when you keep playing a lot on a game that you’ve negatively reviewed asking if you want to change it. I think a game is rarely impacted long-term by review bombing for a resolved issue, unless the reviewers actually dropped the game and went on with their lives.


Not our fault the entire tech industry keeps engineering new ways to give people trust issues.


It does kind of have “We would have gotten away with it, if it hadn’t been for you meddling kids!” energy to me.

There’s no way they thought the PSN thing would’ve been a well-received update.


Aren’t playlists still broken? I remember shuffle not working, repeating some songs and then going off with unrelated videos before the playlist was even over.


I’m absolutely convinced I read something about him regarding a controversy with China and Fast & Furious but I can’t find anything about it now. Am I just imagining it?

Gameplay mechanics were also a lot better with more replayability. (

Ignoring the lack of updates if the game is buggy, games back then were also more focused on quality and make gamers replay the game with unlockable features based on skills, not money. I can’t count the number of times I played Metal Gear Solid games over and over to unlock new features playing the hardest difficulty and with...


The difference is back in the day the great games were the highly advertised “big ones” and the “stinkers” usually fell flat. Now you have a mountain of AAA stinkers and have to go scavenging for indie gems.


Well yes, maybe going that far back it was kind of a shot in the dark, but the late ‘90 to early ‘10 period was a time where you had internet (or at least tv/magazines) to know which games were “popular”, most of those were actually well done, and you’d rarely have an AAA title launch as a bugridden mess.

Reviews are also a hit-or-miss because they’re highly subjective. The Steam review system sucks as well, being only positive/negative and with troll reviews always at the top.


except of course for the blatant racism against non-western people, the current shift towards neofash politics (meloni etc), the militarization and the impeding economic collapse.

All of which already happen in the US, but worse.

The entire world sucks, can’t we be happy of living in a place that sucks a bit less?


We are fighting for a better one. All those recent EU regulations are doing exactly that.

I’d love if we could address those issues you’ve listed too, since they’re obviously more important, but it seems really hard until the european left actually wakes up and starts promoting actual candidates.

Please, for the love of God, VOTE! (

I don’t like Biden either, but anyone with half a brain knows there are two choices in the 2020 election. If we had a sane voting system, voting third party might be worth it, but as it stands, no one but you knows your favorite candidate exists and unless you want to become their campaign manager that will still be true in...


There were other factors, such as the left in Italy generally tending anti-Ukraine

Wait, what do you mean? So far I think I’ve only seen some leftists be against sending weapons (which is still a stupid position to take considering the situation), but nothing explicitly anti-Ukraine and absolutely not the majority. Did I miss something?


This is a really contrived hypothesis and probably wishful thinking considering the current state of the world, but hear me out:

You know how the Overton window gets shifted? Rightwing voters grew a lot in the US and Democrats had to get more to the right to appeal to them and not keep losing.

We just need to force the reverse. If Democrats keep winning elections Republicans will be forced to put out a candidate that’s more palatable to leftists sooner or later. Someone who isn’t a literal movie villain. At that point, Democrats will lose their only selling point (being the alternative to Satan himself), and they will have to actually push for leftist policies to get people to vote.

This can only happen if Democrats win a lot of times in a row though. Even one Republican win will ensure them that they can keep pushing fascists and have a chance to win.


We can’t do that if people don’t vote actual leftist in the primaries because “commies won’t win the general”.


But how do you actually press someone in that position? If Trump didn’t support genocide you could at least try and leverage on that, but he knows we have no alternative.

We’re in a situation where he knows every person with a brain that doesn’t want fascism will vote for him. He can only realistically be pressed to make changes that could appeal to Rightwing voters, and being pro-genocide might actually be a positive for those.


Do you think if Biden called for a ceasefire or ended his support for a genocidal regime it would cost him votes?

I mean, at this point, maybe? I’m confident while probably both very small groups, the pro-genocide Biden voters are more than the anti-genocide Trump voters. Someone who votes Republican in modern elections doesn’t seem like they would be concerned for the wellbeing of black people on the other side of the planet.


reading marx, getting armed, building networks, embracing anti-capitalism, and preparing for this country’s undeniably inevitable backslide into fascism.

Voting Biden doesn’t prevent you from doing this, you know. Rather, it would probably make it easier.


To be honest, the headline is really misleading. Yes, people should definitely RTFA, but not everyone has the time to do that and a headline should be specific enough to avoid spreading misinformation.


Sure, I agree, but unfortunately the human mind is prone to jumping to conclusions, especially when they fit their narrative. One should always be sure of what happened before forming an opinion on it, but sometimes you “get the feeling you’re sure” even when you don’t have all the necessary information.

Just look at how widespread the “Biden doesn’t know the alphabet” thing got when the original was very clearly satire.


The thing is, a lot of times people think they’re informed enough even when they aren’t. There isn’t a clear indicator of “how informed” you are on any subject, and self-assessment is a faulty thing. The Dunning-Kruger effect probably plays a part in that too.


The fact that we invented so many voting systems that work better than the current ones, but pretty much every nation with actual elections keeps using the same old flawed methods is really disheartening.


They said they aren’t voting for Biden, and in a FPTP system that’s what it means.


14% of liberals aren’t pro-choice

…excuse me?


In a long term strategy, if leftists refuse to vote for Democratic candidates who are too far right, then the Democrats would have to either try to appeal to the Trump demographic (which they do unfortunately do), or appeal to the leftist demographic until they get the leftist votes back.

You said it yourself. They have two choices and they’re currently doing the worse one. What makes you think they’ll change their mind along the way?


Yes but… isn’t the whole point of liberalism “personal liberty above everything, keep regulations to the extreme minimum”? To me that feels like a vegan that randomly decides eating one type of meat is ok.

Re-reading the survey, if the options were only Conservative, Moderate and Liberal I can understand why some leftwing religious people would choose that, but it still feels weird to me.

Like, in my mind the opposite of Conservative is Progressive, not Liberal. That’s the opposite of Authoritarian.


Kinda? The thing is that Christianity is a 2000+ year old “ideology” that isn’t even consistent with itself, so it’s a given that their followers pick and choose which parts they want to adhere to.

I expected more coherence from a philosophy that’s barely 400 years old but apparently that’s still too much I guess.


A third party will never realistically step in as long as FPTP is in place. Democrats could absolutely go full Trump and get votes because the Republicans somehow managed to go even more off the deep end.

As I see it, the only way out is to keep voting Democrats and try readjusting the Overton Window, so that eventually if Republicans keep losing they’ll be the ones forced to appeal more to leftwing voters. And at that point, when their opponent isn’t a cartoonish ghoul, Democrats will actually have to try as well.


And because of how FPTP works, they unfortunately translate to “Trump”, “Biden”, “Whatever” and “I don’t care”.


So you think Kennedy or the other candidates are likely to get more votes than Trump and Biden?


I’m assuming the average leftwing person is pro-free healthcare. Neither Biden nor Trump are. Did Jill Stein get a huge amount of voters for being the only candidate to support it in 2016? She barely got 1%.

That’s not how it works. It’s just going to shift the Overton Window even more.


So many of the things people are saying Trump will do is already happening under the Biden administration.

…because of officials elected by Trump.

There’s a crapload of policies others already pointed out that make Biden extremely different from Trump, if you still think they’re “very similar” you’re just being willfully ignorant at this point.


…and you think in a FPTP system voting for someone who is very unlikely to win isn’t effectively the same as voting “whatever”? What’s the difference?


So the difference is for one you have to waste your time to achieve the same result?


That’s undeniably true. But to say they’re very similar is a huge exaggeration.

It’s the difference between drinking expired milk with or without cyanide inside. You’re still getting food poisoning but one is most definitely worse.


Yes, because voting someone else in the primary doesn’t have the risk of electing a literal dictator.

I’d actually say 20% is quite low for a situation like that, it means 80% of democrats actually like Biden and that’s baffling to me. Compare that to 2020 when he got 51% in primaries and he actually gained consensus.


So you don’t care who wins but want to increase voter turnout?


No matter how much you want to make Biden look bad, the end results are not the same (unless you live in Gaza, but even then I highly doubt strategic actions matter unless you mean straight-up overthrowing the government).


Yes, we do. But voting third party and potentially handing over a second term to Trump isn’t going to achieve that. It’s just going to bring on 4 years of hell for minorities and encourage Democrats to appeal to Trump voters even more (especially now that, hopefully, Trump won’t be able to be elected a third time).


Again, Palestinians will suffer in any case. A third party miraculously getting 20% of the voters will mean either of the genocide-supporting candidates still gets elected, and that means 4 more years of genocide will happen anyway.

And again, minorities are going through hell because of Trump-elected officials. The hope is that two consecutive Democrat terms will make the situation better, while if Trump wins that basically assures the next 4 years will be even worse than now, and that the following 4 will still have Trump-elected officials making it hard for whoever gets elected to get anything done.

It doesn’t matter how huge the chunk of voters that need a more left-leaning candidate is as long as the ones voting Republican are bigger. It’ll always make more sense to appeal to the latter.


And you already admitted it’s unlikely that’s going to happen.

I’d also like to become a millionaire, but that doesn’t mean spending all my money on slot machines makes sense.


You’re just letting perfect be the enemy of good. And while unfortunately “good” is not really that good, the alternative is way too dangerous to risk it over moral principles. It’s sad, but as long as FPTP stays in place the only correct choice is to vote for the “least bad” of the main two.


I mean, do whatever you want, it’s clear you’re not going to change your mind. Just keep in mind that if Trump wins, you also contributed to that.


You contributed to that by not voting for Trump, yes. That’s FPTP.

It absolutely makes no sense but it’s the system in place and there’s pretty much nothing people can do about it short of overthrowing the government.

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