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If you read that whole section in that whole “project 2025” disaster they actually say that they want to outlaw porn entirely and imprison anyone that makes porn because it’s “infected with transgender propaganda” or whatever. My new go to response for people saying they are gonna vote for Trump is asking if they watch porn. I quickly realized the majority of people that are voting for Trump that are my age don’t even know the contents of Project 2025.


The best part about late stage capitalism is that all the worst people have all the money to do whatever the hell they want.


I wish Valve had some sort of monetary incentive to fix this. If this happened to the cash cow that is Counter Strike this would have been fixed already. It’s sad to see this going on especially with the resurgence TF2 has been having lately.


Not exactly. But if you disagree with their decision you’re automatically antisemitic.


I’m a PC gamer and have been since I was a kid. It’s literally my number one thing I do when I have free time is get on some games and hang with the boys. It’s a big part of my life.

As game companies go, I don’t trust Microsoft, EA, Ubisoft, Blizzard, Bethesda, Sony, Epic Games… It’s a long list. Valve is the only company I even kinda trust (Which isn’t even that much these days). If Microsoft bought Valve I’d probably never buy a PC game again. Because all the companies selling them would be companies I don’t wanna give money.

But it’s not true that they were buying it so it’s a moot point. Just wanted to rant. :)


They’ve been porting so many games to PC you’d be stupid not to. Why get a PlayStation or an Xbox when you can get a PC and play both consoles games. It’s honestly the best time for PC gaming and I’m all for it.


Can never go wrong with summoningsalt. He’ll get you invested in things you never knew you had any interest in. If you want a good example of that check out his video on Wii Sports speed runs. If that sounds like something you aren’t interested in, give it 10 minutes and you’ll be in so deep you’ll start thinking about getting into speed running yourself.

TommySoda, (edited )

I get that. But at the same time speed running is stale as a concept. I feel like it’s just the nature of the genre since there’s only so much you can talk about. I love speed running but I could never watch someone stream it for hours on end.

Edit: This was meant as a response to another comment but I goofed. I do love this video. Oops lol


The fact that they call their employees “Googlers” is very strange and kinda makes me feel a little uncomfy.


Reminds me of those super creepy Walmart chants they did (still do?) at the beginning of the shift.


Fortnite didn’t become a mega popular cash factory for Epic Games because of micro transactions. It became a mega popular cash factory for Epic Games because, regardless of your opinion of the game, they made a game that people actually want to play beneath the micro transactions. These companies make hollow games riddled with egregious micro transactions because they took the wrong lesson from the games that made it huge. Big games like Fortnite, Apex Legends, Overwatch, and Valorant are pretty decent games that have micro transactions while so many games coming out are just micro transactions with a game attached to it. You can’t get away with exploiting people’s impulsivity if you don’t put in the effort to tie the carrot to the end of the stick. You’re just slapping a stick to people’s heads expecting them to chase it. It’s why, even though I will never give Blizzard another dollar for as long as I live, I still play Overwatch with the boys when the mood strikes.


I mean that’s a big oof for these guys. But it seems the people behind it weren’t entirely malicious as they were only interested in the game and not personal information. Hopefully this doesn’t have a huge detriment to the studio or the game. These developers have been doing a great job and I feel like they deserve our support regardless.


As a person that didn’t really enjoy the borderlands games, I had no idea this was happening and this is easily the oddest thing if read all week. Before I read the article I was confused but interested. Now I’m informed, confused, and interested. But hey, I’m glad they were able to do this with a game. I’m an average science enjoyer so I’m always glad to see good news.


While I agree with a lot about what he mentioned. The thing that always irks me when people talk about this is the cost. I understand that there are a lot of factors going into this that make it more expensive to make games. Like inflation, new technology, employee wages, and more actual work. All of these have gotten more expensive and that makes sense. But at the same time I’d say 60% of AAA games that have come out within the last 4 years have been anywhere from mediocre to hot garbage. You dump millions upon millions of dollars into games that nobody wants to play (with a few exceptions, of course) and act all surprised when you don’t make $300 million back. You can’t tell me you didn’t know, at any point in development, that Halo Infinite wasn’t going to sell like hot cakes. Nobody could be that oblivious. There was a good game somewhere in there. The “higher ups” decided to fuck everything up. And those “higher ups” include you, sir.


I’ll just go play the first Cities Skylines. I didn’t have many complaints with that one and still love it.

Except for traffic. That shit is a nightmare.


Jesus fucking Christ I am so tired of this.


Dicks are a terrible unit of measurement. If we used dicks as a measuring system everything we build would end up significantly larger than the original blueprint.


Why am I seeing so many remastered Star Wars games coming out? First Battlefront 1 & 2 and now this? I mean, I’m not mad and definitely excited. Just confused because I thought EA and Disney had exclusive rights when it came to the Star Wars games, or was I wrong?

Also do Dark Forces 2 next that game is my jam.


I hate EA as much as the next guy… But I think I’d rather have them make a Star Wars game over Ubisoft

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