
Never thought they were.


Next in the news “water is wet”.


12bil for steam? Nah man, its probably triple than that.


Activision, which is like Valve’s slower and far less intelligent cousin, sold for $59B. Valve would be worth orders of magnitude more than that.


It was 69B


Yeah, I now realize the article was talking £ not $




Steam has to be worth a lot more than 12 billion.


Considering what they paid for bethesda and co (7.5 bil) they should at least pay 100 bil.
They (estimations by random pages) already made a billion in revenue from cs cases in 2023.
No way they are <70 bil for the cash cow Steam is in comparison to ABK.


Steam basically IS PC gaming, and probably has more active users than Xbox or Playstation, maybe even combined. There’s no way it’s worth any less than Activison Blizzard


I will be happily surprised if you prove me wrong but a quick Google search suggested all three have around 120 million active users monthly

unreasonabro, (edited )

Jesus christ what a nightmare suggestion. That would be the death of the last good site on the internet. The enshittification they would inflict upon us as they fire all the senior staff, “legally” and onesidedly change all the contracts you’ve signed without your consultation, prune content, discontinue support for features and gear (byebye linux users), and increase their cut of dev’s pie - it’d be truly legendary. Legenshitty, that’s how bad it would be.


Thousands would board the ships again. The stability of steam is a huge reason why I often buy games

PenisWenisGenius, (edited )

That would likely also destroy the entire indie dev economy. I highly doubt Microsoft would price things in such a way that continues making it viable for small or single person development teams to make profit.

I’m sure the biggest reason they want to buy it is so they can try to put a stop to gaming on Linux. The prospect of putting windows-only anticheat in the steam client and steam runtime probably has Microsoft executives foaming at the mouth.


At this point I wanna fucking die


Meh, the world is hell, but the games are cool and you can always just steal shit from the people who obviously don’t deserve your money. Really, everyone ought to be doing that on principle, to help bring them down, but try explaining actual morality to the church crowd lol

@HeyThisIsntTheYMCA@lemmy.world avatar

13 billion?


I hearby announce that I am also not buying Valve & Counter-Strike for £12 billion. You heard it here first!

@thefrankring@lemmy.world avatar

Thanks for the info. I totally assumed you were a rich billionaire mogul.

@ElectroLisa@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

“Valve would rather disintegrate than sell out” I think that was their answer to rumours of an EA acquisition of Valve, and it seems to stay true to this day


Bandcamp used to be like that, ultimately it is a fundamentally empty promise, someday sooner than you think it will happen to valve. Enjoy it while it lasts but lets keep a keen eye on the future.


It’ll probably happen when GabeN dies or retires.


Hopefully long down the road, it’s just especially after Bandcamp it’s fresh in my mind that this is never a guarantee.


He did lose a lot of weight recently. Technically it could be to stay healthy and live longer, or due to an illness.


Tim Schafer on why he sold out: “What if I had… a lot of money”.
Where’s Double Fine now?


Kellogg’s Cereal is not buying Raytheon Aerospace.

-equivalent headline


I’d believe in a Raytheon Kellogg’s merger before I believed GabeN would sell to M$


SpaceX will not be selling itself to Boeing, surprising absolutely nobody

@skulblaka@startrek.website avatar

Nah I’d believe that. That’s exactly the sort of four dimensional genius business move that Musk is known for.


Valve is the only company i trust to handle my games. Them being bought by Microsoft would ruin their entire business and would probably not happen because Cartel offices have to say something about that.

@HeyThisIsntTheYMCA@lemmy.world avatar

Did GOG sell out particularly horribly?


No Linux support.


But to be fair, that’s kinda hard for those old games and it still runs with wine.

That being said, valve is an ally of the Linux community. There are almost no companies that can be trusted, but valve is one of them.


Privately held. That means there’s a chance that someone can go good with it.


And that’s why Steam gets my money instead of GOG.

That said, apparently Heroic has some kind of agreement with GOG where they get paid for sales, so maybe by buying games on Linux through Heroic you’ll get GOG interested in Linux support.


Yes but heroic has its own problems and is pretty chunky from time to time


Sure, but it’s at least an avenue to a decent launcher for GOG games on Linux. I still prefer Steam, but Heroic is good enough that I’ll consider buying a few games now and then.


Yeah when something is available cheaper there shure but besides that i trust valve more and don’t buy from anywhere besides ich.io steam or gog, depending where its available/cheapest

@ChaoticEntropy@feddit.uk avatar

It’s not an overly sustainable service at the scale it is running.

@Paranomaly@sh.itjust.works avatar

I feel like Steam would make more than 12 billion pounds in the time it would take for a take over to finalize


Who the fuck believed they were? 🤣


I was scared high-lord Gaben died or needed all the money.


The rag called metro making news from random stuff again, I see. This is not even news. It’s literally “reporting” that something is not happening.

Like this: “Intel not buying AMD for 6B$” Industry insiders report that Intel has decided not to buy their rivals for 6B$. The CEO of AMD has reportedly stated having no interest in selling to Intel. Their spokesperson, when confronted with this breaking news, replied “WTF have you been smoking, Pringles?” We will continue to report on this story as it continues to develop.


Metro is owned by the Daily Mail Group, which is why they’re so shit. It’s an output for news-esque shitposting.


They are just covering what a rando on Xitter is saying. Sadly this is the news cycle nowadays:

Unverified / unknown person posts a claim on X > “news” websites write a 6 paragraph article about this single post

And instead of being critical, people just gobble up anything as if it was true.


There was some brief hullabaloo where some nobody on Xitter claimed M$ was considering the buying Valve for 12B$. No sources, no credibility, but some news sources started talking about it like it was news.


Right up there with the Apple buying Disney or Nintendo rumors. Naw, dude. Naw.


I’m sorry…ppl thought this was real? They paid like 60 something billion for blizz. VALVE is EASILY worth that, if not double.


Obviously this is fake, but if it was spinning off steam from the game developer, then maybe?


Also Gabe hates Microsoft, and Valve is a private company so he doesn’t have to sell.


I fear the day that man dies. I hope I have lost interest in gaming at that point.


I’m assuming there will be a willy wonka style competition to determine his heir any day now


A reality show I would watch.

@andrew@lemmy.stuart.fun avatar

That’s exactly what Half Life 3 will be.


He and Linus both will leave behind interesting vacuums.



Yes. Likely and unfortunately correct.

@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

Not Linus. He has a lot of people he trusts


I’m guessing Gabe Newell does too. I highly doubt he hasn’t considered succession at this point, and I’m guessing people he trusts are already largely running everything anyway.


Triple because valve has a reputation that isn’t shit and is literally running the biggest game market in the world.


$12b seems far too low by that comparison. 30% of all games sales would be an outrageous annual figure.


If steam is included, 12b is a joke, if just valves game rights, meaning HL and CS, then the price is not THAT stupid (still quite).

Maybe this would be the way go get HL3, it would ofc be horrible cashgrab, but HL3 would be out.

Edit: bit details, in 2021 Valve had $10b revenue from steam, and $3b revenue from other sources (heh, source, get it)

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