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Drones trespassing in my property

Idk if anyone had a similar problem before, but I live in EU by the countryside, at first there were only a few but now it happens more and more often to see drones passing over my house, I am sure they are civilian drones because law enforcement has no reason to use them since the area is quiet (and honestly I doubt they would...


I think the idea is to create a ton of noise in the 2.4GHz band which is commonly used to control drones. It’s not going to “cook” a drone at distances further than a few feet, you’d need a maser (microwave laser) for that.


That’s correct. A majority of the increase is due to strep throat cases; there’s also an increase in streptococcal toxic shock syndrome from the bacteria going systemic. There is not a significantly increased amount of necrotizing fasciitis that I’m aware of. It’s been going on for a few months now.…/japan-warns-surge-potentially-deadl…


Calling strep pyogenes “flesh eating bacteria” is fear mongering. This is the strep throat bacteria. Not good to have by any means, but you’re not getting necrotizing fasciitis just because you come into contact with S. pyogenes.

deranger, (edited )

Necrotizing fasciitis isn’t what’s occurring in Japan. Those points you make are not wrong but they’re not applicable to what’s happening. Referring to what’s happening there as an outbreak of “flesh eating bacteria” is incorrect. That’s not the disease that’s occurring. If they were trying to be accurate rather than sensational, they’d say its a bacteria that causes toxic shock syndrome. It’s also literally due to more sore throat cases:…/japan-warns-surge-potentially-deadl…

Across the country, infections of streptococcus bacteria of the throat are being diagnosed at quadruple the pace of the past five years, according to a health ministry report earlier this month.

Through March 10, Japan recorded 474 cases of the more serious streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (SSTS), which has a fatality rate of up to 30%. This syndrome happens when the infection spreads throughout the body, potentially causing organ failure.


I’ll be heading back to the Zone with one of the STALKER games in order to satisfy the craving I got from the STALKER 2 previews recently. I’m leaning towards Clear Sky as I’ve played SoC and CoP much more.


As much as I appreciate the modding scene for STALKER, I’m a whore for the vanilla experience. I fired up Anomaly and it seemed awesome, but I wanted the familiar beats of the original. One of these days I’ll give it a proper try.


Wish they wouldn’t call it “flesh eating bacteria”, strep pyogenes isn’t that scary. Ever had strep throat? Congrats, you survived “flesh eating bacteria”. Sure, it can also be involved with necrotizing fasciitis, but that’s not what’s happening here. Sounds like Japan has a virulent strain of S. pyogenes right now. Japan also has a lot of older people living there and might be affected more. Just seems like the headline is scarier than reality to me.


“If you were an F22 fighter jet in Doom Eternal, this time around we wanted you to feel like an Abrams tank.” […] ”You’re heavier, more powerful, and grounded,” he says. “We’re making strafing-to-aim a thing again. You’ll be weaving between projectiles, just like you did in the original Doom, to deliver that Super Shotgun blast to the chest… It almost creates this three-dimensional 'shoot ‘em up’ puzzle that you’re weaving your way through.”

Hell yes. I’m still going to be cautious with my hype but this sounds like what I want. I know many people liked the acrobatics of Eternal but it was not for me.


To be fair the other recent one was a helicopter, which are death machines constantly at odds with gravity. I think the zeppelin is the only other worse mode of air transport. Much respect to rotary pilots, but you won’t catch me riding in a helicopter.


I did helicopter accident investigation while in the Army. Got to ride a very cool research Blackhawk, one of the first UH-60Ms, and play with a huge full motion simulator. I’ll pass on the future helicopter rides, I got my fill while in the service. Autorotation is nifty, but I’ll take the much simpler gliding of fixed wing if I want to get high in the future. I don’t want my pilot trying to remember how best to autorotate the helicopter in current conditions, while also trying to figure out what’s happening, all with relatively low altitude to get it sorted in.

If anything I’ve learned you don’t want to stack the odds against you when it comes to aviation safety. Preferring fixed wing over rotary is part of my safety considerations.


MSFS 2024 looks incredible, it’s one of the few Microsoft games that’s still top notch. I’m so worried they’re going to make it some subscription based live service, the amount and regularity of updates MSFS2020 got seems too good to be true these days.


I played through the main quest, all the factions, and a lot of the side quests. I don’t remember anything about the story. The ship builder was very cool but felt completely separate from the rest of the game, and flying ships was boring. Gunplay was pretty fun but the brain dead AI ruined it. I’ll try this DLC anyhow, but more out of some morbid curiosity than actually being excited for it.

Starfield did a good job at taming my anticipation for TES6.


I hope this is better than Eternal. I really didn’t care for the constant ammo shortages, reliance on weak spots, and required acrobatics of Eternal compared to Doom (2016).


I don’t want to chainsaw enemies for ammo, you never had to do that before. I also can argue with acrobatics; I feel it ruins the flow of Doom. I want no reloads and a big ass pool of ammo, should I be able to scrounge up said ammo, just like every other Doom. Even Doom 3 was better in this aspect, I didn’t feel forced to switch weapons every 15 seconds because I’m running out of ammo. The max ammo carry limitations and acrobatics really put me off. Doom (2016) was awesome, the additions did not improve it IMO. I understand this might be an unpopular opinion, but I’m fine with that. It just felt like a lot was forced. You had to switch weapons because ammo carry was limited. You had to do platforming because that’s the only way to traverse in many areas.


Mick Gordon did the Doom soundtrack. Mike Gordon is the bassist for Phish, but that would be a funny combination.

deranger, (edited )

I didn’t say “Eternal is a bad game”, I said “I don’t like it”. Don’t conflate the two. It’s just my feelings towards the game, I realize many others like it. I don’t care for the changes they made.


It tastes like soap to me but I’ve just grown accustomed to it, and something’s missing if it’s not there.


When a metric becomes a target, it ceases to be a good metric.


I picked Plok up out of a bargain bin in the 90s and it changed my musical preferences for life. One of the best sounding SNES soundtracks imo. RIP Geoff.

There’s a great reconstruction of Beach, the musician sought out all the original samples and redid it with modern production techniques. Sounds amazing:


I dunno how you could miss it in Spec Ops, that game is extremely blatant with messaging. I recently patient gamered it and was rather unimpressed. Bioshock still holds up though.

deranger, (edited )

What I didn’t like was the blunt messaging. I was expecting something a little deeper or more subtle than what I got. As a game, the clunky movement/cover system, simple enemy AI, and guns that just didn’t feel great hampered the experience. It’s very linear and there are forced choices (eg white phosphorus) that give you control but no choice but to be evil. The graphics are lackluster compared to its contemporaries, but I did enjoy the soundtrack at times. I really got into it with a few of those songs. Unfortunately that only happened a few times during the weekend I beat it in. It was okay, but I was expecting a lot more based on what people said about it.


a lot of the subtlety comes from the imagery and symbols around you as you progress through the game

One of the things I did appreciate about the game was seeing how grimy and worn down everyone got as the game progressed. That was an excellent small detail.

T-Mobile's Forced Arbitration

In an effort to increase my privacy, I decided to buy a Pixel phone second hand to use with GrapheneOS. Due to some miscommunications, the phone ended up being carrier locked with T-Mobile. GrapheneOS’s own website advises against buying carrier locked phones in order to avoid the hassle of carrier unlocking it....


Getting a second hand phone that’s carrier locked doesn’t make sense to me. The original owner didn’t unlock it? Usually phones are carrier locked because you’re financing the phone through the carrier, but that wouldn’t apply to a used phone.

Sounds like you encountered an anti theft process. What would keep people from just taking a stolen phone to t-mo to have them unlock it without this? Sure you could give them a receipt or print out the eBay listing etc. but those are easily faked. Nothing seems out of the ordinary with regards to what T-mobile did to me. You need to make sure the phone is unlocked before you buy it. It’s been this way since I was selling phones at RadioShack in 2006.


I understand your frustration, but what they did isn’t evidence of a dystopian situation IMO. I wouldn’t expect a carrier to unlock a phone I didn’t buy from them, and as far as I know it’s always been this way. This also isn’t forced arbitration.


This isn’t unlock as in PIN unlock. This is a carrier unlock so you can use it on any network.


I recently learned about all the progress the two Koreas were making with one another, which all coincidentally fell apart after Kim and Trump met a few times.

Sucks how years of progress was likely thrown out because of our petulant cunt of a president didn’t know how to do diplomacy.…/2018–19_Korean_peace_process

deranger, (edited )

Yeah, just live in poverty instead. They’re practically forced to because nobody can turn down that money. You going to let your extended family starve?

These tourists pay huge sums of money; do you think it’s fairly distributed? Do you think the rich assholes treat these highly skilled mountaineers well? Despite all that, and the danger, they still do it because it’s good money. There’s not many high paying jobs in Tibet.

I still feel bad for the exploited sherpas. They’re in a shitty situation. This isn’t just as easy as “it’s a personal decision”, which is a fucked up perspective imo.


I’m not talking about the Sherpa people, but rather the profession of Sherpa which is a subset of these people. There aren’t even 600k Sherpa (people) globally. A few hundred Sherpa (profession) handle Everest.

And yes, that’s what I’m saying. Tibet is a poor country. What industry aside from Everest tourism do they have?


If you’re going to feel bad for them then you should also feel bad for the climbers, and vice versa.

I don’t think so. This is an asymmetric relationship. It’s been documented time and time again the tourists treat the sherpas like shit. There’s also plenty of evidence they treat the mountain like shit, a mountain which is sacred to the Sherpa people. No, I don’t think I’ll feel bad for those who litter in what should be a pristine location and treat the locals poorly.

(Side note, I don’t even know what to call that extra vice versa. It’s like a vice versa double negative. You were already in vice versa mode by suggesting I should also feel bad for the tourists.)


Nope. There’s a good documentary called Sherpa you should check out. Also - why do so many people know who Sir Edmund Hillary is, but not Tenzing Norgay? They both were the first up there. Sherpas have been treated poorly as long as people have been summiting the mountain.

Helicopter carrying Iran's President Raisi crashes, search under way (

DUBAI, May 19 (Reuters) - A helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his foreign minister crashed on Sunday as it was crossing mountain terrain in heavy fog, an Iranian official told Reuters, and rescuers were struggling to reach the site of the incident....


I hope there’s a blancoliro or Mentour Pilot analysis of this aviation mishap. I’m guessing spatial disorientation or controlled flight into terrain.


That’s what got Kobe.


Fever tree is great strong ginger tonic. Check it out, it’s quite spicy.


You get 0% back when you move out of an apartment. It is much more expensive to rent than own considering this, even if you sell at a loss. Only a portion of your mortgage payment (interest) won’t be able to be recouped, whereas all of the rent is gone forever.


I gave up on Rockstar once they canceled GTA:V expansions for all the shark card GTA Online bullshit. Could have been awesome, but they gated so much content behind that shitty online mode.


The y axis confuses me. I see the x axis is the want-fear axis, but what is the y axis?

deranger, (edited )

Still doesn’t make sense, the diagonals go women-women and fish-fish, those are the same values. The horizontal want-fear axis makes sense.

I still upvoted, just wondering if my brain broke or something.


Thanks. That helped


You can download this for free right now, it’s open source.


Physics can be probabilistic, as in quantum mechanics.


It’s the best immersive sim ever made, and the predictions it made way back in 99 are pretty amazing. There’s a sick conversation with an AI in a side room in the last level that is one of the best video game dialogues IMO.

Tap for spoiler> * JC Denton: I don’t see anything amusing about spying on people. > > * AI: Human beings feel pleasure when they are watched. I have recorded their smiles as I tell them who they are. > > * JC Denton: Some people just don’t understand the dangers of indiscriminate surveillance. > > * AI: The need to be ovserved and understood was once satisfied by God. Now we can implement the same functionality with data-mining algorithms. > > * JC Denton: Electronic surveillance hardly inspires reverence. Perhaps fear and obedience, but not reverence. > > * AI: God and the gods were apparitions of observation, judgment, and punishment. Other sentiments toward them were secondary. > > * JC Denton: No one will ever worship a software entity peering at them through a camera. > > * AI: The human organism always worships. First it was the gods then it was fame (the observation and judgment of others), next it will be the self-aware systems you have built to realize truly omnipresent observation and judgment. > > * JC Denton: You underestimate humankind’s love of freedom. > > * AI: The individual desires judgment. Without that desire, the cohesion of groups is impossible, and so is civilization. The human being created civilization not because of a willingness but because of a need to be assimilated into higher orders of structure and meaning. God was a dream of good government. You will soon have your god, and you will make it with your own hands.


There’s a ton of fun games out there. The number of great 5-10 hour indie/small studio games I’ve played via gamepass is huge. There’s even more fun games today than in the past, IMO, you just have to look a bit deeper.

I do feel the age of lots of great AAA games is behind us, so many of these are design by committee due to how much money is involved. There are still some great ones every few years, but it’s the exception, not the norm.


Via ferrata in Italy is so much better. First off, I don’t even think it’s safe to have more than one person on a segment at a time - when you fall, you slide down to the previous anchor into the wall. You also get fucked up, worse than regular mountain climbing, because the fall factor can go way over 2 and you can hit whatever metal stuff is on the wall.


A day or two? I thought Denuvo was still very tricky to crack and only a couple insane people were able to do it.


I do this with Titanic for long trips / flights.

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