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Lego Racers 2 has a pretty good PS2 port. Solid kart-style racer with silly storyline to go with it


Forgot the ever popular “leak classified documents to the War Thunder forums to win an argument about game (in)accuracy”


Linux generally stores the time in BIOS as UTC then adjusts to the local timezone on the fly. Windows just stores it as the local timezone, which can create interesting behavior when dualbooting sometimes


Why is the bank that gave me a 22% APR car loan for my first car on there?

Fuck Santander


To be entirely fair, the glass doors are terrible for refrigeration efficiency because the glass is far less insulated than the door with the screen is. It might actually save electricity by powering a screen that shows a picture of the product over a insulated door than just having a glass door.

This implementation looks ugly as heck of course but if there’s a big enough energy efficiency gain I suppose it might be worth the trade off


Still not as insulating as a thick door with the manufacturer’s choice of insulation material. Double/triple pane glass is far better than a single pane window but a window is still a window


I think I saw somewhere that Windows still has scheduled bugs with high core count CPUs so you can legitimately get better performance from Linux because the scheduler has already been optimized for high core count servers


I think it’s the difference of preference for gender presentation vs preference of genitalia


Also, sometimes homosexual couples of opposite genders will “beard” for each other in a mutually-beneficial dynamic.

My parents had some friends who did exactly this for Prom since every attendee was required to have an opposite-sex date. They met the requirement to go through the front door then promptly split and found their actual date for the night (or their friend group if they were single)


If I’m understanding correctly does this imply that a space colony might measure things in kilograms but have an entirely different value due to differing gravity?

Edit: rereading I’m realizing that the opposite is true, lbs and kgs would be the same on and above every planet


Brewing a smaller quantity of coffee could also be beneficial.

But really we’re talking about such small amounts of energy and coffee in the grander scheme of things it’s pretty inconsequential


I’ve not heard of this before but I also never boil my water in the microwave since it takes too long. Usually just warning it up (so 1 or 2 minutes depending on what I’m doing)


I don’t drink coffee anymore but how can I sign up to get paid to advertise the Clever Dripper™ on social media?


To be fair I’m sure everyone was pretty cringeworthy at that age with or without reddit. Myself included


I didn’t know I’d be seeing a new Navy Seal copypasta variant today but here we are


With your /32 assignments you basically told your system, it has no network to talk to

More accurately you’ve told the device that it is the only device on its network. It’s a network of 1 IP with no broadcast nor network ID. This is very common with public IPs where you get a singular IP.

I tried, I really did

I’ve been an IT professional for 20 years now, but I’ve mainly dealt with Windows. I’ve worked with Linux servers through out the years, but never had Linux as a daily driver. And I decided it was time to change. I only had 2 requirements. One, I need to be able to use my Nvidia 3080 ti for local LLM and I need to be able...


You don’t by chance have a formerly-mellonox card as your network card, do you? I wonder if something is checking for the Nvidia vendor string to only start one GPU and the devs forgot that Nvidia doesn’t only make GPUs


When I worked at a callcenter the general guidance was “if they don’t want to be helped, let them reach back out whenever they do” which was really helpful for people who just wanted to pick a fight since it gave a clear guidance of “hey, if you dont want to do this right now now here’s how to get back in contact”


I purposely seek out the meme communities now. I send lots of memes to friends and have become known as a font of memes, and really I have Lemmy to thank for it


This was always the reason at school for why we weren’t allowed to splash on puddles or walk in the mud. Even as a kid I called bullshit because I never saw tons of abandoned shoes in the mud. As a parent now I wonder how the heck they keep the kids out of the mud and puddles as well as they did


Ive had the same conversation with my mom after she complained about me texting after bed time. She just refused to accept that so I just stopped texting her after 8pm to be safe


I’ve seen a handful of "university of [place name] credit union"s I imagine it’s a case of “we already do some financial products, might as well cut out the middle man and make it a branch of the business”

I also worked at a regional bank with about 20 locations. Out of the 120 or so employees most were tellers and branch managers, then only about a dozen were behind the desk people doing literally everything else keeping the lights on, so in terms of headcount it doesn’t take that many people to run a small bank. Hardest part is raising the capital to get a bank charter (I think that’s like 10 million dollars for a single location last I looked)


This assumes tax return is because of over-withholding. If you’re like me with a young family and low-ish income you pay $0 in federal taxes and get a bunch back for EIC, child tax credits, etc. I’m just excited because I’ll be able to fully pay off some of the debts that have been hanging over me and largely not shrinking at all next month


I don’t think these media companies and personalities actually have any agenda beyond enriching themselves at this point


I mean it looks like an office in their home, which is where such an error is completely understandable and forgiveable

Also, in the right context and to the right person a slightly-comically proportioned phalace can be a very funny and heartfelt gift especially when paired with a good punchline. I have a relative who works for the government, and received a penis-shaped bottle opener as a gift from a colleague in another agency after working a long-term project together with the attached commentary that his team wasn’t the easiest to work with. Knowing the recipient plus how he loves to pull it out and tell the story every chance he gets, it’s probably the best gift that he could’ve gotten.


The biggest boost to my confidence was when I realized I don’t have to feel bad about being socially awkward, I can simply own it and choose to believe its endearing. That may well not be the case and I’m just a blubbering idiot, but it gets me out and talking to people and generally happier which is what’s most important


By memory it had a Firefox extension it installed and relied on to make a few things slightly smoother like h264 video, but that was a good decade ago and Mint today doesn’t like you said


I replaced my caffeine habit with a water drinking habit. You truly do swap one addiction for another one, and it’s really bonkers how I legit get the exact same withdrawal symptoms if I haven’t drank water as I would if I didn’t get my coffee


Eh, it’s not bad. Everywhere there’s computers they’ll need a computer janitor to keep them running. It’s just not the insanity of 2021-2 where everyone needed techs and starting wages were rising rapidly


flipping a coin enough times that one day it lands on its side

There was a twilight zone episode based on this premise too!


I tried pirate trainer in a VR demo booth at a con and lost 2 hours thinking it has been 20 minutes!


What gets me is the people that don’t know their own passwords, don’t know how/where to look them up, and don’t even understand how to reset their passwords

I worked support for a phone manufacturer for a while and helped a lot of poor lost souls struggle to get back into their Google accounts on their new and replacement devices. I got a lot of them in, but some may have never gotten out of authentication hell


my response was sarcasm and an intentional fallacy in the form of an appeal to incredulity for the sake of rhetoric

My bullshit-english translator is a bit rusty, but all I’m getting out of this is “I intentionally wrote a wildly incorrect comment just for funsies” in which case fuck off


Skyrim and RuneScape 2 (pre-audio update) are both pretty damn iconic

At my wedding we had the DJ play Skyrim and Witcher 3 music during dinner and it worked way better than it had any business working


I’d argue that video games need remakes and remasters far more than movies do. Video game technologies change a lot in 10-15 years, so a remake/remaster is an opportunity to improve controls and fix issues with running the game on hardware that hadn’t been concieved at the time of the game’s release. Plenty of old games have severe bugs, outdated controls or general issues with newer hardware (can’t handle widescreen monitors, buttons don’t scale for high resolutions, etc.) which can make replaying them a pain.

You sit down to watch a 25 year old movie and it’s pretty easy to watch, but you sit down to play a 25 year old game and it’s going to vary wildly if you can even get it to run in the first place, let alone if it’ll run well


Hey now! I’ll have you know that only about a third of my computers run Linux right now


If we don’t network everything how will we ensure the Cylons don’t have complete control over everything?


That’s about a day of work after taxes at my professional wage that I negotiated my workplace up to!

What is something (feature, modes, settings...) you would like to see become a standard in video games?

I’ve been thinking about making this thread for a few days. Sometimes, I play a game and it has some very basic features that are just not in every other game and I think to myself: Why is this not standard?! and I wanted to know what were yours....


When I first played house flipper my apartment was in the middle of a roach infestation. I was very happy to have the option to turn off roaches


That and a consistent single key pause button would be fantastic for a parental features


Any kind of pause or completion of loading should have a brief moment where you can see the action and get your bearings before it hands control to you. Like how Forza or Euro/American Truck Sim handle loading saves, its paused for a second or so with the player getting full view of the screen then continues so you have a moment to figure out what you need to do


I’ve had a couple of games I’ve encountered that are literally unplayable at 21:9. You’re either stuck with textures stretched to oblivion or it cuts off a significant chunk of the screen. Admittedly this is mostly with older games that predate 21:9 displays but holy crap is it annoying when I can’t play a game because it can’t handle my display and stretches instead of displaying at the configured resolution


think 2007 or 2017 release titles

Remember, Skyrim was released closer to the first year you listed than the second one and the sequel is still quite a ways out. There are entire release day players of Elder Scrolls 6 who were not yet born when 5 came out.


So there’s this guy named notch who’s making a funky indie title in Java…

I kid but my wife and I have banked so many hours playing Minecraft together in the last 2 weeks


One of the big reasons many companies go public is it’s naturally a really nice retirement package for the owners of the company. The owners of the company may have put so much time and money into building the company that they don’t have sufficient retirement savings, so by going public they turn a portion of their ownership into a boatload of cash as well as a boatload of wealth that can be leveraged, then simply elect a new CEO, retain their significant voting power on the board so they aren’t entirely abandoning their baby and then peace out


I saw a tier list meme that some teenager made on Discord of every game they’d ever played. You know what didn’t appear once on the list? Not a single Grand Theft Auto game nor a single Elder Scrolls game. I asked them why and they said because GTA5 and Skyrim are “old”

They’re taking so long between releases now that they missed an entire generation of gamers

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