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I got one for work. It literally just pastes into ChatGPT


I know a dude who’s a retired doctor specializing in sports medicine (he was the team doctor for a Big 10 college football team), and he smokes like a chimney. He likes to joke that he’s the 1/10 doctors that they don’t quote on TV ads


Is Paradox doing okay? They own several franchises I care quite deeply about so I certainly hope this is a good decision cut their losses and not deliver a dud and not cost cutting to shore up worsening finances


It’s from the second? episode of the new Dr Who series


I did not know that! I checked out about 2 seasons into Capaldi after watching the new series religiously and haven’t returned primarily due to difficulties finding places to watch it, although now more due to young kids who i have to schedule around


get hyped for COSMIC

Honestly I’m just excited for a non-gnome DE with an actual company backing it. I can’t wrap my head around gnome’s expectations for how you use it, so the fact that it’s the default on every enterprise-backed Linux project is annoying as heck


I tossed mint on a PC after about 8 years of not using mint at all and I’ve been extremely impressed at how stable and friendly it is. It works exactly how you expect it to and Cinnamon has the best default workspace implementation of any DE I’ve used


Looks like August is the announcement to pay attention to


He already tried everything possible to overturn a free and fair election that he lost. He also questioned the results of a free and fair election that he won. He stoked his supporters up carefully saying just enough to get them to approach the capital and to a boiling point, conveniently leaving for when they boiled over and became an insurrection. At this point I’m not taking my chances with this guy. I fully expect him to engage in the most illegal, immoral and scary actions he can to take and hold onto office, especially now that it’s clear its possible he could go to prison, he’s scared and has millions of fans ready to back up whatever he does


I swear I’ve seen inflation hit processed foods far harder than it has less processed foods. That and the delta between off-brand and name brand has become massive. At least $5 for a large bag of FritoLay chips, but most off brands are still less than $2 for roughly equivalent product


That part was interesting, since I live in a rural area surrounded by farms (primarily feed corn and livestock but across the many family farms around where I live pretty much everything gets farmed), and while I saw egg prices rise, milk prices largely remained the same with just noticable shortages


My dad switched for vista, I switched for 10 for a while. Who knows, maybe I’ll switch for 11 too

Instagram locked my account and forced me to appeal and send a picture of my face, so I sent a picture of Shrek. They deleted my account

I’ve been a social media hermit for the past 3 years but recently I’ve given up and created a few accounts across different apps again. It’s unreal how strict the requirements are now....


when Amerika is looking at a job shortage because of all the offshoring.

Ahahaha no there’s not! I work for a national company and we have hundreds of jobs we struggle to fill.

Even if you look at the data for manufacturing, the most infamously offshored sector there’s consistently more job openings than hirings


It’s a hilarious theory with zero evidence to back it up, but equally zero evidence to refute it. There’s beauty in its possibility and ultimate unknowability


if Westinghouse or Barrington had made outrageous claims to allure conspiracy theories then they might have got the Tesla treatment by thy internet instead and we’d only hear of Tesla in the science museum

Hey now, you get to hear about Westinghouse plenty in the railroad museums. A variation of the Westinghouse brake design is still in use on modern trains to this day


Yeah I’ve seen some obvious brigading where some group of people just comes in and down votes everything in a thread for whatever reason. Makes me glad to be on an instance with only up votes since I can only see scores of zero and strange scores of 1-2 on top comments


Honestly the best thing they can do is make for easy game version rollbacks on PC platforms. Kerbal Space Program uses the Steam Betas feature to have a ton of different game versions easily available to download for example. If it were EA I’d also be saying to give the option to defer game updates in their shitty launcher but I’ve given up on hoping EA ever does something positive for its userbase


If somebody told me five years ago about Adversarial Prompt Attacks I’d tell them they’re horribly misled and don’t understand how computers work, but yet here we are, and folks are using social engineering to get AI models to do things they aren’t supposed to


Sounds like you’d love configuring network hardware then! You can get a peek into that in Linux with frr since it has a mode to configure your linux machine like you’ve just SSHed into a Catalyst switch, or just hop on ebay and buy a 20 year old switch for peanuts


so git clone “$(wl-paste)” will clone whatever repo you copied to your clipboard. I use this one all the time

That’s a lot of confidence in not accidentally grabbing a leading/trailing space and grabbing unformatted text. I never trust that I’ve copied clean text and almost exclusively Ctrl+Shift+V to paste without formatting


Distrobox can be used to install other programs (including GUI apps)

I need to play around with that sometime. Is it a chroot or a privileged container or is it a sandboxed container with limited access? How’s hardware excelleration in those?


Licensing is weird especially in schools. It may very well be practically free for them to license. Or for very small numbers of computers they might be able to come out ahead by only needing to hire tech staff that are competent with Windows compared to the cost of staff competent with Linux. Put another way, in my IT degree program every single person in my graduating class was very competent as a Windows admin, but only a handful of us were any good with Linux (with a couple actively avoiding Linux for being different)


Car insurance generally hates young adults. I paid through the nose for 6 months of crap insurance through progressive than immediately jumped to a broker who got me a lower rate on better coverage (and actually knew what the right amount of coverage was) and they’ve consistently got me more coverage for a lower rate ever since. Granted some of that probably comes from my aging out of that high risk 18-25 bracket but still


For someone who’s over 25 with a clean driving record you can get good coverage for one vehicle for about $500/6 mo. My wife and I have no tickets and 1 accident (deer on a county highway on a blind curve, completely unavoidable, but totaled the car) and our rate hasn’t changed in the 3 years since we last made any adjustments


I dunno how often they normally change, week or so?

Quick bit of googling suggests printed billboards have a ~$1k startup cost to the advertiser then a flat rate monthly fee, so I’d hazard a guess its probably 3-6 months at a time to amortize the startup cost


Running Windows for digital signage always struck me as an absolute waste of computing power. Just shove some low power Linux SBC into it and forget about it for about a decade or so

Trainguyrom, (edited )

I can’t quite read the top part because it’s upside down. What are flat earthers outside of Australia getting paid to do?

spoilerposted from an instance hosted in Australia


This has been big on some of AMD’s workstation and server chips because Windows generally doesn’t know what to do with the unexpected NUMA Node layouts. Or the scheduler just can’t handle 128 cores. So abstracting that away with Linux’s superior scheduler can help significantly on certain hardware

Google Allows Creditors to Brick Your Phone (

I installed NetGuard about a month ago and blocked all internet to apps, unless they’re on a whitelist. No notifications from this particular system app (that can’t be disabled) until recently when it started making internet connection requests to google servers. Does anyone know when this became a thing?...


if you switch providers before paying it of

Usually a financed devicd is financed through the carrier, and therefore a carrier branded device, and therefore locked to the carrier (yes they have the unlock option but compatibility tends to be far more limited than on the manufacturer unlocked version of the model)


Being on the play store means it can be updated and managed like a normal app and not stuck on whatever version shipped with the OS


I mean the flip side of this is that by doing nothing you’re letting them write the narrative. I feel like whatever this mess is, it’s starting to grow, so a more legitimate source calling it what it is can be helpful

Jagex co-founder and ex-employee (Andrew Gower) announces new MMORPG inspired by RuneScape (

I mean, when I saw an ex-Jagex employee making a new MMO I thought it was going to be slightly inspired by RuneScape… But this game looks exactly like RuneScape, and the description of the gameplay also matches it perfectly - this is essentially RuneScape 3 but managed by someone else (and with a much newer engine)


I’ve seen some very positive chatter in the 2009scape community about this

Trainguyrom, (edited )

The gower brothers have not been part of Jagex for about 10 years, but are all involved in the development of this game IIRC

Edit: I was slightly worried too but it looks like the handful of tiles is more of a fog of war/view distance type thing. These two screenshots seem to show it the clearest


I’ve been using it at work and its fine. Honestly, Outlook has no many strange features that date back a decade or two that have very few users that it makes sense to purge a bunch of them in favor of reducing technical debt


That was actually just added in a recent update like a month ago! I’ve started using it a lot at work, but annoyingly you still have to go to the dedicated tasks webapp for full edit capabilities


Thunderbird has full MFA support for M365 accounts. It has to open the authentication page in a little window and I think has a shorter period to reauthenticate but otherwise works fine


The biggest tool in the M365 suite will vary by organization.

Outlook is huge. It integrates well with Microsoft Exchange which can either be self-hosted or you can just pay Microsoft to handle it (generally recommended these days) the calendar integrates with Microsoft Teams where you can create a calendar event, have it create a Teams Meeting, then add your attendees from your Outlook contacts (which will also have all accounts from Active Directory searchable) then after the Teams meeting you can directly email a followup to all meeting attendees within outlook. Outlook will also very nicely handle emailing files as SharePoint links and giving access to the users you’re emailing to (again, integrating with Active Directory for authentication and listing users to set permissions) and when you and another user are both editing a document on SharePoint it allows easy collaboration in Word/Excel/PowerPoint much like how Google Docs work when sharing with edit permissions. These workflows are huge for a hybrid/remote workforce or for inter-office collaboration.

On the server & administration side of things Active Directory (AD) is a juggernaut. It has integrations into many web services (basically anything with a “sign in with Microsoft” button), many programs one might install onto a computer also support using your AD login as authentication, which means fewer passwords for users to remember and fewer passwords for admins to reset and manage for onboarding, offboarding and provide login assistance to. AD also directly integrates with file shares where you can set detailed permissions based on the users and groups in AD. AD also gives you access to Group Policies which allows you to heavily manage and configure your users workstations. This is where admins can restrict access to settings users should never touch, restrict the ability to install software, remove bloatware, restrict access to certain browser functions etc. and of course you manage all of this using Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol or Microsoft Powershell which authenticates against AD. Most organizations use AD as a single source of truth on who works in the organization, with the HRMS (Human Resources Management Software) directly integrating with AD and automatically creating and deactivating users, applying groups based on the user’s job title, etc.

For a real world example, I currently manage a SAAS product as one of my primary duties (it’s like Salesforce without being Salesforce) we have extensive permissions setup within this SAAS product which we have to manually apply for every user that joins, leaves or changes positions. I’m currently pushing for AD integration since I spend about 8 hours every week on concerns that would be automated away by integrating the SAAS product I manage with AD, letting AD groups automatically set the users permissions and using single sign-on with AD, and this would also tie into a larger upcoming project of shifting some shared accounts for high-turnover positions into named accounts as it would ideally integrate with an ongoing project that’s ramping up to overhaul our current HRMS workflow and automatically create/deactivate users with appropriate permissions as they join/leave the company. This is the power of AD, it’s a single, industry standard database and authentication server that often runs entire organization’s security and infrastructure because of it’s heavy integration and potential for automation

The truth about linux having 15% market share in India.

I am from india. These numbers are inflated due to our population and government and health sector office pc using linux (ubuntu). These office pcs just require a chrome browser and all the work is done on the browser Nobody here cares what os they use in their office pc. I don’t see anyone here switching to linux on their...


To your first point, I don’t know about other people but I generally assumed the numbers were mostly due to office deployments, whether government or private.

Your statements about most people not having a computer are also true in the United States. When I worked support for a smartphone manufacturer I encountered so many people who not only did not have a computer, they didn’t have any internet service at all. They just use their phone for everything and rely heavily on the unlimited dataplans that are so ubiquitous nowadays. It didn’t even seem to be an age-related decision as I spoke to both young folks and folks approaching retirement age who had made this decision. As an IT worker who grew up with techy parents, the concept is wild and outlandish to me, but it’s the reality of how many people compute is they have no laptop or desktop, and may not even have Internet service


Ever since packaging 2009scape on Flathub I haven’t looked back.

So YOU are the one to blame for my latest Runescape addiction relapse! I only learned of the project because I stumbled on it while browsing flathub


some game studio had made a cast of all straight, white men and were thinking of diversifying by making one of those characters very stereotypically french, and so SBI consultant tried to get a little more diversity out of them by also making that character black.

Oh no! They had a cast of 12 straight white men, considered making it 12 straight white men with one who might not be American and in the end its 11 straight white men and one who is not white! Wont someone please think of the poor white children!


Did you know it’s possible to acknowledge social inequality and historical (as well as current) racism and use that knowledge to produce positive results for everyone?

Did you know it’s possible to build policies that are mutually beneficial to both straight white male people and those who are not straight, white or male?


Now this was racist as fuck. You could say ‘for everyone’ but you had to discriminate one of many colors we have.

Pointing out the majority, the intrinsic traits that would give an individual the most ready access to power for the last 3 millenia if not longer is not racist, it’s acknowledging your own privilege, your own luck when being born. Or if you’re not a straight, white, male, it’s acknowledging the extra hurdles of discrimination (intentional or not), and the limited access to famialial resources that you might have to overcome for which the straight white male would not.

As a straight white male you will probably never be denied a loan, a business license, a job or access to college due to discrimination. If you are not straight white or male you very well may have been multiple times over by the time you’re reading this

Members of minority groups are not immune to being racist,sexist,homophobic

This is true, but it’s also extremely important to separate equity from equality, as well as acknowledgement of yours and others traits from discrimination. It’s also extremely important to remember that celebrating your traits that remove you from the majority is not about saying you’re superior but is about building pride and appreciation where previously one may have had to hide these traits from the world or have their options limited by simply having these traits.


I learned when I went back to college that autistic gay and trans people are just the people I get along best with


Lego Racers 2 has a pretty good PS2 port. Solid kart-style racer with silly storyline to go with it


Forgot the ever popular “leak classified documents to the War Thunder forums to win an argument about game (in)accuracy”


Linux generally stores the time in BIOS as UTC then adjusts to the local timezone on the fly. Windows just stores it as the local timezone, which can create interesting behavior when dualbooting sometimes


I was thinking potentially if the system thinks the password was set 200 years in the future it would also be invalid

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