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What happens at the Y stays at the Y


You mean every opinion I don’t like isn’t automatically a tankie Russian bot???


Closer to 10. Yes.

This is a pretty common thing in the American Midwest. You see it a lot around houses on the tops of hills, especially in new construction. It looks kinda silly for a few years but it’s the best you can do sometimes.


Pack it in guys this is the comment.


Hey now, the felons I work with are all cool dudes just trying to rebuild their lives.

The sons of car dealers are all working in the main office trying to fuck up our lives.


The last time a single party held the presidency for more than 12 years was when FDR won 4 times. Prior to that it was civil war reconstruction.

Keeping the white house from 2020-2040 would be the longest single party streak without one president occupying the office more than 8 years. 3 consecutive Democrats would need to win. Ignoring the Democratic Republican steak at the beginning of the 19th century, because at one point everyone ran as a democratic Republican regardless.

My point is, what’s plan b?


Bold of you to assume that we’re not already partying constantly.


Is this maybe at a hobby lobby?


They may be preparing for a remodel, in which many of the shelves get torn out and replaced with new ones. They don’t want to shut down the store to do it and need a lot of storage space to hold shelving while they replace units one at a time over night. So already clearance stuff gets clearanced harder to get it out of the way.

This has been brought to you by your surly neighborhood shelving guy.


Seven dollars to loading screen to your ship, watch an animation of your character sitting down, loading screen to space, loading screen to the system it’s in, Dodge some pirates, loading screen to the surface, hop along the completely barren landscape to go to a copy pasted outpost, loading screen back to your ship?

I feel like you could get all of the value of that dlc by just playing a mission over again.


I didn’t make it very far in to the game, I’d held on to my game pass subscription just waiting for it to come out, and cancelled my game pass after a few hours in Starfield. I made it to like the first big city a few small settlements after that, and everything felt so fucking lifeless. NPCs just didn’t seem to belong in the space they inhabited. Oblivion and Skyrim NPCs really seemed like they owned the space they inhabited. Fallout 4 even once you got your settlements going really felt like they were home. The constant loading screens just made everything feel like it’s own little universe, apart from the rest of the game. I did have fun raiding some base around the moon, one of the few times I had fun exploring. One of the few times I had fun, honestly.


I mean the anti vax campaign worked well for Russia, so why not sew doubt in preventive measures during a global health crisis?


The ghost inside targets another Republican lawmaker, this time causing them to harass their peers.

I really wish journalists would stop accepting that excuse. Every time a famous person does something shitty their apology always excuses their own behavior by saying something along the lines of “yeah but that’s not who I am, that wasn’t me. I did it but I’m a better person than that.”

Fucking press them on that. “It’s not you but you did it. So clearly it is you.”


“But you did do it” is simply a statement of fact.


They are always with you

Always with you

They are always with you

I can hear them.

With you.

Can you hear them?

I can hear them

With you.

I can hear them calling. Crying. Screaming. Scratching. I hear their voices as a crescendo. I hear them faintly as a soft breeze. They are with me.

Can you hear me?


By jail do you mean getting fat bonuses?


That’s been a thing for a while.

When the military sees a problem that can only be solved by war crimes they literally just hire contractors to do them.

But you don’t have to be the US government to hire private companies to do war crimes for you. Any citizen* can hire private military contractors to go out and do war crimes for them.

*A citizen is anyone with a net worth of greater than 500 million dollars.


I see a hot new name drop coming in.


I am in possession of a modicum of alarm.

Not about this, about something else. But I still have it


You just have to be successful, otherwise you’re a terrorist.


The twice impeached felon and rapist with tiny hands


I think the Kelvin timeline is someone vaguely remembering star trek and explaining it to a toddler, who then goes on to explain it to her grandma.


I’m not debating that Jonathan Archer is a hunk, even when Trip is literally right there but I can’t see Archer and not think of how the entire first and most of the second season of that show was his entire crew telling him an idea was bad and then ordering it done anyway. I don’t even remember where this episode falls but I’m 99% sure he was warned against exactly this thing happening before he got on the shuttle.


I have probably a cumulative 2000 hours between civilization 4, 5, and 6. I disliked each as they came out, I had played 3 briefly right before 4 was released. But after a few games in each they really grew on me, and moving back to the older versions just didn’t slap the same way.

I’m sure 7 will be different in enough ways that people will initially hate it, and still spend dozens of hours playing it.


If you’ve been holding on to civ 5 it’s the best time to move over to 6 that there ever will be.


And with that Huike was enlightened.


I’ve never been more am enemy of AI than this moment.


Should be able to but actual implementation of that gets hairy fast.

It’s one of those things that doesn’t stand up to polarization. It works fine in a functional democracy, but it’s hard to call the US functional anymore.


I’m a machinist, I don’t get to choose my units. We use standard and try to avoid metric dimensioning like the plague. The difference between .005 inches and .005 millimeters is literally an order of magnitude.


See one party is doing it’s best to run a country with a Conservative government. I disagree but at least it’s respectable.

The other is doing it’s best to bring about a free market theocracy.

The Democrats assume the other guys are operating in good faith, and so happily follow along as everyone moves to the right.

We ask for healthcare and we give the biggest gift to the insurance companies in a century. We ask for student debt reform and we get a few handouts while millions of kids every year continue to sign up for predatory student loans. We ask that our children at least be safe in school, and crickets…

I’m not saying this is one guy’s fault, this is the result of a trend that’s been going on for decades. But the Democrats are attempting to curry votes from a group that will never support them and leaving the passionate base behind. And after January 6th I’m just left wondering why the fuck they’re negotiating with terrorists?

If nothing is getting done until you have a majority at least for the love of God, swing for the bleachers. Get people excited again.


They don’t even think he’s guilty of any wrong doing, of course they’ll vote for him.


He’s a member of the American Tautological Society of Saying Things Twice of America that he belongs to.


When Republicans nominate their people, they’re not nominating their best


What there’s loads to do. You can awkwardly try not to touch the person next to you. You can hold it, because you’re stuck in the middle or window, and you don’t want to disturb the person next to you. You can drink the 2 oz of diet Coke they give you before they bring you peanuts, then desperately try to suck any amount of liquid out of the cup of ice you’re left with. You can try to get to your bag under the seat in front of you, fail because your feet are in the way, and spend the rest of the flight wishing you hadn’t done that.



I am Jack’s light speed hydrogen atom


We’ve been fed a story about non violent protest leading to change. They told us any non violence but intentionally left out the most important part about those protests. Those marches were to places where all those people were going to get in line to register to vote. They were out to achieve something and gum up the system. They were forcing their oppressors to contend with them.

Just showing up with signs and saying you think something is wrong is never going to do anything. They know we don’t like it, they don’t care.

You have to go inside, make a demand, and be followed by a thousand people who also make a demand. Prevent them from doing business until they deal with you. They will respond with violence. That is the point.

You go with a specific list of demands, you go in to the place you want to meet those demands, and you don’t leave until you’re forced to. You keep doing that until it becomes a national problem.

You cannot effectively protest non violently without disrupting business in concrete in measurable ways. You might as well just shout at a wall.


Any breed can produce a dog that is prone to snap.

Some breeds are much more likely to do so.

Of those, only a few are both prone to snap and large enough to hurt you.

Oh those, pit bills are far and away the most aggressive.

That said, most pitbulls really are fine. For being the most dangerous breed, there are millions of pitbulls, and a few thousand incidents over a few years.


One. It’s basically all of the counties in Oregon’s second district.


The bad schools are by design. They want bad schools.

Sticky trick: new glue spray kills plant pests without chemicals (www.theguardian.com)

The insect glue, produced from edible oils, was inspired by plants such as sundews that use the strategy to capture their prey. A key advantage of physical pesticides over toxic pesticides is that pests are highly unlikely to evolve resistance, as this would require them to develop much larger and stronger bodies, while bigger...


I don’t ingest anything with ingredients I can’t pronounce.

Drinks mercury



but for real she like, probably didn’t kill her husband.


I doubt it was tasteless. It probably tasted like screen


I’ve literally always done this with fallout 4. I think Skyrim too. Not because I thought it was improving anything mind you, it was taking so long that I would tab out to scroll some website while I waited.


It would have to be the manufacturer.

If someone steals your car and kills someone with it, then disappears without ever being identified, the car owner doesn’t assume liability. Liability falls on whoever was operating it at the time. If software was driving, then the software company assumes the liability.


I think this is using recomp, anybody with a rom could theoretically do this on their own pc, so there’s morning to destroy. The recomp isn’t specific to Nintendo and isn’t really violating copyright, as far as I understand.

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