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There’s definitely something to be said about having a job that doesn’t suck too bad, pay is ok and raises keep up somewhat (though of course not as much as it would via job hopping), coworkers are alright, commute isn’t terrible. And then you wake up one day and realize that 20 years went by.


They’re definitely out there. My mom, before she retired, was a very driven career-oriented woman, and was with her last company for a shade under 20 years. She always had head hunters after her (sales manager), but the company took damned good care of her and her team, so she never felt compelled to go anywhere else.


And Chunus has been living in a cave since kindergarten


Damn I kinda want to make print of this to hang on the wall in my office


Pudding’s gotta drawn inspiration from somewhere


That’s how he can afford to pay $1000+ in subscription fees EVERY MONTH


Wanna know how to not be beholden to all these fees? Put in the effort to divorce yourself from these companies. You’re paying for convenience. Go pick up your food yourself. Take the time to research products from different companies, and acknowledge and be patient that they won’t be there immediately. Cultivate your own media library. Find replacement software if at all possible. All of these things take much more effort, but you’ll save yourself the money and you’ll stop supporting these damn companies that are raiding your bank accounts. Obviously some subscriptions are impossible to avoid, like a cell phone plan, home internet, work-related things, etc. But how anyone pays triple for a meal is just baffling. And some people do it every. Single. Day.


Yeah that’s mental. I pay roughly $200/no in subscriptions, but that also includes my business subs for accounting, invoicing, and time tracking. Though this has also inspired me to start looking for alternatives.


Thank you for this! I’ve been looking to find something to replace QuickBooks, and this seems super helpful, much appreciated.


For real. We have 2 sandwich chains in our town, Jersey Mike’s and Subway. I really don’t want two Subway’s.


Probably just pushing the envelope at this point since no major Western powers have done much to stop them regarding Gaza.


Check a carnicería. Birria made with goat meat (the right way, not TJ beef style) is the shit.


The measurements in parentheses are millimeters (or close enough), so it looks like a shitty conversion from a non-US manufacturer that doesn’t use imperial.

36" is 914.4mm, so that’s what I’m basing this off of.


In the US trades, every measurement is expressed in ft/in, with fractions by 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 as they’re expressed on a standard US tape measure. No one uses 5ths, 10ths, 3rds, etc.


Yeah, we know. We’re very well aware.

Honestly this is the first article I’ve seen from a major outlet actually saying it outright instead of pretending the people and workers are the problem. Now what the fuck are we going to do about it?


It means you’re one turn away from real problems


Can’t have people gasp reusing textbooks


When pizzas call for 425°F, I purposely set the temp at 420° because of course


Uh, what? You do know you can cook pizzas at different temps to affect crust consistency, and that as long as meats are cooked to a proper internal temperature, bacteria is killed?


A fully loaded 1300’ ship, that weighs an absolute fuckton, drifts into a concrete and steel post holding up a heavy ass bridge. Said support column is engineered for holding up the heavy bridge and is not designed to be run into by a heavy ass ship. The heavy ass ship hit the column at 1:30 in the morning, aka it was dark out. Not sure why it’s too much to comprehend to these people that the simple explanation is that someone fucked up real bad.

Rulerrection day (

Update: Thanks to a few of y’all who got me to look at things differently I think there was a miscommunication. I called my mom, and sorta cleared things up, they said they thought that my message out to them was saying I was planning on celebrating trans day of visibility, and not just mentioning it off hand after accepting...


I’m not religious, but I’ll certainly risen to east a crap ton of brisket


They’re more concerned with extinguishing gay and trans people right now


It certainly shows the effectiveness of having a poorly educated populace


I’m shocked, I tell you, shocked!


We need a system where bare minimum the exception is no accountability due to political connections instead of the current system where 99.9% percent of the wealthy can do this shit and no one cares.

The people certainly care, at least the ones that want justice and an even playing field, but there’s nothing we can do about it because they’re playing by a different set of rules, and that’s what’s total bullshit. If I don’t pay my taxes, I’ll get my ass handed to me, but if anyone connected doesn’t, they wring their hands until it goes away.

I pay my taxes because it’s the right thing to do (even though I vehemently disagree on what these knuckleheads spend it on), and I don’t really have a choice anyway, so I’d rather stay out of trouble. The GOP is hanging on to this issue because it’s the only real tangible thing they have to show any wrongdoing connected to Biden, and they’re making a political spectacle where it doesn’t exist. But it does highlight the issue of how wealthy people operate under a different paradigm than the rest of us. It’s just rich coming from the party that grifts and cons like it’s going out of style, while attempting to shield themselves by saying it’s somehow different (it’s not).


We can’t fix anything when both teams are ignoring what voters want. representing the wealthy and powerful instead of the people

We really need to reform the voting system to allow for more choices of parties, but I ain’t holding my breath any time soon


I think their only recourse was that there was the asterisk with the subscription verbage in really tiny fine print that was only visible if you had an 80" projector TV


Lol I feel ya. My brother did something similar with an SMS catfact-esque subscription in the days where sms wasn’t free, our mom was about ready to kill him. Problem was that it billed to the carrier, and so it was like $10/month on top of per message fees, and the carrier didn’t bill it until like 6 months later


This man is turtley enough for the turtle club


Yup, it’s freak storm season, and still cold AF at night


I just bought a new truck back in December, and I feel you. Your best bet might be to find something a little on the older side with low miles that has no connectivity features whatsoever. Carmax was a great resource for this, but I still had to do a significant amount of research before doing anything. Avoid GM/GMC like the plague, OnStar is officially spyware at this point, and Ford with their Sync crap isn’t any better. Basically, avoid anything that offers LTE or WiFi capability, but also beware that even pairing Bluetooth to your car can be a breachpoint.


My wife likes to give me shit for not using GPS, instead commiting directions to memory and then going (with mixed results). But, I have a better handle on where a lot is, so, checkmate atheists.


Here is the actual bill. As far as I can tell, all it really does is make some wording substitutions and redefinitions to the original 1940 bill.

What I find interesting is that it addresses weekly pay, assuming salaries workers. What happens to hourly employees? Will the employer be required to up their hourly rate to compensate for the 8 hour loss? People are already stretched thin enough, an 8 hour loss for hourly workers would be devastating in many cases.

There would also need to be payroll tax adjustments on the employer side regarding hourly workers. Payroll taxes generally end up being about 90% of an employee’s wage added on to their gross wage (at least here in California), so while employees see a great benefit of increased pay and/or reduced hours, this would absolutely screw small/medium businesses that already operate on tight margins. I operate in the construction industry, and dropping down to 4 days would delay projects even more, and having to pay overtime on a fifth day at increased hourly wages would be prohibitively expensive that most wouldn’t do it.

Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely think this is a step in the right direction, but I think there needs to be a good balance for both employees and employers. I know online communities like to paint all companies as evil, but I do my damnedest to take care of my guys and provide good jobs with great pay and benefits while also giving my customers reasonable prices in a state that’s already stupid amounts of expensive to do business in, and I’m not penny pinching or being anal about my bottom line. Stuff like this without consideration of the impacts of small businesses is how you end up with mega corps that are the only ones that can afford to stay in business.


There’s a whole lot of assumptions you’ve got going on right there, along with terrible reading comprehension. At no point did I say that I’m going to make life harder for my employees, nor that I deserve a better life than them. I also said I think this is a step in the right direction, just that it needs to be hashed out a little more for businesses other that office workers.


Yeah that probably is the way to do it. Overtime is already insanely expensive to do, but what gets me is they also tax employees even more for taking on overtime, which I always thought was ridiculous.


What’s a good multiplatform password manager these days? I’ve been meaning to move away from LastPass for forever (and update my passwords in the process), I just haven’t found the time to sort through all of that.


I’ll have a look, thanks


Sure, but that’s where the cross platform comes in, because I’d rather not have to lug said notebook around with me.


Perfect, thank you!


I’m gonna go for taking reasonable action of fortification and then try my luck.

And negative, usable security is a delicate balance of security and convenience. It employs various layers of usable redundant security methods that keep things to the best possible and reasonable level of security available, while also maintaining useful defense. If I were doing anything rendering me a target of a malicious actor, that’s a different story. But run of the mill individual passwords for each website/service coupled with 2FA along with password database encryption is enough to keep a nobody like me reasonably comfortable.


If there’s one thing I’ve learned is that there’s always going to be someone better. I know that while I picked up my trade quick and I do it well, I’m not a prodigy, and it’s fruitless to compare to that minute percentage of people that are. I take it as a different method of thinking to learn from, to see the way that they see, and use it to improve skills.

You know what the one thing the youngsters don’t have that you do? Experience. An experienced person knows what will bite them in the ass because they’ve been there, so you’ve got that going for you, which is nice.


How that bimbo doesn’t get herself booted from thing like tonight for being unruly I have no idea, especially when half the chamber is telling her to stfu. Yet they yanked that one guy on the upper gallery that was screeching something.

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