@communism@lemmy.ml avatar



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@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

Forensic data on you is already pretty easy to obtain unless you’re taking special effort to avoid it being taken. Also when you get arrested they take whatever biometrics they like. The info on you those DNA testing companies are getting is info already easily available to the government. I guess if you’re concerned about your DNA being used to tailor ads to you, not just to criminalise you, it could be an issue, but idk I don’t think your DNA can really predict what ads will be effective on you.

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

Compose key doesn’t use numerical codes. To type an em dash with a compose key, it’s compose followed by pressing minus 3 times. I set my compose key to Alt Gr

Lasse Collin, the other xz maintainer, has acknowledged the backdoor (tukaani.org)

They haven’t particularly made a comment on the situation so much as acknowledged it’s happening. They seem to be going with the story that they had nothing to do with it and this is news to them. Hope to hear more from them soon so we can find out more about the situation, how and why this happened, etc....

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

I agree with that assessment, I’m not accusing Collin of anything. If it is what it seems to be then I feel very bad for him. Just being cautious with wording until things are more settled/until we know more is all.

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

If I were the co-maintainer of a project I wouldn’t suspect that the person who had been actively contributing for over 2 years had injected malicious code into a binary file to distribute in the tarballs. “Jia Tan” had already gained Collin’s trust by then

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

To clarify, you can still use old reddit logged in with a VPN, but they no longer allow you to browse logged out with a VPN. Still bad of course. But if you’re willing to log in you don’t have to turn off your VPN. You can sign up with a throwaway/obfuscated email if needs be

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

regardless of which computer I used

That’s really bizarre. I wonder how they did that. So a different computer on a different network with a different email address and everything would still get you banned for ban evasion?

Really creepy too, obviously they’re keeping a lot of data on you to be able to be that thorough.

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

Damn, Linux distros are doing advertising now

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

I wonder if this being a digital billboard is actually cheaper than just hiring some workers to swap out the printed advertisement every, I dunno how often they normally change, week or so?

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

Ubuntu back when it was decent lol. I picked it because everyone said that was a beginner-friendly distro, and I had already used it anyway as my parents had an Ubuntu ASUS laptop when I was little (though atp I didn’t really remember much from using that laptop).

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

Any distro that’s well-documented is not a big deal to install and use. Never understood the big deal people used to make (still do sometimes? though I think it’s mostly ironic now) about Arch. I did my first install Arch when I was kinda a dumbass but I just read the wiki (very thorough, btw, still use that wiki nearly daily) and followed the instructions. Especially with Arch, the wiki is so informative it explains the things you don’t know so you understand what you’re doing even though when I first installed Arch I didn’t know what an fstab file was, what the initramfs was, etc. I’ll disclaim that I’ve not installed Gentoo myself, but I hear from people who have installed it that it’s very well documented, so makes sense that newcomers could install and use it if they’re willing to read and learn.

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

Tbh, as a current Artix user, I think the Artix documentation is lacking. Their full disk encryption installation guide doesn’t have any UEFI instructions and while they have a wiki, it definitely doesn’t cover a lot of the things that differ from systemd, which is the purpose of the Artix Wiki, ie to cover everything from Arch Wiki which needs to be changed without systemd. I get most of my info from the Artix forums. I even used the Arch wiki installation guide for installing Artix instead of Artix Wiki’s installation guide (it’s only like 3 commands that are different, they use basestrap instead of pacstrap and you install a different init system with basestrap, they use fstabgen instead of genfstab, and artix-chroot instead of arch-chroot (that last one should be obvious though)). I still like the distro ofc, otherwise I wouldn’t use it, but I think it’s lacking in good documentation. Maybe that’s just my perspective after being spoiled by the Arch Wiki for so long though lol. I can’t really speak for many distros though, I’ve not daily-driven many

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

I agree with the people who say you should go back to Windows.

Apps install like I expect from a Windows machine and uninstall the same way.

Different operating systems work differently. There are several projects to get (GNU/)Linux to work more like Windows, but if your goal is to be like Windows, you won’t get any better than, well, Windows. I, like most Linux users, think the way Windows does things is terrible, and I’m on Linux precisely because of the differences with proprietary OSes like Windows. But if the differences are a negative for you, I suggest you use the OS that works the way you like it.

Your problems likely can be diagnosed and troubleshooted if you have the patience—some bugs I was experiencing took me like 6 years to diagnose what the problem was—but fixing your bugs will not change the fact that (GNU/)Linux is intended to work differently from Windows, i.e. it’s not a bug. So it sounds like it won’t solve the underlying problem.

I’ll echo what someone else said in another comment and ask why you chose to switch to Linux in the first place. Out of curiosity? In which case, it sounds like your curiosity has been satisfied and you’ve discovered that Linux does not meet your personal requirements. But I think the reasons why most people switch, ie privacy and customisability, and more generally what comes with free software ie the freedom to do whatever you like with your system, are reasons which motivate people to either overcome learning curves (to learn the better way to use your computer, the way you are supposed to use GNU/Linux distros) or to dedicate the time and effort to troubleshooting problems with their system. If you don’t have those motivations, you probably want to just go back to Windows.

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

I don’t really know how “visually pleasing” you can get with a terminal package manager tbh. I just have colors and ILoveCandy enabled in pacman and that’s more than enough for me, looks pretty to me.

You may be offered a free premium Telegram subscription – but please don’t accept (archive.is)

Telegram is giving away FREE Premium subscriptions! All they need from you is to use your cell phone as a relay to text out their OTP codes! And the recipient of the OTP sees your phone number! What could POSSIBLY go wrong with this deal?...

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

Signal is fine for a drop-in WhatsApp replacement. I use it for chatting to my friends casually. For something you need more security for you could do encrypted emails as that doesn’t require exchanging phone numbers, or ideally just arrange to meet up in-person and discuss things so you don’t leave any kind of digital or paper trail.

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

Obviously you don’t have your phones on you. Otherwise what’s the point of meeting up in person.

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

Not if I don’t need to, like if I need to have a conversation with someone that doesn’t need to be overheard. In any case turning your phone off and putting it in a faraday bag then putting it somewhere relatively noiseproof should be more than enough if you need to bring your phone with you.

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

Most people are not privacy-conscious. I don’t get what your problem is. If you won’t do something just because the majority of people don’t, then why are you on !privacy? Go back to Facebook and Twitter and Google then

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

Yeah I’ve always entered my location manually for both redshift and gammastep (like redshift but for wayland) in a config file because these programs can never seem to auto-detect my location on any of the devices I’ve tried them on. You don’t have to use your real location. Just put yourself in the correct hemisphere and continent and it’ll probably be ok. If putting a location in the same approximate location as your country in a local text file is too much of a privacy concern to you, then so is setting your system’s local time to your real timezone.

Accidentally uninstalled an important package in Debian Sid with KDE, transparency no longer working (lemmy.world)

Hi everyone, I ran apt full-upgrade last month and accidentally deleted a couple packages that weren’t supposed to be removed, due to me not paying enough attention. I could recover most of the system just fine, since most of the missing features and related packages were obvious to me. However, I still couldn’t figure out...

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

How did you install KDE in the first place? If you uninstalled too many packages for the logs to be of use, just reinstall KDE however you installed it

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

I also use Mullvad’s. I didn’t know they allowed non customers to use it but that’s cool that they do. I have no complaints; it works well for me.

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

Your gtk theme wouldn’t change your terminal colours with the precision that just manually changing the colours would. Terminals only have 8 colour settings you need to set, it’s not exactly a crazy undertaking to change your terminal theme separate to your gtk theme

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

Seconding to use the protonvpn CLI program, it always worked well for me. These days I just use wireguard config files though, they’re much easier as you can just add them to networkmanager and you’ll auto connect on boot. IME the official VPN programs are often buggy. I also added a module to my waybar to show if I’m connected or not for peace of mind that the vpn started up correctly without any other indicator (if you use a DE you might already have an indicator for vpn connections)

Are there any CPUs that work well with Linux that aren't made by Intel or another company on the BDS list/that supports Israel?

I have a Ryzen 3 1300X at the moment and it’s always had this soft lock freezing bug on Linux. I used to dual-boot Windows on this machine and Windows never had the same problem, so I think it is an issue with the Linux kernel (I’ve also replaced nearly every bit of hardware that I originally built the PC with, except for...

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

That’s good to hear that you’re not having problems on newer Ryzen. Although not sure if I want to risk buying a new Ryzen CPU if there’s a chance I could have the same problem

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

Ah, thanks. I’m using runit not systemd (although this was happening on systemd when I was on systemd too) but I saw amd-disable-c6 in the AUR so I’ve installed that now, fingers crossed it works (the fixes in the Arch Wiki article haven’t fixed it for me, it just happened again rip)

Edit: nvm, looks like that package is a systemd service

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

Ah. I’m getting this answer a lot actually. I might try a newer Ryzen then if a lot of people are saying the newer Ryzens work

communism, (edited )
@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

Thank you!!

Edit: Tried running that, I’m getting the error that /dev/cpu/0/msr doesn’t exist. dev/cpu doesn’t seem to exist at all on my machine. Hm

Edit 2: You need to run sudo modprobe msr. All good now :)

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

Do you know if it’s limited to first gen Ryzens? I’m looking into getting a Ryzen 5 5600X and I want to be sure I’m not gonna have the same issue

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

This is my mobo

Also what happens exactly when the lock-ups happen?

Screen is frozen, doesn’t respond to keyboard or mouse input, including unable to switch to a tty or kill the graphical session (I have a keybind to exit my Wayland compositor, which I launch from the tty, so when I use the keybind it sends me to the tty—that is, if my computer isn’t locked up lol).

I don’t remember if this has ever happened with audio playing, idk what happens to audio if it happens with audio playing.

I think I did post kernel logs to a forum way back in the day when I first got this PC and started having this issue, to no avail—at this point I’d rather just get a new CPU and save the headache and stress, especially since this is a known issue with Ryzens

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

Afraid the kernel params didn’t fix it. Have invested in a newer Ryzen cpu as people are saying that the first gen ones were particularly buggy so I’m hoping it’s fixed in the newer ones.

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

Ah rip. I didn’t know they were replacing Ryzens. I’ll reach out to them but the warranty on my CPU is almost definitely voided after so long.

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

Not when there’s an organised boycott, called for by Palestinians. You can do multiple things at once. Not buying something takes 0 hours of your time lol

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

Making a post takes a few mins of time. Not boycotting is taking so little of your time that you needed to make 2 comments about it, wow

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

Thank you, I’m getting this response a lot. Will be getting a newer gen Ryzen, probably a Ryzen 5 5600X because I don’t want to get an AM5 board (which will only support DDR5 RAM, thus I’ll have to replace my perfectly good DDR4 sticks, etc, just a ridiculous amount of unnecessary e-waste when I’ve had multiple people commenting here saying 5000 series seem to work fine)

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

the fTPM bullshit

Wait, what’s that?

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

Not sure where they’re declaring it happens for “all Ryzen” from.

I’ve not see anyone claim it happens on “all Ryzen”, just that the Arch Wiki article doesn’t specify a particular range or model

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar
@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

Afaik no one has ever been banned for using a third party client in and of itself. People have been banned for userbotting or spamming but afaik not for using a third party client as a normal human user. But yes it is technically against TOS

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

Matrix is pretty good, only problem is my friend groups can’t seem to make the switch. As in we all want to but we have other groups we talk to on discord so we’d have discord installed anyway, and I think some of us aren’t motivated enough to move our server over. I think generally the problem with privacy-respecting chat apps is everyone’s on whatsapp, everyone’s on discord, few “normies” or even less privacy-conscious communists will want to install a new app/program just to talk to you.

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

That’s a good idea! The next time my friends bring up switching to Matrix I’ll probably try set us up a bridge to encourage the move

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

Yes, I have Wayland on both my gaming machine and my laptop. I switched for security reasons (i.e. client input isolation). I think Wayland compositors tend to be buggier than X WMs/DEs, just because they are newer/more immature, and there is less native support for it. But some native Wayland-only programs are really good, like Foot is pretty much the perfect terminal emulator for me, being lightweight and fast but with sixel support too. It pretty much has every feature I want to use (except ligature support but that’s not super important to me) without any of the features I wouldn’t use (looking at you Kitty).

However the downside is the occasional program that just doesn’t work on Wayland, like JetBrains IDEs, which are one of the few pieces of proprietary software I voluntarily use. JetBrains IDEs use a bunch of X hacks so they have some buggy behaviour on Xwayland. I really hope JetBrains hurries up with their native Wayland support, especially since so many DEs and distros are moving to Wayland by default now.

I also wish there were more tiling compositors out there. It seems to just be Sway, Hyprland, River, DWL, and QTile (which has a Wayland option, which is very cool). Of which I have daily driven Hyprland and River and been happy with them. I know there’s others but they seem pretty obscure or abandoned and not something I’d be looking to daily drive. On X there are so many WMs for every possible use case. And of course the popular X WMs are pretty mature software; I don’t remember many breaking bugs when I was on i3, but Hyprland and River are in very active development which means a new update can mean bugs of varying levels of annoying/need a workaround/need to downgrade.

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

Why exclude GrapheneOS? It’s a really good mobile OS, and the creator has given his reasons for only supporting Pixels.

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

Mullvad only do limited advertising and afaik don’t sponsor youtubers

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

I don’t mean limited by price, I mean limited as in they don’t just shove ads everywhere like nordvpn or whatever.

@communism@lemmy.ml avatar

Why are you being this defensive? I didn’t say GIMP was bad, I like it and I use it regularly. I just don’t think it’s better than Photoshop is all. I’m sure the devs are actively trying to improve the UI too. This seems like a massive overreaction

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