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The problem is that rm -rf shouldn’t scare you?

What are the chances something like

<span style="color:#323232;">~/projects/some-project $ cd ..
</span><span style="color:#323232;">~/projects $ rm -fr some-project

may delete unexpected stuff? (especially if you get into the habit of tab-completing the directory argument)


It’s also on FDroid

Actually, it doesn’t seem to be there search.f-droid.org/?q=futo&lang=en

and available via Obtainium/Github

IDK about obtanium, but IIUC the sources are on their gitlab instance gitlab.futo.org/alex/latinime

Are we going to see arch based immutable distros in the near future?

Hi there folks, I’m still learning about Linux and have yet to dip my toes properly in any arch based distro. Have for the moment fallen in love with the immutable distros based on Universal Blue project. However I do want to learn about what arch has to offer to and plan on installing default arch when I have time. But have...

gomp, (edited )

Honestly, IMO the end-user benefit is mostly that it sounds cool.

All the benefits I’ve heard (including the ones in this discussion) don’t actually derive from “immutability” but from releases that stay the same for longer (which is what “more stable” used to mean), or the ability to roll back your system to some “known” working state (which you can do with snapshots and in a plethora of other ways).

What immutability means is that users are unable to alter their system, or at least not expected to… basically, it means what in corporate lingo would sound “altering your system is not supported” and that the distro actively makes it hard for you to do so.

This means users will not break their system because they followed badly some instructions they found on some badly written forum post anymore and blame the distro for it, but it also means that users who actually have a reason to alter their system and know what they are doing will have a hard time doing it (or be unable to), which is precisely why I left macos and went back to linux for my work computer some ten years ago (I spent half a day doing something I could have be done with in five minutes and said to myself “never again”).

For the team/company that builds it, an immutable distro will likely be easier to test and maintain than a “regular” one, which should then indirectly benefit the users (well… as long as the team/company interests are aligned with the users’ of course: shall windows get easier for microsoft to maintain, how much benefit would trickle down to its end users?).

Users who switch to an immutable distro should see a decrease in bugs short-term. In the longer run, I’d expect distros (especially the “commercial” ones) to reduce the effort they spend in QA until quality drops again to whatever level is deemed appropriate (if bread costs less I’m still not gonna buy more bread than I need… same goes for quality).

Basically, it all boils down to “immutable distros cost less to maintain” (which, don’t get me wrong, is a net positive).

I must say I find it slightly concerning to have heard several “veteran” linux users say that immutable distros are so great that they will install one on their parent/child/SO/friend’s PC but on their own.

It’s also a bit unnerving to notice that most of the push for immutability seems to come from companies (the likes of debian/arch/gentoo/etc. are not pushing for immutability AFAIK, and they certainly don’t have the initiative in this field).

I’m not sure how much immutable distros will benefit the community at large, and… I’m not even sure they will end up being very successful (windows/macos follow in whatever makes is more profitable for microsoft/apple, linux users have choice).

I hope that immutable distros will prove both successful and good for the user community at large.

edit: Forgot to explain the positives I hope for: since immutable distros should require less effort, I hope this will lead to more/better “niche” distros from small teams, and to distros with bigger teams doing more cool stuff with the extra manpower


AFAIK there is no krunner widget I can add to a panel… but regardless: can I have the panel show/hide via some keyboard shortcut?
(If they can’t be together, I could live with alt+space => toggle krunner and, for example, alt+shift+space => toggle panel)


No: there is no krunner widget I can add to the panel and AFAIK no way to hide/show the panel via a keyboard shortcut


Tangentially OT:

“Snapdragon X Elite”? Wasn’t the name “Snapdragon” already enough cringe? :)


Didn’t know about the flower!

Qualcomm didn’t actually choose the name because of it (they choose it because it “sounded fast and fierce”), but now that I know about the flower I’ll think of it instead of snappy dragons whenever I hear the SOC name.



IDK about each specific requirement (especially the “inactivity” one, but … dude, just log in every 6 months), but I’d say a lot of “privacy” email providers should meet your needs.

Try looking into Proton mail (warning: you’ll have to setup a local relay if you need IMAP/SMTP) or maybe search the web for something like “privacy email provider free” and look into the results.


If you actually read OP post, they are not asking for the moon and… definitely non “demanding” anything.


That sounds a lot like “doesn’t matter what words actually mean. I am right nonetheless”.

…but I’m sure you’ll have some personal definition of “semantics” that will allow you to say you are still right, just like you could say “beggars can’t be choosers” in a context where no one is a beggar and there are in fact lots of viable choices.

gomp, (edited )

It’s pretty easy to find articles confirming the Musk/Signal thing duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=musk+signal&iar=news&ia=…

Of course most of the rest is speculation, but… the article seems honest enough about it?


vi or vim […] :q to quit

you are depriving OP of an experience there… getting stuck in vi is a rite of passage nobody should be denied (but, alas, a lot of distros carry nano nowadays)


You should ask the seller to make sure, but I’d assume those cards will require KYC on activation? I mean, if Romania requires KYC it’s difficult to think someone can sell anonymous cards on ebay.


Edit: the linux-company thing is just for triggering people, sorry I didn’t know it was this effective.

Errrr… why would you try to trigger people, especially while asking for their help? Don’t you think it’s plain rude?


Same here, until I read OP’s intentions.

Writing stuff to trigger people is the definition of being a troll (well, one of the possible definitions).

It’s worth nothing that a mediocre troll can sometime pass for a comedian.

My /var/tmp folder is endlessly stacking up on "container_images_storage_xxxxxxxxxx" folders? (slrpnk.net)

The issue at hand: My /var/tmp folder is stacking up on literary hundreds of folders called “container_images_storage_xxxxxxxxxx”, where the x’s present a random number. Each folder contains the following files called 1, 2 and 3 as seen in thumbnail. Each folder seems to increase in size too, as the lowest I can see is the...


Most newbies would have a hard time and most experienced people would grab the “unofficial” non-free image for installing just in case and then disable non-free if it wasn’t needed.

I’ve not verified this, but does the installer actually install the non-free firmware if it’s not needed?

gomp, (edited )

Man, people do love arguing about words without providing (or looking up) their definitions.

Does the GPL being non “restrictive” mean I can use GPL code in my proprietary software? What word that doesn’t offend you should I use to describe this fact?

This is as useless as the git main/master branch debate a while ago.


but this most likely is against the ToS of every anime tracking website

AFAIK scraping publicly accessible websites is fine in most countries (IANAL, look into it)


To be fair: previous generations of police officers, back when most people used phones, have made extensive use of wiretapping (and current policemen still do, of course).


You seem to be describing the US system (or some other common law one… but I believe district attorney is a US-specific term?)…

IDK about other EU countries (I guess they are all the same in this regard?), but in my Italy the public prosecutor has zero discretionary power when it comes to indictment and must, per the Italian Constitution, proceed based on the investigation outcomes. So there is no “help me catch the bigger fish and I’ll only charge you with some minor crime” like in the movies.

So… yes, what you describe can happen to anyone, but it can’t happen just anywhere :)


Thinkpad A485

I had one of those, but the trackpad occasionally wouldn’t work until I rebooted several times (I was using fedora). Did you run into any similar issue?


Makes perfect sense to me (not a lawyer, not a US person)… what doesn’t make sense is how many people still think biometric is high security (maybe because of how cool they make it look in the movies?)


I wouldn’t know what to recommend, but… are you looking for a web based thing or a desktop app?


Creepy tracking, less functionality than the old alternativeto.net (also less content, but of course content takes time so that’s understandable), plus desperate-looking “enroll to our newsletter” and “advertise” pleads. Looks like a cheap attempt at making a couple bucks to me.


I meant web tracking: my ublock origin stopped cloudflareinsights.com, posthog.com and googletagmanager.com (which is most probably used to add more stuff - IDK for sure since I didn’t try unblocking to see what it would do).


Great list, thanks!

Are you the author? Because I might have some additions to suggest. (one is Equate which combines a calculator with unit/currency conversion - I have not gone through the whole list)


almost every website has some sort of tracking

Yeah… and most send info to the same mega companies, which is why it’s creepy :)

BTW: I’m 100% ok with a website collecting stats on which of their pages are more popular and even with profiling my session to see which pages correlate to which - I’m not ok with websites remembering me across sessions and definitely not ok with Google (and others) tracking my whole web history and using/selling it to show me shitty ads.

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