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Linux only just hit 2% market share

That's steam players, linux on desktop is estimated at 4%, and 6% if you count chromeos.

18+ What are the differences between the 'base' of various Linux distributions?

I’ve been using linux desktop for a year or so now. One noteable thing i keep seeing is that one person will say I dont like XYZ distrobution because of its base. But I am still a little unsure what is meant by it. I am assuming the main difference between each base is the choice of package management(?). But what other...


Arch is designed to take up your free time by making you build everything from scratch
That's a weird take, arch provides repositories ootb and is meant to be used with pacman, you're maybe confusing with gentoo?


You really want to deal with wine through another layer like lutris if you're new to wine. Lutris doesn't just bring a different wine version, it brings environment variables, dxvk... Wine alone does not work well, it needs to be setup.

Tips on distro for gaming Swedish

Hi! I’m getting a new laptop any day now and I plan on going back to Linux after maybe a decade on Windows. What works best for gaming nowadays? Is manjaro good for that? I prefer a distro with a nice name but of course that’s not the central thing. I’ll also do some book keeping, writing et cetera but I don’t think...


They do. Linux mint is great for office work and opening firefox. If you want a gaming distro i'd use something closer to the edge like fedora / endeavour os.


It's more complicated than that, distros typically have specific patches for packages and they assume you're running a particular kernel version. By running another kernel version you're going into unsupported territory. Yeah you can do that, and it'll probably be fine, but using another distro that actually supports the edge kernel is less risky and takes a few less clicks.


It's really a design decision. Gnome's corners don't have infinite size because you can grab the window by clicking anywhere on the topbar including in fullscreen. It creates exceptions in the design, why should the close button expand to the corner but not the others? If the close button is too small to click on, that's another issue entirely.


Works fine here, on mutter with mesa. Looks mostly like a KDE bug.


You can still theme gtk though, whether it's simply by editing /.config/gtk-4.0/gtk.css or by using a more in depth app like gradience, everyone using the same defaults actually makes it easier to further tweak.


Familiarity breeds contempt, give it some time and I'm sure cosmic will have its share of haters too. There's hundreds of gnome devs, and all you're seeing are clickbait blogposts like these made to stir up the pot. Go check out the discussions on discourse, matrix, or even gitlab to see what they're actually like.


Google has a swath of PR people, devs are always going to be less socially inclined. Devs at google aren't the ones making the decisions. But yeah gnome does throw its weight around, both for good and bad.


Gnome's ui is a couple of extensions away from being windows-like. You don't need to subscribe to the full gnome experience™ to use gnome.

imecth, (edited )

Botnets work as background malware, most people never realize they're infected, as opposed to in your face malware like ransomware.
Backups are only relevant for malware if you can pinpoint when the malware was installed and the backups aren't compromised.

imecth, (edited )

For the iso variant:
localectl --no-convert set-keymap mod-dh-iso-us
localectl set-x11-keymap us 105 colemak_dh_iso
For the ansi variant, switch to 104 and edit iso to ansi


Probably duckduckgo, it was a while back.


Oh and fyi you'll probably need the second command too if you ever use x11, iirc set-keymap doesn't convert properly so you need to set it manually
localectl set-x11-keymap us 104 colemak_dh


Yeah i don't think i had an article, just some redhat documentation and the regular localectl help page, and a couple of hours.


You don't implement systems like these in a few days, it's probably been in the works for months.


The system seems already implemented, even if not yet deployed. Anyhow you're giving last epoch way too much credit here, deterministic crafting is nothing new.


If only it could stick to its release dates too.


PoE2 has been postponed for 5 years. It's the classic example of feature creep.
Will it be amazing when it comes out? Maybe.
You know what would have been amazing, having all those new animations and models for the past 5 years. It could have been an iterated work, nobody asked them to do it all in one go.

This was 4.5 years ago, before the scope creep. The expected turnaround was less than 1 year.
The project is more than 5 years in the works, and will probably reach 6-7 years before it's done.


GGG has left poe to rot for the past 5 years while they've been creating a game for a new audience and misleading their current players in their intentions. They certainly won't be commended by me.


Plenty of old live service games see active development like world of warcraft. I'll remind you that you don't know me, so please keep your projections to yourself if you want to keep arguing.

imecth, (edited )

It's a good change for sure, but the cynic in me can't help but think they're doing this solely because they believe it'll make them more money this way.


I don't see the correlation between those and making new heroes free. Maybe as a way to douse the community flames.
I think it's simply because people want to play the new content. While some cave and buy the battlepass, it doesn't offset the losses of the grind and paywall that stops people from coming back and investing to begin with.


Obviously they made the announcement at an opportune moment, but blizz wouldn't be making this change if it didn't coincide with their bottom line.

Planning on moving over from Windows 10 to Linux for my Personal Work Station. Can't decide which OS I should switch to.

Windows has been a thorn in my side for years. But ever since I started moved to Linux on my Laptop and swapping my professional software to a cross platform alternative, I’ve been dreaming on removing it from my SSD....


Between the snaps crisis and the ads in the terminal ubuntu seems to be doing its best to scare off regular users.


You can disable the screensaver and auto-suspend just fine in the settings, caffeine lets you toggle it from the panel, I'd hardly call that a must have, if anything it'd annoy most users who prefer a clean panel.

I prefer the gnome approach of having a functioning basic DE where you can optionally install extensions that you want.


The reason it was cut is more about the drag action, dragging to panel maximizes and grabbing it will automatically restore it down. It's basically combined with the move window action.

The truth about linux having 15% market share in India.

I am from india. These numbers are inflated due to our population and government and health sector office pc using linux (ubuntu). These office pcs just require a chrome browser and all the work is done on the browser Nobody here cares what os they use in their office pc. I don’t see anyone here switching to linux on their...


We could mirror your post for windows though, their only interaction with the OS is launching the browser. The vast majority of people running windows only use their pc to run the browser and the office suite, and they use windows because it's what came pre-installed.

I understand your point that india doesn't particularly care for linux, but by that same logic the world doesn't particularly care for windows either.


Diablo 4 got 40% off within a few months
I find AAA games are increasingly starting with a high price point to capitalize on the hype and advertising campaign, and once that peters out they quickly reduce the price.


Gotta distinguish popularity from ratings.
Diablo 4 is maybe a mediocre game, but it sold truckloads.

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