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Hamas is a terrorist organization plain and simple. Trying to call them “Freedom Fighters” is like trying to polish a turd.


Don’t forget a FELON President in their 2nd term who is the same age as Biden now.


Then frankly, they are idiots. Any foolish “protest vote” come November is just helping Trump.


Yet fools like you just blabber on and offer no real solutions. BoTh SiDeS every time.


Don’t forget that they have also been repurposing much of their navy as their new immobile submarine fleet.


I found it to be way too similar to Two Point Hospital, but somehow less engaging. The overly silly theme just didn’t do it for me unfortunately.


Another bOtH siDEs clown. Go plant sunflowers.


And what’s your suggestion come November. Which of the 4 choices are you going to make? Vote for Biden, Vote for Trump, Not vote, or Vote 3rd party?

Only one of those 4 choices doesn’t help Trump.


BoTh SiDeS, right everyone?


Something a Trump supporter would do? Are you talking about yourself? You absolutely come across as a Trump supporter.

Netanyahu and Putin are both waiting for Trump (www.washingtonpost.com)

Netanyahu reportedly met this month with three foreign policy envoys working with former president and current presidential candidate Donald Trump — who could yet win the election despite being convicted Thursday on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in his New York state hush money case....


Thinking past the next move clearly isn’t your strong point. You’re a fool if you think Trump will be better. The guy who literally hates Muslims and wanted to ban any from coming into the US. He’ll cheer on as Netanyahu wipes out and reclaims Gaza.


You are either a Russian disinformation agent, or a completely naive, and foolish person. Surprising how you think the Palestinians dying in Gaza is the “worst ethnic cleansing campaign of our generation”. Take a look at some countries in Africa (Sudan and Darfur region specifically) if you want to see some truly atrocious numbers.


Well, they probably prefer this job than pushing up sunflowers on the battlefields of Ukraine.

I truly wish as part of sanctions Russia was completely cut off from the Internet. Watch again as a large chunk of the bots and Facebook accounts dry up.


So after all that text, what is your suggestion come November? Pontificate all you want, but short of voting for Biden, you are supporting, either directly or indirectly, a Trump presidency, and if that becomes the case the situation is Gaza will only become worse.

So you are nothing but a naive fool with no actual solutions or suggestions, just fairy tale “I wish this isn’t how reality works”


It is completely naive since, again, come November there are only 4 choices: 1. Vote for Biden, 2. Vote for Trump, 3. Vote 3rd party, or 4. Don’t vote.

So tell me what option is a so-called progressive going to choose that doesn’t directly or indirectly help Trump? At that point, in the ballot box, no more “would have” or “should haves”. There are only 4 choices.

This is why I call options other than option 1 naive because 2, 3, and 4 benefit Trump.

Does the electoral college system suck? YES! Do we wish we had a more progressive and left-leaning candidate from the Democrats? YES! Do we wish either of the options were not old men? YES! And would a Trump presidency be absolutely catastrophic for the US and the rest of the Wedtern world? YES!!

Given these realities, it’s either a naive or disinformation / burn-it-to-the-ground approach you’re pushing for.


So you’re a Trump supporter then? Come November, not voting for Bden is either directly or indirectly supporting Trump. No other way to spin it. Naive or a troll.

So tired of these foolish posts infecting Lemmy.


They don’t let Russian citizens vote.


Stop pretending you care about Gaza. If you did, you’d see that the other choice this November would be catastrophically worse.

Just come out and say who you’d vote for. Stop virtue signaling.


What a completely foolish take. “I won’t vote for Biden, I’ll just vote for the guy who wants to be a dictator and who cares even less about Palestine”

Russian troll or a completely deluded and/or privileged person who “lived through one Trump presidency”.

I can’t begin to stress how completely, off the rails, crayon eating levels of stupidity this approach is.


Ok, so vote for the guy who will literally make all of this worse. You won’t have to worry about a genocide in another part of the world because there would be some starting up right at home.


There’s a difference between criticizing, protesting, etc. but that’s not what people are advocating for here. It’s either “don’t vote” or “don’t vote for Biden in the General Election”.

You see the difference right? Once that general election comes, Trump winning would be absolutely catastrophic for the US, so unless you’re a Russian plant, or one of those “let it all burn down” people, there isn’t much choice.


Sadly with how the US general election works, if your not voting for Biden, it just helps Trump. You know his supporters don’t care about Israel, the Middle East, women, LGBT people, etc., so they’re not holding back.

If Trump wins, none of your rhetoric will excuse where we end up, and yes Biden and the current lobbying groups so entrenched with Israel have their share of the blame, but absolutely so do the voters who let it happen.


Is the “Uni Party” the new “Deep State”? (From her statement in the video)


So you’ll do what instead? Vote for Trump? Not vote? Throw away your vote to a 3rd party? What a naive and dangerous viewpoint.

Sad to see your “red line” isn’t electing a dictator, because that’s what will happen if Trump wins. Spare me any twisted logic of how that’s not what would happen in your scenarios.


And yet they want people to believe that their cars are of excellent build quality.


This problem is worse with cheese, using words like “cheese product” or “butter flavoring” for butter. Nobody is getting confused about Oat milk not being from cows, but these “not quite cheese” products are misleading.


All this does it show the Ukrainian soldiers that they may as well fight to the last man of surrendering also equates to death. Let alone the war crimes aspect of it all.


What type of delusional thinking is this? I swear Lemmy is filled with people who don’t understand how the world works or are being intentionally dishonest.

There’s no way in the world that Bernie would pull more votes than Biden. Absolutely no way. Any frustration people have with Biden, Trump will be oh so much worse. Want the party to move left? It’s locally and in other elections leading up to the general. Once we’re at the general election, unfortunately with the stupid way the US voting system is set up, voting for Biden is the o lot sane decision.

And I’m saying this as someone who voted for Bernie in the primary!


Oh I see, instead they should do what? Vote Trump? Throw away a vote for some random 3rd party candidate that will NEVER win?

Yet another infestation of naive or disinformation agents on Lemmy.


So is shooting myself in the foot, but not a good choice to avoid the catastrophic presidency that would take place under Trump.


Absolutely the CEO lied, but unfortunately our government lacks the teeth to put him in jail.


It’s sad. Regular brain + stroke = GOP conservative thinking. Makes perfect sense.


On the Internet, no. On my home LAN? Absolutely. I disabled all IPv6 at home.


Lemmy sure does seem to have a more vocal insane minority that are either Russian shills, or just want to burn down the US. This is my biggest issue with the fediverse.

Anyone who claims Trump and Biden are the same is just a fool.


Until you get clowns like we have in the Supreme Court shooting down women’s healthcare rights and this too becomes weaponized against the Democrats because those rights are somehow “unconstitutional”.


It depends on whether or not you think Iran truly tried to attack Israel vs “just doing something” to show some response to the Syria Iran building airstrike.

From my understanding, advanced warning was given prior to the attack.


Then you are naive. You can say you’re not to blame, but if Trump wins and things get worse (and oh boy will they get worse), Trump voters and those who didn’t vote for Biden will be to blame. Full stop.

Does it suck we don’t have a more progressive candidate in the general? Absolutely. Is there anything that can be done at this point to change that? No, there are only 3 choices to make, and all but voting for Biden will help Trump in some way.


Problem is that this mindset for states that DO matter in our shitty electoral college system absolutely make a difference. This is absolutely the goal of the Russians, GOP, and the “let America burn to the ground” folks.

'Run, run, run': Chaos at a Sydney mall as 6 people stabbed to death, and the suspect fatally shot (apnews.com)

A man stabbed six people to death at a busy Sydney shopping center Saturday before he was fatally shot, police said, with hundreds fleeing the chaotic scene, many weeping as they carried their children. Eight people, including a 9-month-old, were injured....


It’s so infuriating that people will use this as an example of “see, mass killings happen even without guns!1!1!!” without the logical step of “wow, that would have been so much worse with a gun!”.


I love how all these people who are suddenly vocal about the terrible situation in Gaza fall short of realizing that getting Trump in office would be catastrophically worse. With that logic, the only practical option is to vote for Biden in the general. A 3rd party vote is just throwing your vote away.

The only conclusion I see here is these people are either disinformation agents, naive fools, or both.


Except when he talks about wanting to be a dictator, that’s no lie. Of course the “one day” piece totally is.


The US should really have added offshoring tariffs to balance the savings for moving anything offshore, especially since those savings go right to the very top while simultaneously screwing over the remnants of the middle class.


My guess is they’re being intentionally obtuse. What an edgelord intellectual. Best to ignore and move on. Let them get their dopamine hits from pulling wings off a fly.

Please, for the love of God, VOTE! (pawb.social)

I don’t like Biden either, but anyone with half a brain knows there are two choices in the 2020 election. If we had a sane voting system, voting third party might be worth it, but as it stands, no one but you knows your favorite candidate exists and unless you want to become their campaign manager that will still be true in...


Yeah and meanwhile Trump wins and we’re all fucked. Just keep patting yourself on the back as we all sink. The OP is absolutely correct.

Don’t be fooled, this is absolutely the angle foreign disinformation agents are pushing. “Genocide Joe” is no different than “Bernie or Bist”, he’ll, or “Stop the steal”


Sure, but there are only 4 options when November comes: 1) vote for Biden, 2) vote for Trump, 3) vote 3rd party, or 4) don’t vote.

Due to how the US system works, options 2-4 only help Trump, so unless you want a Trump presidency, only option 1 is valid.

Anything else is just at best a pipe dream, or at worst, direct support for someone who will become a dictator.


And unfortunately it’s mostly younger voters, who as a group BARELY vote.


People like that complain about the lack of free speech, then in the same breath praise China, a country that will literally disappear you if you step out of line.


With that statement we can ignore everything you say. If you don’t take part in the voting process you don’t have a voice and your opinion doesn’t matter.

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