Trump told donors he will crush pro-Palestinian protests, deport demonstrators

Trump has waffled on whether the Israel-Gaza war should end. But speaking to wealthy donors behind closed doors, he said that he supports Israel’s right to continue “its war on terror.”

Former president Donald Trump promised to crush pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses, telling a roomful of donors — a group that he joked included “98 percent of my Jewish friends” — that he would expel student demonstrators from the United States, according to participants in the roundtable event with him in New York.


The people who need to see this will instead shut their eyes and cry gEnOcIdE jOe!!!


They could both be doing genocides you know. It doesn’t make Biden’s lack of response and continual support of Israel good, and it deserves to be criticized.


how very freedom loving and democratic

PiratePanPan, avatar

Oh, no! Please, please don’t send me to Vancouver, British Columbia!


I’ll expel US citizens


UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

Could be worse. He could be threatening to bomb them, like Obama did.


So where are all the “concerned Democrats” that always show up en masse to talk about how horrible Biden’s Gaza policy is?
Aren’t you guy’s concerned about this policy too? Or is it fine because it’s not Biden’s policy?

elleybird, avatar


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  • Snowpix, avatar

    They want to vote, but only for the perfect, ideal candidate that wants the exact things they do. Since that doesn’t exist, they’ll smugly sit on the sidelines attacking Biden and ignorantly and (hopefully) unintentionally helping Trump win by refusing to vote for the only candidate that can stop him.


    Well said! MAGA can literally do ANYTHING and it’s cool, including fucking their own voters.

    Democrats must be Jesus fucking Christ on earth or else the whole party is fucked and there’s no point in voting. They trot out bullshit like two bad choices, no point in voting, etc. as their fallback.

    ‘we shouldn’t have to settle!!!’ welcome to reality bud.

    The biggest shock for me is that these morons clearly have big opinions but feel their best move is to silence themselves and not vote, ensuring that the least bad choice is that much more vulnerable to the real bad choice. Undoubtedly a lot of these anti-vote people are russian trolls and the like, voter disenfranchisement is big fuckin business now just like it was in 2016.

    Single issue voters kill us all

    CharlesDarwin, avatar

    Yeah, but gEnOcIdEjOe!!!111eleventy!!! Or something.

    UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

    So where are all the “concerned Democrats” that always show up en masse to talk about how horrible Biden’s Gaza policy is?

    Right here. We never left.…

    Aren’t you guy’s concerned about this policy too?

    I’m concerned there’s not going to be a Gaza left by the time Trump takes office.


    That’s the thing, Trump has been strategically quiet on the issue. He wants to make sure the spotlight is on Biden, even he is leaning into calling him genocide Joe.

    Trump knows this is a hot button issue, and if he were to speak out more on what his policy would be on it, he would very much unite the left against him. Letting Biden take the heat ensures the left is fractured.

    UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

    Trump has been strategically quiet on the issue

    He’s been very loud, but not nearly as loud as the articles about his time in the SDNY courtroom over hooker hush money payments.

    The issue is that he’s not President while Biden is. So hypothesizing what a future President Trump might do in the event Biden’s approval rating sinks any lower becomes a more compelling Conservative Democrat talking point than what Biden is currently doing to cost him all that support.

    Letting Biden take the heat ensures the left is fractured.

    The left isn’t fractured on this issue. That’s the root of Biden’s problem. From the midwestern business-friendly liberals to the college Maoists, there’s a uniform horror and disgust towards our Middle East foreign policy. The only split is whether you’re willing to give Biden yet one more pass on our latest imperial atrocity or whether you’ve finally reached your limit.


    The only split is whether you’re willing to give Biden yet one more pass on our latest imperial atrocity or whether you’ve finally reached your limit.

    when you boil everything down to black and white, the nuance is gone along with any wisdom you started out with. Shame that’s all you got, can’t even hold an intelligent discussion without you leaping for the hyperbole.

    For instance, what country is doing more than the US to bring aid to Gaza?

    UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

    when you boil everything down to black and white

    That is the nature of voting. You can either cast a ballot for a guy or not. There is no in-between state.

    what country is doing more than the US to bring aid to Gaza?

    UNRWA was the primary supplier of aid into Gaza until Israel kicked them out. Then the World Central Kitchen was a primary supplier of food aid, until Israel bombed it. Aid was coming in from Palestinians in Jordan and Egypt, until Israel sealed off the borders at gunpoint.

    Meanwhile, the US has been sending Israel more weapons used in these terrorist acts.

    Might as well credit Germany with feeding and housing Polish Jews in 1942.


    No it is not the nature of voting, it is not a binary thing at all. Again all you do is remove all nuance which destroys the discussion

    You’re also proving my point, Israeli Zionists fucked aid and the US is the ONLY ONES doing ANYTHING to ensure aid gets there at our own cost. Meanwhile Egypt and neighboring countries simply put up barbed wire and close crossings.

    ALL those aids you listed you admit are no longer happening, only the US is now making it happen, but that’s not convenient to your position is it?

    Are you SERIOUSLY comparing the US to Nazi goddamn Germany right now? You are beyond a discussion based on reality. Won’t waste anymore time on you. Shame.

    UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

    Israeli Zionists fucked aid and the US is the ONLY ONES doing ANYTHING

    US is running cover for the Israeli Zionists, preventing UN-based aid from reaching Gaza, and doing clumsy ineffectual political stunts to disguise their complicity.

    ALL those aids you listed you admit are no longer happening

    Because the US is sending weapons into Israel to bomb aid agencies.

    Are you SERIOUSLY comparing the US to Nazi

    Wouldn’t even be the first time. From our re-installation of fascists in Japan and Germany during the post-war period to our Jakarta Method in Indonesia to the Contra terrorists we armed in El Salvador and Guatamala, this isn’t even our first full-throated fascist rodeo.

    American fascism runs deep, and we’ve had a hard on for butchering every brown person we can get in our sites since at least 9/11.


    Every single one that currently supports the UNRWA, countries that have criticized Israel and stopped diplomacy with them or cut off trade, South Africa launched the ICC case against them, ones that have tried to vote for sanctions against them in the UN or have supported a Palestinian state. So ya, tons of countries that aren’t the US.


    Meanwhile the US is the only reason Gaza is getting any real aid at this point given all the other bullshit by both Hamas and the Zionist trash.

    But go ahead and look at the things you like and pretend everything else isn’t happening


    You can’t give the US credit for giving a little aid when they’re giving way more bombs and weapons. I’m not going to give you credit for throwing a bandaid to someone after you’re the one giving the shooter a gun and ammunition and stopped people from coming over to help when their shot. The US is causing more net harm in this whole situation. Also, those other countries ARE giving lots of aid. Look up the nationalities of the doctors and relief workers in there. They’re from all over the world. The US isn’t even donating to the UN relief org anymore because of trumped up accusations by Israel that haven’t even been proven, unlike lot of other countries that have resumed payments. You just hear about the US because they’re basically helping Israel hold the door shut, and every time they let it loose a little, aid can come in, which sounds like they did something good when it’s more like they stopped doing something bad. Hell, they’re supporting Israel while it blocks off aid through truck, which would be the one actual efficient way to deliver it (that little pier is doing barely anything and apparently even falling apart btw). One million people are being displaced right now. The President said they’d draw a red line in the sand before that happens, but operations have initiated in Rafah and nothing has happened.

    So, if anyone is pretending that reality isn’t happening, it’s you. And tbh, I get it. It’s tough to reconcile good old America, innocent Israel, and grandpa Joe Biden with all the pictures of the dead Palestinian children and the rubble of their cities, put together with the proof of American bombs that are being used. It’s easier to not deal with it because our domestic problems are so big and no one here wants Trump to be President. But it’s happening, and you’ve got to face the problem so we can push our leaders to fix it, because it’s the US that are the ones causing it by shielding Israel from the rest of the world (except Germany), and we supposedly live in a democracy, where theoretically with enough popular support we should be able to pressure our politicians to change course on this disaster.


    They’re sick of hearing and talking about Trump, so they don’t want to talk about this stuff. They would rather film themselves crying about gEnOcIdE jOe on tiktok to make them feel better about themselves.

    Single issue voters hurt everyone.


    When he loses ship him over there


    FYI: Most of those braindead “am I not allowed to criticize Biden???” comments and posts on social media are a concerted effort by right-wingers from /pol and other such sewers, trying to get people to not vote against Trump. Don’t fall for it. These aren’t “lefties” or “tankies”. Just downvote, report, and ignore.


    They’re insane if the think I wouldn’t crawl over 5 miles of glass covered in diarrhea to vote against christofascism, and the only way to vote against christofascism is by voting for the side with the best chance to claim its victory, and much to my chagrin that’s Biden, it’s a really simple calculus


    correct. this is not the time to win the fight, this is the time to make sure we will be able to continue fighting it.


    I mean, I dont really care for Biden. Having said that, I’d rather gouge my eyes out with a rusty spoon than not vote for him and end up with Trump, so “genocide Joe” or whatever those morons are calling him begrudgingly has my vote.

    Snowpix, avatar

    Quite often when someone loudly whines about “not being able to criticize [X]” it’s because they have an opinion that is either repugnant, hateful or ridiculous and nobody wants to hear them. Nobody is saying they can’t or aren’t allowed to have criticism or opinions, but everyone else has a right to ignore or ridicule them for it.

    In the end, it’s usually just trolls. Giving them attention is what they want so it’s best to ignore them entirely and not give them the reaction they’re desperate for.


    Soon^tm^ we’ll hear him crying ‘Wollt ihr den totalen Krieg?’. Pretty sure about that. History rhymes.


    thanks again republicans for reminding us that expression of grievances is basically communism


    For those using this to lecture the world about how Joe Biden is the lesser of two evils, let me tell you that genocide is the maximum evil. you can’t go higher than that. so they will be just as equally evil.

    few innocent thousands people dead, should have been enough for you election strategists to fill the streets with millions of protesters to bring the establishment to meet your demands. not trying to guilt trip those who can’t consciously give their vote in support of the actual policies and their taxes to bomb Palestinians into submission , genocide of 50 thousand people is just as immoral as one with 100 thousand people.


    Where are my “genocide Joe” boys? You, the ones that have nothing to say but Biden/democrats bad?

    You always leave this part out. Troll farm tankies.

    Theprogressivist, avatar

    They’re on the same article thread posted an hour after mine.


    I’m right here, this article does nothing to change my mind about how Joe Biden is aiding and abetting an ongoing genocide.

    Yes, Trump will almost certainly be worse. That doesn’t change the fact that our current president’s support for genocide is deplorable, it hurts his electoral chances, and it damages the US standing in the world.

    Burying Palestinian families alive under the rubble of their former homes is not a good use of my tax dollars. Joe Biden needs to stop.


    Genocide is a US problem not specific to any president.

    You can say “Joe Biden is helping/supporting Israel in its genocide on Palestinians”. Calling him “genocide joe” is repeating GOP bs. They say it like that to keep the critical thinking to a minimum.


    Yes we agree that other modern presidents have been genocidal as well.

    Using that fact as an excuse for the current genocide is not some realpolitik, “adults in the room” level of thinking. It is moral depravity and the banality of evil.


    Who is using it as excuse for the current genocide? Where does it say “genocide is ok”? “Adult in the room” my ass.

    When comparing 2 candidates, genocide doesn’t matter because they will both do it, you substract that from both side of the equation in US politics. Once a president is in office then you can protest decision, this is about comparing candidates.

    Using the GOP propaganda of “genocide joe” like it’s his personal hobby just feeds the trolls. The article is about Trump, and the guy at the top of this thread is asking where the “genocide joe” trumpers are given Trump admits the same. Anyone answering “i’m here”, but saying “AKshUaLlY i’m not a trumper but biden is commiting genocide” is just pedantic and missing the point of this discussion


    Who is using it as excuse for the current genocide?

    You did, when you said “Genocide is a US problem not specific to any president.”

    When comparing 2 candidates, genocide doesn’t matter because they will both do it

    This “lesser of two evils” logic only holds up when deciding who to vote for. The Biden administration does not get to aid a genocide criticism-free just because Trump would be worse.

    Once a president is in office then you can protest decision

    A president is in office now, aiding a genocide now, so I’m protesting now. If the US is still supporting genocide after the election I will protest then, too.

    i’m not a trumper but biden is commiting genocide" is just pedantic and missing the point

    I saw a shocking amount of upvoted genocide denial in the comments, so I felt the need to respond, even if its unpopular.


    Haha you’re not protesting, youre whining on the internet. Not one protest in the US besides the students protesting their school, not biden.


    I assume the rest of your life based on like ten internet posts you’ve made. I’m a genius please pat me on the back’


    It’s always one of the folks from one of the newer instances/communities I see making these arguments, usually it’s or kbin but I saw quite a few from .today this weekend. Seems like the older instances that were either up or started because of the migration from reddit are less filled with trolls and bad faith in my experience


    Has any other president been sued for genocide?

    oatscoop, (edited )

    One: you can be sued for anything regardless of if it’s true or not. Someone could find some sleazebag lawyer and sue you for drowning hundreds of puppies while laughing about it – does that make you a puppy killer?

    Two: We have presidents that we … yet weren’t sued for it.


    But while many media outlets were quick to report on the case not moving forward, they largely missed a key aspect of the ruling: the judge did not dismiss the case on its merits but rather because it fell ​“outside the court’s limited jurisdiction,” source

    In fact, U.S. District Court Judge Jeffrey White’s statement appeared to uphold some of plaintiff’s key charges in the case:

    The judge went further, urging Biden and his administration officials to scrutinize ​“the results of their unflagging support” for the Israeli government’s assault on Gaza.

    Until he changes his stance, he’s “genocide Joe.”


    So by that definition there’s also genocide Trump, and genocide US government, and genocide US soldiers, and genocide US citizens, and genocide judges, and… It becomes irrelevant to call him “genocide joe”, it has little to do with him. See we call Dwayne “the rock” Johnson because he’s the only wrestler known by that name, it’s unique to him. I think you need to lookup what Nicknames are for, aside from GOP propaganda.


    I agree. All individuals and institutions you listed could be culpable, but no suits, internationally, nor domestically have been filed. Except for the CCR case against Biden, Blinken, and Austin.

    I looked into the origin of the “genocide Joe” meme. The earliest entry is from October 18, 2023. As far as I can tell it was started by pro-Palestine leftists like Aaron Mate, Hasan, and Alan Macleod. It did not originate from conservative media.


    Youre a trumper. Let’s not pretend lawsuits mean anything at all to you. Nevermind lawsuits that haven’t started.

    The origin is irrelevant to who is perpetuating it, or why. “Sleepy Joe”, “Genocide Joe”, “Orange man bad” are all designed to remove any critical thinking or nuance. It was the same for “Crooked Hillary”.

    Now if you’re so good at fetching historical data, let’s find which political party has it as a primary strategy to make up silly names and gaslight their opponent with them… i’ll wait.


    This prolix exposition does nothing to keep Trump from being reelected. More likely, it serves to depress voter motivation. You need to give people a reason to vote for Biden, not against Trump. Best of luck.


    Because that’s what youre doing right, getting people to vote for Biden. I see lmao


    Unironically, yes. Insulting voters and defending a genocide does not win people to your side.


    Yes, pressure on Biden will force him to stop supporting a genocide, which will hopefully help more people support him. He’s already taken baby steps. Thanks to this pressure. I was told to vote for him in 2020 because he can be pushed left and I did. Yet, if he can’t be pushed to not support a genocide, the biggest crime of all humanity, then it’s not really true.

    SpaceCowboy, avatar

    Nice little performance! But your act isn’t all that convincing really.

    Joe Biden cares more about Palestinians than you do. He’s doing things to help while you’re projecting faux outrage.


    What? What has he done, other than words?


    Well, he used words to get the Saudis to allow aid to resume flowing. What have you done besides bitch behind a keyboard?

    TokenBoomer, (edited )

    Well, I’m not president. And I can’t find any info on Biden getting the Saudis to allow aid. Can you point to a policy?

    Edit: It was Egypt. That certainly will help. Why you bitching about my bitching? We bitching together. We bitches.


    Youre bitching about a genocidal president, and he’s bitching about a genocidal, openly corrupt traitor, above the law wanna be dictator who needs to change the law to keep existing as a political figure.

    You are not the same.


    As long as we’re clear that I’m bitching about the genocide. I’m good. 🙂 Maybe, if more people would bitch about Biden enabling a genocide, instead of defending his actions, we wouldn’t have to bitch about Trump being president.


    How does that make sense? Trump will openly do the same. The genocide is not why people are voting for Trump. And people are bitching about Biden, so much the police has to beat people into silence.

    Youre pretending to just be asking questions and being angry at Biden, but we see your comment history. It’s pretty clear what youre selling


    Then you should be buying, so I can get rich, and outspend AIPAC and CUFI to lobby Biden to change course on Palestine, so he can get reelected. It’s almost 🤔 like you want Trump to win.


    Yeah I’m not surprised you think that makes sense.


    If you truly want Biden to be reelected, be like disguy_ovahea.

    SpaceCowboy, avatar

    He built a pier to get food into Gaza.

    Other than words, what have you done?

    YeetPics, avatar

    this article does nothing to change my mind

    Nobody claimed you could read




    Excuse me, but I never leave out that Trump is a fascist who’s worse than Biden. And I’ll vote Biden against Trump. Biden is still a lying piece of shit absorbing and spreading Israeli propaganda about murdered babies and systematic rape on Oct 7. He’s still facilitating a genocide. None of Trump’s evil words can change that. Biden can change that, but he chooses not to.


    Maybe you should understand that there are biggwr pictures?

    The sucky part of being a politician is that inevitably you’ll have to make decisions that you won’t like, that go against your better judgement, that you might be opposed to. There simply may be bigger issues at stake. You may have an ally that you begrudgingly have to support because if you don’t you can lose that ally, making the situation so much worse. Worse yet, you might upset a large part of your voters that will in turn not vote for you on the next election.

    I dunno for sure but I think that Biden is in the situation where he must be very careful with what he does with Israel. You may not have noticed, but he has been criticizing them, he has been pushing them to stop, but very very carefully.

    In a way He’s may be in the same situation as us. Just as we begrudgingly have to vote Biden over trump to avoid shit really going to hell, he may have to begrudgingly support Israel to avoid losing many voters that he’ll need in the next elections.

    Because of this I think it isn’t as simple as “Biden is a liar” and “Biden supports genocide”. I could be wrong and he very well may be evil, but from what I’ve seen, from what he’s been doing in other parts of his job, I highly doubt that. I really do believe that he’s trying to navigate this situation as carefully sd he can.

    Shit simply isn’t that simple

    Semi_Hemi_Demigod, avatar

    The fact that no matter who I vote for it’s gonna end up with kids being killed on my dime is the problem. At least Biden will pretend to feel bad about it, which is all I’ve come to expect from my government.

    I’ve long given up on the notion that I get to vote for someone I like in this system.


    I wish that “likability” wasn’t such a huge part of the equation. Doing the right thing and being effective at it should be a bigger factor.

    Semi_Hemi_Demigod, (edited ) avatar

    By “likability” I mean that I agree with some or most of the things they consider the right thing. I want to be enthusiastic about them instead of just mainly hoping they don’t do too much damage.

    Cue someone posting a billion links about Biden in response because that’s gonna convince me.


    I’ve long given up on the notion that I get to vote for someone I like in this system

    Democracy baby! :/

    I think this is the practical assessment of politics for a mature adult however. We want better, but we understand that we won’t get our ideal, perfect options. We have to choose for the better, unideal, option, and hope that our choices will allow our progeny to one day have those ideal candidates.

    Semi_Hemi_Demigod, avatar

    Better? Nah. Less worse.


    Oh I know exactly where you can find them! Just visit community, they post there 24/7


    If Trump wins and has his SS start shooting Pro-Palestinian protestors, it’ll be really hard to hold back from saying “told you so”


    You’re just telling on yourself that you’re a fascist at heart then.


    Elaborate on that logic, please, because it doesn’t make sense to me.


    needs more smug

    Snowpix, avatar

    Why is it that everybody with a differing opinion than yours is called a fascist? The word does not mean what you think it means and by using it in this manner, you’re making the word lose its meaning.

    How about bringing real discussion to this thread instead of whatever this is?


    This is smelling a lot like the republican “Not everything you don’t like is racist/fascist”

    How different is the person with the gun to the person who is standing nearby saying “you deserve this”?


    What the fuck is this abuser talk? Nowhere did they say anything about deserving it, you are projecting your emotions here.

    What they DID say was it’d be difficult to not say I told you so, as in, I told you your choices would lead here. ‘You fucked up and now we’re here’ is a far cry from ‘you deserved it’.


    Standing by and saying told you so isn’t even that different to “you deserve it” if you aren’t stepping in to help prevent it.


    They’ll have put their red hats back on by then.


    Bbbbbut Biden more bad!! Because Jeenoside


    Trump never aided a genocide during his term.

    rigatti, avatar

    He never had the opportunity.


    Covid? He tried to take out his own voters.


    You know the ICE camps that sterilized people and had Trump portraits about winning the war? Sterilizing women of a group you oppress is in the definitions of Genocide, so he absolutely did. He also recommended other genocidal things, but because he can be convinced by the last general who spoke to him, they didn’t put those plans into place.


    I don’t remember him getting charged with genocide. Pretty sure I’d remember.the ACLU did file charges for forced removal, but not genocide.


    There were accusations filed, perhaps not directly against Trump but instead his administration, and maybe not by the ACLU directly citing Genocide but instead human rights. The connection is mentioned by them at least:…/shut-it-down-civil-rights-lawyers-de…

    I wouldn’t say using just the ACLU means it didn’t occur, and I don’t know what your definition of charged is. Here are some others:……/forced-sterilization-genocide-……/forced-hysterectomies-underscore-horror…


    Great job. That was during Covid too, although it had been going on for some time. Stephen Miller is a ghoul.

    YeetPics, avatar

    Not true, he hasn’t used all his fame and power to stop the Gaza genocide so he is 110% at fault.

    Same with you.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

    Same with you.

    Dreizehn, avatar

    I always said President Biden is the lesser of the two evils. Mango Mussolini should shove off to fucking Moscow.


    So more of the same?

    Theprogressivist, avatar

    What’s your source on Pro Palestinian students being deported by Biden?


    How are any Pro Palestinian protesters getting deported by either? Neither can. Just another boogeyman scare.

    reddwarf, avatar

    Just another boogeyman scare
    This comment is on the same level as “just locker room talk”.

    One is not doing what he needs to be doing, Biden. The other, trump, straight up talks about fascism and dictatorship every single day, for months now.

    You are making this a ‘both sides’ issue it seems to me and that is wrong. You know it is wrong, I will assume you are not brain dead, so it begs the question: why do you downplay of what trump is telling you what he will do? Do you have some secret info on trump you want to share with us or should we just go ahead and listen to the guy and go with ‘he means that’?


    On this issue both side are the same. There are many other issues and reasons to vote, but there is no distinction between candidates on Palestine. Actions speak

    reddwarf, avatar

    Actions do indeed speak but you do not have that yet with trump. He makes statements, wild ones where anyone with common sense would want to block that idiot from ever being close to a post office, let alone being a president of the US.
    So while Biden could do do things differently, his actions tell us he is making the wrong calls.
    Trump would, according to his own words, round up protestors and have them deported, crush them (whatever that means). He want israel to be able to continue without restrictions. Biden might not do all the right things, I agree, but to compare him on this topic with trump is just plain wrong.


    This argument holds as much water as Biden’s red lines. A lot of lip service and nothing of substance. Does it matter which door you use if you end up in the same room? They are absolutely the same on Palestine


    So you’re saying tRump is lying?


    He does that often



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  • Bipta,

    How are any Jews getting put in internment camps? Hitler can't. Just another boogeyman scare.


    Okay so they put them in camps, but it's not like they can just kill them.


    Isn’t that what’s happening to the Palestinians currently? By Israel. With support of Biden.

    underisk, avatar

    Trump is going to COOK your BABY and EAT them!!! Biden will merely roast the child but not consume it. LESSER EVIL!!!



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  • YeetPics, avatar

    Do you think both of those are equal?

    Before you go off-topic,as you ilk is sure to do, remember that this is your invented “parallel situation”.

    YeetPics, avatar

    I made it up bro

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