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  1. Weigh the pros and cons of each option
  2. Get stressed out and ignore it for a week
  3. Realize you forgot about it and are out of time
  4. Pick something at random.

IDK the very idea of being in front of that many people and on TV makes me want to start hyperventilating so I would be dead long before I got to that point.


A catered quiet night alone sounds pretty dope actually.


If someone’s penis looks like that they should see a medical professional immediately.


I am working on 100% RDR2 and the last bit I have to do is the gambling challenges. The last blackjack one is to win after hitting 3 times or something ridiculous like that. I sat there just playing blackjack through all 3 Robocop movies just hitting on every hand as fast as possible and I still didn’t get it.


When I run into other ships in space games I usually orient myself to be head on with them. Unless I’m trying to murder them, then I try to go wherever their guns aren’t. Maybe Star Trek just skips showing that part.


They just pass those problems on to their customers these days.


Because the woman makes an effort to take care of herself and it makes them feel shitty about being lazy.


That being said I hate, hate, hate the gym, it feels too voyeuristic and crowded. I’d rather be outside doing something fun. I know I’ll go if I’m paying for a trainer. If all else fails I’ll get a little Pelican kayak or find a heated pool in the next place I live and do my thing when I’m not worried about money haha.

I also have a hard time going to the gym. I bought a set of adjustable dumbbells so I can just work out at home. They even have a bar that screws in between them to make it into a barbell (I don’t have a rack to really load it up safely but it’s still useful). Since I got those my workout schedule has stayed pretty consistent. It seems the “having to go somewhere” part was what was always tripping me up before.


I don’t think the Star Trek replicator use raw materials to produce stuff. I’m pretty sure it’s just energy converted into matter.


I don’t think the Star Trek replicator use raw materials to produce stuff. I’m pretty sure it’s just energy converted into matter.


Don’t put your grubby fingers on vegetables you’re not purchasing either.


Looking back, the bacon suit might have been a mistake.


I also find inches easier to work with unless I’m making something with my 3d printer. Fractions are just easier when you’re making something big with looser tolerances.


Doing things in 1/16ths of an inch is easier than metric for like woodworking and such IMO. Especially since most tools and materials come in inches here. Until you get into stuff that has tighter tolerances than 1/16th of an inch. Even then you could go to .010s or .001s of an inch but I’m more used to metric at that scale and that’s what the applications I use for 3d printing default to.

lightnsfw, (edited )

0.6875 is basically a meaningless concept to me when I try to picture it in my head and what if you need to add it to another dimension? It’s not easy to work 4 decimal places in your head. .75 only works because I automatically convert it to 3/4. Maybe it’s just something that comes with experience but I don’t have trouble with knowing what’s what. If your not sure you can always make the denominator equal and figure it that way. 3/4=12/16 for instance. Easy math to do in your head.


So I have to throw out all my stuff and spend $1000s on new tools?

You don’t work in 1/10ths of an inch. It’s 1/16ths and that that’s where the math ends. You don’t need to convert it to decimal. Unless you’re doing machining which you do work in .0001ths due to the tighter tolerances and I’ve already agreed you might as well use metric for that.


If you can’t have a civil conversation without insults I’m not going to bother with you anymore. We’re talking about units of measurement, there’s no reason to be an asshole. Go fuck yourself.


The problem is everything is already built using the imperial measurements. Even if we switched all the new tools and materials over to metric we’d be stuck having to do a bunch of conversions when we’re integrating it into existing construction and we’d probably be dealing with that for the rest of our lives.


What about imperial invites mistakes and what makes you think that there will be fewer mistakes after we switch to metric and now have to use both systems and do messy conversions anytime we are working with pre-existing structures? Retrofitting old construction is basically a constant state of being for me and many others. What do we gain by switching to metric?


I already don’t have to maintain two sets of tools. I would only have to do that if we switched because I would now have to have tools with metric measurements (which would cost me $1000s) for new construction and my old tools for working on existing stuff.

As for that article I don’t find many of their arguments to be very convincing especially the numbers they’re using to determine costs. The article they used to get the $6, 100,000 figure for the cost of not switching is from 1915 and even allowing for that is largely nonsense. They mention having to educate on the imperial system. The only education I got about the imperial system was during wood shop as an elective and maybe some in math but that was more to demonstrate fractions and using rulers and such, the focus wasn’t on the units themselves. We spent far more time learning metric during science class. The main article also mentions that converting to metric will save money but don’t explain how this is the case. Then go on to accuse companies that have not changed out their tooling to metric in order to avoid the cost, so it’s very inconsistent. The language they use is also very biased.


Again that article doesn’t actually cite anything and is very opinionated and vague. Basically saying “trust me bro”. Even if those big businesses are saving I very much doubt those savings are going to pass on to the little guy. They breeze right past this part.

What kinds of costs were considered? They included out-of-pocket payments for physical changes in things: for example, modifying scales or buying new ones, altering gasoline pumps, adjusting or replacing machinery, repainting highway signs, rewriting plans and specifications. They also involved intangibles, such as having to learn new words and how to use them, having to work more slowly for a while in order to avoid mistakes, and having to do arithmetic in order to understand an item in the newspaper.

Every tradesman would have to buy all new tools for the metric standard. They’d have to account for mistakes when doing conversions between the new metric stuff when working with an existing construction or carry two sets of tools with them. A corporation might be able to absorb those costs easily enough but for an individual that’s going to take a much larger bite out of them.


Yea, because it would cost me $1000s of dollars for very little benefit for me or others in the same boat. It might save government and big corporations money but for the little guy it’s just a bunch of extra work. I’d be interested to know what massive inconvenience not switching is causing the average person.


Have you tried not having a ton of money? It really sucks.


Usually I don’t notice but it was pretty jarring in Book of Boba Fett. The guy was all dusty living in a desert and then he smiles and his teeth are blindingly white. I was like… Damn Disney you can’t afford the makeup department to dirty those up a bit?


I’ll never understand how a serial child rapist is ever “out” to do any further crimes. They shouldn’t even be breathing.


I’d settle for keeping them imprisoned.


I played summoner wars for 100s of hours at my last call center job and never spent a dime it.


One of my friends was trying to talk me into playing it because I like space games. When I found out about the wipes I was no longer interested. I don’t want to put a bunch of time into a game if I’m just going to lose everything periodically.


Jeez, I’ve spent less than that on cars in real life before.


Or when people in GTA online shoot you?

Yea actually, I quit playing because tgose assholes flying around on the motorcycle things kept killing me when I was trying to do the delivery for the one business I was able to afford. Which took like real life hours to restock. So I could never actually get money to do anything cool. Fuck that. There’s nothing fun about that.


YES PLEASE. You can even make it electric. I just want a small truck with a full size bed. I don’t need all the other shit these overpriced monstrosities come with.


Yes, that’s why I replied to a comment about the laws needing to change.


It’s just trying to help you develop a kidney stone in the first place. Can’t pass one of you don’t have it.


Maybe they should do it just for the sake of not getting ran into by boats. Seems to be a lot of that going around this year…


That’s lame. Put them inside your enemies skulls.


I don’t think they should be able to trade stocks at all and I’m sure the guy is an asshole and is on the wrong side of the trans issue. Given that, would it not be reasonable to expect the stock to dip during that period and cut your losses? This seems like shaky ground to go after him on. Especially if he didn’t sell all of it.


I already said I don’t think they should be allowed to trade stocks at all. My point is what he did doesn’t necessarily point to him participating in the boycott beyond acknowledging that “oh a bunch of people are pissed at <company> better dump that before it bottoms out and maybe purchase some of their competitors”. Especially considering he kept some of his stock in the company. Anyone could have done that regardless of their opinion on the trans issue. It could have been about the money not taking a side in identity politics.


You create impossible standards for women because you’re secretly a closeted gay man.

I create impossible standards for women because I’m scared of rejection.

We are not the same.


The only ones that really bother me are the ones that go through the center part of their nose like a cartoon bull. I can’t stop thinking about them getting crusty when you have a runny nose and it grosses me out.


I’ve found that if I can mask long enough to prove my competence people overlook my being a fucking weirdo when it slips off. I do work in IT though so I’m kind of middle of the pack as far as weirdos go.

meme lord rule (

alt-textMicah Follow the six year old, watching basketball: “is this live?” “yes” “aw, I was hoping it wasn’t so we can skip the commercials” something interesting about raising kids whose main experience of TV is streaming is that they have absolutely no patience for ads May 17, 2024 at 6:22 PM 6...


There’s more ads now than back in the day too. Used to be like one ad break per show. Now it seems like it’s 50% show 50% ads with banner ads on the bottom of the screen and pop up shit and all kinds of garbage. I can’t stand watching actual TV.


They needed a church thing their idiot constituents would recognize. They don’t actually follow their religion to know more obscure things. It’s not actually about the 10 commandments, it’s about being performative.


Without ambition and drive people would still be living in caves. You think someone’s going to learn science or medicine without ambition or drive?

I haven’t watched any significant amount of TV in 12 years let alone news channels. I don’t need some jabbering moron with an agenda to tell me how I should feel about things I can observe with my own eyes. I wasn’t even initially talking about people receiving government assistance, I was talking about my coworkers I’ve had at various jobs. It’s always a situation where the few are carrying the many and whatever their reason for being lazy, the outcome is more work and problems and stress for their fellow workers. It’s selfish as fuck. I’m not exactly the pinnacle of mental health myself but I power through it when necessary so I don’t create problems for others.

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