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alt-text is the meta art form of Lemmy and posts like this are why.


I think the straightforward-ness of it is what I like about it. I’m deriving satisfaction from - and appreciating - the restraint and media-literacy necessary to write a concise yet factual description of some, frankly, bonkers shit.


Already taken. It’s what I call my Hot Hot Heat! Cover band.

I quite like Brian Disease though, but I haven’t to imagine it is also taken.


Mississippi or Alabama, Mississippi or Alabama, Mississippi!


“In America, you can be anything you want. So don’t be weak and gay. Stay fucking hard,” Gomez instructs viewers in the video, delivering one of the most unintentionally homoerotic lines of the 21st century so far.

Great writing.


The graphics still impress me. It’s like the effects in Jurassic Park in that, while the overall tech has improved by leaps and bounds, the execution is so good that it still dazzles.


McBride addressed his supporters as he walked his dog to the front door of the Australian Capital Territory Supreme Court to be sentenced.

Why does the dog have to get sentenced? It’s well known that they can’t help themselves when they hear a whistle blow.


Solo should just start packing pre-printed tablecloths with their cups


Catholicism would be inherently hilarious if it weren’t so insidious and genocidal.


Yes, and it’s a great use of AI. Ai is great for this sort of surreal shit, whether for Humor purposes or just to be wowed. This is a much better lane for Ai.


Yo check your tether, friend. Reality can get away from you quick.


You’re the one making the extraordinary claim that this decision had ‘nothing’ to do with massive, nation-wide, broadly covered protests occurring in a hotly contested election year amongst a key demographic.

So, prove it.


I’ll save us both a lot of frustration and wasted time and simply refer you back to my first comment.


That’s just it though. Neither of us can point to a causal chain of events conclusively proving or disproving our belief.

The difference is, my belief is fully compatible with the mountain of circumstantial evidence mentioned in my above comment, whereas your belief requires one to completely ignore all of it.

So you’re going to look at a decision in the heat of an enormously momentous election year, made by a president who is running for reelection, amidst numerous, widespread, widely covered protests made largely by a demographic that is absolutely critical to this candidate-president winning said election…You’re going to look at all that and say it had ‘nothing to do’ with those same protests.

Not, ‘there were other factors’, nope, you confidently assert the protests had nothing to do with it and demand proof of a suggestion to the contrary.

Once again, check your tether.

You start distorting reality, and it gets tough to stop, by nature.


Hey you’re crushing this whole internet discussion thing, provided we all join you in persistently ignoring all of the circumstances I keep mentioned.

I have no proof. I have a mountain of evidence, and I am keen to hear your erudite take on why none of it matters.

The, if you like, you can share your evidence, but I doubt you want to.


I’m not here to “crush” anything.

It’s redundant to point out what can be readily observed by all, but however ineffective you are, it’s clear you are trying to “crush” this.

I just disagree with your definition of “proof.”

You appear to actually disagree with my definition of evidence, since I’ve been open about the distinction, and you’ve ignored repeated offers to engage with my evidence, opting instead to double down on demanding proof in the face of overwhelming evidence.

One last try for posterity: why are you so sure that the protests had nothing to do with it, given how numerous, persistent, widely covered they are, and given the fact that they are happening during what may be the most impactful US presidential race in modern history?

Maybe relax a bit. We can just agree to disagree.

Your gaslighting is as clumsy as your attempts at discourse. I am writing this from my mobile phone, sat at a nice lakeside park on a lovely if overcast day, during my lunch break. You might be excited, but this isn’t even taxing my pulse. Maybe stop projecting. We started this out agreeing to disagree, I just wanted you to check your tether to reality, though it’s clear to me now that it’s been dangling uselessly for a while now.


Well who could have predicted that little cranky fit? Okay, bye!


Haha, what a fucking loser.


I’ve been here the whole time, and you definitely farted.

modifier, (edited )

Let no one accuse them of hubris.


See, now this is good use of generative AI.


They are a party obsessed with birth rates, for totally-not-racist reasons.

GOP, the Get…Orrybody Pregnant…Party.

We’ll keep workshopping it.


I just know that my brain unilaterally decided to made room for this fact in deep storage immediately, I just wish I knew how important whatever got tossed to make room was.


It’s worse because you aren’t debating human rights, you are debating what human is.


Kendrick definitely has more in the tank.


I actually think you might need to fact check your fabrication in case it isn’t one. And then probably repeat hourly for the next few days at least, just to be sure.

Death of Satire is very low on the list of grievances I have with the far right, very low indeed, but it is definitely on the list.


They might not know enough about US politics to understand the nuance.


I have seen the OC Supertones. I came, I skanked, I left.


To paraphrase RTJ, he can run backwards naked through a field of dicks.


It also doesn’t hurt that Democrats in Congress have held unprecedentedly united

“unprecedentedly” is one of those words that just shouldn’t be. Just because it’s a word doesn’t mean it makes a good sub header.

‘it also doesn’t hurt that Democrats have maintained a united front of unprecedented durability’ or ‘…unprecedented strength’ seems less clumsy if you really need to drive home how…unprecedented it is.

Anyway, well done Joe, you already got my vote but by all means keep dropping those table scraps. They are tasty.


We are living through a devolution, after all.


Fallout, the game series, is way better at lore than story, in my opinion, and that’s what makes it such a great setting for well-written stories like this adaptation. They can literally 1:1 all of the visual assets and pull from a well developed cultural and geo-political landscape, and yet there isn’t any specific character that they really have to ‘get right’, other than, like, Mr. Handy. That’s a huge advantage for a good creative team.


Give me a break

What an amazing choice of words


This sounds shady but so much of US politics does, especially post-Citizen’s United. I have no idea how abnormal or unprecedented this is. Does anyone else have a ready sense?


I’ve played all the Fallout games, my wife has played none of them. We are both enjoying it quite a bit so far, at least two episodes in.


I hate to say this, but it’s almost better at Fallout than Fallout.


I can’t stop salivating at the idea of soggy corndog breading, not like that, like my body is preparing to barf.


Is this a Game of Thrones reference? I am confuse


Oh thanks, in that context the Baron story is way cooler.


I’m sure it has a lot more to do with discouraging others from giving it a go.

4-star generals side with Smith, tell SCOTUS Trump immunity claim is 'assault' on democracy (

A distinguished group of retired four-star generals and admirals from the U.S. military have argued in a brief filed in the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday that Donald Trump’s claims of absolute “presidential immunity” from criminal prosecution tied to Jan. 6 is an “assault” on the “foundational commitments”...


Well we didn’t claim to invent exploitation. Just to have perfected it.

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