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Inverse tachyon pulse from the Deflector Shield, obviously missing.


The Federation be sprayin’ that shit everywhere like its DDT in the 1950s.


because we all know that Biden will ship harder for Netty-Boo

Don’t forget your fight is also with the House of Representatives now. Biden did stop shipping some weapons to Israel and Congress forced the shipments of weapons to start again.

“House passes bill to undo Biden’s partial Israel weapons hold”


According to Torres, the Filipino sailors were under orders not to show their weapons in a confrontation, and one of them lost a thumb.

I’m guessing that policy is about to change.


I like the spinoff, but it would be the other way around.

Jellico would never end up doing exactly what Q wanted and Q would be always frustrated. Every episode would end with Q destroying Jellico in some spectacular fashion while Jellico smirks condescendingly with a quip “Go ahead and destroy me Q. Prove to both of us how weak you are that a simply human got the best of you”. Each subsequent episode would completely ignore the continuity and Jellico would be there like he was never destroyed. After 6 or 7 episodes even Q would notice this and start question things. Season (Series?) finale would reveal that all the other Q keep resurrecting Jellico because it keeps Q out of their hair.


You can even see the stylized product icon with the simple facial features with the little square mustache. People in that timeline unironically refer to that CI tool as “The Final Solution” in CI.


I hadn’t heard of this. Here’s the rates which I was interested in I found in a separate article:

The new tax, set to take effect Jan. 1, will apply to any portion of taxable income above $1 million. For example, a taxpayer earning $2 million will pay the state’s current 5% tax rate on the first $1 million. The second million dollars will be taxed under a higher rate: 9%. That adds up to an extra $40,000 in state income taxes."

The tax also applies to “one-time millionaires,” including people who make more than $1 million in taxable income from selling their homes or businesses. According to an analysis by the Center for State Policy Analysis at Tufts University, an estimated 0.6% of tax filers would see their tax bill increase as a result of this measure.



Great, all three people who have an INCOME of a million dollars a year might have to pay tax if they don’t move.

Up to $1M would still pay the same tax as everyone else. Its income from $1m to $2m per year that would get the higher that would pay this new tax.

Steve Bannon won’t be spending his prison term in a ‘Club Fed’ as he had hoped, sources say | CNN Politics (

When former Donald Trump adviser Steve Bannon goes to prison, he won’t be serving time at what’s known as a “Club Fed,” the most comfortable type of facility in the federal system, as he had wanted, according to people familiar with the arrangements....


. . . Bannon spoke at a conservative gathering in Detroit this weekend where Trump also spoke. Bannon vowed that Trump’s political opponents and federal law enforcement authorities would face blowback if Trump wins a second term as president.

As if we need more reason to NOT vote for Trump.


Apparently Yahweh has nothing better to do then talk to this lumpy pillow crackhead.

Slight correction.


People have serious issues and want to be heard, but Biden is too busy dining with George Clooney in California than campaigning in Michigan…

Biden with George Clooney in California:

oh no, sorry. That’s in Warren Michigan in Feb 2024 source

Biden with George Clooney in California:

oh no, sorry. Thats in Detroit Michigan in May 2024

Biden with George Clooney in California:

oh no, sorry. Thats in Michigan where he was supporting Union workers in Sept 2023 source

And like, am I the only one that forgets Hillary’s victory lap and focus on big donors instead of boots on the ground campaigning being one of the reason we already got stuck with trump for four years?

Why are we just doing it again?

Err, if your memory is anything to go by…we’re not? You’re painting this false narrative as a strawman saying Biden hasn’t been in Michigan and he was there LAST MONTH!

Florida Governor DeSantis rejects climate change rationale for record-breaking rain (

At this point, it’s fairly common for significant rainfall events to have attribution studies showing that they’re a result of the higher temperatures that fossil fuel burning has given us. Whether or not we end up with one for this particular event, it’s something that we know will be more common if we keep on extracting...


“man-made change of climate” it is then.


This was bad policy by the USA. The Chinese vaccines weren’t as good (lower efficacy) than others available, but they were much better than nothing. Where there was no availability of better vaccines, this discouraged people from getting any protection. People died because of this stupid program.

The military program started under former President Donald Trump and continued months into Joe Biden’s presidency, Reuters found – even after alarmed social media executives warned the new administration that the Pentagon had been trafficking in COVID misinformation. The Biden White House issued an edict in spring 2021 banning the anti-vax effort, which also disparaged vaccines produced by other rivals, and the Pentagon initiated an internal review, Reuters found.

Why is there zero surprise this was done by the Trump administration and undone by Biden?


I would have liked it to end sooner, but there was a lot to undo that first year.


If your friend is asking that in 2024 the answer is “Strange New Worlds”.


My opinion is that a person with zero Star Trek knowledge in 2024 would be the most comfortable with Strange New Worlds. Its very approachable and has a young adult character useful for exposition (beyond also being a great character) when needed so new audiences can learn about the world.


I love me some TNG, but I’m imaging sitting down today, having never seen Star Trek, and for the first time in 2024 and watching “Encounter at Farpoint”. I don’t think that would go over well.


STW Episode one ends with this. That leaves people wanting more. “Encounter at Farpoint” didn’t.


Maybe snw isn’t so bad but seriously, start at TOS, or remastered

Are you old like me? Are you assuming young eyes see TOS with as much forgiveness for its time as we do? I like TOS, but its absolutely influenced by the day it was made it in both social order as well as production values. Those of the 1960s don’t immediately resonate with younger audiences today.


Yeah that doesn’t help your argument . TNG’s “Encounter at Farpoint” came out in 1987, that’s 37 years ago if you’re keeping track. It shows too. I know it doesn’t seem like it to our old eyes, but it just doesn’t measure up today. DS9 came out in 1993 just 6 years later making it 31 years old, so only a minor improvement for those audiences.

Imagine a younger person (than us) that finished watching “The Expanse” and sat down to watch precocious Wesley Crusher being berated by Piccard for pressing buttons on the command chair arm, and Troy walking in with a short skirted uniform while everyone else wears long pants. Storytelling has evolved. Societal norms have evolved. Production values have evolved. Expecting a show (especially one about the future) to not even reflect representation of today is too big of an ask for a new audience that isn’t specifically seeking out a show that reflects the 1980s or 90s aesthetic and society.


That is certainly an opinion.


could you fill me in on what threats Huawei poses to I, a random poor person going about my day in the US?

One example: You are likely employed by a business here in the USA. If you were to lose your job, that would be a large negative in your life. The NSA isn’t going to ruin an American business unless its the extremely small chance that there’s a national security reason. The CCP would absolutely ruin an American business if it helped a Chinese one. Unless you work for a Chinese employer, the NSA snooping on you would be more beneficial to you than the CCP.


This isn’t a discussion on just what cell phone a person is using, but instead on network switching gear used on the backend where all the data flows through.


Sanctions aren’t the only tool in the toolbox. In this case it was a Presidential Executive Order


What is the espionage device in my pocket actually going to do to me on my day to day life of browsing Lemmy and playing music?

In your case its not so much the device in your pocket, but the telecom switching gear on the backend that all that corporate and government data flows though. Huawei makes lots of that gear.

In specific cases of phones, while your job may not be high value for espionage , there are lots of people that do work highly sensitive positions. If the specific handset redirects email, txt, or phone conversations then that would be a problem at the national security level.


Go on. Complete your thought.


Welcome to Geopolitics. Public statements let you show your hand to affect change.


Cheaper AC is what these people want.

They should put up solar PV on their homes then. The more sun I get, the cheaper my AC is.


“Do ‘Repeal and replace’ again, then an Encore of ‘Lock her up’. No no! Not ‘lock HIM up’ Do it like it is on the record. Also, do ‘Mexico will build the wall and pay for it’” /s


While this does make solar pv installations in the USA slightly more expensive, the cost of panels is a surprisingly small number of the total cost of install. Labor is the largest, by a wide margin.


Lost technology of the ancients allowed them to make churros the size of city buses. Even with today’s most advanced science, we lack this ability.


The Neville Chamberlain of our time is Angela Merkel.

I thought the modern view of Chamberlain had evolved. Chamberlain knew that the UK wasn’t prepared for war. If the UK had instead went head to head with the Axis powers in Europe the UK armed forces would have been quickly been overwhelmed. Instead, with the “appeasement” doctrine, it bought time for the UK to prepare to be on the front lines of war, as well as turn up the war machine of USA industry.

I didn’t think the old thought that Chamberlain didn’t think think Hitler was a threat was still the common idea.

partial_accumen, (edited )

“Therefore, British military intervention on the continent might be necessary “at any time within the next, say, three to ªve years.” Under these circumstances, the report concluded, the British military was woe- fully underfunded and unprepared, which necessitated a signiªcant rearma- ment campaign. 43”

“The rearmament campaign would be a slow one, particularly given the eco- nomic constraints imposed by the world economic crisis and British war debts to the United States. Consequently, the government needed to buy time and became obsessed with “the importance of not giving Germany any excuse to re-arm without further parley.” 44 Thus was born the policy of accommodating German demands in the face of increasing German perªdy, in an attempt to slow the pace of German challenges.”

“Their idea was that if Hitler were to begin open, full-scale rearma- ment in violation of part 5 of the Versailles treaty, Britain would be powerless to oppose the fait accompli; therefore, they were better off acknowledging Ger- many’s covert rearmament and permitting it, in exchange for freely agreed- upon limits on German armed forces.”

“This hardly refects a belief that appeasement would bring lasting peace. Instead, the documents reveal a wide- spread pessimism and feeling of powerlessness to stop the German challenges until Britain fully rearmed. 53”


You can also read the notes from Chamberlain on his meeting with Hitler, as well as UK General Ismay to the British Cabinet.

"(b) So far as air power is concerned, Germany may be able to maintain her lead over the Franco-British Air Forces in air striking power. On the other hand, it is open to us, provided that we make the necessary effort, to catch her up, or at least greatly reduce her lead, in the matter of defence (both active and passive) against air attack. By so doing we shall have heavily insured ourselves against the greatest danger to which we are present exposed: indeed by substantially reducing Germany’s only chance of a rapid decision, we shall have provided a strong deterrent against her making the attempt.

© It follows, therefore, that, from the military point of view, time is in our favour, and that, if war with Germany has to come, it would be better to fight her in say 6-12 months’ time, than to accept the present challenge.



Why is the only place I ever see this called out sketchy websites pushing bitcoin and silver bars for sale? If this was real, and impactful, I’d expect to see multiple in-depth articles on The Financial Times, Bloomberg, and/or Wall Street Journal. Instead the closest references are in 2023 then 2021 and none of them talk about impending doom, but instead the challenges of nations were they to try to settle petroleum transactions in any other currency. In short, nobody else’s currency holds its value well enough so the only ones wanting an alternative are those that are trying to avoid US Sanctions, which is a fairly small group.


GOP wanting to removing the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) at the federal level.

partial_accumen, (edited )

Better than coal, but thats about all that can be said positive about this.

Trump plans to claim sweeping powers to cancel federal spending: In a second term, allies said the former president would look at funding cuts for the World Health Organization and green energy (

Classically, Congress held the power of the purse, able to both bar and require spending. This imposed a significant limit on Presidential power. With a bought court supporting him, Trump would have significant ability to essentially chart power as a king.


Seriously fucking sick of hearing stats about numbers of jobs that completely disregard their quality.

What is your definition of a “quality” job?


Still waiting on the IT sector to recover

Its in the report:

“Professional, scientific, and technical services added 32,000 jobs in May, higher than the average monthly gain of 19,000 over the prior 12 months. Over the month, employment increased in management, scientific, and technical consulting services (+14,000) and in architectural, engineering, and related services (+10,000). Specialized design services lost 3,000 jobs.”


great more jobs and the minimum wage is still $7.25 federally and worker’s right are on a downward slide

While there’s likely some minimum wage jobs represented here, it looks like its a tiny fraction (spitballing, maybe 10% tops). Here’s from the report:

"In May, average hourly earnings for all employees on private nonfarm payrolls increased by 14 cents, or 0.4 percent, to $34.91. Over the past 12 months, average hourly earnings have increased by 4.1 percent. In May, average hourly earnings of private-sector production and nonsupervisory employees increased by 14 cents, or 0.5 percent, to $29.99. (See tables B-3 and B-8.) "

You’re not going to get $34.91/hour and $29.99/hour averages with lots of $7.25/hour mixed in.


But these self-styled prophets instead see Trump’s conviction as evidence he is a victim — a “political martyr” — or even a biblical figure, a modern “Daniel” or “David.”

I will never understand how Christians, following the teachings of Christ, look at Donald Trump, the man that sees the Seven Deadly Sins as a to-do list, as their second coming.


"I’d like a large mushroom pizza and a bottle of coca cola, please, " - “or we’re not going to have a country anymore!”


Holy crap! None of my state’s horrible reps are on that list. Thats amazingly good!


Don’t envy me. If I gave you 3 chances to name the worst reps or senators you’d pick mine.


“Toyota Motor Corp., based in Toyota city, central Japan, suspended production in the country of the Corolla Fielder, Corolla Axio and Yaris Cross. The deceptive tests were also found on discontinued models.”


It worked on Jan 6th so why not do it again! Don’t take the bait!

Trump supporters must be so happy that all those Antifa “false flag” insurrectionists are locked up in prison right now, right?

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