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For millionaire and four hunters, a wild Western lawsuit over public land: The ruling on an invisible corner in Elk Mountain, Wyo., could determine how much private property rights limit public access (wapo.st)

Four Missouri elk hunters used [a stepladder] to climb over an invisible corner from one parcel of Bureau of Land Management terrain to another. They never touched a toe on two adjacent swaths of private property marked by “No Trespassing” signs....


A full on right to roam is probably a bit extreme, but I could see a minimal right of way being required around public lands.


Does that include buying magickarp for extra pain? Hopefully you are using an emulator so it at least loves faster.


Once again democrats already doing what Trump claims to want to do.


It took music a while to learn this, and most game companies already knew it. I just wish streaming platforms would learn a bit faster that exclusives aren’t that useful.


If one person shows up to a Trump rally with a nazi flag you’d likely be calling the whole group nazis.


Not supporting terrorism doesn’t take room.


It’s a super common prescription and most doctors probably couldn’t spell it offhand. Combined with dosing info it would be more obvious. Also if they do happen to be wrong it’s unlikely to actually cause harm with acetaminophen/paracetamol.

Edit: another benefit is disguising to a patient that demands something to take. Essentially a placebo.


Pre-electronic records, yes they wrote a lot. Lot’s of things were done in shorthand or with forms to reduce the writing. It’s also that a doctor’s time is valuable, saving 30 seconds on a prescription is a lot when you write 10s or hundreds per day.


Generally they just recommend taking nsaids with food, and it mostly solves the stomach problems.


For formal peace absolutely. For a ceasefire to allow hostages to be released and prisoners returned, a full withdrawal doesn’t make sense.

Hamas demands Gaza pullout within a week of truce, also releasing hostage bodies initially (www.haaretz.com)

Sources in Hamas told Haaretz that this was ‘intended to ensure that Israel will not be able to evade all stages of the deal and return to fighting once all the hostages are released.’ Israel said Hamas’ response was tantamount to a rejection of the proposal itself...


Age over 40 is a protected class, and it is discrimination against old people to block them from running. Congress updating the law or a new ammendment is required to meaningfully get term limits. The old people aren’t going to do that.


Old people aren’t sound of mind by 70. Most current cognitive screening is about Alzheimer’s which is far to low of a bar to be meaningful for congressional representation.


It requires years of procedural understanding because there’s no term limits. There isn’t benefit to that excessive procedure apart from making junior representatives lives more difficult. Congress can make their own rules, and they make them benefit those who have been there for 30 years. A term limited Congress can make rules that work better for them.


Why would corporate influence increase with term limits? It’s way easier to influence the same person for 30 years than a new person every 5-10 years.


Woke elites are a problem. It’s also a symptom of the inequality, but that doesn’t make them less bad.


Recession has no real definition until after the fact.

UN Security Council backs plan for Israel-Hamas ceasefire (www.reuters.com)

UNITED NATIONS, June 10 (Reuters) - The United Nations Security Council on Monday backed a proposal outlined by President Joe Biden for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip and urged the Palestinian militants to accept the deal aimed at ending the eight-month-long war....


They have, but it’s largely meaningless because nothing really happens unless hamas releases all the hostages.


A second vote sets a dangerous precedent if you ever want to do something unpopular.


If there was fraud show the trial and proof it affected the outcome, then start talking about another vote. There’s essentially some low levels of fraud in every vote.


That’s probably the best way to put it without writing an essay. 5 is intentional with mechanics, new ones become available as older ones become automated or less relevant. 6 is just a constant barrage of things happening, especially with gathering storm.


The casting alone is a reason to be skeptical.


5 had better pacing for mechanics, 6 bombards players with lots of things from the start and then goes a but flat.


There lots of comments on ozuma articles saying they are bullshit as well. If people that only post positive stuff don’t get banned it’s just an echo chamber, it’s just as bad faith as only negative at that point.


We can post anything, except exclusively anti-biden, or at least not admit to only anti-biden


That’s kind of how supporting ideals work. You end up mostly defending bad people. The anti child labor movement doesn’t need moderator defense, but someone supporting it will.


Part of it is the effect where people perceive 79 as much less than 80.

Part of it is just Biden doesn’t do much, especially compared to Trump. Trump is constantly in front of cameras and saying all kinds of shit, when he’s not on camera, he’s tweeting. That makes him seem younger than the guy who isn’t as constantly visible.

Both being too old and awful choices is by far the most popular opinion though.


If I’m spending $450 + $70 + $80/year on gaming it’s going to be a steam deck and not a ps5.


It’s crazy how common hung juries are. I was on one where the white woman couldn’t believe a corrections officer would just be a dick to an inmate. A friend was on one where someone couldn’t believe a person could drive about 5 miles across town, rob a store and come back during a lunch break


There isn’t anyone on the republican side to really oppose Trump. The typical republican insider is no longer popular with voters, many tried to imitate Trump, but that fails because it’s more about the outsider status than absurd statements. They could have tried an actual conservative candidate, but that’s unthinkable to the republican elite, like running Sanders is to democrats.

The democrats have done a horrible job curating future candidates. The Republicans aren’t much better, but at least have a lot of governors. With 12/16 years of the presidency they have no one electable on the national stage. This is a failure of leadership to not have one cabinet or congressional official be someone with a future.

This leads us to a race where the most popular option would be neither of these two.


The EU isn’t going to kick out their scapegoat. Countries are perfectly capable of coordinating and sending aid without an EU resolution. If Germany, France, or anyone else wanted to send aid it would be in transit already.


2016 was a year for an anti establishment candidate. A slimy insider can work in years where that isn’t the case, see Biden or Bush Jr for examples of it working.


It’s really hard to prove sexism played a role in a presidential election, but the number of women serving for 20+ years in the house and senate makes it seem unlikely.


That’s exactly why “you can’t outrun your fork” is a saying.


It’s kept private because it would reveal most the guns passed through the government before getting to the cartels.

Majority of Americans wrongly believe US is in recession – and most blame Biden (www.theguardian.com)

Nearly three in five Americans wrongly believe the US is in an economic recession, and the majority blame the Biden administration, according to a Harris poll conducted exclusively for the Guardian. The survey found persistent pessimism about the economy as election day draws closer....


You are the first person I’ve seen claiming income inequality isn’t growing. I’d love to see a source for that. Income growth outpacing inflation is totally different than reduction in income inequality.


Not only is it compounding, but 3-4% inflation hasn’t happened in over a decade. To get anything comparable to the last three years you have to go back to the 80s.


Biden did continue signing massive spending bills well after it was clearly having issues. My state had so much covid money left over they were funding all sorts of random shit just to spend it.


My assertion is that after approximately 2 trillion in covid funding by Trump, the additional 3 trillion from Biden is a major contributing factor to the inflation that was observed. The follow up of an additional approximately 1.5 trillion from the bills you listed doesn’t help either though.


Those bills already spent the money though, the inflation happened. The paying for it part is based on a decade of tax revenue that hasn’t happened yet. If even 10% of that “responsible” spending has come back as tax revenue I would be surprised.


Unless you think black Americans make up the entirety of poor people that has nothing to do with high vs low income.


The theory that Trump would somehow be allowed to just stay president indefinitely is an equally absurd conspiracy theory as Trump having actually won in 2016.


Well I fucked up the year on that… oops

After the only hospital in town closed, a North Carolina city directs its ire at politicians (apnews.com)

Weeds have punctured through the vacant parking lot of Martin General Hospital’s emergency room. A makeshift blue tarp covering the hospital’s sign is worn down from flapping in the wind. The hospital doors are locked, many in this county of 22,000 fear permanently....


It’s not just the financial part. There’s still a huge shortage of qualified doctors. Even if you had infinite money to keep rural hospitals open, they couldn’t all be staffed with enough doctors.

There’s also a management issue. Most doctors are terrible at management, but it’s common for doctors to make the bulk of hospital management. Professional managers have the opposite problem as they don’t really understand patient care.

This leads to all sorts of odd problems, a notable one is the 12+ hour shift in most hospitals. This was done in part to reduce patient death, because transfer of care is the cause of most errors.

US military says Gaza Strip pier project is completed, aid to soon flow as Israel-Hamas war rages on (apnews.com)

The U.S. military finished installing a floating pier for the Gaza Strip on Thursday, with officials poised to begin ferrying badly needed humanitarian aid into the enclave besieged over seven months of intense fighting in the Israel-Hamas war....


You need military personnel from a country willing to do that. No one would trust Israel, Biden isn’t doing that in an election year. Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria don’t really care about Palestinians, or would make things worse with their presence. The US would block a UN presence more than likely. Europe is a bit preoccupied with Ukraine, and wouldn’t put troops into another war zone with limited up side.


It wouldn’t be just delivering aid. Once the military is there it’s a military operation. Their goal can be protecting aid, but that also means they likely have to fire on hamas raids, or even the Israel army at some point and either case is bad for everyone.


What about fat guys? Does that up the average?

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