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Embassies are bases for spies and paperwork. Embassies that engage in more of the former are often targeted. Generally it’s kicking the staff out of the country, but it’s hardly unheard of for embassies to be targeted. In most cases countries are smart enough to withdraw their people from countries that are hostile.


Pretty sure the Posse Comitatus act covers this.


I’m not aware of the army being deployed on US soil. Maybe he said it, but that’s a long way from boots on the ground.


Europe’s military production is severely degraded. Russia looks like a paper tiger now, but they can still pump out ammunition for troops and artillery at a rate Europe can’t.


Yes what NATO has given Ukraine up to now has been largely stockpiles of old stuff. That doesn’t change the lack of production problem. The raw materials are largely the same between primers, powder, brass, and lead. Europe lacks the ability to produce new or old stuff in sufficient quantity for a real war.


Mayonnaise isn’t really bad for you. There’s a lot of fat in it, but that’s totally independent from being fat.

Thanks Reddit. I'll continue to not provide any content since I shredded everything pre-enshitification. (sh.itjust.works)

This just makes me angry. You need to write comments and get likes before you’re able to make posts. Most of the posts in that community could pass as boomer-Facebook-posts from what I’ve seen. The quality definitely went more downhill than Tony Hawk‘s Downhill Jam....


Reddit massively over uses automod and creates absurd rules. Way too many default subs are essentially impossible to post in because of karma, verified email, account age, other subs you posted in, it’s not the fun day of the week, everything belongs in the mega thread, or the mods just steal your posts.


NATO has learned that proxy wars can be extremely effective by beingboth victim and perpetrators. If that’s a cold war mindset, then I guess it’s true.


Are you pretending NATO isn’t using Ukraine as a proxy? Sure Russia started it, but that doesn’t make it not a proxy war.

Former supreme court judges say UK arming Israel breaches international law (www.theguardian.com)

Three former supreme court justices, including the court’s former president Lady Hale, are among more than 600 lawyers, academics and retired senior judges warning that the UK government is breaching international law by continuing to arm Israel....


What’s odd about that? The US and China are the two biggest arms dealers on the planet. Other historically militant countries aren’t that far behind either.


It’s also two historically popular dem issues, that have generally led to democrats winning most of the ballot.


If you really want to see the eclipse in totality be prepared to drive to a second or third location that day. Also, be prepared to spend the remainder of that day in traffic.


It’s really not that high for knowing someone. It only takes about 7 degrees to link any two people in the world. One in three people knowing someone is almost 3 degrees of separation which is massive.

Indiana Law Requires Professors to Promote ‘Intellectual Diversity’ or Face Penalties (www.nytimes.com)

Alice Pawley, a professor of engineering education at Purdue University, said that many faculty members in Indiana were angered by the new restrictions, and that “nobody trusts that this is actually going to be fairly applied.” Many felt discouraged about their job security, believing it would be at the mercy of trustees who...


The Midwest in general has always been an academic powerhouse.


Michigan is historically republican leaning to a toss up in local elections and democratic leaning in national elections. Trump was the only republican to win a presidential election there in about 40 years or so, both senators have been democrats as well.

Michigan got fucked hard as the auto companies left the country, and it’s never really recovered. Pro-nafta opinions aren’t popular. Michigan also has a high Arab population, they likely won’t vote Trump, but if they stay home it’s bad for Biden. There’s still a lot of active racist militias in Michigan, there’s also heavily segregated cities.

Michigan lacks a truly large city to dictate politics at the state level, like Illinois and Chicago. There’s also the occasional issue with being a border state, unpopular federal decisions get used to win votes on both sides.


I have no problem with deluxe edition things being independently available as dlc. Honestly more games should do that.


For horse sized things, scare it and hope it kills itself.


Most hunting calls actually simulate male animals, so it’s more they get shot looking for a fight than pussy.


That’s basically how sanctuary cities work.


There are also rules for evidence, which are generally the most important rulings in a criminal trial. Allowing the documents to be left out but also used as evidence is an obvious appeal that likely wins, secret evidence isn’t allowed.


I thought it was only illegal for people with security clearance to improperly handle or view documents. Otherwise a journalist that published a story based on leaked documents could be prosecuted for looking at the documents.


The government doesn’t get to just claim things. If they want beyond all reasonable doubt that files were actually dangerous they have to show the files. They could try just going the expert testimony route, but that is a lot harder to prove. Another option would be getting Trump to agree the documents were classified, but that’s a dumb move to agree.


I’m pretty sure Epic has shills or a pr firm doing anti-valve posts. They always use the same handful of talking points. There was never much hate towards valve until these last few years, other than comments on lame sales.


That looks like a cubicle wall, so not having porn sites is more a cya thing.

What the Supreme Court Got Wrong in the Trump Section 3 Case (www.lawfaremedia.org)

Trump deserved to lose on all these points, and the Colorado Supreme Court correctly rejected his arguments on them. But I think he did have a plausible argument on the issue of whether his involvement in the Jan. 6 attack was extensive enough to qualify as “engaging” in insurrection. At the very least, he had a better...


This opinion isn’t all that different than the ruling. It’s up to congress to define how someone can be considered engaging in insurrection.


It was definitely floated as a potential promise. He definitely implied that he would prefer not to run again.


Polls were really bad in 2016, but the seem to have largely corrected that. 2018 polling just before the election was accurate. 2020 was projected as close and it was, there were a few problem states, but nothing like 2016. 2022 was again very accurate.

Polling around the presidential election or maybe just Trump is less accurate, but it’s been getting better since 2016.


There’s plenty of reason to care. It’s a sign Biden’s campaign is not yet effective, and Trump is. While most incumbents don’t really step up the campaigning until closer to the election, it gives an idea of the ground they need to make up.

It’s also worth considering the Trump has been and continues to be great at campaigning. You can not like the guy, but his ability to get large crowds excited at multiple events per day can’t be ignored.

There’s likely going to be something that really swings the election still, but hoping a random event helps your party is poor strategy. In Trump’s case it’s unlikely a poor comment is going to hurt him, like the deplorables or binders full of women comments. Hoping for a conviction to change things is an OK backup plan, not plan A.


And the fiscal year ends in about 6 months, so it’s a bit disingenuous to call it a full plan.


The first walking dead game from telltale was good, but if you’ve played anything they’ve done its largely the same.

Papers please can get emotional, but it’s mostly intense pressure.


I think losing Monty really hurt the series. I only watched a season or so after he left and it felt like they weren’t really sure how to go forward.


Obama had no national following. He was an up and coming candidate that actually got a chance. Candidates that have a decade on the national stage aren’t always the only option.


Republicans have used a pretty successful system that generally picks a loser from the previous primary as the winner for the current one. Democrats seem to entirely abandon losing candidates.


We can’t have nice things though. Especially two state solutions.


D-day was a surprise location, not a surprise attack.


Windows 11 seems to have converted to everything is one drive whether you sign up or not for it.


The Spyware is controlled by China though which could be more concerning than a country that will play ball with the US government.


The US definitely monitors and stores everything, but it’s largely benign in adverse action against average people. China is less known about that.

  • Younger generations are less pro Israel.
  • There’s a segment of liberals that view any victimized or oppressed group as morally superior regardless of context.
  • Michigan specifically has a very high population of Muslim/middle eastern descent.
  • It’s not that sudden, there’s been growing criticism and calling Israel an apartheid state for years. The recent escalation in hostilities just made it more newsworthy.

The photographer got their reflection in the shot.


Being a millionaire is just saving a portion of income for 30 years and you can easily hit a net worth of a few million dollars.

Being a billionaire requires some level of absurdly lucky success, fraud, exploitation, and rich parents.


It is between retirement savings and a. Net worth includes a home, that crazy expensive half million dollar house is going to seem cheap 30 years from now and is likely going to be a million dollars on it’s own.


The book that explained all this is now almost 50 years old and people still try to add more bodies to speed up development.


Depends on how under staffed. You have to teach all the new people how to work there. That takes time, then once they know what to do, but now you have a bottleneck on approval and addressing questions. You can’t hire more for that, because it takes in depth knowledge of what the art needs to be.


The un is about making countries feel heard while the super powers run everything. It’s not about equal rights.


It takes companies a long time to realize sharing can actually result in making more money.


I think they expose problems more so than create them.


I enjoy inquisitor Martyr, it’s definitely more basic than Diablo. It scratches the kill everything and get loot itch though.

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