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What about fat guys? Does that up the average?


The way to get charging right is to just build a ton and figure out what works by what gets used. No amount of studying and planning is going to get a charging network right the first try.

Getting into Civ 6

I got into Civilization rather late with their fifth entry. I was hesitant because as I get older I need more time to game than I do new titles. Still I picked up six with all DLC during the last sale. I have to say I am liking the changes. It was good to wait because Civ does need its DLCs to feel complete....


5 is a more traditional civ, 6 adds a lot of different things that add new layers, maybe not better things though.


This is largely bullshit. It’s hard because the people with 30 years made it hard for new people. Congress can change their own rules and make it easier. They already have legislative aids and lawyers that handle the minutiae of writing the laws.

It’s also far more likely that the corporate lobbyist is influencing the senator they’ve known for 30 years more than the one that showed up yesterday. States have term limits and it doesn’t make them slaves to lobbyists.

Stop shilling for the status quo.


Legislators don’t write the physical laws they vote on. At best the decide some key points or suggest ideas. They have people with that expertise that actually do the writing, not just lobbyists. The sole purpose of representatives is to represent their constituency, which they get worse at as time goes on.


No. It’s going to require effort similar to desegregation to achieve anything meaningful. Cops act like a gang and will actively fight meaningful reform.


The best pet names are puns of regular people names.


Regular people haven’t been compensated for the massive inflation that has been present for every year under Biden. Last year was better at 3.4%, but it’s still the higher than every other year since 2007. You have to look back to the 80s to find a worse 3 year period for inflation.


This looks like a low end concierge medicine program more than insurance.


Important thing to remember, don’t leave after you get put in a room. Get formally discharged, or it becomes AMA, and insurance will always deny coverage.

If you check in at the desk and leave, it’s not a big deal, but once you start to receive care you really should stay.


Social security is a Ponzi scheme, not a trust fund. There’s no growing pot of money, the inbound payments are directly used to pay current benefits.


It seems to depend on the area. I’ve voted in school gyms, churches, and civic centers. Churches are generally empty on Tuesdays and have reasonable parking, so it makes sense.


Lots of churches are pretty accessible anyway. You don’t get checks from the old people in wheelchairs if they can’t get in.


It’s not so much support the US or do nothing. The choice was support our interests, or trust that the US will sufficiently support them anyway. That trust is starting to break down, and Europe is learning just how complacent they’ve been.

If Europe can legitimately become less dependent on US support, that’s likely good for almost everyone in the long term. It’s going to be really tough for European countries in the short term though. If they fail, it’s amazing for the US, and really bad for Europe.


If Europe fails to reduce dependence on the US, they will functionally become a vassal state, which works well for the US.


You’re listing games over a year old. Steam had over 14k new releases in 23. There’s maybe 10 good games in any given year, and generally less than 3 great games. They are absolutely swimming in a pool od shit games.


The third jumanji movie is only 5 years old.


Counting the Robin Williams one, but I think a third is planned for the new series.


AoE4 feels like a game from 2000 though.


The ability to foreclose is part of holding a lein, it’s not some special power an HOA has.


Harris was never a rising star. She was a poor candidate that checked the diversity boxes Biden promised. Democrats are perfectly capable of a media blitz to make their chosen vp candidate look more appealing for a period.


I thought MS was less big on sexual harassment and assault, but maybe I was wrong.


The people that made blizzard are all gone, there’s several newer studios that haven’t released much of anything yet. Frostgiant, warchief gaming, dreamhaven, imagendary studios are all offshoots of former blizzard employees.


The Olympics are a good excuse to do a lot of things that are otherwise unpopular.


Everyone wants WoW levels of income without WoW levels of effort.

I also don’t think companies realized how competitive live services are, very few people will buy in to more than one live service at a time.


Mods are 100% required for so many things. Inventory, crafting, settlement management, companions staying out of the way, and making encumbrance less annoying.


Like Skyrim this one is far more playable in third person, and I really recommend giving that a try.

If you want faster leveling get the luck perk idiot savant, and keep your intelligence low.

Ammo seems far more plentiful than 3 in my experience, at least early on. You eventually get near infinite ammo anyway. One minorly annoying thing is that DLC weapons can drop in the commonwealth, but no one sells ammo for them outside the DLC.

You will eventually want to pick a weapon type and put some points in it. The bonuses are huge. Perhaps more important are the crafting perks to keep up on upgrades to weapons and armor.

There’s a lot if focus on settlement building, but it’s a huge pain and not super rewarding in my experience.


Mods are 100% necessary.


Morrowind and oblivion are awful in 3rd person, but Skyrim is really good. I occasionally drop into 1st person for looting tight areas, but 95% of the game is very good in 3rd person mode.


3rd person aim is awesome, you get a cross hair to aim with instead of whatever random sight the gun has, it changes size based on the gun’s stats and your limb damage. Guns don’t block a good chunk of the screen either. Scopes still zoom in to the same view.

Ukraine backers blast ‘double standard’ after allies rush to Israel’s defense (www.politico.eu)

If the United States and its allies can rush to Israel’s defense in the skies, shooting down dozens of drones and missiles fired by Iran, why can’t they do the same for Ukraine — which has suffered under Russia’s missile attacks for more than two years?...


The US is perfectly happy to have Israel as a proxy against Iran.


It’s practically free for shipping explosives.


It’s really just social safety nets that Europe is more liberal about. Many things are fairly conservative. The protected designation of origin laws are a pretty good example.


There’s nothing special about the champagne region that makes it better for sparkling wine than some other region. Similar for parmesan or kobe beef. It’s absolutely a conservative view to say only things from the original area can use the name.


It’s mostly because these numbers are averages and the majority of wage growth is seen by those switching jobs. We’re also talking about really small numbers here, wage growth isn’t beating inflation by much, it about a single point difference, that’s 10s of dollars per month difference. It also doesn’t account for the massive inflation in previous years, so even if you got a good raise this year it likely brought you to the same level as pre-2020.

If you haven’t changed jobs in over three years and have been getting sub 5% raises, you are well over 10% worse off than 3 years ago.


It’s somewhat frequent in Dearborn, at least once every time Israel/Palestine heats up. Pretty sure it happened at least once at a Talib rally.


How long does it take to get that evenly black? A full day?


I have no idea. You can do about 30k for 401k with catch up contributions and another 8k in ira with catch up. Your employer can put in another 49k maximum. That’s not even 100k. Hsa is a backdoor Ira, so there’s 8.3k for a family. I guess it’s the rule that allows a 529 to become an ira now, depending on the state you can put 200-500k in one, but that’s a lifetime limit not annual.


I’m pretty sure resolution is impossible without the attack too.


I’d give a pass for a roadster or model s, but after that you really just ignored the signs.


Farm tech covers the pre ww2 changes, but NAFTA and globalization in general really killed rural America. Car factories, coal mines, steel mills, textile factories, lumber mills and more are drastically reduced in the US, the people that used to work in those place are still alive though.


That’s because most states don’t do maintenance and just request emergency funds when the neglect piles up.


Federal funding doesn’t decrease. There’s more money being spent on infrastructure than ever.


More money isn’t the solution to corruption.


Many big studios seem to have better deals and keep Denuvo indefinitely.


48hrs of early access is also nice for games like MMOs, getting a chunk of people through starting zones before the masses is good for everyone. Competitive games can get more dedicated players out of the lower leagues a bit faster.


I’d settle for the EU to start enforcement on use of the words buy and purchase. If a game requires online connection or only gives you a license, then they must use the words rent or license at point of sale.

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