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I was going to say that’s a different decade, but Mr. Bean first aired in 1990, and Harley Quinn first appeared in the Batman The Animated Series in 1992.


Kung Fu on NES, the magician. The arcade version was normal sized and you just had to kick his ass. The NES edition he was tiny, and you could only hurt him with a crouch and punch. When you have to take turns with your brother, and it takes several tries to make it that far, it seemed like the greatest victory to finally figure it out.


If you could find a way to be happy, you would never exploit so many people to get that wealthy.


Planning. You have to write down every detail, and it takes time and costs money. Someone has to figure out how to manufacture ever part, estimate how many labor hours it will take, select paint colors and door handles and a billion other small things. It will require teams of people coordinating efforts around the globe and getting feedback from every stakeholder imaginable.


I wouldn’t. Did you read the whole thing?


I only ever played the video game. I didn’t know there were movies.


That’s better than I expected from the trailers and early technical problems.


Happened to me in middle school. I was wearing my Tasmanian Devil boxers that day.


In the US, there’s a concern for salmonella or other bacteria and viruses. Factory egg farming is a horror show in regards to overcrowding and hygiene. Sick birds are crammed in with healthy laying birds, and washing the eggs is one of the safest ways to prevent contamination.

It does increase the permeability of the shell, decreasing shelf life and requiring refrigeration.

If your eggs looked like this in the USA, there’s a small but non-zero chance that you’ll shit yourself to death. Probably not, but it’s scary enough.

We could improve factory farming regulations so it’s not a like a Cronenberg movie, but then eggs would be more expensive. And even if we did, and stopped washing our eggs, Americans would still want them to look clean and would still keep them in the fridge because we’ve been conditioned to expect to die on the toilet covered in wet feces if we see bird poop on the eggs.


But eggs are yummy. Baked goods, thickened sauces, omelettes and deviled eggs and egg salad, you can’t really replace them with vegan alternatives. Aquafaba is pretty close for some of it, but people like their eggs and don’t care about how much their food suffers before we eat it.


Right, but if you keep chickens for eggs, you already know all of this.


You mean you put 5G tracking devices in your chickens?

Really, though, getting poultry farmers to spend a penny per dozen eggs is like trying to squeeze water from a rock.


Could we get a text transcription for mobile users? Please and thank you!


This happens in the episode where everyone prematurely ages, and they are sent through the transporter to make them their “normal” ages. There’s no reason given why they couldn’t do that all the time.


“Can’t have people playing games forever for a reduced price. Into the landfill with all the plastic!”


Sounds like the price reduction will be only in Walmart accounting system, so they can justify throwing them all away and write off the lost sales. I doubt they will actually sell all of those games.


Per the article, Microsoft is paying them not to sell any of the physical games and take them off the shelves. I’ll bet dollars to donuts that they end up buried in a landfill next to ET.


Either your toilet brush is too clean, or your dishes are too shitty. Stop it with your nasty ass dishwasher.


It’s not just that we’re stupid. We’re also selfish.

themeatbridge, (edited )

Consider the french fry.

When McDonald’s started asking “would you like fries with that?” their sales and profits exploded. That really happened.

Now let’s get theoretical. Imagine you were a potato farmer, and your friend was a cattle farmer. You both have an interest in selling as much of your product for the highest price possible.

You might try to promote potatoes, because that’s good for you. “French fries are going to become the main course, and burgers are going to become obsolete.” Well, no, that’s not supported by the data. That doesn’t mean that fries aren’t good for McDonald’s. Sales for both went up. People buying french fries didn’t buy fewer burgers. The effect was additive, not canibalistic.

Of course, does that mean that either is “good” for the industry? Does that mean it’s “good” for consumers? Is it fearmongering to point out the health risks of eating fried potatoes and ground beef every day, or how bad factory feeding people is for the economy?

Subscription gaming isn’t going to replace traditional games. But it has become a significant part of the industry. If that’s good or bad depends on your perspective.


How great was Galaxy Quest?

I mean, they set up that line as a joke, an actor cursed with his own success to repeat the same fucking line over and over and over. It could have easily been a one-note punchline, the catchphrase that made the creator cringe.

But it is because of his success that the line takes on a meaning for all the fans, inspiring a generation of followers to live better lives and engage with the community they love. So he must endure the cringe, because it pays the bills.

And then someone takes it seriously. Like, they create the thing he imagined, and now the line is fucking real. Real people (aliens) believe in Grabthar and Warvan, and truly believe that it means something to swear by Grabthar’s hammer and the sons of Warvan. And it’s Alexander’s worst fucking nightmare, because he can’t say it was all made up. Lives depend on believing their shared fiction. He must endure the cringe or people will die.

And then someone does die. Quelleck lived his life by the fictional code of the Mak’Tar, because he believed with all of his soul that it was the honorable life worth living. And it wasn’t religion or revelation, it was just Alexander’s acting, the role he embodied, playing out on an old tv show. That formed the basis for Quelleck’s life, and now that life was being sacrificed.

Alexander looked into Quelleck’s eyes and said the fucking line, because for the first time, maybe ever, he actually meant it. It was the greatest, and final, moment of Quelleck’s life. It was real. It wasn’t acting, it wasn’t art, it wasn’t a job. Dr. Lazarus stood up and avenged Quelleck.

Galaxy Quest was a much better movie than it had any right to be.


Yeah, it just seems like the deal was announced that there is a mechanism for voice actors to sign away the rights to AI imitation. The story seems to be that so many of the union members had no part or consultation in the negotiations.

Many voice actors object to the ability to sign away the rights to your own voice at all, because studios will insist on hiring only voice actors who are willing to do so. AI replication of voices will pretty much eliminate the need to ever pay another voice actor forever. You could probably count on one hand the number of voice actors with the power to negotiate that out of a contract on their own.

It’s sort of like a union saying that there’s a way for companies to hire members who will work more than 18 hours a day. You think, “well they can just say ‘no’ if they don’t want to.” But then the company will only hire people willing to work those longer hours, and it becomes the default. Great applicants will have to give something up to negotiate it out of their contracts. That’s the sort of abusive bargaining positions that union negotiations exist to prevent.

I could be wrong, though. There could be some detail or rate that they negotiated that everyone is unhappy with.


I don’t understand the Jenny hate. Did they expect her to stay with Forrest and wait for him at home just baking pies and listening to the radio while he went off to war, sailed his shrimp boat, toured as a ping pong champion, and then just fucked off to go running for two years?

Gump and Jenny were both rolling stones. She wanted to be free, and fly far far away from the home where she was abused. She wanted her own adventures. Gump was her best friend, but she didn’t have the capacity for the relationship he wanted.


It’s not entirely wrong. Way back in the Next Killer App bubble, I signed a lot of NDAs only to find out there wasn’t anything worth disclosing. I think I am actually violating one of my NDAs to recount the time a guy offered me stock options to build a website that looked like Google with ads. It had a search bar, would return Google search results, and was otherwise riddled with ads. He got the idea from a porn search engine. I put on a suit and tie to meet with the guy. Didn’t have any capital, nor did he own the domain he wanted to use, and I wasn’t a web developer. But he was willing to give me 3% if I built the site for him and helped him find advertisers, because he didn’t have those, either. He was an idea man, you know.

Anyway, that’s not the norm anymore, and NDAs are perfunctory when protecting actual company information.


Easy on the revisionist history, there. Valve’s previous attempt to introduce paid mods broke the existing mod system, and took the lion’s share of the profits for Valve and Bethesda. The math on how much modders would make was absurdly low compared to the effort they put in, and most of the available mods were built on a community’s worth of contributions. There was no curation, no protections for creators or consumers, and the door was left wide open for scammers and charletains to sell other people’s work.

It was a terrible plan.

This isn’t about players demanding work for free. Players bought the game (sometimes more than once) and many of the mods fixed significant bugs and problems. Mods provided ui improvements and new content to keep the game fresh.

Quite the contrary, this is Bethesda capitalizing on the free labor provided by the modding community over the years. This new system has already broken SKSE, upon which hundreds of additional mods are built. The SKSE team has already patched the problem, but that’s just one free mod. Who compensates them for fixing the thing Bethesda broke?

People who didn’t live through it and only read news articles are going to get the impression that players revolted in 2015 because everybody wants a free lunch. If it was just unhappy freeloaders, why would they have pulled the feature so quickly? Surely losing the choosy beggars all at once would not have had any effect on revenue, so how can that possibly explain the unmitigated PR disaster and public apology?


No background check required

That’s an odd thing to specify. Like, OK, maybe you don’t run a background check because of time or resources, but why put that in the ad?


PS2 Shinobi was great. They should just update that with new levels and better graphics.

I’m holding out for a Kid Chameleon game, though.


As trailers go, that was underwhelming for a variety of reasons. The graphics looked stilted and last gen, the tiny bit of voice acting wasn’t great, and the music was weird and unappealing. There was no action, no ambiance, nothing to be enthusiastic about except someone is making a Blade game that will probably come out before the movie.

Obviously there will be work done on the graphics, and there’s plenty of time to tweak the voice acting and the soundtrack. So it’s not at all fair to judge the game on a teaser. But then, this is the teaser they made to promote the game, and that doesn’t instill a lot of confidence.


Why are you asking questions when I already know you don’t care?


I know it’s a meme, but is anyone actually sad for the fish? I thought we were terrified about what was happening to our food. If someone autopsied a downed cow and a bunch of toxic plastic shit spilled from their stomachs, we aren’t thinking “poor cow ate all that plastic and died.” We’re worried about our food supply.


I want to be absolutely clear that I don’t condone doxxing or harassment, and people should be free to push boundaries in artistic endeavors.

But you only get to Bowser in 8-4 if you make several specific choices in the game, and it seems like the main draw of the game is being edgy with sexy cartoons. If it didn’t want to be “the incest game” then it shouldn’t really have incest in it. That’s a controversial choice, and if the developer didn’t know that, they didn’t read or watch Game of Thrones.


I never finished Braid, but always meant to go back to it.


When I first got the PS5, I was going to buy three extra controllers so we could all play, but there are hardly any splitscreen couch games, and hardly any that support 4 players.


I would love a Hitman-style Bond game with multi-path missions and just a variety of weapons, gadgets, and vehicles. Add some platforming, and some quality writing, and you got yourself a stew, baby.

  • Features scantily clad women with anatomically absurd proportions
  • Shocked when thirsty perverts make lewd mods

Does anyone else remember bringing home free trials on floppy disks? Like you get the first level of Wolfenstein or Commander Keen and you just play that over and over because you don’t have any money.


Except weren’t they still promoting those features at launch? And they had taken preorders before review embargoes were lifted.

Both No Man’s Sky and Cyberpunk both had dishonest marketing and significant bugs. Call me crazy, but if a game isn’t ready to launch, it shouldn’t launch. The developer sets the launch date, and if they didn’t give themselves enough time, it’s not reasonable to ask the people who have paid for he thing as advertised to wait because they couldn’t deliver the features as promised.


Q: Does PragerU teach history based on peer-reviewed, evidence-based research?
A: That’s the kind of question a Nazi would ask.

Suburbanites Baffled By Person Outdoors Who Isn’t Delivering Something (The Onion) (

SUGAR LAND, TX—Confused by the man outside who was not wearing a UPS uniform or carrying a package of any kind, local suburbanites expressed bafflement Thursday when they looked out their front windows and saw a person walk by who wasn’t delivering anything. “Huh, our Amazon orders already came today, so what’s this guy...


As a suburbanite myself, what’s a sidewalk?


It’s worth pointing out, the Confederate states actually opposed state’s rights. Part of the articles of secession were based on the federal government’s failure to enforce federal law in states that did not return escaped slaves. The southern states controlled the legislature, and states like Wisconsin and New Hampshire wanted to exercise their states’ rights to free black people from slavery. Lincoln didn’t even make emancipation a priority until two years into the war, and even then it was only in the states that tried to secede.

“State’s rights” became a conservative cause celebre during the civil rights movement when federal law was used to force southern states to integrate. There is nothing inherently conservative or progressive about states vs federal power, and it changes depending on who holds power where.

People who want to make the Civil War about state’s rights vs the federal government overreach are confusing two different eras of racism.

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