
“Latter stage of its life cycle” basically means anything past the halfway point, and it’s already been out for like 4 years.

Considering how long it has taken for PS4 games to stop being published and for PS5 games to really get going, it’ll be a relevant console for several more years at least.

It’s not like it falls apart the second the PS6 is announced. I don’t like the thought of an accelerated console lifecycle either but this is such a vague statement a LOT of these reactions seems a little extreme for now.


3 years and a couple months.


Right, and the PS4 was released in late 2013, so its lifecycle from then to the release of the PS5 was 7 years.

So being in the latter part of the PS5’s cycle is basically on par with the PS4, which only just saw its last new licensed title I believe.

Further evidence, the PS5 JUST got a mid cycle refresh, indicating essentially a halfway point. It’s all speculation but to me this timeline seems basically in line with every previous generation.

Playstation/PS One: 1994-2000 (6 years)

PS2: 2000-2006 (6 years)

PS3: 2006-2013 (7 years)

PS4: 2013-2020 (7 years)

PS5: 2020- (3+ years so far)


Huh for some reason I had 10 years stuck in my head.


Would love to see those numbers go up


I, through no influence of my own, obtained both an Xbox and PS5 in the past two months lol. Xbox was free and PS5 was used and heavily discounted with a bunch of games. It’s been great playing the last two gens of games that were console exclusive and playing my old 360 games with fast loading times. Lots of fable 2 recently


I bought a PS5 so I could play PS4 games without having a jet engine in my living room and it’s absolutely fantastic for that. Also Demon’s Souls was very pretty and faithful to the original, very fun to get the platinum. Returnal was ok too.


All about money. Instead of making good, solid, real games that don’t take up 999 wtfabytes in textures and other graphical bling with other gimmicky crap even further bloating it, we get style over substance crap that gives these rich-ass console makers more and more excuses to crank out yet another iteration of their “NEW! 0.00001% BETTER THAN THE PREVIOUS GENERATION!” dead-ass consoles that should have died long ago when PC gaming took over – not because PC graphics are better, but because PCs can do more and do EVERYTHING better.

Gaming is in a sad state right now and people don’t even realize it. I honestly think if people would force themselves to see what old (80s and very early 90s) gaming offers and understand the difference in good games and style over substance trash, they’d understand how much of a clusterfuck modern gaming is. Sure, there’s a small handful of good titles floating around these days, but nowhere near the amount and quality of gaming in, say, the NES days where there are more high quality games on that single console than there has been on every console in the last 15 or so years.

And I know modern gamers are going to cry about this post. Too bad. Has to be said.


…but nowhere near the amount and quality of gaming in, say, the NES days where there are more high quality games on that single console than there has been on every console in the last 15 or so years.

Now lets not romanticize older systems. As someone who grew up playing the original NES, I agree the console had a MASSIVE library of games in its hayday, but I would say less than half of them were even worth a shit. But you’re right, current consoles are simply leaning hard on “Look at how pretty it is” rather than actual quality gameplay.


Right? I feel like AVGN has lasted so long simply because he can throw a dart at a list of non-first party NES titles and ht one of the worst fucking games of all time.

TacticsConsort, avatar

Honestly, a profoundly weird experience that I had recently… was playing Dragonstrike (released in 1992 I think?) for DOS, for the first time.

Objectively this game is the very definition of ‘limited by the technology of its time’. It’s a flight sim made before a mouse was a standard computer accessory. I think the biggest in-game sprites are maybe 50 by 50 pixels. It’s outstandingly difficult to play.

And yet… compared to modern games, when I’m playing this, it really just hits me over and over again how they made every single decision correctly. The game has an excellent premise. The storytelling may be simple but it’s good. The core gameplay loop is fun, and your kit feels like it’s complete and well-made, and there’s no stupid gacha mechanics or grinding or oversexualized poster girl or daily quests to try and force you to play X amount of hours. It’s just for fun. And it IS fun, despite the most unbelievably dated graphics I’ve ever seen. If this game was made just a few years later, it would’ve been outstanding.


Gaming is in a sad state right now and people don’t even realize it.

I haven’t noticed it because I’m watching the AAA gaming industry from afar instead of participating. BotW is about the only game from a major developer that I’ve given a shit about in the last 10 years, and only that because I’m a sucker for Zelda.

We’re in a golden age of indie titles, and they deserve your money a lot more than the Ubisofts and Activisions of the world.


Maybe if you actually stocked the fucking console in a store, people might have bought one


Maybe make it small enough so I have somewhere to put the dang thing.

KingThrillgore, avatar

What said it all really was that Shaun Layden, literally a day 1 PlayStation employee who climbed up to head of Worldwide Studios fuckin dipped before the PS5 and ever since, he’s been warning about the absurd costs of AAA development.

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