
I think Skyrim is a pretty cool guy. He kills dragons and doesn’t afraid of anything

AngryCommieKender, (edited )

Other than hitting the Shout button when trying to play tag.


It’s almost as if Skyrim enjoyed a Creation Kit of some sort was full of over a decade of mods with a (unofficially) completely patched game. I would probably be playing it too instead, if my savegame didn’t end up getting becoming near corrupted by the time I’m nearly done completing half of the game. But there’s a mod for that, too.

ElBarto, avatar

Todd Howard for the last decade: PLAY SKYRIM!

Todd Howard now: Stop playing Skyrim please and PLAY STARFIELD!


I mean.. it's amost as if Skyrim has years of iteration under its belt and a thriving modding community who can use mod tools to keep things fresh.

Dindonmasker, avatar

I’m personally waiting to see if it will come out again for VR. Bethesda always sells a new copy of the game to have VR support.


The game barely runs in pancake mode and their response to that was “get a better computer”. I’d hate to see what they would expect to even try to run Starfield in VR.

Also, their VR versions are, frankly, not very good. You absolutely have to tweak and mod them to get them to run well and be enjoyable.

Dindonmasker, avatar

So far i very much enjoyed non moded skyrim VR and fallout 4 VR and they run really well on my very good last gen gpu “3090”.


Dude the 3090 is a 24GB MONSTER of a GPU that cost $1500 USD when it came out

Dindonmasker, avatar

Yea. i got a good deal on marketplace. I’m extremely happy with it. :)


Keep in mind, they released in the 10X0 era. Also, I found Skyrim needed ini tweaking to bring back the view distance. Even still, compared to most native VR games, I found the interactions lackluster without mods.

Caligvla, avatar

Older, cheaper game with a vastly larger modding scene has more players? No shit, Sherlock!


I’ve never played this game and I’m reluctant to read into the internet echo chamber of hate around it, but is it really that bad? After all the work that’s presumably gone into it, how can it be so disappointing?


I mean, if you're that worried about the "echo chamber" go buy it, and see.

Endorkend, avatar

There's two sides to it.

1 is that it was heralded as being this massive intricate space game with a near endless things to do.

2 is that it was heralded as being the first of Version 2 of Bethesdas game engine.

1 turned out to be a play with words as while there is quite a bit to do in the game, barely any of it is captivating as it's even less deep than most things you do in Skyrim and FO4, but it's kinda true as the game creates an NG+ loop where your gameworld resets whenever you do the main quest (which you can do in a rather short time) which results in a virtually infinite things to do, as you get to redo the same content over and over and over.

The NG+ loop also makes it so that no matter what you do in the game feels like it's an utter waste of time. As you will reset it after finishing the main quest and don't have the ability to go back to universes you've already interacted with.

2 turned out to be utter bullshit as the engine has all the same bugs it has had since Morrowind, no new features to speak of (some say the ability to load more planets and generating those small landing areas is new, but you could load DLC maps in their engine going back as far as Morrowind and the procedural generation of the landing areas is very barebones and done better in ARGP and other games going back 25 years) and the engine only has a couple graphics features tacked on that FO4 didn't have yet.

And I mean tacked on, the new graphics capabilities aren't really integrated in the engine, just tacked onto it with ductape and superglue from external APIs.

What their version 2 of the engine needed was an actual ground up rework of the graphics pipeline to integrate natively all the crap they tacked onto it since Morrowind.

This while the new version of the engine also reduced a ton of modding features that made all their previous games so great, to be extremely watered down and some ultimately useless, meaning that it'll take even more time for mod authors to bypass Bethesdas programming to integrate features the old games already had.

Added, it took all of a week for a modder to add XeSS, DLSS and FSR into Starfield, which should've been part of the game out of the box.

And it took Bethesda 2+ months to integrate these same features themselves.


Starfield is a bad game because people want it to be a bad game. I read a negative Steam review that complained about the estimated 150 hours of the story were too short. One hundred and fifty hours. In the same amount of time you probably can complete Cyberpunk and The Witcher back to back.

Of course Starfield is far from being a perfect game. But some players’ expectations can’t be distinguished from entitlement anymore. To quote a movie title, they want “everything, everywhere, all at once”. And yes, then Starfield must be bad.

I on the other hand really do enjoy it.


u get bethesda game if u buy it, if u can stomach 3d fos, mw/skyrim/oblivion its the same thing - bad rpg mechanics and open world, so just fine if u like roaming around

Dr_Cog, avatar

It’s not really fine if you like roaming around, though. There isn’t much of an open world, just many many small worlds with hand-placed POIs on some of them and procedurally generated stuff on the rest

I’m having a good time with the game but it definitely doesn’t scratch the same itch


Pointing out how much of a flop Starfield has been is beating a dead horse at this point, but it’s a horse that deserves a beating after how dismissive the fanboys were at launch.

“YoU jUsT hAvEn’T PlAyEd It EnOuGh”, turns out they were the ones who hadn’t played it enough to realise how repetitive it is.

SnotFlickerman, avatar

is beating a dead horse at this point

The horse in question.


Clearly that guy can take a beating still, with that gorgeous armor. Not even a dent!


As someone who didn’t use the Internet at all for a month after it released to enjoy it without moany Internet people to try and ruin my fun, discourse about this game online that I have seem has been like 90% against it.

Do you all not get tired being so relentlessly negative about these games? I swear it’s only the angriest redditors that came over here because it’s so demoralising seeing constant lies and exaggerations from Bethesda hate fanatics.

Sure call me a fanboy, I’d rather be obsessively enjoying something than whatever the hell you all like to do


I’d say you’ve seen 90% hate because you weren’t there for the first week. I’m not saying all people who enjoy it are fanboys, it’s people who were telling other people they were just playing it wrong when it first came out.

Either way, if you enjoy the game then good for you, you don’t need my permission and are best just looking past other people’s criticisms if you like it.

SnotFlickerman, avatar

I literally went into it with a positive attitude, ready to accept it for what it was, and tried to focus on the the good parts of the game, of which there are many.

I’m already done playing because it’s repetitive and doesn’t have the same feel of exploration that Skyrim, Oblivion, and Morrowind had, mostly because of the overreliance on fast travel between planets.

Objectively, it’s not a terrible game. The problem is that even those of us who gave it an honest shot have to be honest with ourselves and admit it isn’t good either. It’s just middling, which is fine. A lot of games are kind of just meh and that’s okay. Some of those games are deeply loved by a small set of passionate players, and that’s okay, too.

Further, it came out two weeks after a game that shoved a hot firebrand under the ass of every video game developer because of how quality the game was. Bethesda couldn’t have released at a worse time, and I think there’s more negativity due to that, because now gamers can say “I know what I’ve been missing.” They have something that is way above middling, fucking fantastic really, to compare it to.

Is that comparison fair? Honestly, yes, because Baldurs Gate 3 isn’t doing anything groundbreaking other than bringing CRPGs back to their roots. Anyone who played Baldurs Gate, Baldurs Gate II or the original Fallout would understand this, because BG3 really mimics the style of those games while also bringing the graphics into the modern era. If anything it’s a return to form for the industry, and now people are simply going to demand that level of detail in their fictional worlds.

Finally, Bethesda has always had shitty writers, so there’s that. They always fixed it by making the world you existed within engaging to interact with. Starfield is sadly just not that engaging, and thus the bad writing really shines through.

Sure call me a fanboy, I’d rather be obsessively enjoying something than whatever the hell you all like to do

As if we’re not fanboying over and obsessively enjoying other games instead.

All the endless Baldurs Gate 3 memes couldn’t be because people enjoy it could it?? /s

krimson, avatar

Soooo many people boarded the hype train. Speaking of, there’s only a few hundred viewers left on Twitch as well, 2 months after release lol.

canis_majoris, avatar

After two months everybody literally saw all the game had to offer, so no surprise there.

It’s getting dumb what spins they’re putting on all of this Starfield coverage. Yesterday it was getting stiffed for Game Awards nominations, today it’s low playercount on Steam. I wonder what it’s going to be tomorrow, because Microsoft paid for coverage, good or bad.

Endorkend, avatar


To get an award you have to have earned it.

They weren't stiffed on anything as they didn't earn anything.

This while from day one they were talking like they deserved a Grammy (which they literally posted on their press release page).


I think that them announcing mod support for next year actually caused people to abandon it quicker. I mean, they had to talk about mods because it was so expected, but I wish they had support ready to go with the October patch. Give everyone a month to play the story without the temptation to completely overhaul with silly mods, then announce support in time for holiday sales.

I really enjoyed the gamed but I am also waiting to revisit it after mod support is officially added.

Endorkend, avatar

Part of the issue is that it also took them 2 months to get any sort of qualified patch out the door.

The previous ones only fixed like 2-3 game breaking bugs each and that was that.

The most recent one does a tad more, but still nothing to write home about.

Some people keep parroting that Bethesda has always had a absolutely horrid trackrecord of patching their messes, so you shouldn't complain about that, but I refuse to give them a pass on that.

People that keep saying that are pretty much saying "yeah, me dog shits in my bed every single day and I'm not going to do anything about it because they've always done that."


And they originally wanted to release around when Redfall released.

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