@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar



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@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

That's how religious classes went in the Catholic school I went to.

Had a legit Catholic priest as my teacher, he educated us in the history and beliefs of all major and quite a few minor religions (and some extinct ones) and not once told us any one of them was better than the other or we should chose Catholicism over anything else.

It was mostly just History class but rather than "what happened" as the context, "what did people believe".

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Nah, all schools in my home town are Ursuline schools with the one I went to named after Saint Amandina, who was an Ursuline nun, as she was from the part of town the founders of the school were from.

These nuns have a nack for education and healthcare (a crapton of hospitals here are Amandina founded) and if I recall correctly, even founded some liberal arts schools in the US at some point.

From what I understand from the nuns I've been in contact with through the years, they aren't as bookish as Jesuits, but are 100% behind the idea that "if you teach people the whole picture, they will eventually find God" as the sheer wonder of the universe to them can only mean their deity exists.

Rather than the US Christian way of "indoctrinate to the level of making some people incapable of interacting with a modern society, so they have no choice but to believe whatever we believe".

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

They prefer mandatory practical training in that regard ...

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Does it happen often, other than by a presidential tier candidate, that one single representative tier politician makes multiple districts flip?

AfD fears losing voters over latest Russia and China spy scandals (www.euronews.com)

Recent investigations linking top AfD members to Beijing and Moscow have rattled the far-right party voting base in the run-up to the European elections in June, causing doubts about their dedication to the patriotic cause — one of their main talking points....

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

I disagree.

Nazi had principles and stood for something. Horrible somethings, but something.

These fucks don't stand for anything, they want to stir up shit and when money starts talking to them, they are really quick to throw any espoused principles straight out a 5th floor window.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Not even one of those points will accelerate Linux adoption to being with a decade of the snowballing level at which point it could Dethrone Windows.

You been drinking some absinthe or smoking the ganja-weed?

Or just straight up snorting Flakka

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

I guess they mean "how to make buggy messy often usermade Desktop distributions more popular."

As Linux itself is insanely popular, it's everywhere and runs everything. From the vast majority of server and network infrastructure to most phones.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Because they'd need to support it or hire an assload of developers to bugfix and contribute to the projects they include in their distro.

And that's something those companies don't like doing.

System76 is a hardware vendor specifically created to cater to the Linux sphere.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Might we considered there may be a tiny difference in scope between an OS and an app like Armory Crate.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

She's an open white nationalist.

How is her being racist any sort of surprise or questioned?

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Thing is, looking at some games, Horizon and Elden Ring being a prime examples, we can have both great games with great graphics.

You don't really want better games with worse graphics, you want better games that don't use great graphics as an excuse to bad gameplay.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

It's all about "state rights" until it's other states with different politics.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

They get cheap oil, cheap gas, cheap minerals, cheap everything out of Russia.

They don't care Putin wins or loses, they do care about getting all that cheap loot.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

All of Europe is an Ally.

This perk is pretty much reserved for Israel and Israel only.

Endorkend, (edited )
@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

You need both.

Some people won't ever hear anything about the issues until they see some weird kid do these stunts or see that someone their age can have a word in the discussion too.

Others are more likely to pay attention to scientists, the type that read more intellectual literature.

And then there's those who won't ever change their mind because they've been spoonfed corporate propaganda and thanks to religion and just generally being dumbasses, are perfectly primed to be managed in this way.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Even in porn I haven't seen anyone take so many loads with that much gusto as the Republican, NRA and everything related to the right wing has for the past several decades.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

The chokehold Israeli Intelligence / Propaganda wing has on reddits worldnews subreddit is freakin depressing (and scary in how total it is).

Post anything even remotely critical to anything Israel did and within minutes you'll have a dozen downvotes and people outright warping reality in their response to you, all on relatively recent accounts that only ever respond to posts related to Israel. They aren't subtle about it in the slightest.

And stories like them murdering foreign aid workers on purpose just get magicked away.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Well, TikTok can't get any worse, right?

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

I tried TikTok some time ago and got bored with it.

I'm the type that prefers long form content. I watch 20-240 minute videos on YouTube,

I never got into Vines or the Vines/TikTok clone thing YouTube is doing either.

So most of the crap I see from TikTok is here, on Reddit and Mastodon.

And normally only the most entertaining crap from a platform gets to other platforms and I'm not impressed by what I've seen, at all.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Considering they were making enough to agree to pay 2.4 million to Nintendo, they were making bank of the emulator.

If it went to court, this would've been much much higher.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

The thing that hit me with sadness most (aside the horrible murder) is that when you see pictures of Brianna, her eyes are full of life and happiness.

And then you see pictures of these two, devoid of any spark. Dead inside.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Even as far back as XP/Vista Microsoft has wanted to run the file system as more of an adaptive database than a classical hierarchical file system.

The leaked beta for Vista had this included and it ran like absolute shit, mostly because harddrives are slow and ram was at a premium, especially in Vista as it was such a bloated piece or shit.

NTFS has since evolved to include more and more of these "smart" file system components.

Now they want to go full on with this "smart" approach to the filesystem.

It'll still be slow and shit, just like it was 2 decades ago.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Imho you're wrong there.

Amazon has every incentive to write down Twitches infrastructure cost as far higher than it needs to be, to make Twitch look unprofitable.

Both to audience and shareholders. It'll allow them to force more advertising and push up sub prices while making the main corporation revenue look better.

This while the long term plan looks to be more about getting an excuse to shut down the public facing side of Twitch and get rid of having to deal with the streamers and viewers as direct clients and renting out streaming infrastructure to other streaming sites instead.

They want to condense their streaming services to simply be simple products they can sell or rent out to other sites rather than having to deal with a load of consumers and legal liabilities that come with them.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Why did Polygon include the CTWC video at the top of their page instead of BlueScuti's?

They are already stealing his views reposting his entire video with some bullshit commenting from them over the top of it and now Polygon is supporting that kind of behavior.

The kid did the work, give him the damn views.

Endorkend, (edited )
@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

The A770 is actually fantastic, even more so for the price.

What was garbage was the drivers and they've come a long way in bringing them up to speed.

They had and to some extent still have a rather gigantic hurdle to cross getting older games up to speed, but the decision to employ at least partial Vulkan translation instead of trying to get DX9/10 drivers up to speed was a huge leap already.

For modern games, when they are at least tested to run on the Intel cards, they perform on par with cards from AMD and Nvidia that cost $150+ more.

And no, this isn't coming from some Intel fanboy, I haven't bought an Intel CPU since Coppermine and for GPUs I've simply switched between what was the best for a specific priceclass at the time I upgraded. And whenever something really new came along, like Kyro3D and PhysX cards (and now Intels GPUs), I bought those too.

Also realize that Arcs ray tracing engine beats AMDs and keeps up with Nvidias in their first iteration of the chip.

Their tech is sound and fully has the potential to be a competitor.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Uhm, it says it reached a new agreement with WB that makes the bought content available, ""for at least the next 30 months".

When that license expires and the PR winds are right, they'll remove it permanently.

You still didn't buy what you bought.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

I generally agree unless the idea is actually something groundbreaking, which in 99.99% of cases, it isn't, even remotely.

When it's actually something groundbreaking, the person having the idea should have some protection to actually get rewarded for the idea.

I've been in companies where tradesecrets were stolen and it can seriously fuck a company.

The execution doesn't matter when a third party can undercut your price by 90%+.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

People are also forgetting that he spent the past decade creating systems and tech for NMS that he can now use in his new game. Systems and Tech he didn't have in hand when dreaming up NMS.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

It's gotten far more complicated that that, but we can keep it with "Suspect of running a (or multiple) charity scams, eventually paying a token amount that is only in line with reported revenue, not with revenue that can easily be checked from the vods of the charity streams.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

There's 1001 existing avenues for modders to charge for their work, avenues they use, from Patreon versions of mods to plain simple donations.

The issue here is that Bethesda is trying to get in on that action and try take a cut.

They are laying the groundwork to transform the field for when they make it disallowed to use the other long existing avenues and only allow modding through them, possibly arbitrarily putting a cost on everything and taking a cut on everything.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Until they make it impossible to load mods that don't come from their store.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Because the endgoal is that something like the nexus can't exist as only mods published through CC can be loaded.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Yeah, people kept saying that when people like TotalBiscuit were warning against micro transactions, paid DLC, pre-sales, etc becoming the norm.

Now the entire industry is shaped around it.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Exactly. There's assloads of precedent that if you allow a single company to normalize this crap, it'll be an industry wide thing within 5 years.

It happened with paid DLC, it happened with Microtransactions in full price games, it happened with pre-sales, it happened with subscription fees and season passes in full price games.

People keep pulling this "bwah, it won't be so bad", for it to get 10x worse than anything we expected.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Modders already have ways to get paid for their work, without Bethesda trying to take a cut.

If Bethesda gets to normalize this, before long they'll disable free mod support and you'll only be able to get mods from them.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Depending on how extreme the NO! answers are, they may delay it or split the 100$ DLC in 2 50$ DLC, which you both have to get to actually play the game.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

I don't particularly hate my voice when played back.

I just don't recognize it as my own voice at all.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

An AI image is a result of a technology, which falls under copyright.

A method to generate AI audio is the technology itself, which falls under patent law.

These are two entirely different things that should never be conflated.

Endorkend, (edited )
@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Software patents need to be shorter.

Hardware ones I think can be as long as they are, but need loopholes and tricks closed that allow for extending patents on the same thing artificially.

Best would be to have many different categories with vastly different duration and the durations need to be reviewed periodically.

Like the fact large parts of x86 is still patent protected is an obscenity.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

There's two sides to it.

1 is that it was heralded as being this massive intricate space game with a near endless things to do.

2 is that it was heralded as being the first of Version 2 of Bethesdas game engine.

1 turned out to be a play with words as while there is quite a bit to do in the game, barely any of it is captivating as it's even less deep than most things you do in Skyrim and FO4, but it's kinda true as the game creates an NG+ loop where your gameworld resets whenever you do the main quest (which you can do in a rather short time) which results in a virtually infinite things to do, as you get to redo the same content over and over and over.

The NG+ loop also makes it so that no matter what you do in the game feels like it's an utter waste of time. As you will reset it after finishing the main quest and don't have the ability to go back to universes you've already interacted with.

2 turned out to be utter bullshit as the engine has all the same bugs it has had since Morrowind, no new features to speak of (some say the ability to load more planets and generating those small landing areas is new, but you could load DLC maps in their engine going back as far as Morrowind and the procedural generation of the landing areas is very barebones and done better in ARGP and other games going back 25 years) and the engine only has a couple graphics features tacked on that FO4 didn't have yet.

And I mean tacked on, the new graphics capabilities aren't really integrated in the engine, just tacked onto it with ductape and superglue from external APIs.

What their version 2 of the engine needed was an actual ground up rework of the graphics pipeline to integrate natively all the crap they tacked onto it since Morrowind.

This while the new version of the engine also reduced a ton of modding features that made all their previous games so great, to be extremely watered down and some ultimately useless, meaning that it'll take even more time for mod authors to bypass Bethesdas programming to integrate features the old games already had.

Added, it took all of a week for a modder to add XeSS, DLSS and FSR into Starfield, which should've been part of the game out of the box.

And it took Bethesda 2+ months to integrate these same features themselves.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar


To get an award you have to have earned it.

They weren't stiffed on anything as they didn't earn anything.

This while from day one they were talking like they deserved a Grammy (which they literally posted on their press release page).

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Part of the issue is that it also took them 2 months to get any sort of qualified patch out the door.

The previous ones only fixed like 2-3 game breaking bugs each and that was that.

The most recent one does a tad more, but still nothing to write home about.

Some people keep parroting that Bethesda has always had a absolutely horrid trackrecord of patching their messes, so you shouldn't complain about that, but I refuse to give them a pass on that.

People that keep saying that are pretty much saying "yeah, me dog shits in my bed every single day and I'm not going to do anything about it because they've always done that."

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Yes and no.

It's not like Epic had to start where Steam started.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar


The only time I ever look at the store tab in Steam is when there's a sale on.

Otherwise, all I ever see and use is my library.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Because it'll be used by questionable sources to farm accounts with history and of well known people to enroll in astroturfing, propaganda and straight up scams.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

I watch them to spectate the inevitable moment she grooms a bonafide ice bear.

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