scrubbles, avatar

And gaming companies wonder why gamers are so negative. Helped by crappy articles like this. The only thing I saw that I don’t like is the more mass effect control over your squad. However, I love mass effect, so I’m willing to give it a shot.

A lot of negativity and assumptions about what gamers want from this article when the game isn’t even out yet. From a story and narrative aspect, I’m cautiously optimistic.

Also “forgot its roots” and “stuck in the past” can’t be used in the same sentence, PC gamer. They literally mean opposite things.

ampersandrew, avatar

Also “forgot its roots” and “stuck in the past” can’t be used in the same sentence, PC gamer. They literally mean opposite things.

Not necessarily. In this case, BioWare’s roots are just even further in the past, and there’s a middle part in the past (somewhere between 2005 and 2014) where one could argue BioWare and RPGs in general lost their way. Your mileage may vary, but they’re not opposites here.

slimerancher, avatar

Maybe we need a new idiom for that… What about “stuck in the stems”? It’s after root, but before fruit / flowers / leaves.

Nima, (edited ) avatar

good lord, man. that’s a lot of empty, teenage-like rage to have to read through. this guy is dramatically clawing his face and screaming in anger over a 20 minute gameplay video.

the game looks fine, dude. can we save the hysterics for when the game is released?

scrubbles, avatar

From the two downvotes you have already, apparently not. I think the rule is if we don’t preorder based on trailers and marketing hype, we also shouldn’t trash something based on trailers. We have no idea what it is.

It becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. If you go in with a negative outlook - you’re going to have a negative experience. Go in neutral and you will probably have a decent time.

Nima, avatar

down votes I don’t care about. what depresses me is how extra, obnoxious and angry people have become when it comes to new titles.

we can’t just say “I don’t know if this game looks like its for me.” any longer. we instead have to go full rage-nerd and call for the fall of video games and the end of the universe when a game doesn’t appeal to us.

articles like this keep that toddler-tantrum response normalized and I dislike it. I dislike it very very much.

scrubbles, avatar

preaching to the choir man. I got ripped apart a few months ago for my incredibly hot (apparently) take the Starfield was an okay game.

People were just loving the bandwagon they were on, telling everyone the game sucked, it was trash, that Bethesda was dead. Meanwhile I was … playing the game. And you know what? It was fine. It wasn’t amazing, it wasn’t revolutionizing the player experience, but I had a decent time in it. Mechanics weren’t perfect, it wasn’t the absolute best game I’ve played, but I got my money’s worth with it.

That’s what I hate. Nothing can be “okay”. It’s either Red Dead 2 levels of perfect - or absolute garbage. It’s either the best game they’ve played or the developers didn’t even try.

Then they wonder why companies aren’t willing to go out on a limb and try new things.

VeganCheesecake, avatar

Seriously. I really liked Origins and had fun with 2 and Inquisition. If this is great, I’ll happily play it. If I don’t like it, I won’t - I have more backlog than time for games anyway. I don’t get what people get so angry about.

shani66, (edited )

I mean, duh. I do find it kinda funny that he says it feels like the console ages again, because that’s when development for this train wreck started.

Anyways, spot on. That first trailer showed off the marvel tier writing we’re probably going to see (although tbf origins had some real out there shit pre release too) and the gameplay trailer confirms it’s just a button mashing mess with very few skills to break the monotony.

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