GreneArwe, avatar

I just finished replaying the Arkham games. Thinking about not moving to the Uncharted series since I’ve only ever played the first game, a tiny bit of the second, and half of the fourth. Want to experience the series / story in full.


Snowrunmer. Something about dragging big trucks through mud is just very relaxing and satisfying.


Same! Had mudrunner on steam then snowrunner on epic, just got snowrunner on steam with all the dlcs on sale, and really enjoying the laid-back vibes.


I’m playing project zomboid very hard but such a detailed game.


Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart. It finally came out on PC and it feels so good to have a R&C game again.


I’m playing Team Fortress 2. It’s my comfort game.

Dwigt_Rortugal, avatar

Started playing InFAMOUS 2, i played the first one maybe 10 years ago and now just getting to the 2nd one lol.


What an amazing game it is!! It’s a shame we don’t have remakes of 1&2 on modern console or PC yet.

Mysteriarch, avatar

Played Dredge on the Steam Deck, which was a nice, relaxing experience.

Besides that I’ve been playing Blood: Fresh Supply on my beefy gaming pc. Great fun, much glee when blowing up hordes of cultists.

Scrabbone, avatar

I’ve started Elder Scrolls Online again after a long break and do the dailies there every evening with all my characters.

Drago, avatar

Yesterday finally bought Remnant: From the Ashes on sale after seeing the new one all over Twitch. Played 6h of coop with my brother and hell was it a lot of fun. There seem to be less and less good coop games, but this one does a good job. Of course there are many small issues though (e.g. a memory leak crashing the game every few hours on Xbox lol). Glad there is a second one already waiting after we’re done.


XCOM 2: long war of the chosen (lwotc). Have heard about long war every now and again and finally decided to try it out. Gotta say it’s pretty hard but I am starting to get the hang of it


Long war is practically another expansion. It’s insane how much content there is for a mod


Is that a DLC? I have never heard of it.


I’m deep into TOTK, though I’m looking forward to getting started with Don’t Starve on my Deck.

Grimlo9ic, avatar

Still grinding away at Street Fighter 6, and currently starting another run of the FFVII Remake!


Getting absolutely stuck into Remnant 2, such a cool sense of exploration!

Schaedelbach, (edited )

I play Dragons Dogma DA for weeks now and I still love how fresh the combat feels everytime you change vocation. Right now I am a magic archer and I pretty much spend all the weight I can carry on blast arrows. This plus the skill where I can double zoom in on enemies from far away and do A TON of damage makes me the biggest danger in all of gransys at the moment. I can’t stress this enough: the combat in this game is just so good and varied it’s absolutely insane!


I just can’t stop thinking about how great it would be if Dragon’s Dogma had lore and quests like the third Witcher! I feel like Capcom tried with a handful of quests like the one with the dude from the village who constantly gets lost and you have to rescue him. Or some main storyline quests also can be exciting. And yet, most quests are kill quests with just a little textbox explaining who wants what killed.

Dragons Dogma made me realize how much of Witcher 3 is actually carried by the writing, the lore, the world and the interesting characters interacting in it and how bland, almost bad the combat is.

So now I wish CD Red would hire the people responsible for the combat in Dragons Dogma for the next Witcher! Sounds like a perfect game in my book!


Playing Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart on the PC. Bought it on a whim and it’s quite a good game with gorgeous graphics. Lacking polish in some areas though, for example there are many oddly placed invisible walls as well as points where the character can get stuck. Anyway, trying to finish the game before Baldur’s Gate 3 comes out.

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