
I don’t care if it’s ragebait, bluntly, anyone who gets into a relationship with someone who has children, and you’re “not the step-parent type”… Break off the relationship and dig a hole. Go lay in it and let the earth retake you. You’re more valuable as fertilizer than as a person.


Sounds like she is exactly a stepparent type. Wanting to get rid of your partner’s child is common in monogamous animals. That said, it could be very real and you are absolutely right. She should be getting rid of herself.

0x4E4F, avatar

Just goes to show you, we’re not that far from animals.


I mean we are. Yesterday saw a video of a male macaque waterboarding a juvenile much much smaller than him. Usually males do this type of stuff to kill the child so that the mother is able to reproduce again sooner. And thus increase his chances of reproduction. Except this one, was just doing it out of either play, or to assert dominance. Possibly both. Primates are creatively cruel too.

0x4E4F, avatar

Yeah, that is true for primates.

But I have seen a female wolf raise a fox IRL (I have a cottage in a small village in the mountains). They are prey to each other (not really, but if there is nothing else to eat, wolves will hunt and kill a fox as well), but I saw the mother with the fox and the rest of her siblings, she made no distinction raising her biological children and the fox. I gave them food sometimes and I saw her raise them in real time. I’m still amazed by that gesture… and we think of them as animals while us that kill for no reason at all are “civilized”… at least they kill for food…


Yeah it’s amazing when resources are bountiful, and animals share them. But foxes and wolves are not the sadistic primates. So I am not surprised. It is so wholesome.

0x4E4F, avatar

That sounded really really good 👍.

Stalinwolf, avatar

This reads like most fake-ass rage bait on reddit. Please tell me Lemmy isn’t going to start lapping this shit up too…


This troll has to be so happy to see their troll post still lives. Let it die.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

This is literally the plot to Snow White.

Shit posters are gonna shit post.

Leate_Wonceslace, avatar

My advice is that she get help from a therapist that specializes in cluster B personality disorders. Preferably all of them 'cuz holy fuck.


This is the animal part of the human brain. It is the enemy. In the vast majority of people, it is winning.


Exactly! This is why fairy tales feature wicked step mothers.


The caveman part of my brain says that you’re a grugn, bash!

Frankly his decorum is improving.


Everybody is like “This is totally rage bait!” and while, yes, it probably is, this is more common than you’d think. My step-dad tried everything to get my mom to give me up. And treated me like shit. She stayed with him and had two kids by him, but I grew up being treated like an afterthought by both of them. Now I’m 30 and no contact with my mom, meanwhile he’s six feet under. And he deserved it.

0x4E4F, avatar

Man… excuse my French, but your mother is… I would rather not say it…

BluJay320, avatar

A bitch


he tried everything to give you up except for leaving the fucking relationship apparently.

Comedy writes itself sometimes.


Is this loss?



But yeah, I don’t think this is real.


It sounds too extreme to be real.

That said, my mother lost her mother when she was 4 years old. Her mom took her own life, my mom witnessed the aftermath and was already traumatized as hell.

My grandfather remarried and that woman did everything she could to get rid of my mom.

People can become better, and my step grandmother did. She apologized to my mom and owned what she did, and she was pretty good with me and my siblings when we were growing up.

The shit she put my mom through was insane. She told my mom that her mom was in hell burning because she killed herself. My mom and her step siblings got lice at school and she shaved my mom’s head but not theirs (12 years old too, so she got bullied on top of that humiliation), told my mom she looked too much like her mom and was ugly (and honestly, my mother was one of the most beautiful people around. When I was growing up I heard comments constantly, “Bro! Your sister is hot!” “That’s my mom jackass!”)

The list goes on and on. She succeeded in getting rid of my mom when she hit about 13. My mom’s youngest sibling was more than 10 years older than her, so she spent her teens moving around between her older brother and sisters until she married at 16, and has been on her own since.


Yes, the evil stepmother trope certainly exists for a reason. I myself had… well there’s plenty of evil to go round. Can I interest you in a chocolate covered pretzel? If this one doesn’t ring especially true to me, that’s not to say these people don’t exist.


Yeah, probably Poe’s Law. Probably.


I’ve known people this vapid, even if it’s fake, this has absolutely happened.


You hear about these people once in a while but to see one actually write it out for everyone to see is a new low




100%. People like this exist, but they’re rare and they know better than to admit to this shit blatantly.


Yeah, there’s a reason fairytales like “cinderella” exist


Are they that rare? And do they really know to keep things like this under wraps? It seems like our social filters have all gone out the window the last eight years.

She can’t spell fiancé correctly despite several attempts and having autocorrect. I think it’s entirely possible that she’s just dumb, selfish and insecure.


I drink a lot. Mostly to forget.

But sometimes I drink so much, I don’t remember what I was trying to forget.

Now I remember.

I need a drink.

jokes aside please don’t let this shit be real


Some people shouldn’t have children.

Zagorath, avatar

I like to think “faincé” use pronounced like “fancy”.


Man, is that guy screwed. What a horrible, horrible person. And he’s having a kid with her so she’s going to be in his life even if he bailed on the marriage (which I hope he did).

nifty, avatar

Is she a telenovela character?



Or maybe a bear or something

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