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I like ironing my clothes though and if you show up to a formal family event with a shirt that looks like you rolled around in it, then I will offer to iron for you before the next time.


Just be skeptical about it from both perspectives.

Bad actors do exist but they’re not to blame for everything despite almost any organization or movement these days attempting to scapegoat any poor publicity they experience as bad actors.


He’s surprisingly right, even if he is part of the problem.

The current political climate in this country can’t last into the long-term future. I dislike the idea of conflict but many of the current right’s ideals simply cannot coexist with those outside of their cult. The right has also been more aggressive about dismantling the country in several areas as a means of takeover. They really do see this as a battle or a war.


Can we not act like this?

If someone is misinformed then you educate and correct them, not mock them. Especially when the person in question is clearly open minded and willing to learn.


Looks like it outside of Cali and the north east, assuming they don’t fight it like they fight everything anyone on the left tries to do for them.

4-star generals side with Smith, tell SCOTUS Trump immunity claim is 'assault' on democracy (

A distinguished group of retired four-star generals and admirals from the U.S. military have argued in a brief filed in the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday that Donald Trump’s claims of absolute “presidential immunity” from criminal prosecution tied to Jan. 6 is an “assault” on the “foundational commitments”...


Yeah, we’re past the point where this can be settled peaceful for certain anyways.

If Trump wins we’re in for a revenge tour, and if he loses there will be some form of major conflict. We have roughly 8 months to rip the band-aid off.

And before anyone tells me there won’t be a major conflict if he loses, let me remind you. He was trying to be discreet when he called his supporters up for the insurrection. All he wanted at the time was for them to delay the proceedings regarding the inauguration. The man is out of time regarding all the cases that have been building up against him, he doesn’t have it in him to keep this up. If/when he does not get the presidency he won’t be discreet, he will likely call for all out war.


Republicans doing typical Republican things to no one’s benefit.

That said, I don’t think aid in the form of sending more arms over is right. The proper humanitarian course of action would have been to send a coalition of troops over to Ukraine to forcefully shut the situation down. So many lives would have been saved had we done this earlier.

Instead we have chosen to let the war drag on by sending weapons and supplies, letting both Ukrainians and Russians(many of which who aren’t there by choice) slaughter each other.


It’s possible yes, but you also have to consider that perhaps Russia might not have ever invaded if we had shown that we were willing to fight.

A large part of the invasion was the fact that they knew they could get away with it. They know that we’re just going to watch on the sidelines, providing some support from time to time. The people scared of a World War seem to forget that World War II started while the major powers at the time allowed Poland to be conquered before doing anything.


Are we not in a proxy war with Russia already by providing Ukraine with aid?

If Russia truly refuses to back down when the other major superpower of the world getting directly involved, then that says much more about the future of our world.

You’re right that we’ve done a great deal of damage to Russia. We’ve decimated their birthrate for generations I imagine, but that came at the cost of Ukrainian blood. If we can take preventative measures then we should take them whenever possible, and even if it causes a major war it will possibly prevent more in the future.

VinnyDaCat, (edited )

Can’t tell if you’re being ingenuine intentionally or just misunderstanding.

This is far from a middle path. This is the path of aggressively standing between Russia and Ukraine. No where did I ever say that I blame Ukraine for fighting back either. They’re doing what is necessary, but the fighting shouldn’t have ever been necessary if other countries from around the world were willing to put their troops down and tell Russia no.

As for Putin and the nukes, I really don’t get it. It’s always going to be this way with Russia. Are you just going to let them take more and more? If Russia invades the rest of Europe are they just not going to fight back because Putin has the capacity to nuke them? At some point there will be a confrontation between Russia and other countries from the world. How much are people going to be willing to give up out of fear that nuclear weapons will be used?


It’ll happen eventually surely? You can’t keep standing down from them. They will continue to take more and more if you do. At some point you will have to tell Russia no much more firmly and risk a confrontation or nuclear war. It’s inevitable.


Of course they are. Did we not see the old FOX news host literally go over to Russia to interview Putin and lap up every last bit of propaganda he fed him? They’ve been on Russian propaganda for years now.


Her parents are incredibly wealthy.

It’s a complaint many have with her. She comes from the same class of people that are responsible for most of the problems of the world. It’s genuinely off-putting but there’s really not that many choices out there for people with this amount of influence and money who are willing to take up this fight.

VinnyDaCat, (edited )

This. I’ve already seen more people on the left threatening each other over what they’re going to do if Trump gets in office, rather than lashing out at the right.

If Trump decides to incite an actual war rather than just another insurrection mob at the Capitol, there will probably be a war. Rather than joining together and fighting it off, half the left will probably try to kill the other half out of spite.

Please, for the love of God, VOTE! (

I don’t like Biden either, but anyone with half a brain knows there are two choices in the 2020 election. If we had a sane voting system, voting third party might be worth it, but as it stands, no one but you knows your favorite candidate exists and unless you want to become their campaign manager that will still be true in...

VinnyDaCat, (edited )

Let’s be real, this isn’t about people not voting anymore.

Those of us who have resolved to vote Biden despite much of our displeasure towards the handling of Israel/Gaze were going to do so anyways. You won’t convince those who have decided not to vote this way either.

Screaming at people to vote will not make them want to vote. Worst case scenario you piss them off enough that the spite vote against you. People aren’t puppets for you to control by telling them what’s in their bests interests and demanding they follow through. You have to work with them in a pleasant manner if you genuinely want to convince them.

But again, I don’t think this is about people not voting anymore. Some people are genuinely unhappy that others are unhappy with their options for candidates. So many people on the moderate left can’t be satisfied with the fact that they have such a firm grip on intelligent voters who understand the status quo. It’s not enough for them to know that our options are bleak and that we have to vote for someone supporting genocide, versus letting someone who would openly participate in genocide get in office. You genuinely want us to shut up and stop complaining and to stop criticizing the current administration.

Also, the amount of people I’ve seen discuss implementing mandatory voting as if it wasn’t a trait of an authoritarian government is insane. Maybe if our voting process had more options it wouldn’t be authoritarian, but as it stands now making voting mandatory would be little more than coercion.


I consider it more so authoritarian in this context due to the expectations of those demanding it.

Joke candidates/blank ballots would not stand with them. Part of voting is being able to withhold your vote, to utilize your vote as leverage to ensure your representatives work for you, and that’s a big freedom that’s would be stripped away here. You’re right that it probably wouldn’t change much though. You’d potentially do more damage by having uninformed voters who wouldn’t otherwise show up submitting ballots.

You summed up most of my feelings rather nicely though.

Personally, I don’t believe the moderates truly hate Trump as much as they say they do. In fact, they appreciate him. He is the perfect looming threat that they can use to coerce us into voting for them without them having to compensate or do any meaningful work towards addressing voter’s concerns.

Either that, or they are genuinely tone-deaf and out of touch. Take your pick I suppose.


Just let it happen at this point. I get the idea of trying to moderate the content so that it’s not a bunch of thirst streams and so that there are actually people doing various activities on there, but people act like this because it gets views.

Just let people get it out of their systems. Might take a few years, but eventually there will be people looking to watch regular people playing video games, making art, playing music or just talking again.


People frame it as an either/or because the reality is that voting doesn’t hold the personal power you think it does.

Due to how our elections work your vote just might be worthless. Add on all of the other issues at hand, and the prospective of voting is absolutely depressing for some of us.

This still doesn’t really make it an either/or situation, but one situation gives you the ability to potentially make a positive difference in the world, whereas the other, not so much.


Feel like this is an oversimplification. It’s not about the lack of politics, but the lack of immediately relatable politics.

Plus if you have certain view points I can imagine you don’t like seeing them being presented as an obvious antagonist. It probably makes certain groups of people rather uncomfortable.


Cats are the rightful rulers of this world. It would be foolish to oppose them.


I’ve played this game before, although not entirely as formal. It’s basically when you don’t want to ghost each other, and you’re both being or attempting to be polite about it so that you can keep them as a possibility for later.

I’m not saying to be uncivil, but that’s usually what’s going on, and it’s really obvious when you don’t have any long term commitments between each other that won’t need to be resolved in the future.


Don’t know about other Americans, but I would love to be able to have this kind of lifestyle. It’s just not realistic over here due to the infrastructure. It’s not within my power to make the changes necessary for it though.


Should have said while approving/enabling of a genocide.

The current administration has vetoed multiple UN drafts for a conflict resolution over Gaza as well as other UN resolutions proposed. We’re still sending the Israelis weapons. Neither congress nor the current administration care.


There’s no spine left to lose. Trump stirred up the mob against him, and there’s no way Republican voters are going to forgive him for what they perceive as a slight against their cause.

If he was actually smart he’d just flip sides completely. Throw it all out there.


Safeguard? It’s over if you ask me. We might as well start planning out our revolution already.

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