
See, now this is good use of generative AI.

rkk, avatar

Dementia on LSD?

ekZepp, avatar
sharkfucker420, avatar

I wish LSD did what people who don’t do it think it does


I don’t. It’s great as is


Yeah, I just wish both drugs existed. What people think lsd does sounds more casually fun than a drug that makes you horny then introspective and all the while tied to mystical feelings. LSD is the best time I’ve ever had confronting my behavior, but it does force me to confront shit


i always describe LSD as a drug that puts a mirror to your face so you get a good look at what you see for a solid 6h+ whether you like what you see or not. Plus other things obviously, but for me that’s the main and best feature


Slightly ironic word choice; one old adage cautions about looking at your face in a mirror while on LSD. I’ve never had a problem with it though.


me neither hah, obviously when i was told “maybe don’t” i heard “definitely do”, it is rather fun, my brain always comes up with a lot of symbolism for those moments


I mean, it does also cause visual, aural, and olfactory hallucinations. Plus mess with how you perceive time.


Oh absolutely, though I never noticed the olfactory or aural ones. It’s that they aren’t coherent hallucinations. They’re more likely to be geometric. They can tap into the entheogenic properties but pop culture loves to treat it like it’s visual first and temporal last, when really any dose will give most people temporal hallucinations, and it’s usually a medium dose to make the ceiling go wavey. I’ve never done a large dose so I can’t speak on that.

Outside the time hallucinations, the hallucinations aren’t the main attraction, it’s the tapping into the feeling of connectedness.

nifty, avatar

Hmm what’s that?

theangryseal, (edited )

Make folks hallucinate. It doesn’t do that, not really. A person who is hallucinating is unaware that they are hallucinating. They see things in their environment which aren’t there, or hear things which aren’t there.

LSD can produce stunning visuals, but there is never a moment where you are unaware that those visuals are being caused by the drug. As for the auditory side of it, it enhances music kind of like thc does, but on a much larger scale. I would say that’s the wildest part. For me, with very slow, subtle movements of my body, I could feel like I was moving into and around the music. Still though, I was fully aware that the drug was behind it.

There are no pink elephants, not really. Though, I would say that my imagination was a lot more vivid and my mind more likely to wander. Still, I knew it was my imagination.

I’ve heard some fake ass stories about people being surrounded by fuzzy bunnies and all kinds of stuff.

I will say, I haven’t taken an absurd amount of it at once. I haven’t taken it in more than a decade either.

nifty, avatar

Thanks, appreciate the details!


Yeah… you can definitely take enough to forget that what you’re experiencing is caused by a drug you took lol


Oh yeah, just isn’t something that regularly occurs. I had a buddy wad up a sheet of uncut blotter and swallow it when he crashed his car and the police showed up.

He spent some time in the hospital before going to jail.


holy shit that’s a lot 😳😳 did he end up getting charged for possesion of drugs tho? Was it worth it?


Oh it was awful, totally not worth it. He had cocaine as well, but he didn’t get charged with the acid. He was drunk, 17, on Xanax, in his mother’s car. When the police got to him he was eating the cocaine and had to be hospitalized because of his heart.

Funny thing, I was telling his story earlier.

His mom turned him into a junkie to control him. Sad thing really. She did all of her kids that way. He was the only one she turned into a junkie, she convinced the rest they were schizophrenic.

Poor guy has seen nothing but trouble his whole life.


Ohhh wow. I haven’t done cocaine but coke + psychedelics sounds like it’s not a good combo 😬

yeah, sounds like he got dealt a real shit hand, hopefully he’s doing better or if not, gets to a better spot eventually


I can hear my hair growing.


This leaves many questions. Is granny petting aligators and seeing them as ducks due to LSD? Is she petting ducks but we are on LSD? Or are we seeing what she sees while on LSD?

sharkfucker420, avatar

The ducks are on LSD

synae, avatar

LSD stands for large sex-dragon in this case.

Korne127, avatar

She’s feeding them LSD.

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