Forester, avatar

"Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”


So what you’re saying is that I have a chance.


You could buy a really good blender with that kinda money


“You should be poor because magic stuff will happen after you die.” -The Bible

-Rich people

-Michael Scott


About 13M households in the US have negative net worth, so would I have more wealth than 13M US households put together? Without knowing how this figure is calculated, this seems like a meaningless metric. Though the wealth gap is definitely a problem by any metric, I don’t think this metric is very helpful.…/thirteen-million-us-househol…


That said 3.6B is almost half of the world population

That’s still no good


Are they counting children? 2.6B people are under the age of 20. How are they counting money for those?

I agree, still not good, but a very useless metric.


It’s only useless if you make things up about it.

shield_gengar, avatar

Wild seeing this on a church. That’s a nice change from what I normally see Christians spouting


I wonder how much money the church makes.


Some of the heads of churches are multimillionaire too though, and dont have to pay taxes. Churches are part of the problem.


Indeed. It’s important to remember that churches are largely independent, and most of us are trying to help lol

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