
Let’s say I have an old ThinkPad…

Where does one start when trying Arch?

I used some Linux distros before and tinkered a little bit but I’m not too deep into Arch atm (but eager to get into it).

Cowbee, avatar

I just followed the comfy arch install guide with some additions from the comments section on YouTube, and I had a working machine quickly.

SSJ2Marx, avatar

Arch users

pathetic LinuxFromScratch users


I mean can thearopy give me a neofetch?


i own four xx20 series thinkpads. One of which has debian with i3wm, the other three dont have anything installed atm. Sue me ik.

xx20 series is the best tbh. The only thing maybe arguably better is x80 series, due to the more modern processors and actual features over the xx20 series. xx40

my w520 with an i7 2720qm or whatever the fuck is it is is genuinely better than any intel mobile cpu that isn’t quad core. AND it’s socketed.

looking for a cheap xx40s (or p it’s whichever one is better i cant remember) just for the completion, as well as an xx80 just to have one with more modern hardware, but my xx20 is everything i’ll need in a laptop tbh. I would also like to get an x220 at some point.

naming legend for anybody wondering.

  • x - model type, w, t, x, etc
  • x - the device type, 4, 5, 2, etc usually screen size related
  • n - device model? Release related.
  • n - 0, just the number zero, anything that isn’t a zero is e waste im pretty sure.

Xx30s are nice with classic keyboard mod


i’ve heard, but honestly, is there anything interesting about them other than the like 2% performance uplift? And the fact that batteries are only semi-compatible between them. I suppose they might be more power efficient? I have no clue, if you have any knowledge it would be appreciated.

My w520 with 4 cores still smokes anything that isn’t like 9th gen mobile in terms of multi core. Thanks intel very cool.


woman would take care for a literal horse instead of going to therapy. i don’t see anything wrong there either.

just a horse is way more expensive, cannot be put aside for a week on vacations (could a notebook be put aside?) and one cannot make backups of horses or carry them with you when visiting friends. Horses are way more cute, though.

tal, avatar

or carry them with you when visiting friends.

They might be able to carry you.


I can’t carry your trauma, Ma’am, but I can carry you!

delirious_owl, avatar

They probably dont want to

HumanBehaviorByBjork, avatar

calm down honey, it’s a joke.


That’s no way to talk about my horse! Look how sad you’ve made him.


calm down and see it as a joke. *ggg

would make a nice tshirt =)


Looks at M2 macbook running NixOS

Ok maybe I do need help.

Eyck_of_denesle, (edited )

Someone was saying in a linux hate post yesterday that linux is not viable for beginners because it is not easy to install arch linux on a vm on their old macbook. Lmao


My kid (not even a teenager) uses Linux daily. And not in a coy “he’s using a chromebook” way. He’s using full-blown NixOS on a laptop I set up for him. Could he have set it up? No, but he’s a child. Has day to day use presented him with any difficulties whatsoever? Nope. He figured out gnome purely by instinct in a day. He goes between macos and windows and linux effortlessly, because he’s a reasonably intelligent human being.

But, yes, half the time the “linux is hard” crowd seem to be basing their evaluation on things you would rarely do on a mac or windows machine. These days, install Mint, Fedora, or, hell, even Nixos or Endeavor, choose the defaults, and you will very likely have a perfectly usable, intuitive system.


A real linux installation or darwin-nix? If the former, what steps did you follow? 👀


The real thing.

I wouldn’t say it’s something anyone can do (no graphical installer and updating is a bit manual) and it’s all dependent on the Asahi folks, bless them, but it took me about 20 minutes, other than whipping up a machine-specific configuration.nix and home.nix (about 20 more minutes on either side of the installation). All of the instructions were clear, though I will warn that some of them are not well presented in that there are instructions that should be bullet points that are stuffed into paragraphs. Nothing remotely exotic though–that’s all in the Asahi stuff that is wonderfully hidden from the view.


So you’re just going to call me out like that, huh?


… ooohh, that’s not a terrible idea actually.

I’ve been buying old rigs and installing Proxmox, but this would work too I guess.

Shinji_Ikari, avatar

postin’ from my 4th gen X1 Carbon running arch converted from antergos.

So what the ram is soldered, its 4lbs and still gets 7+ hours of battery life after 8 years of use.


You should try gentoo as a therapy replacement next. It’s basically the adult version of maintaining a long running Animal Crossing save.

Every morning I wake up, grab a coffee and update my system @world. Almost every day it goes without a hitch and I watch the system evaluate and resolve any incongruities that might emerge from updates by itself. Other times I might need to make a intervention in the dependencies to guide it to a resolution; but it’s a small nudge in the right direction, like tweaking a miniature ship inside a bottle.

This is partially tongue in cheek but I unironically get a lot of joy out of administrating my PC: Having it completely customized and working exactly like I need it to.


Gentoo: the Tamagotchi Penguin


Well, you do have to feed, er, update it at least every six months if you don’t want to be left with an unholy mess to clean up.


I’d advise every week, within six months a lot has changed and you may end up with messed-up inconsistencies.


Six months is the max that’s supposed to be supported. (Longest no-update period I’ve ever sorted out was twelve months. Possible, but time-consuming.)

delirious_owl, avatar

Fucking amateur. Linux from scratch


USE flags are so addictive…

tal, avatar

<span style="color:#323232;">$ grep ^GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT /etc/default/grub
</span><span style="color:#323232;">GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="rootdelay=5 plymouth.enable=0 init=emacs -- -e doctor"
</span><span style="color:#323232;">$
ColdWater, avatar

But I need therapy after installed Arch


I tried buying a used thinkpad and putting Linux on it, but then it stopped charging correctly after 2 weeks. So I went back on adhd meds and got a new job and turned my life around.

SturgiesYrFase, avatar

By turn your life around you mean bought a new Think pad and put Arch on it, right?

nexguy, avatar

The ol’ 360 life turnaround


Honestly I thought I was doing good for my technical knowledge by playing with Linux and it has helped but there comes a point where I hit a plateau with that and now I just end up endlessly tweaking and just wasting time on it

HumanBehaviorByBjork, avatar

honestly just start abusing drugs

PaX, avatar

I simply do both

It’s not working agony-deep


I mean, if it helps why not! I honestly really do have a lot of fun tinkering with Linux, it’s one of the big draws of the OS to me.


Because mumble mumble no Windows into your soul


I don’t like Windows. They leak a lot of air, they are expensive to replace, and you usually just end up covering them anyway.

I also don’t like the OS much either. lol

spittingimage, avatar

My submarine functions so much better since I nailed them all shut.


Costs a lot less than therapy too.

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