
Btw, i use Artix.

Juice, (edited ) avatar

Unlike therapy, installing Arch on a Thinkpad works more often than not


i installed LMDE on a used ThinkPad AND went to therapy btw


That is the way


The voices in my head says “daily drive ParrotOS”


I’ve installed Antix on a R51. I’m kinda quirky like that.


And I’ll do it again.

cosmicrose, avatar

Then they put on the socks and become girls


The amount of time and effort needed to go through an Arch installation and succeeding probably is more therapeutic than paying $100 for a session of therapy. It’s enough to make them finally come out after all 🤷


Legit I brought my first thigh highs and my T430s (now quite modded) within like 2 weeks of each other.


It’s hard to find a therapist who meshes well with you and can help you make progress, but a busted Lenovo takes to Arch better than Saint Louis.


My right index finger still has an indent from using the clit-mouse to play Starcraft on a Thinkpad 25 years ago.


I’m just gonna promote the benefits of therapy. I learned to love myself. I think this meme is about hating yourself, so I think it fits. Only semi-serious, no hate intended.


I think it is more about rage control than about loving or hating oneself. Like stopping yourself from chucking the laptop halfway across the room when it doesn’t boot because you misspelled a variable in a config file.


Eh… I get the joke, but using Arch is about loving computing. All the other OSes have removed the human element of computing. Arch still lets you control and administer your computer, which is good fun for weirdos like me.


Wait. Am I not allowed to mess with stuff, use the terminal, compile, and all those things in Mint!?

Call the manager. I want my money back!


absolutely and completely forbidden! somebody call the tuxpolice!


I was asking for a friend!


Of course you can. But in Arch you must do a lot of things that are optional in other distros, and you install your packages explicitly, only including what you want.


Must isn’t better that can - to have choice taken away from your, there’s always Windows or, even better, MacOS.


Meh, Arch users like it. Plus not having stuff you don’t want or don’t use on your OS makes it snappier and easier to update and maintain.

Bitrot, avatar

And as a bonus, if you don’t install support for something and have no idea it exists, you can be continually amazed that nobody has invented it yet.

K0W4LSK1, avatar

Holy shit I almost spit my coffee all over my arch ThinkPad that’s funny

Bitrot, avatar

Someone should invent drain holes for that situation.


you had me until “All”


Excuse me! I would never buy a thinkpad.


Good, keep the prices low for the smart people who do.

SSJ2Marx, avatar

low prices

On a Thinkpad!? Unless you’re buying a last-generation one that’s on clearance, that’s a laugh.


homie you can get a t480 for like 150 dollars. For an 8th gen intel mobile chip that’s not a bad price.

All in on an older t420 or something you’ll be looking fairly similar, including battery, charger, and storage, unless you get a really good deal.


Bro, they cost £300 on Ebay in the UK (a refurbished t480 with an 8th Gen Core i7)


you can routinely find i5 variants here in the US for that price. Im sure the i7 models are more expensive, those are sought after, but frankly as long as the i5 models have 4 cores, they’re fine. Last i checked a t480 running a quad core i5 is 75% of my r5 2600, which is more than enough for mild productivity work.

SSJ2Marx, avatar

Well yeah I guess if you’re buying a used machine from six years ago with millions in existence because tons of businesses bought them it’ll be cheap no matter what manufacturer it’s from. Thinkpads do hold up better against age than most.



Bitrot, avatar

That’s what everyone is talking about. The new ones aren’t that great.


A last generation ThinkPad is still going to be a beast you can get 6-7 years out of. I have a gen2 X1 that was still a beast until the offspring spilled a Coke on it.


why not? They’re sick laptops. Just don’t buy the new ones, they’re cringe.


until their egg cracks and they put on the thigh highs :P


I don’t think you need to be trans to have a desire for the wonderful vascular benefits of stockings.


oh for sure, but judging by unixsocks they seem to be correlated. At this point I’m considering “interested in Linux” to be One Of The Signs™️ lol


I don’t think egg jokes are healthy for the trans community homie


prime directive’s a psyop. Egg as a concept helped me and a lot of my friends find out who we are

MetaCubed, (edited )

Frankly idgaf about the prime directive (edit: this is perhaps an exaggeration, I meant I wasn’t necessarily referring to the prime directive) , but as an enby person, I think going around saying “doing this makes you an egg” is pretty antithetical to people not wanting to be judged for not complying with the gender roles that correspond with their assigned gender.


I’m an enby too, and the point remains! I think what gets lost in translation here is that “hey, this is kinda eggy” =/= “hey, you’re an egg”. At this point, I’m really starting to see this is as a willful misinterpretation by reading the former AS the latter (not saying you’re doing this, but a lot of the self-hating folks who see transness as some sort of curse seem to be overrepresented in the population who react negatively to seeing anything as “eggy”)


I’m going to very sincerely disagree. You can see it as misinterpretation if you like, but I believe there’s functionally no difference between the two statements you’ve provided and as long as the right is trying to come up with any excuse to outlaw our existence, its optically beneficial to come up with ways of educating people who may be “eggs” about being trans/enby that are informative, but are less likely to fuel a deranged groomer witchhunt. I’m glad it helped you and your friends, but given the political climate, I believe we should avoid terms that endanger us more than needed.

Continue using it, I certainly won’t stop you. But I’m not going to start.


A.K.A. get groomed by people with a femboy fetish


Therapy is expensive, I’d have to make appointments, leave my home during my free time, talk about myself to someone, and probably won’t help because my problems are external. No thanks.

Buying a new laptop and installing an OS is a relatively simple and inexpensive process that is actually rewarding.


Therapy actually often helps with external problems too. If you tried another therapist every time you installed a distro, you might have found one that can solve your problems.


Okay so multiply all the other problems I listed by how many therapists I have to try and no they can’t solve my problems unless they’re gonna buy me a house or pay off my debts or something so I can actually get ahead financially.


No, a therapist will not give you money. What they could do is identify why you don’t have the money you need, then help you plan and execute the steps to accomplish your goal. If your goal is more money, I’d guess they would ask you if you are looking for a higher-paying job, then discuss what steps you can take to improve that process, with a focus on mental hurdles you may not even realize you’re putting in your way.


Unless those steps are overthrowing the rich then I think the person you are talking to is correct. This is a money problem not a psychological problem and most money problems are because of capitalism. Get a higher paying job? FFS what actually makes one job more valuable than another? It sure isn’t how essential it is as plenty of high pay jobs are things like finance bros.


No, the steps would probably be more along the lines of refreshing your resume, maybe setting up an appointment to have it professionally reviewed, getting a habit of applying for jobs going, stuff that materially contributes to having more money. A therapist might tell you that overthrowing the rich is a little too vague a plan to actually act on.

I specifically said higher-paying instead of a “better” job because it’s not necessarily going to be a more fun or world-improving position. But if money is what you need and the job you apply for has a higher pay rate than the one you have now it will likely lead to you having more money, regardless of the greater economic climate.


No, the steps would probably be more along the lines of refreshing your resume, maybe setting up an appointment to have it professionally reviewed, getting a habit of applying for jobs going, stuff that materially contributes to having more money. A therapist might tell you that overthrowing the rich is a little too vague a plan to actually act on.

So the solution the therapist has is to hire a career counselor? That’s not them solving anything, that’s them passing the buck to someone else that will cost me even more money and time. Beside the fact that I already know how to ladder climb and am currently in a position that pays well above what most of my peers are making and is above the credentials I have on paper so I have to rely on networking for any new opportunities (which again i’m doing better than most of my network so they don’t have a lot to offer at this point). There really isn’t anywhere for me to go up from here without moving to a place that is even more expensive to live.

The real issue is that inflation is out of control and housing is too expensive. My best bet of ever owning a home is waiting for my parents to die and inherit theirs and that thing is shitty new construction that was slapped together as quickly and cheaply as possible and will probably be falling apart by then.


Yes, in the hypothetical scenario where you are applying for positions but not hearing back and it has become frustrating, my theoretical therapist might suggest you get in touch with someone specialized in helping with that, and then if you continue to not do so while stressing over the state of your resume their job would be to help you take that step.

Evidently that’s not your problem, which I could not be aware of, being a stranger on the internet before your explanation of your situation. Sorry my example did not perfectly address your situation.

I don’t know how a therapist would react to your circumstances of being able to make more money but still not making enough because that is rather foreign to me, but I can tell you one thing. If you are holding down a job above your credentials, you are no longer holding down a job above your credentials, you are now holding down a job at your current level of credentials and I would recommend updating your papers to reflect that.


By credentials I mean a degree and experience with particular tasks/applications. I can’t just change that on my resume if I don’t have it.


Yeah this guy is consistently defecting and giving bad advice. I don’t think they have any experience with the current job market, economy, or just the state of capitalism in general. Psychologists aren’t even the right people to go to here, you need a career specialist for that. If they said to get more qualifications instead that would make more sense, but clearly they just want to add therapy to everything as if that’s gonna fix it.


If I want to gain more qualifications but never actually spend time working on them, if I want a better resume but never even look up a phone number to call, do you think a therapist could help me get moving on those things I want to do?


That’s a hypothetical scenario and not at all the same one you were describing earlier or the scenario the other commentor is in. Stop trying so hard to be right. Even this scenario could be explained by exhaustion from working your current job.

It costs you nothing to admit that you made a mistake and that sometimes psychologists aren’t the right answer. You only need a psychologist for career based problems in very specific scenarios for example when mental health issues or mental disabilities impact your work. Outside of that is what a career specialist is for, they should be a first port of call for career based problems as that’s exactly what they specialize in.


What I was trying to say is that if you already have a job above your qualifications, which my understanding is you do, you can use your experience in that job as a qualification for future jobs. Maybe I did a poor job of saying that.


That’s not how that works unfortunately. Job requirements change, different businesses have different requirements, and furthermore you probably need to look at a more advanced job for more money which requires more qualifications. For example in the tech industry jobs that you could get with experience or working up through a company now requires a degree because there are more people working in tech with degrees now. It’s supply and demand to put it simply.

Hapbt, avatar

@jaycifer @lightnsfw try adding "crypto" "AI" "decentralized" "quantum" to your resume


It feels bad that this could actually work for some places.

Hapbt, avatar

@areyouevenreal bought some bitcoin once? cryto analyst!
asked chatgpt something once? AI LLM prompting
downloaded a movie on bittorrent? distributed networking!


Stop trying to fit therapy to every problem. That’s not what it’s for. The best advice would be to upskill and gain qualifications - which not everyone can afford. Stop trying to ignore physical reality and claim the economy and everything is fine when it clearly isn’t. Admit there are problems and actually do something about it! Complain to politicians, unionize, strike.

Telling people to go to therapy for economic and financial problems is maybe the dumbest thing I have heard unless you have a problem with impulsive purchases or the like.


Therapist-hoping, eh?


Therapy is also other people, so no, just no.


Or men who think they’re women 🤣


Transphobia is cringe


or men who think they are a woman

Such men don’t exist. If they consistently think they’re a woman, then they are a woman. At least in terms of gender, and asking about one’s gender (or pronouns) is preferred to biological/legal sex.


We don’t do that here


I DON’T HAVE A PROBLEM buys 3 more Thinkpads on eBay


I can stop whenever I want. Buys a pallet of busted Thinkpad.

delirious_owl, avatar

Moar leik chrome books

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