
Slightly OT but hasn’t Fedora gone all in on Wayland? Maybe it’s an attempt drive critical mass of adoption and concentrate developers’ minds to closing the gap between now and fully production ready. As such, maybe moving to Fedora will net you the best support and smoothest Wayland implantation.


No, Workstation is still supporting XOrg and there just is a change proposal for to drop Xorg on Workstation 41.

The KDE Spin and the Atomic KDE Variant have no wayland anymore, but there is a COPR repo and you can enable that and reinstall the packages.


You mean the KDE spin and Atomic KDE variant have no X11 anymore?




hasn’t Fedora gone all in on Wayland?

It has not and it will not in the immediate future (~1 year).

None of the large, general-use distros will go further than to offer Wayland by default, for now.

It does not cover anywhere near 100% of use cases and, until it does, removing the only other option would be a show-stopper for a sizable part of their userbase.


I truly believe the answer to this question is going to be yes around the May - June timeframe when Nvidia releases their explicit sync enabled drivers. All aboard the Wayland hype train babyyyy!


Nah. Wayland is buggy as hell on AMD too. That’s not the only issue.


Hadn’t had a single issue on my AMD igpu. If you experience issues it’s most likely coming from a different source than Wayland itself, it might be worth tracking it down and reporting the issue, so it can be fixed in the future.

makingStuffForFun, (edited ) avatar

I use an accessibility tool called Talon Voice. It is only. Will the shift to Wayland kill these tools, or is it a case of the developer needing to rewrite for wayland?


On X11 apps can scan and read what they want. This is not even very good, but developers dont need to implement accessibility really, just make all text scannable.

If this is a screenreader you are talking about.

Apps need to send the reader specific texts that shouls be read, like push notifications. And this needs to be implemented, because on Wayland no app can just scan everything.


So rather than having one single app that deals with screen reading, it’s now down to every individual application to make accessibility a priority.

Huge retrograde step.

We can all agree that authors should all value accessibility, but we also all know that they won’t.

makingStuffForFun, avatar

So because they won’t, those who need accessibility, will require… forever?


That’s one of the huge problems with Wayland. The core protocol is super minimalistic so it falls to each and every individual app to (re)implement everything: accessibility, clipboard, keyboard, mouse, compositing etc. etc.

The fact this was done in the name of security is a solution looking for a problem. Inter-window communication was never a stringent security issue on Linux.

It’s like advising people to wear helmets in their everyday life. Sure, in theory it’s a great idea and would greatly benefit those who slip and fall, or a flower pot falls on their heads, or are in a car accident and so on. But in practice it would be a huge inconvenience 99.99% of the time.

The largest part of all Linux apps out there will never get around to (re)implementing all this basic functionality just to deal with a 0.01% chance of security issues. Wherever convenience fights security, convenience wins. Wayland will either come around or become a bubble where 99% of Linux userland doesn’t work.


it falls to each and every individual app to (re)implement everything: accessibility, clipboard, keyboard, mouse, compositing etc. etc.

I haven’t read so much nonsense packed in a single sentence in a while. No, apps don’t implement any of these things themselves. How the fuck would apps simultaneously “implement compositing themselves” and also neither have access to the “framebuffer” (which isn’t even the case on Xorg!) nor information about other windows on the screen?

Please, don’t rant about things you clearly don’t know anything about.


GUI frameworks should implement this, just like any app built on GTK, Qt, Iced or possibly others have native wayland support.

But yes I agree this is not a good situation. There should be something like “accessibility permission” on Android, where apps can basically read anything.

gerryflap, avatar

I recently tried to get Wayland working. Followed a simple guide to enable some NVIDIA boot parameter. Somehow it fucked my complete grub and I couldn’t boot until I messed around a fair bit with live usbs. Cost me a whole evening.

So I guess what Wayland is missing is normal support from the GPU manufacturers.

loutr, avatar

From NVIDIA, really. AMD and Intel GPUs work out of the box.

shaytan, avatar

I don’t know how you messed that up, usually the switch is as easy as it can be, and the issue comes when using it, for its lack of explicit sync, causing apps to flicker, and frame pacing in games to be plain bad

This is being fixed in the next two months thankfully

Edit: Taking about Nvidia wayland support here, AMD and Intel are great


Nvidia didn’t want to play nicely and give standard APIs.

Their work around was other extensions that don’t actually do what’s needed, but sort of works in some scenarios.

All the GPUs I’ve used work fine, it’s a Nvidia throwing it’s toys out the pram situation which should hopefully get resolved as they open source the high level drivers and so the correct APIs can be implemented.


Well, Nvidia initially didn’t intend to support Wayland at all. They’re being dragged into it kicking and screaming, one step at a time.


Nvidia don’t give a shit about Wayland. The reason they’re adding explicit sync is because it was implemented in the kernel. They don’t care how it will be used or by what.


A program that I use often uses an embedded MPV window for video playing, and Wayland doesn’t support that, and apparently won’t:

So until something changes with that program, MPV, or Wayland, or I decide to rewrite the program myself, I’m stuck with X11.


I am using Wayland and the only issue that is a bit annoying is that I can’t use fractional scaling because it breaks FreeRDP clients. Both Remmina and FreeRDP have issues when scaling is active. For now I just increased the font size in KDE its not perfect but good enough until this is hopefully fixed.


I’d switched from i3 to sway, but the click offset in Krita made me switch back.

D_Air1, avatar

I’m still struggling with remote desktop software and other alternatives such as sunshine. KDE connect input sharing is inconsistent on wayland, but they will probably fix that eventually. xwaylandvideobridge is great when it works, but currently has an issue with eating input invisibly. Also, some things just seem to be kinda wonky. For example screen sharing portal when sharing my screen in a browser seems to open twice. Same with obs. Still no good virtual keyboard. If onboard worked on wayland that would be perfect.

bjoern_tantau, avatar

Still no good virtual keyboard. If onboard worked on wayland that would be perfect.

Not perfect integration but with a workaround Onboard is somewhat usable.

On my Steam Deck I’m mostly using Steam’s keyboard with Maliit for logins and the lock screen and Onboard in case I need special keys.


Yes the duplicate portals are a mess. On Signal desktop there are 4 portal requests and they all say something different.

JustEnoughDucks, avatar

I just want my steam link to work on KDE Wayland.

I just get a black screen with a mouse that I can’t move with a connected steam controller


sunshine/moonlight works for me, even though steam link crashes after 10s

JustEnoughDucks, avatar

Ah, for me moonlight just “searching for connected computers” forever with no controller buttons working at all and no ability to cancel it to put in the IP of the sunshine PC.

Moonlight on my phone works fine though, moonlight on steam link seems to just have a problem.


missing a mountain of accessibility tools



If there is something missing, add it either as an issue or a PR in the project.

It would help your case when saying that it’s not ready. It might also inspire people to fix it if they see something that is missing.



I miss being able to just use one mouse and keyboard for everything


Wondering if anyone has an alternative to cursr. That’s really the only thing stopping me from making the switch to Wayland full time. I use to make my 2 displays that are different resolutions play nicer


That site’s great.

The main thing I wish for is for ffmpeg to start supporting the wlroots screengrabbing api.


Just waiting on kde 6.1 for remote input so input leap can work

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