
Wake me up when there’s a working, native non-wsl waypipe client with sound for windows and android, that can hand off applications seamlessly to other hosts. (Think two computers, two monitors that feel like one).

Also working screensaver and monitor power options


Also working screensaver and monitor power options



My first experience in wayland, us discovering I couldn’t control monitor sleep/standby function. I found how to reinstall X and managed to escape it since.


That sounds like problem with specific software configuration, like missing packages in some distro or something being badly built. There’s nothing about Wayland that would prevent it from working.


Tried xset, not compatible. Tried searching equivalent command, there was none. That was in 2022.


Wayland is not a standalone server like Xorg and it doesn’t have standard utilities to control stuff like DPMS. That functionality goes to compositors that are effectively individual Wayland server implementations. Compositors can provide utilities to control display, and they usually do. For example, on KDE Wayland you can call kscreen-doctor --dpms off, wlroots compositors (Sway, Wayfire, Hyprland,…) have inter-compatible tools, like swaymsg output DP-1 dpms off. If that’s what you meant anyway.


There really should be a front end script that has uniform command line parameters, finds what your compositor is, translate the command line arguments and send them.


I dont know what that means. Normally the monitor turns off when the PC stops sending a signal. In KDE i can easily configure when to dim, turn off, lock etc. the screen.


I needed to do that from the console, xset didn’t work. As far as I could tell there was no other command.


What did you want to do?


A command to place the monitor in standby mode


What does this mean? Like unplugging without unplugging? Keeping one screen active and only turning off the other one?

I mean in the KDE monitor options I can choose [mirror,extend to left,extend to right,only external,only internal] so this is 100% possible.


Something like that yes, I want to turn off the side monitors with a single button press.


This will be possible and likely available as a command for your specific compositor. What are you using?


It was the one that came default with ubuntu 22.10 But as I have stated in my initial post, the feature had been restored by reinstalling Xwindow Also, I feel that the commands equivalent to

<span style="color:#323232;">xset dpms force off
</span><span style="color:#323232;">xset dpms force standby
</span><span style="color:#323232;">xset dpms force suspend

Should be the same regardless which wayland variant you are using.


No the implementations are per-compositor. The fact that this worked on X is due to.XOrg being a huge blob that every window manager relied on.

Look for the command in Mutter (GNOME), Kwin (KDE), or whatever DE you use.


That, is terrible


Its how Linux works lol. I mean there are tons of things per compositor.

The protocols are way cleaner and less, so it is easier for Distros to just write their own.

But for sure it is annoying that everyone wants to do their own. But that is not a Wayland problem, just nobody wanted to mess with XOrg.


Seems wasteful that each would need to build their own monitor power management interface.


They dont need to, a Desktop could just use another compositor and the rest of the stuff but they often dont. wlroots is a project doing some general work, but most of the others dont.


Looks like it is hyprctl dispatch dpms on/off <hdmi_monitor_name> && hyprctl dispatch dpms on/off <main_monitor_name> Wlroots doesn’t cover dpms

Also maybe via swayidle but I think dpms off, also triggers session lock


Five years on wayland here, it’s been great as long you don’t have single Nvidia gpu or need of x11 features


I’m using it on Plasma 6 with AMD graphics and so far it’s going good. When I had Nvidia I had issues with electron based applications. Games have been running pretty good regardless of the GPU, though Forza horizon 5 wouldn’t launch under Nvidia for some reason.


Did you have electron/chrome applications flicker? I’ve been dealing with that since switching to Nvidia (I didn’t want to but Plex only supports GPU encoding on Linux with Nvidia).


Yes, that was the exact issue.


What distro out of curiosity been running a 3070 on nixos with hyprland/plasma6 and haven’t had any issues


Arch with Plasma


Huh interesting I booted arch up to test and I’m not getting it there either I wonder if I got a miracle GPU or the only other thing is I use the linux zen kernel

sudoreboot, avatar

Same problem, 1070, NixOS Plasma

Berny23, avatar

Will probably be fixed with driver 555 next month (explicit sync support).


Yup, I’m cautiously optimistically waiting for it haha.


With Windows getting sleazier and sleazier, I was really hoping Linux would be in a less janky place than it was when I tried to main it a decade ago.

Lemmy has made it clear that it isn’t.

TheGrandNagus, (edited )

Lmao what

This is clearly bait

PoliticalAgitator, (edited )

Drivers are still a shit show. The drivers in question have changed, but there’s still extremely common hardware with poor support. I know this is the hardware vendors fault but that doesn’t change my experience as a user – I need my hardware to work.

It’s still extremely fragmented. Yes, this is often a good thing because it let’s you pick the features you want but I’m not interested in comparing and configuring 14 different tiling window managers.

It’s still fragile outside of the terminal. I constantly see posts and comments about peoples OS becoming unbootable or show stopping issues they just can’t fix without hopping to another distro or nuking their install from orbit. The 18th most popular distro seems to be popular simply because it makes it easy to roll back fucked updates or sidegrades.

This stuff might be fine for people who love to tinker but I can’t afford to have my PC shit the bed when I need it for work and I’m not interested in having “chill and play some games” involuntarily replaced with “fix the bootloader”.

And I can’t help but feel like the “anybody who isn’t sucking off Linux must be bait” mentality ensures this is a pit the scene will never escape from.

There’s absolutely no chance you haven’t seen the posts describing these problems. You’re commenting on one right now

TheGrandNagus, (edited )

More bait.

I have to do far more tinkering with Windows to make it usable than I do with Linux. With Linux I typically install it and then change one or two keyboard shortcuts (not even necessary, just a preference).

I wish Windows was as easy. I feel like in windows you always have to go onto powershell or the registry to fix something. Why can’t it just work?

And don’t get me started on how often you have to nuke your install when you run into issues (which, since this is windows we’re talking about, is often). Seriously, contact MS support about anything. Their ‘support’ is: “have you tried a system restore? Yeah? Ok then, reinstall Windows, bye.”

The drivers are awful and you have to search them all out individually rather than all just being automatically included. I’ve not installed a driver on Linux manually in a decade.

Installing software is a complicated minefield. Why can’t Windows just have a proper software centre?

I wonder if Windows will ever be as usable as Linux is. Because right now it’s not improving.


Whatever helps you cope.


You’re the one coping lmao. Look if you want to spend more time diagnosing issues with your PC than using it, then Windows is a fantastic choice and I’m happy for you.

PoliticalAgitator, (edited )

I guess that 4% market share is because it’s just so good. The Linux community couldn’t even pull that off without a multi-billion dollar corporation helping them with software compatibility and stability.

Feel free to keep making fun of Windows though – I haven’t made an operating system part of my personality so it doesn’t upset me in the slightest.

chepycou, avatar

@PoliticalAgitator @TheGrandNagus Well, it's mostly because Linux is way newer to the computer scene than microsoft's OS for instance. When started out, computers using msdos were already being shipped for over a decade, and so they were the de facto standard, and it takes time for people to switch to a better product if they are used to another one and have the ecosystem keeps them in (that's the main reason people keep buying overpriced apple products)

chepycou, avatar

@PoliticalAgitator @TheGrandNagus On the contrary, Linux was already here when the need for supercomputers and servers appeared, and that's why most of them run on Linux.


It’s also where the kind of jank I mentioned doesn’t apply.

TheGrandNagus, (edited )

4%? Linux has 6.3%+ on the desktop. Then there’s 6.5% unknown which likely includes a disproportionately high amount Linux systems too, what with Linux users being a lot more likely to obfuscate system information from trackers.

Then on mobile, Linux has 72%.

And Windows is popular because it came first and they have a monopoly. Once you have a monopoly, it’s easy to keep. Is Comcast so popular because it’s good, or is it because it’s the only real choice for a load of people?

Well you clearly have made your OS part of your personality, because here you are vehemently defending it and shitting on other OSes.

I don’t really care. If you somehow enjoy using Windows, despite the myriad of issues, then cool beans. Use it. I’m not really sure why you’re so insecure about it that you need to come here and tell us, though.


4%? Linux has 6.3%+ on the desktop

Don’t worry, I’m sure those statistics are just “bait” and it’s actually 99%

Then on mobile, Linux has 72%.

So it has far more traction when the “bait” things I mentioned don’t apply? Fuck, who’d have thought?

Well you clearly have made your OS part of your personality, because here you are vehemently defending it and shitting on other OSes.

Vehemently defending it by saying nothing positive about it. The only reason I kept talking is because you were such a fuckwit in your reply.

I’m not really sure why you’re so insecure about it that you need to come here and tell us, though.

You don’t think there’s some kind of clue in the post when I wished it was in a better state?


Don’t worry, I’m sure those statistics are just “bait” and it’s actually 99%

What? It’s 6.3%+. We don’t know the precise amount due to the high amount of “unknowns”, but 6.3% is the minimum assuming zero of the “unknown” configurations are Linux, which seems unlikely.

Then on mobile, Linux has 72%.

So it has far more traction when the “bait” things I mentioned don’t apply? Fuck, who’d have thought?

You can strawman all you want, the market share is 72%. End of discussion. “Nooo but that doesn’t countttt” isn’t an argument.

Vehemently defending it by saying nothing positive about it. The only reason I kept talking is because you were such a fuckwit in your reply.

You’ve been defending indirectly. We get it, you use Windows btw. Nobody cares.

You don’t think there’s some kind of clue in the post when I wished it was in a better state?

You spread misinformation and flew into a frenzied rage lol. You don’t want it to be in a better state, you just came here to post bait.


Oh, I get it now. You just find tiny threads and pull them as melodramatically as you can. It’s a hallmark of manipulative partners and untreated BPD that I should he seen sooner.

Minor criticism is turned into “this person must be a troll trying to bait us into anger” and even something you yourself described as “defending indirectly” became “vehemently defending” and of course I was in a “frenzied rage”, probably because I used the word “fuck”.

Then if that doesn’t work, resort to the usual lazy tricks. Take figurative speech literally, accuse people of logical fallacies that don’t apply, do a little bit of mind reading and then declare yourself the winner.

If I was actually a troll, I couldn’t have asked for a better reaction. You’re the worst ambassador for Linux I’ve ever seen.


I’m not your partner, though you probably wish I was.

You got angry and butthurt, started spreading misinformation and bait.

I’m not trying to convert you to Linux. Nobody cares whether you use it or not. Stick to your broken, complicated, and unstable OS.

I must be really interesting to talk to considering you won’t stop begging for my attention. Is that what this is? You’ve already alluded to me being like a partner. I’m not your partner and I don’t want to fuck you. Go use Tinder or something.


I genuinely can’t tell if you’re autistic, have abysmal reading comprehension or are pretending to be stupid but either way, I’m not engaging further.


Oh no. Please come back. I’m begging you. I can change. 🥱


XFCE doesn’t support it yet so I’m not on it.

Also last I tried, autoclickers weren’t working

loutr, avatar

I haven’t tried it but the website lists ydotool as an alternative.


Lol XFCE. If your reference is a bunch of software thats sole purpose is to be “traditional”, stable and not change, then well.

Btw LXQt will have complete Wayland support soon.


XFCE is my preferred DE when I’m using one. It’s got a long lineage going back to FVWM and the setup remains consistent between new updates. I appreciate how it stays out of the way.


For anybody else following along, XFCE is working on Wayland support. In fact, the only component not already supporting Wayland in Git is XFWM4 itself. Wayland will ship officially as part of the 4.20 release.

They are creating an abstraction library that will allow XFCE to support both X and Wayland. Other desktop environments are going to use it as well.


Very interesting!


Cinnamon doesn’t support it yet either, so I’m also not on it :(

Max_P, avatar

Been working great for me for ~1 year on my desktop and closer to 2-3 on my laptop.

The only thing missing for me was Barrier for input sharing, which libei is supposed to fix. I ended up going for a hardware solution as Barrier is jank af anyway.

Only thing not working for me is HDR (should be fixed in Plasma 6.1), not like you could do HDR on Xorg anyway. Also no HDMI 2.1 but that’s because fuck the HDMI Forum.

Performance-wise, just blows away Xorg in every metric, and explicit sync should make that even better.

popekingjoe, avatar

Oh so a Plasma update broke HDR. I was wondering what happened when HDR went from looking primo to looking washed out and ugly. I’ll just wait patiently on SDR. :)

Max_P, avatar

Were you using patched KWin or something? Because experimental HDR support is supposed to be one of the big features for 6.0, so unless it broke in 6.0.3 or something, you shouldn’t have had an update to break HDR in the first place because it wasn’t supported.

popekingjoe, avatar

No just whatever came from the Arch repo. I’m not entirely sure what version I’m on right now, but it’s been broken for me for maybe 2-3 weeks. It’s not the biggest deal and I’m used to unimportant features like that occasionally breaking.

Max_P, avatar

Well that’s a weird one then. It got released February 38th and took a couple days for Arch to get it. I had the washed out colors too but I didn’t have any HDR before that. That’s ~6 weeks ago so yeah it’s probably 6.0.3, the last that came out about that 2-3 weeks ago. I guess you were one of the lucky ones it worked and then broke! With a bit of luck it’ll be fixed for good on 6.1.


Any chance it’s hardware dependent? First I’m hearing of this and I just toggled it off and on to be sure I wasn’t seeing things - mine is definitely working. I’m all-Intel FWIW.

Max_P, avatar

It works for most people but there’s some issues with some monitors where the color saturation doesn’t work well and result in washed out colors compared to SDR.

It will also output RGB into YUV buffers if you have a display that only supports YUV colorspaces, so you end up with a very green and reddish purpleish screen.

Initial HDR support was introduced in 6.0, and 6.1 is supposed to bring some fixes for the washed up colors. I haven’t found a bug for the YUV stuff and didn’t have time to do a proper bug report.


Ah makes sense, thanks for the additional info!

LaggyKar, avatar

Could be that the graphics card is outputting an HDR signal (Rec. 2020 color space), but the monitor is in SDR mode. That would result in desaturated colors.

popekingjoe, avatar

I wish it were that simple, but no. The monitor enables HDR automatically when being fed an HDR signal. I can confirm that HDR is enabled on both ends and it still ends up washed out, whereas before it was perfectly fine. :(


Only thing not working for me is HDR (should be fixed in Plasma 6.1)

What’s supposed to not work, and what am I supposed to have fixed in 6.1? There haven’t been any major changes to HDR since 6.0


What hardware solution did you go with?

Max_P, avatar

A bigger desk so I can just roll the chair a few inches to switch to the work laptop.

My original plan was a keyboard/mouse only KVM, probably a Teensy or a RPi or something of the sorts. But I got lazy as the extra desk space has just made it a non-issue for me. I also have a Logitech mouse that can switch between devices, so if I was going to really need that setup I’d probably just get the matching keyboard.

thantik, (edited )

Some way of globally capturing hotkeys, for things like starting stream, media hotkeys, etc. Only passing key events to the foreground window is shortsighted, but we need a secure way of doing this.


Pretty sure there is a protocol for this in development or maybe even merged already.


This is already possible


Mind elaborating a bit more?


On kde there’s a feature where you can pass all keys to x11 apps and on hyprland you can specify which keys get globally passed to which apps and maybe all keys.

If all else fails you can create a script that uses obs sockets and runs as root to capture keys globally. They seem to be looking into a global keys portal though.

ulkesh, avatar

I’m going to buy an AMD video card this weekend solely so I don’t have to deal with the NVidia bullshit anymore. I’m eager to give hyperland a try.


How’s the AMD drivers situation on Linux? I always used Nvidia since they have official drivers, but might change for the next card if AMD works better. I don’t use Wayland so never ran into the issues.


If your AMD card is older than your latest linux distro release it’s plug and play, no driver installation required
Wayland works pretty well on most desktop environments too

beware fresh released AMD cards in combination with long term release distros like Debian stable, you most likely will need the driver from the AMD website (not recommended)

kogasa, avatar

Mesa is usually pretty quick to update, it’s just that stable distros won’t update mesa all that quickly. I assume most of them have some way to install a newer mesa from a community repo or something.

LeFantome, (edited )

This has long been the best advice. However, just in case you are not aware, some pretty important NVIDIA changes are expected to drop in the next 2 months. It will take a while to work into every distribution but NVIDIA should finally work as well as AMD.

ulkesh, avatar

Yes I know. I have read all about explicit sync. It’s going to take at least a few months to trickle into the various packages and distributions and we’re still trusting NVidia to give us a proper driver with it as well. And we’re assuming there’s nothing else that will cause yet more problems with Wayland/etc.

I’m at my wits end trying to be patient with them (on the order of years). I now understand why Linus flipped them off with a loud “F you”.


Not disagreeing

ADonkeyBrainedFog, (edited )

I love hyprland, but plugging my laptop into a projector for a presentation and forgetting to mirror displays was a fun time. Hard to explain the default anime girl away without people knowing what you’re talking about. Since then I’ve learned you can disable that background lmao


Oof that sounds hella unprofessional though


That’s the hyprland community, for good and mostly bad


I have a feeling most of these people are either NEETs or never used a work computer.

ADonkeyBrainedFog, (edited )

I’m on the gay side of the community (and have only seen Ghibli and Cowboy Beebop which takes away a ton of credentials). Still rough, but a tad better. Downloaded a premade setup from github because it’s cute and left it with that. Outside of adding some keyboard shortcuts


It was just a presentation for peers in grad school. For a fun project unrelated to my thesis. Would never have used my personal for a work related presentation. Just a funny story nonetheless. Getting mad shit from buddies beats being fired or passed for promotion anyday lmao

GolfNovemberUniform, avatar

Judging people’s backgrounds is 100x more unprofessional imo unless they’re like seriously questionable


Idk what specific image was shown. But anything described as “anime girl” could have strong csam vibes assuming this grad school student is older than 11 themselves.

For some reason its normalized in some parts of the Linux community to have sexualized images of children.

GolfNovemberUniform, avatar

The stock wallpaper is not NSFW in any way as I remember


Sounds like a hell of your own making. Always change the background to something generic. Like a nice tree. Always. Nobody gives a shit about trees.


You could set certain ports to automatically mirror or set all other monitors to automatically mirror. The resolution will be the same as your primary though.

<span style="color:#323232;">monitor=,preferred,auto,1,mirror,DP-1```
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">hyprland wiki - monitors #extra args

I can’t run xscreensaver in wayland :(


The real problem right here


Write a script that launches a video of flying toaster screensaver before it locks.

mlg, avatar

HDR is only experimental on gnome and kde with weston not having an implementation.

I think 10 bit color depth hasn’t even been worked on much.

VRR I think is about finished although X11 has it too.

And the Nvidia wayland support is slowly improving although still full of bugs and stability issues.


VRR on X11 doesn’t work with multi screen setup, so it might be broken for a lot of people


With explicit the protocol and the Nvidia patch for it next July, most Nvidia problems will be solved


10 bit color is supported in wlroots(sway) and hyprland, can’t speak for other desktops.


wayland doesn’t support diagonal monitors


yeah it does it has from the start.


is there compositor support? is there a way to get kde to rotate my monitor to a specific degree via cli?

keep in mind I have no idea if there are real use cases for diagonal monitors, I just duct taped an accelerometer to the back of my monitor and can only get it to rotate in 90 degree increments with kscreendoctor and thought it would be funny if the picture was just always upright


If I remember correctly, the rotation in smaller degree increments could be used to correct some distortions on some really old CRTs that have scan lines that are skewed diagonally.


I don’t think I even own a laptop that would work with a CRT nowadays.


I’ve been using wayland on my laptop somce the new year and beyond some driver issues that were purely on AMD’s side (and not entirely Wayland exclusive either) I’ve had no problems.

Stuff like application scaling works so much nicer on Wayland, and X11 just wasn’t very stable when handling fullscreen games to the point where I’d set games to borderless or even windowed mode to stop it crapping out on alt-tab


Didn’t you love it when your screen locked and the full screen app had control over your keyboard and mouse!


I’d love to find an alternative to xdotool’s auto type feature (or ClickPaste from Windows).

There is wtype but unfortunately it doesn’t work in KDE nor GNOME because neither of them support the right protocol. I’ve run into the “<DE> hasn’t implemented $PROTOCOL” a few times in the past and it’s certainly a bit annoying.

Aside from when that comes up, I don’t really have any complaints. A tool we used for work was never going to be fully functional on Wayland because of its dependence on Xinerama (I think) but thankfully we’ve moved away from it.


I like ydotool, uses a systemd user service, but fulfills my needs of KB shortcuts to paste text into vnc sessions


Oh that is perfect, thank you! Funnily enough, pasting into VNC sessions is exactly what I needed something like this for as well - you’ve taken a lot of future pain out of my workday!

cerement, avatar

is Debian shipping with it default yet?


while Debian is still deciding if they ship with Wayland by default or not, Fedora and KDE are planning to already completely drop x11 for their next release (they ship Wayland by default)


For Fedora I’m not surprised, but KDE is considering dropping X11 support already?


Yes, because Plasma 6 is so flawless on Wayland. /s

shaytan, avatar

Fedora 40 with kde plasma 6 dropped a day or two ago, and they did remove x11, you have to get it from the repo in case you want it, otherwise, it only comes and is planned for wayland, which I believe is great, for once it does seem like the year of wayland


Fedora should drop every other DE except KDE. That would really free up some resources.


It would also uncheck a lot of accessibility requirements that RHEL in particular needs.


I was kidding about Fedora but Red Hat can actually afford to do that. They’re not a generalist distro, they can and should offer their customers a very specific desktop stack.


Part of the reason red hat uses gnome is because it is the only desktop that meets many accessibility requirements. It would be a huge engineering effort to bring any other desktop up to par in that regard. Most graphical Linux software is really far behind in accessibility.


It doesn’t have to be KDE. That was just the joke for Fedora.

Unlike Fedora, Red Hat can actually afford to use a single DE and a very specific graphics stack and to get rid of X completely. They don’t have to support the full breadth and legacy of Linux desktop apps. For Red Hat machines the desktop is just a means to an end – it facilitates access to certain GUI tools.


Debian Gnome has had it as default since 2019.

fushuan, (edited )

Most comments have been positive, so I’m gonna list all my issues. Using endeavours with KDE 6.2 and the AUR explicit sync patch, 5800 ryzen CPU and 3080 NVIDIA GPU.

The discord xwayland app can’t share screen, and the waycord app that fake chromiums the web interface that let’s you share screen has the sound bug out sometimes with large sound spikes. So if I want to share the screen I have to open the second app and then close it fast to minimize the chances I annoy my friends.

Window positioning. It almost seems a flagship Wayland issue. I would love if apps remembered on which screen and position I left them the next time I open them, telegram opens in the middle of the primary monitor, and I have to drag it to the right of the secondary one every time I switch on the PC.

Shutting down in any way that is not opening the console and typing reboot or “shutdown now” takes way way longer and sometimes bugs out. This might not be a Wayland issue, but a KDE one.

The tdrop program that let’s you interact with any terminal as if it were a dropdown terminal doesn’t work in Wayland, and it just isn’t the same to open a terminal in the normal way, is lame. Foot is a good terminal for sure but I want the dropdown effect.

I can’t think of anything else right now, most explicit sync issues I had were fixed with the AUR patch, so of anyone has those issues wait until the real patch comes around and they will get fixed. It was quite annoying without the patch though, some programs glitched visually hard and several games were unplayable due to the heavy ghosting (dark souls 2 and dragon’s dogma 2, for example). I’ll add to this comment if I remember anything else. Even if the issue was recently fixed it’s good to have a list of stuff so that people can check it out and confirm that it’s fixed, for posteriority.


You mean Plasma 6.0.2, not 6.2 - that will be released in a year.

Use X11 to Wayland Video bridge to get screen sharing working with any X11 app that can’t talk to desktop-portal/PipeWire (such as Discord)

What’s worth noting is that applications, as of now can’t affect window positioning in any way. It’s all about how compositor (kwin_wayland in this case) is placing them. Personally I don’t care that much because I’ve got shortcuts to quickly move windows between screens or desktops. You might consider looking at window rules - they’re pretty neat on KDE.

Shutting down? What???

On the tdrop thing, I wouldn’t expect it to be possible in near future, but how about Yakuake?

fushuan, (edited )

Yeah, 6.0.2, the version available in the arch repos.

I’ll check the video bridge, thanks! – Update on this, apparently I was already using it since it ships by default with KDE, it seems to be a discord bug. Weirdly enough, going back to an older flatpak version (0.0.42) fixed the issue. I’ll have to check the updates to see if they fix it.

Thanks on the window rules mention too. – Update on this, you are a saint. I added a rule for the telegram window in KDE so that it remembers its position, and it simply works.

Yeah, idk, when I try to use the GUI it takes way longer than the CLI command somehow, and sometimes it blocks itself. It must be something related to some programming hanging itself and the system trying to wait until it stops, but I can’t be bothered, it’s way faster to open a terminal and just typing the command or opening KDE connect and pressing the “shutdown now” shortcut. Not a Wayland issue though.

I did use yakuake in the past but call it stupid brain, but once I read that alacritty was faster and I customized it to my liking, and then checking that foot was a little bit faster, I can’t go back. It’s stupid, I know that most of the use I give the terminal is actually spent on the commands themselves and that I can give transparency and remove window borders in yakuake, I’m just pissy that my fancy combo stopped working.


The tdrop program that let’s you interact with any terminal as if it were a dropdown terminal doesn’t work in Wayland, and it just isn’t the same to open a terminal in the normal way, is lame. Foot is a good terminal for sure but I want the dropdown effect.

It’s its own terminal but I find it to be pretty good and it works with Wayland.


I did use Yakuake in the past, I might give it a try again maybe, it’s just not my dear foot terminal compiles from scratch, you know?

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