
Putin will never be tall and he hates it.


He’s just playing mind games. He clearly wants Trump to win, he’s got him on a leash.


He doesn’t care who wins as long as we tear each other apart


This serves two functions… perhaps for different audiences.

  1. It attempts to deflect accusations that Putin supports and would influence the election for Trump.
  2. It makes it more possible that Trump will pander to Putin to win attention and approval.

He’s really laying it on thick.


Trump will kiss his shoes and not get an ounce of respect back. Love to see it.


I ran into somebody the other day that I graduated with about 20 years ago who’s still in the army, and he was trying to tell me that Trump is the only person Putin is afraid of and he’s tough on Russia.

It’s terrifying to me that our armed service members buy into this bullshit.


How can anybody possibly think that? Have they somehow lost all memory of Helsinki?


When all you listen to is far right brainworm feeding idiots, you’ll believe all sorts of easily falsifiable things.


What if I told you our military is mostly not our best and brightest?


Yo we’re not all like that.


In your experience, what percentage of servicemembers are like that? I have my own impressions as an outsider, but my anecdotal experience is likely far less meaningful than your anecdotal experience.

WillySpreadum, avatar

Depends on the job field. I was combat arms, and I’d say it was around 50-60%

From my limited experience with non combat arms people, it seemed lower among them.


Lol, Putin is such a cunt


If nothing else, he’s reliable in that.


Like, I hate Trump, but he’s a deluded idiot. Putin is a very smart man and is terrifying— not to mention that he’s just a spectacular cunt. Just artful, in that special Russian way. Like, there’s style to the absolute fuckery of it. Like swearing in French. It’s smooth.


Putin straight up stealing Robert Kraft’s Superbowl ring will never stop being funny to me.…/amp/


Lol, Putin is such a cunt


If nothing else, he’s reliable in that.

Theprogressivist, avatar

“I took out the ring and showed it to [Putin], and he put it on and he goes, ‘I can kill someone with this ring,’” Kraft said in 2013. “I put my hand out and he put it in his pocket, and three KGB guys got around him and walked out.”

This is absolutely hilarious.

livus, avatar

What the actual.

jonne, (edited )

The good news for Kraft is that he's now friends with the president of the United States, which means it might be time to call in a favor: Hey Donald, can you please get my Super Bowl ring back?

theotherone, avatar

Right? What a power move to not even try to cover up some of his rivals deaths? The lack of effort makes it even scarier. Christ, he had one bitch popped right in front of the Kremlin like a drive by!

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